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Past tense

To talk in past in english, we use this structure:

Subject + verb in past + complement

For example, “She took my cookie”

For questions:

Did + subject + verb + complement ?

For example, “Did you do the homework?”

Note: Verbs don’t change in questions

Questions with to be verb:

Was/Were + subject + complement or adjective ?

I You

She We Were
He They


For example:

“Was your sister at the party last night?”

“Were they sad last week?”

Negative form:

Subject + didn’t + verb + complement

For example, “I didn’t see that movie”

Future tense

To talk in future in english, we use this structure:

Subject + will + verb + complement

For example, “She will take my cookie”

For questions:

Will + subject + verb + complement ?

For example,

“Will you do the homework?”

Questions with to be verb:

Will + subject + be + complement or adjective?

For example:

“Will Rex be a great man?”

Negative form:

Subject + won’t + verb + complement

For example, “I won’t see that movie”

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