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The nitrogen, carbon and water

Why Is Carbon important?
● Carbon is present in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2)
● Plants use carbon dioxide during photosynthesis to produce food. The
carbon is then transferred to animals through the food chain.
● Your body and the food that you eat, all contain carbon.
Water on earth:
● Water never leaves the earth. It is constantly being cycled through the
atmosphere, ocean, land, and living things.
● Over 70% of the earth's surface is covered by water
● Water is neither created nor destroyed
● It is cycled around over and over again
● This recycling of water is called the water cycle
The role of animals n water cycle:
● Since animals need water to survive, they ingest water into their bodies
● Water inside animals bodies can be returned to the environment two ways
- Water can be released from an animal's body through the process of
- Water is a waste product of respiration. When organisms exhale, they
release both carbon dioxide and water vapor
The role of planets in the water cycle:
● Plants also need water for the process of photosynthesis. Plant absorb water
through their roots for its purpose
● Excess water inside a plant is released back into the atmosphere though the
process of transpiration

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