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SDM College of Engineering and Technology,

Dhavalagiri Dharwad – 580002

(An autonomous Institution affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi – 590018)

Department of Management Studies

“Business Statistics and Analytics for Decision Making”
Subject Code: 22PMBAC103

CTA – 02
“Passengers Satisfaction towards the services of BRTS in Hubballi-Dharwad”

Submitted By
1) Amit Rajkumar Pujar
2) Manoj M Hosamani
3) Maruti Kalaginkar
4) Ravikumar C Kadarollimath
5) Sohan Katagi
6) Subhash Reddy

Under the guidance of

Prof. Dr. Prashantha.C
Dept of MBA
Passengers Satisfaction towards the services of BRTS in Hubballi-Dharwad


Once upon a time, it is used to take much time to cover miles of distance. Earlier, the domestic animals
acted as means of transportation. Twenty first century is considered as the age of technology. The
technology used in transportation has reduced the distance. In other words, it has created Global Village.
In foreign countries, all the types of transportation have seen tremendous development. As far as India is
concerned, road transportation is under take of stage. The dream project of late PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s
Bharat Mala has connected every nuke and corner of the country. Indian road still needs lot of

The Union government of India is making lot of improvements with respect to construction of roads through
proper funding both at the village and city level. It has also made use of technology for the speedy travel.
One among them is BRTS. Bus Rapid Transit is a high-quality bus-based transit system which delivers
fast, comfortable and cost-effective services metro level capacities.


 To study the profile of passengers using BRTS services.

 To assess the satisfaction of passengers towards the services of BRTS buses.
Development of BRTS project:
BRTS is a high-quality bus-based transit system which delivers fast, comfortable and cost-effective services
at metro level capacities. It has dedicated lanes and secured and automated openings of the platforms. It
is more reliable, convenient and faster than the regular bus services. BRTS project implementation in
Bhopal & Indore of M.P., Jodhpur of Rajasthan and Ahmedabad of Gujarat. The following are the benefits
of BRTS project:

 Efficient reliable and frequent public transport system.

 Affordable fares
 A safe and secured public transport system.
 Accessible public transport for people with disabilities and mother with infants.
 A decrease in traffic congestion, energy consumption and vehicle emissions.
 Improvement of tier three cities.
 Promotion of social inclusion.
 Reduction in pollution.

Hubballi-Dharwad is a fast-developing twin city in North Karnataka. It is the second largest city in the
state by area and population and the largest city in North Karnataka. It has hub of industries and colleges.
Hubballi is known as chota Mumbai and Dharwad is known as Vidyakashi. Hubballi-Dharwad provides
bread and butter to many people. The project came into existence since 2018.

BRTS project became successful in certain parts of the country but there was an utter failure in Pune city
of Maharashtra. Hence, the researchers have felt that the need for the study of Passengers Satisfaction
towards BRTS in Hubballi-Dharwad city.

 There is no association between the gender and the level of satisfaction towards BRTS services.
 There is no significant association between genders with the level of satisfaction.
 There is no significant difference between mean ages of respondents with respect to passenger
satisfaction level.
BRTS has Daily ridership 100,000 with a 100 Buses, with system length 22

The 22.5 km dedicated BRT corridor with holistic BRT components connect hubballi
Dharwad. This system will not only transport 1.75 lakh daily passengers currently using
the buses on this corridor but also provide safe, sustainable & efficient alternative for the
private vehicle users travelling on this corridor.

Here we used a non-probability based, convenience method.


Here we took 50 people responses among 100,000 people per day


We collected a passenger’s data by using survey method. Here we used google form
structured questionnaires by providing 5 point Likert scale, and we got responses for some
basic factor such as – name, age, gender, income, price factor etc.
Structured Googled Form Questionnaire and Responses Question Wise
Name Age Gender Income ( family / Individual
1. Whereincome
do youper
2. How often do you 3.
the mainasreason
a transp
Sagar Desai 18 - 25 Male 4000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Naveen kalal 18 - 25 Male 35000 Center of the city Rarely School/College
Rakshata Athani 18 - 25 Female 80000 Outskirts of city Daily Any other
Pavankumar Indur 18 - 25 Male 60000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Bhushan Hadye 18 - 25 Male 20000 Center of the city Rarely Shopping/Entertainment
Parvati Gunjal 18 - 25 Female 21000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Kavya koppad 18 - 25 Female 16000 Center of the city About once a week School/College
Sunil Reddy 18 - 25 Male 30000 Others Daily Work
Dasharatha 18 - 25 Male 250000 Others About once a week Any other
V Varunraj 18 - 25 Male 40000 Center of the city Daily Any other
Somashekhar 18 - 25 Male 25000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Lal sab 18 - 25 Male 10000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Bhavani v 18 - 25 Female 20000 Center of the city Daily School/College
V Basavaraj 36 - 40 Male 30000 Center of the city Daily Work
B sheela 18 - 25 Female 18000 Outskirts of city Daily Work
Aishwarya godiyavar 18 - 25 Female 35000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Pradnya Mithare 18 - 25 Female 2000 Center of the city About once a week School/College
Muttuvel pille 18 - 25 Male 17000 Others Rarely Any other
B V reddy 18 - 25 Male 60000 Others About once a week School/College
Kiran B Goravar 18 - 25 Male 30000 suburbs About once a week Work
Varsha Jain 18 - 25 Female 300000 Center of the city Rarely Any other
Shailendra g 18 - 25 Male 20000 Outskirts of city About once a week Any other
Shailendra g 18 - 25 Male 20000 Center of the city About once a week Any other
Prakash Balammanavar 36 - 40 Male 40000 Others Rarely Work
Poornanand 18 - 25 Male 15000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Nikita k 18 - 25 Female 25000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Bhartesh kumar 18 - 25 Male 30000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Kushal.A.Hadapad 18 - 25 Male 25000 Center of the city About once a week Any other
Saptami pujar 18 - 25 Female 25000 Center of the city Rarely Any other
Shreya K Mysore 18 - 25 Female 1200000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Shravankumar 18 - 25 Male 30000 Center of the city Rarely Work
Amit Rajkumar Pujar 18 - 25 Male 20000 Center of the city About once a week School/College
Chetan sk 31 - 35 Male 50000 Outskirts of city About once a week Any other
Kiran vk 26 - 30 Male 40000 suburbs Rarely Work
Revan kumar 18 - 25 Male 10000 Outskirts of city About once a week Shopping/Entertainment
Pooja suryavanshi 26 - 30 Female 35000 Outskirts of city Rarely School/College
Manappa 36 - 40 Male 40000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Mruthunjay 18 - 25 Male 25000 Center of the city Rarely Shopping/Entertainment 26 - 30 Male 15000 Center of the city About once a week Work
Mahesh 26 - 30 Male 10000 Center of the city About once a week Work
Nandish aralikatti 26 - 30 Male 25000 Center of the city About once a week School/College
Amruthgouda Patil 18 - 25 Male 30000 Center of the city Rarely School/College
Santosh 26 - 30 Male 20000 suburbs Rarely Work
Tejshree Mali 18 - 25 Female 500000 Center of the city About once a week School/College
Vinayak s khandekar 18 - 25 Male 10000 Center of the city Rarely Work
Maruti Ambai 18 - 25 Male 20000 Others Daily Work
Pooja Yevatkar 18 - 25 Female 30000 Center of the city Daily School/College
Prashant S Mushappanavar 18 - 25 Male 25000 Center of the city Rarely Work
Basavaraj Sawakar 18 - 25 Male 25000 Center of the city Rarely School/College
Sanjota pujar 36 - 40 Female 25000 Center of the city Rarely Any other
4. Do you feel comfortable
5. Do you
you feel
7. Do the
feel that
8. buses
its service?
the major
of travel?
the working
hours (6am
of BRT
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Some times Traffic Yes Strongly Satisified
Yes Strongly agree Low price Some times Bus schedules Maybe Neutral
Yes Neutral Reasonable price Always Traffic Yes Neutral
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Always Traffic Yes Strongly Satisified
Yes Strongly agree Low price Some times Traffic No Satisfied
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Rarely cost No Strongly Satisified
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times cost Yes Satisfied
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Some times Traffic Yes Satisfied
Maybe Neutral Costlier Some times cost Maybe Neutral
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Some times safety Yes Satisfied
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times safety Yes Satisfied
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times safety Yes Satisfied
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times safety Yes Satisfied
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times safety Yes Satisfied
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Some times Traffic No Strongly Satisified
Yes Agree Low price Some times Traffic Yes Satisfied
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times Traffic No Satisfied
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Always Traffic Yes Strongly Satisified
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times Traffic No Satisfied
Maybe Strongly Disagree Low price Always Bus schedules Maybe Dissatisfied
Maybe Neutral Reasonable price Always Traffic Yes Satisfied
Yes Neutral Reasonable price Some times safety Yes Neutral
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times Bus schedules Maybe Neutral
Maybe Disagree Value for Money Rarely Traffic Yes Neutral
Yes Agree Reasonable price Always safety Yes Satisfied
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times Traffic Yes Strongly Satisified
Yes Strongly agree Value for Money Some times Traffic Yes Satisfied
Yes Agree Reasonable price Always Bus schedules No Satisfied
Maybe Agree Reasonable price Always safety Maybe Neutral
No Disagree Reasonable price Always Traffic No Neutral
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Always Bus schedules Yes Satisfied
Maybe Disagree Reasonable price Always Traffic No Neutral
Maybe Agree Value for Money Some times Traffic Yes Satisfied
Yes Neutral Reasonable price Some times Bus schedules Yes Neutral
Yes Neutral Value for Money Always Bus schedules Maybe Neutral
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times safety Yes Satisfied
Yes Agree Value for Money Always Traffic Yes Neutral
Maybe Disagree Reasonable price Some times safety No Neutral
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Rarely Bus schedules Yes Strongly Satisified
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times safety Yes Satisfied
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Always Traffic Yes Satisfied
Yes Agree Value for Money Always Bus schedules No Satisfied
Yes Agree Value for Money Always safety Yes Satisfied
Yes Strongly agree Reasonable price Some times Traffic Maybe Strongly Satisified
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times safety No Satisfied
Yes Strongly agree Low price Some times Traffic Yes Strongly Satisified
Yes Neutral Reasonable price Always Traffic No Neutral
Yes Agree Reasonable price Some times Traffic Yes Satisfied
Yes Agree Reasonable price Always Bus schedules Yes Satisfied
Yes Neutral Reasonable price Rarely Bus schedules No Satisfied
Here we are considering Passenger Income level with the Overall
Satisfaction of BRTS service to make correlation Analysis
Income ( family / Individual income per month) Overall satisfaction of BRTS service
4000 5
35000 3
80000 3
60000 5
20000 4
21000 5
16000 4
30000 4
250000 3
40000 4
25000 4
10000 4
20000 4
30000 4
18000 5
35000 4
2000 4
17000 5
60000 4
30000 2
300000 4
20000 3
20000 3
40000 3
15000 4
25000 5
30000 4
25000 4
25000 3
1200000 3
30000 4
20000 3
50000 4
40000 3
10000 3
35000 4
40000 3
25000 3
15000 5
10000 4
25000 4
30000 4
20000 4
500000 5
10000 4
20000 5
30000 3
25000 4
25000 4
25000 4

( Note: Strongly satisfied-5, Satisfied-4, Neutral-3, Dissatisfied-2, Strongly Dissatisfied-1 )


Correlation analisys on customer satisfaction
Income ( family / Individual income per month) Overall satisfaction of BRTS service
Income ( family / Individual income per month) 1
Overall satisfaction of BRTS service -0.111165234 1

Here overall satisfaction of BRTS service has negative ( -0.111165234 )

association with Income level of Passenger ( 1 )

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