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Control Theory II

Paula Recio
November 2022

1 Introduction
Feedback System

Equivalent closed-loop system

2 Relevant Parameters
When the input is a unit step, the transient response of a control system can
be specified using the following parameters:
Delay time. Time needed for the response to reach half its steady-state
value after it starts rising.

td = 0.5(tsteady−state−value ) (1)

Rise time. Time needed for the response to pass from 10% to 90%, from
5% to 90% or from 0% to 100%.
Underdamped systems → tr : [0 to 100%]
Overdamped systems → tr : [10% to 90%]
tr = (2)
Peak time. Time needed to get the first overshoot peak.
tp = (3)
Maximum overshoot. Maximum peak value of the response measured
from the system’s final value. It is expressed as a percentage.
−( wσ )π
Mp = e d ∗ 100% (4)

Settling time. Time required for the response curve to enter and remain
within a given error band defined around the steady-state value.
ts (2%) = (5)

ts (5%) = (6)

3 Steady-State Error
no. poles in zero= type n
multiply the input times the system’s transfer function, and get a closed loop
equivalent system

4 Test inputs
• Step: Allows us to know how the system will behave when a sudden
change in the input occurs.
• Impulse: Reveals the system response against a sudden, short impulse.
Characterize the system before a short and sudden pulse.
• Ramp: Model inputs that change gradually.
• Parabolic: Model inputs that change exponentially.

5 Routh-Hurwitz
The system allows us to know if an algebraic polynomial has positive roots
without factoring the expression. Remark: the criterion does not return the
exact location of the poles.
• The highest exponent = the amount of poles

1. Characteristic equation
→ Find the equivalent closed-loop system
→ Gcl = 1+G(s)H(s)
→ Equal the denominator to zero
2. Build the table
→ equation’s order = no. of rows
→ Label the rows with powers of s from sn down to s0 in a vertical
→ Form the 1st row start writing the first coefficient, then skip every
→ when there is zero and then a number, use ϵ
→ when there is a row full of zeros, form the auxiliar equation: write the
coefficients of the previous row, starting with the left s exponent value
and decreasing every two numbers. The derivate equation will take place
the row of zeros.
In order to determine more pole positions equal the auxiliar equation to
zero and find the roots.
3. Determine wether the system is stable or not
→ Pole position

Critically stable


row of zeros → symmetry on the origin

6 Root Locus
6.1 Proportional Controller (P)
1. Find closed loop characteristic equation

2. Real trajectories and the open loop poles

→ Graphic the poles and write their index
→ The geometry place of the roots is at the left of a pole or a zero, over
the real plane. In every odd index number.

3. Find the assyntotes
→ It is when a poles approximate to a zero

Na = n p − n c (7)

Centroid: where the assyntotes converge

pi − Ci
σA = (8)
np − nc

Pi = value of the i-th pole

Ci = value of the i-th zero
±180(2k + 1)
ϕAn = (9)
np − nc
k = no. of poles, starting from zero

4. Break-in and Break-out points

→ Solve the characteristic equation for K
→ Derived for ”s”
→ Find the roots for the derived equation and see if they’re in the geo-
metric place
→ Substitute this value in the characteristic equation to find the K value
→ this will be the Kb gain for a ”s” point

5. Critical Points
→ Solve the characteristic equation for s = jwc and k = kc
→ Divide the equation in Imaginary and Real part
→ Find the value of wc and kc
6. Design. Find the K
|ln( 100p )|
ζ=q (10)
(π 2 + ln2 ( 100p )

6.2 Proportional Derivative Controller (PD)

Two conditions are given to solve this problem
1. Open loop characteristic equation and their poles

2. Write the poles index and geometric place

3. Determine the pole’s desired position in order to satisfy the initial condi-
tions. Use wd and σ

4. Graphic the frequency triangle

5. Modify the system in order to add zeros to the system

Kp + Kd s = Kd (s + ) (11)
Every point inside the geometric place satisfies both conditions:

6. Magnitude condition:
|Gs ∗ Hs = 1| (12)

7. Angle condition:
ϕ Ci − ϕ pi = ±180(2k + 1) (13)

8. Calculate the distance of the new zero.

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