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i ] hs Students’ Book with activeBook SOR OETA NCTE ) & Mark Foley : Pete entesellt Pomc a USTLSUG PRON Ne Ic} Pearson Education Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CMz0 2)E. England and Associated Companies throughout the world (© Pearson Education Limited 2011 The right of Mark Foley and Diane Hall to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved: no part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by ‘any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, oF ‘otherwise without the prior writen permission of the Publishers. First published 2012 Fifteenth impression 2017 ISBN: 978-1-4082-6716-5, Book with Active Book Pack Set in MetaPlusBook-Roman Printed in China ceclas ‘Acknowledgements ‘The publishers and authors would lke to thank the following. people and institutions for thelr feedback and comments during the ‘development of the material: Serpil Acar, M.E.V. Ozel BasinkBy High School, Turkey; Brasshouse Language Centre, Birmingham, UK; Angel F.Briones-Barco, EO! Alcala de Henares, Spain; Manuel Bueno, Brazil; Isabel Abellin Clemente, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Villarobledo Albacete, Spain; EC School, Brighton, UK; EOI Getxo Heo, Spain; EO! 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ELEMENTARY _ } Students’ Book new = oO > ea 2 Fema! cS = is 7 ay Diane Hall and Mark Foley | Contents Ere) 1.1 People and places Bore ry 1.2 Family ties acd 1.8 Working for a living ‘Communication p16 Writing bank p35 2.1 Fun Club 2.2 A very special job 2.8 Hell's Kitchen, NYC Communication p 26 Writing bank p136 BY 2.1 Lunchtime leisure PGC 3.2 Can you do it? aed ae 8.8 Phone fun Communication p 36 ‘Writing bank 9137 4.1 A world of food 4.2 Trash tales pee. 4.8 Ready to order? ‘Communication p 46 ‘Writing bank 9138 5 5.1 Dream homes: Home 5.2 To have and have not oe 5.3 World class Communication p 56 Writing bank p139 6.1 Changes: 6.2 City breaks 6.8 New citizens Communication p 66 Writing banke p140 ‘Say where people and things are From Exchange information about your family Talk about jobs: Start and finish a basic conversation How to. stat and finish a basic conversation Complete a form with personal information Howe... use punctuation (i): capital letters Describe what you do every day Describe other people's routines Talk about everyday objects Talk about what you do on holiday Write about your routine How to. join sentences (i): ond, then, after that Talk about what you do in your free time Talk about your abilities Take and leave a simple phone message Talk about other people's abilities Wrtea short message How to... use punctuation (2): ful stops and question marks Talk about quantities ‘Talk about your diet and festyle (Order food ina restaurant ‘Ask people for things and give people things Describe yourself and ather people How to. Tk about your home Talk about things you have Describe where you live Talk about things you need to furnish a home Start and end an informal email How to... join sentences): and, but, or Talk about the past Describe a visit toa city Talk about past events in your life Understand a store guide and ask forwhat you want. How to. shop ina department store Describe a place How to... join sentences (3): because, so eC ta be: positive Possessive 's Possessive adjectives tobe: questions ‘ofan ta be: negative Present Simple: I/you/we Present Simple: he/she/it/they Noun plurals this, that, these, those ‘Adverbs of frequency anfcan't ‘Countable and uncountable nouns ‘much/many]a fot of ‘alan, some and any Object pronouns How to... go shopping at a market use pronouns () there isjthere are have got Modifiers (very, quite, reall) Past Simple of to be: al forms Past Simple of regular verbs: positive Past Simpl regular verbs Past Simple: questions and negatives ) | ) | . Counties and nationaties Families Jobs Holidays Verbs ‘Adjectives (3): colout, opinion ‘tivities ‘Sports and games Numbers Food Containers Adjectives (2) feelings Homes Prepositions of place Furniture and equipment ‘Adjectives 3): places Places in a city, shops. Time expressions Contents Speaking and Pronunciation Pec Trg Wiord stress Guessing game afer: jaf How to. atk about your dally routine Present Simple s endings Information gap: routines fufand fis elias Questionnalie canfcan't Word stress How to. use the phone; take and leave a message fel and [af Diet quiz How to. order food ina restaurant Roleplay: ordering a meal Information gap: homes Je) and jo) Main stress How to.. {alk about where you come from/tive Past Simple endings. Information gap: buildings Contrastive stress Counties and nationalities My family Jobs Reference p17, Review and Practice 9:6 Just an arinay day Special jobs Hal's Kitchen Reference » 27, Review and Practice p28 What people don thi unc Brak ‘role message board Live the ream! Hobie crazy Phone messages Reference p 37, Review and Practice 938 and Ealing around the word A television programme about rbbish Ordering 2 mea ina restaurant Reference p 47, Review and Practice p48 ‘Unusual homes forsale Asking for details a60ut 8 house Aca about insurance and Agapyearcestination Hy county Reference ps7, Review and Practice psi and Changing buildings City break eviews and. Modem cities, Reference p 67, Review and Practice p63 Contents 7 ies oR elec ee Articles Bed 7.2 The girl from .. Describe people and understand Pronoun one/ones scriptions, eat 7.8 Special days Understand and use dates and months Possessive pronouns ‘Communication p76 Identify a person from a simple description How to...ask about appearance and personality | Writing bank p igi Respond to an event in writing How to... use punctuation (3): dashes and exclamation marks 8.1 Festivals around the world Describe what people are doing now Present Continuous, 8.2 You are what you wear Talk about what you wear Position of adjectives 8.3 Changing weather Talk about the weather Present Simple and Present Continuous ‘Communieation p 86 Describe problems and ask for solutions. How to... describe problems and ask or solutions Writing bank p 142 Write a postcard How to. make your writing more interesting. ry 9.1 Making news ‘Make comparisons between things and Comparison of adjectives: people fen) 9.2 Movie magic Compare one thing with several others Supertative adjectives hee 9.3 Popular culture Talk about personal prtferences Iike}love batelprefer Communication p96 ‘Make and respond to suggestions How to... make and respond to suggestions Writing bank p43 Wiritea short biography How to... use paragraphs pT) 10.1 Cycle city Book a tain ticket -ing form as noun Journeys lac) 10.2 Experiences ‘Describe personal experiences Present Perfect with been: i/welyou they Reels 10.8 Adventurers! Talk about other people's experiences Present Perfect: he/shedit Communication » 106 ve and fellow simple directions How to. 25k for and give directions Writing bank p 144 Wite a description ofan event How t.. join sentences (fst late, nthe end hl 11.1 Rules of the road Understand signs and rules. ‘an{can't, have to/don't have to per eT a é : noe Sc ee 11.2 Experiences of learning Talk about your education Review of wh. questions Petty 11.8 Eifel Give and understand instructions ‘The imperative long Communication p16 Check instructions and information How to.. check information and ask for repetition Writing bank p 145 ‘write a message for an online message board Howto... use pronouns (2) 12.1 One world ‘Talk about intentions ‘be going to 12 Prot 12.2 Fame and fortune Explain the reasons for your actions/plans Infinitive of purpose Revision of be going to Diteec 12.3 Extreme challenges Talk about lkes,distkes and ambitions ike and would ike ‘Communication p 126 Writing bank p 146 Communication activities p 129-134 Ask about and discuss plans How to. ask about and talk about plans and ambitions Write athank you etter How to. use punctuation (): apostrophes Pied conten lll |e a ee Phrasal verbs: Adjectives (4): people Ordinal numbers and months Glothes The weather News sources Films Transport Activities Schoals and subjects New technology Education Geos ratte Information gap: a story ‘Gitts solve jigsaw puzzle and become rich! How to... describe people ‘An email home ‘Anew fiend 181. and Special gifts and special days Find someone wha . Whose gts? Reference p77, Review and Practice p78 Sentence stress Festivals around the world How to... describe a picture Describing a picture (Quiz: What kind oF dresser are you? Street fashion fof and faut Extreme weather Reference p 7, Review and Practice p88 3] in comparatives How to. ge your opinion Is the Intemnet today’s news source? ‘The best news source Discussion: fms ‘radio discussion about fms ‘Movie madness Yes/no questions How to.. alk about preferences ‘Astor vandalism? Modern art or traditional art Reference p 97, Review and Practice 9 98 How to... book a trai ticket ‘and Commuters around the world Roleplay: Booking a ticket Booking a train ticket hb and An adventure Have you. Long and short vowels, ‘ATV chat show Personal experiences Reference p107, Review and Practice p 108 Hifand jul “Trac school Driving in Britain Ute in America Intonation of wh- questions. ‘Schools and educational experiences Teachers together ‘and Lifelong leaning ‘phone call to enrol on a course Reference p117,Review and Practice p18 Sentence stress, /2/ No more continents? Find someone who's going to Planning a trip Rhymes Everyone wants oe famous aif and je) ‘and Charity Champions. Reference 9 127, Review and Practice p 128 Irregular verb table p 149 ieee a Do you know. EBB a © <0: Do you know the alphabet? Listen and repeat. an. cad ef g he i inkl meinwo.p Gq: 6 Bete Us Wik yz: Bb Listen to the alphabet again, Write the letters in the correct place. sounds letters fel ahy— fisl Bled ss Jel flm aa fail ier Jeol ° fut eee fast ‘ o> Listen and check your answers. dl Write six consonants and three vowels. Read them to your partner. Write your partner's list. Consonants: Vowels: & @ + Do you know numbers? Match the numbers with the words. Then listen, check and repeat. ae Or seven mn three sk two ‘b_@+os Complete the list with numbers from the box. Then listen, check and repeat. eighty fifty seventeen twenty-two fourteen seventy nineteen sixteen thirty ninety as eleven 21 twenty-one 2 twelve 2 3 thirteen 30 14 fourteen 40 forty 45 fifteen co ee 6 60. sixty ” Tope 38 eighteen 80 29 90 20 twenty 100. a hundred EBB @ Do you know classroom instructions? Match the instructions with the pictures. ‘Ask and answer. Check your answers. Complete. Correct. Listen: Look at page... Match. Read. Read thetip. Repeat. Write. b @ os Listen and check your answers. GBB a @ + Do you know classroom questions? Complete the questions. Then listen and check. EE TELL How to... ask questions in class How do you say coche in English? How do you (1) that? | What does grandmother (2) 2 | don't understand. Can you (3) Ib Practise with a partner, Ask and answer questions about the photos. ‘A: How do you say kahve in English? B: Coffee. ‘A: How do you spell that? © +07 Choose the correct words in italics. Then listen and check. 4 Woman: (@/Goodbye, tm Sivia. Whats the/your name? Man: Hi, Silvia. My name's/ Name's Pedro. 2 Man: WhatS/Who’ your name, please? Woman: 1/tts Caroline Stacey Man: Who/How do you spell that? Woman: Its C-A-R-O-L-1-N-E S-T-A-CEX, 3. Man; Helo, My name{dy name's John Logan Woman: Hell. n/t called Mara Burton Nice to meet yout. b Match the three dialogues with photos A-C. Practise the dialogues with your classmates. a @ +08 Listen and repeat this phone number. 020 6513472 @ v9 Now listen and write the phone numbers. 1452 946 713 Practise with your classmates. Find out their names and phone numbers. & E 10 be: positive ay where people and things are from Vocabulary ountries and natio J Find the countries on the map, United States of America(C] Argentina [) Australia] Brazil] Chinal) Czech Republi England] FranceL] Germany] Greece] tray iran] Japan] Poland] Russia] Spain] Turkey] Look at the photos and the box. Ask and answer questions. Daniel Craig Donatella Versace an iPod Jet Li ‘Marat Safin and Dinara Safina a Mercedes car Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama Nicole Kidman a Panasonic Blu-ray Disc player Penelope Cruz Ronatde 4A: Whoishe? Bi He's Ronald EBB a complete the table. 2A: Whois she? Country Nationality Australia 4 ‘Argentina 2 United States of America /American Brazil 3 Italy 4 5 German Iran 6 Russian 7 Spanish ish Poland) 8 England 9 Turkey Turkish China 20 ese Japan Japanese cn French 4 A: Whore they? B: They'e. Czech Republic Czech 2 Greek D u:0 Listen and check your answers. ation | word stress ation | word str @ «» Listen and repeat the countries and nationality words. Jb Match the photos with the countries in exercise 3 enaldo ~ Brazi 8 Look at the Lifelong learning box. Read the tip and complete the exercise. Recording stress E TUndertine the sylable with the stress. Australian 5 og Listen tothe countries and nationality words gs again. Underline the stress. g Austratia— Austealion z oe GBB & complete the Active grammar box with or are. Active grammar We are (we' You are (you're) and check your answers. Jennifer Lopez New York. Wet fon page 10. ‘A: Ronaldo? A A Polish, Brazilian. 'm from Séo Paulo, ‘American. rintahe Utted siafe __a Japanese car. Where are the things from? Work in pairs. Ai = Complete the sentences. Then listen 's from "re from Warsaw. ‘A: Excuse me, where are you from? B:I"____from Colombia, A:What is? Be I think it, A: Who are 2 students in my class. from Brazil. GBB Tak about the people and objects in the photos eye nas (Eluiui possessive ‘5; possessive adjectives; f0 be: questions ERED exchange information about your family Listening Look at the photo above. What is the occasion? Who are the people? GBa 2 3 b Connor @ +» Listen to Amber and choose the correct words in italics. ‘Amber talks about her job {fami Rafael is Amber's husband/ brother. Rafae'’s family is from England Brazil Listen again and complete the family tree with names from the box. len Nathalia Nilza Steve 3 Seamus kim ‘Alessandra ‘Amber | [5 ey What are their relationships? Nilza and Nathalia mother and daughter 4 Connor and Amber Steve and Connor Rafael and Amber ‘Steve and Amber Nathalia and Alessandra Grammar | possessive ’s @ Which sentence is correct? 4 Nilzais Rafael mother 2. Nilzais Rafael's mother. ‘Make eight sentences about ‘Amber and Rafael's family. Use ’s. brother daughter father, husband mother sister son wife ‘Amber is Rofael’s wife. see Reference page 17 GBB who do the objects belong to? Look at the pictures and complete the gaps. Amber's watch phone jacket ‘wedding ring sunglasses handbag Vocabulary | families GB a Match the family words with the meanings. 1 mother and father a uncle 2 sons and daughters grandmother 3 mothers or father’s brother \ ¢ nephew ‘4 mother's orfather’s sister Ld parents 5 mother’s or father’s mother e aunt 6 mother's or father’s father f_niece 7 brother's or sisters son children 8 brothers or sisters daughter grandfather Find the meanings of these words in a dictionary. best fiend cousins father-in-law girlfriend grandparents stepbrother Make three sentences about your family. Kate is my best friend. My brother's girlfriend is called Sophia. Grammar | possessive adjectives EBB a ©» Heather is from Canada. Listen and find the mistakes. lieDthe words that are wrong. 66 This is a picture of my family from Canada. This is my mom and this is my dad and thsi mete) Ben. His wif Is Sher and these are their two sons, Julia and Erica, Tiss my aunt, Margaret and my grandpa, Jack. They live in southern Ontario. This is my daughter, Emily, Her husband’s name is Tom and thet sorts name's ames This sy broth fay Hs grandmother's name is Shelley. And this is their dog. His name is Shadow. 99 1b Complete the Active grammar box with the underlined words. Active grammar ‘Subject pronouns 1 you Possessive adjectives he she we you they see Reference page 17 GB complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. Clare is our sister. (we) teacher is English. () Mr and Mrs Schegel are parents. (hey) What is homework? (we) ‘A: Are____ grandparents from Madrid? (you) B:Yes, they are. 5 ware sisters married? (she) 8: No, they're single. 6 Als boyfriend American? (you) B: No, he's Australian 7 Als Tomas brother? (he) B:Yes, he Grammar | to be: questions a Look at dialogues 4-7 in exercise 9 again. Complete the Active grammar box with is or are. Active grammar he he she | American? Yes, it it we we you | American? Yes, | you they they How old am P Where/What/ | is hhe/shefit? Who are we/you/they? see Reference page 17 ‘b Complete the questions and answers with she, the, my, your, is or are. Mike: She's nice. Is she your mother? Heather: No, (i) __’s my sister-in-law, Ben's wife. She's young! How old (2)__she? Well, she (3) _33. ‘And this man, is (4) your uncle? No, he's (5) _grandpa, Jack Where (6) __he from? Heather: He (7) from southern Ontario. Mike: The gils are nce. Are they (8)___sisters? Heather: No. They (9)__my nieces. Speaking Write the names of five people in your family. Show them to your partner. Ask and answer. ‘A: Who's Elena? ‘A: Is she your mother’s sister? Br She's my aunt. Br No, she’s my father’s sister Eee fan; to be: negative J] talk about jobs EBB Match the jobs with the photos. anactor[] an architect] a chef] a computer programmer[_] a dentist [1] adoctorl_] anengineer[] a farmer[_] alawyer[A] a sea captain [_} ashop assistant] a TV producer (_] isten to Mike and Helen. Which jobs do you hear? b Listen again and complete the sentences. Mike's sister isin marketing; she's a 2 His___is a TV producer. 3. His sisterinlawis a 4 His isa farmer. 5. Helen’s brother is a 6 Her other is an engineer. 7 Herssisterisin____j she's a 8 Her is a sea captain. Read the text. How many people in Cheryts family work? 66 My name’s Cheryl Rowland. 'm a doctor. 'm not a hospital doctor ~ | work with three other doctors in one office. My husband, jeremy, is an architect but he isn’t happy with his job now = he thinks it’s boring. Our two sons are Liam and Ross; they're actors but they aren’t in work at the moment; they're unemployed. My father's a dentist. He's 60 years old but he isn’t retired. My mother’s 63. She isn’t really in work because she's retired now, but she’s a shop assistant one day a week in a bookshop. 99 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 63 years old happy at work inehospitel Inwork retired unemployed CChery’s work isn 3 Her husband isn't 2 Her mother isn't in work because she's 3 Her mother is _ Her sons are actors but they aren't 5. Her sons haven't got jobs; they're _ Ba an mar | a/an Look at the jobs i exercise 1 again. Complete the Active grammar box with a or an, 2 3 Active grammar We use before vowel sounds (a, , etc.) He's acto We use before consonant sounds (b, h, w, et.) Write a or an, student 4 family __ teacher 5 __uncle —aunt 6 __ iPod handbag 7 cousin Pronunciation | /2/ EBB a Go Listen to the pronunciation of a and an. Repeat the words. 1b @ +» Listen and repeat the jobs in exercise 1. see Pronunciation bank page 148 Listening GBB 6 «8 Listen to four people at work. Talk about the jobs with your partner. Ae I think sis a dentist. B: No, I think she’s a doctor. Grammar | to be: negative Read about Cheryl in exercise 3a again and complete the Active grammar box. Active grammar 1___not We aren't He You aren't She They __ see Reference page 17 EB complete the sentences with the correct negative form of to be. We aren't from the United States. 1 Mysister__ in work at the moment. 2 |____anassistant, I'm the director! 3 My cousins are twenty but they. at work. 4 Uncle John is old now but he _ retired. 5 You____ateacher here. Are you a student? 6 7 8 |____unemployeds 'm retired. |___a doctor, rm a dentist! A: I think they'te architects, B: No, they architects, they’re engineers. Speaking GIB 2 Guess other students’ jobs. Use a dictionary. A: Are you taxi driver? B: No, I'm not a taxi driver. A: Are you a... ? B: Yes, lam./No, I'm nota. Db Ask and answer questions about your partner's family or friends. best friend brother father mother sister uncle ‘A: What's your brother's job? 8: He's an engineer. ‘A: Is your father a director? B: No, he isn't. He's a dentist. 1 Communication TENET start and finish a basic conve = Match the questions with the answers. ‘Are you Czech? What's your job? ‘Are you single? Where are you from? What's your name? oO oO Oo o No, fm not. tm married. Its Dariusz. No, not. "m italian ''m from 4608, in Potand. r'm a student. 1b Write the answers to questions 1-5. Write about you. EBB a complete the conversations with the expressions in the box. Excuse me, are you Krystof? Hello-Marie;tm-Clara: I'm a teacher, ''m from Alicante. Yes, | am. I'm from Warsaw. Hello, 'm Maria. Hello Maria, I’m Clara, Pleased to meet you. Where are you from? Oh! Do you work there? No, I'm a student. ix conversations and tick (/) the expressions you hear. A Excuse me ..[]_ See you later. ]_ aye.) Hello.] HiL] Good evening.) Good morning. [7] _ Good night.) See you tomorrow.] Goodbye.) See you soon. [] f: Yes, | am. What's your name? My name's Jordi. Are you Pe What do you do? 'b Listen again. Complete the How to... box. ten and check your answers. How to... start and finish a basic conversation Start + Hello. EW Practise the conversations with a partner. 2. Talk to other students. Find .. a martied student. a student with two languages, a student with the letter ‘Yin his/her name, a student with a university degree, a student from a different city Finish Se Cne Tell the class your results. Maria is married. She’s a housewife. 1 Reference Subject pronouns, possessive Wh- questions adjectives and possessive ’s We form wh- questions with a question word. There are eight subject pronouns in English. We use subject Soe aot Person pronouns before verbs. What asks about a thing. There are also eight possessive adjectives. We use possessive Where asks about a place. adjectives before nouns. How old asks about age. Question word + am/is/are + subject pronoun. Subject ° / Possessive © my How old is she? pronouns : you adjectives ° your Where are you from? ‘he 2 his : = +verb : y | +noun alan twe | > our We use a/an to introduce singular nouns. you | 5 your | a teacher, a doctor, a car, an iPod, an address they | their | We don't use a/an with adjectives. She's unemployed. Possessive adjectives and noun + ’s have the meaning belongs to Before Consonant ecules (for things). With people they show relationships. Ble tarmertaliandiag | This is John’s phone. This is his phone. sy before vowe sounds Kim is Steve's wife. Kim Is his wife. an engineer, an uncle Verb to be Key vocabulary Family words comet Male Female from Germany. father mother husband wife = son daughter oe He/She/it WelYou/They | are (re) ou " not oe brother sister A a uncle aunt * He/She/It isn’t from Italy. nephew niece = We/You/They _| aren't grandfather grandmother ©: aml, an om. stepbrother sister-in-law Cm not) Male or female are. children cousins grandparents parents i re bs and work he/she] | (Wo,) | he/she] | is, eran iia it Gant) actor architect chef elvall | maiiaanl aneh computer programmer dentist director are | they | trey | (oentt) doctor engineer farmer lawyer sea captain shop assistant student teacher TV producer Ininformal English we usually use the contracted forms: retired ‘m= am,’s =is, te = are, isn't = is not, aren't = are not unemployed am British. = I'm British. He is Brazilian, = He's Brazilian. Listen to these words. 'm not Italian. He/She/It isn't italian. We/You|They aren't Italian. AcTNEOOK We don't use contracted forms in questions and short positive answers. : Are you Russian? es, | am. ‘see Writing bank page 135 ‘Choose the correct word in italics. Excuse me sts myo bae? pe reeimoat ker Bet cite 2 Tisls Maar, She mhersifesbet end 3. Mrand Mrs Silva are teachers and they/their Canateatier 4 We are German. Our/Their parents are from rent SRR eee tra nee 6 My sister is married. His/Her husband is forty-three. | am from Rio de Janeiro but my/our boyfriend is. from El Salvador. 8 Tessa is married. Her's/Tessa’s husband is Canadian. 9 Martin Sheen is a film star. Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen are his/their sons. Make sentences. Pilar and Esteban/Spain Pilar and Esteban are from Spain. They are Spanish. Elizabeth/the United States Ivan and Katia/Russia France You/England Pavlos/Greece His camera/Japan {Poland ‘Complete the questions and answers. Use information from exercise 2. ‘A: (a) Is Elizabeth British? Bs No, she (2) isn’t, She's (3) Ame Aw} Katia and Ivan from Mexico? No, they (6) They 6) from (pees @ Pavlos (9) Greece? B: Yes, he (10) A (1) his camera German? (2) tas) It's Japanese. GBB write about you. Correct the false sentences. 1'm an English student That's right. ''m from the United States. ‘No, I'm not from the United States. 'm from .. tim seventeen years old, My parents are doctors. My best friend is a student. Our teacher i British. ‘My mobile phone is German, ‘My brother/sister is married. GB complete the conversation with questions. ‘a: Hi, what's your name? My name's Andreas Schmidt. a) peas I'm from Germany. & Q) B: I'm twenty-three @) rm an engineer... This is David and Gina, [hee No, they're not my brother and sister. They're my cousins. IAN) eco meoteane B: No, they aren't. They're British. My aunt is married toa British man, GBB write a oran. ‘an American doctor 4 email address 2 __ Australian actor 3 first ame 4 —Polish student 5 Japanese television 6 Brazilian taxi 7 Italian car 8 __ English book ind the jobs and family words in the word chains, and write them in the table. iee eeioe 4 gine® Jobs Family teacher EBB complete the sentences with family or job words. Your nephew is your brother or sister's Your mother’s sister is your Tom Cruise is an Your mother-in-law is your husband's or mother 5. My 39-year-old cousin isa University ____at Oxford ities can you see in the photos? gethome getup gotowork gotobed leave home have breakfast have dinner have lunch leave work Match the activities in exercise 1a with the parts of the day. @ 5 intrecrening 2 inthe afternoon — 4 atnight 1. inthe morning @ «2 Listen and complete the times. Then match the times with the clocks. What time i a ee 2 It'sten past a It's quarter past 3 4 Westwenty past___ 5 Ws half past___ 6 Its twenty-five to 7 Its quarter to 8 Isfiveto___ @ + Listen and match the speakers with the photos. Speaker:=photo____—_ Speaker 3 = photo Speaker 2 = photo Speaker 4 = photo 2.1/Fun Club Fess acl rca WMBRENEY escribe wnat you do every dy | Reading b Underline the times for each activity and use information to complete the chart for Penny. 1 Look at the photo of Penny. What is her job? ; ‘b Match the labels with the photos A-D. holiday rep and client [A] entertainment] nightclub [] games at the swimming pool] Penny You GAB a Read the text and put Penny's activities in the correct order, 1-8. Have lunch] Take clients to a restaurant] Gethome] Organise games at the pool _] Get up [i] Tell clients about parties [] ie Gotoanightcub(-] Go to the hotels LI Workin pairs. s this kind of holiday fun? Is Penny's ob interesting? Penny Hengrove works as a holiday rep for Fun Club holidays. She tells Lucy Brompton about her typical day. P: | get up at about ten o'clock and go to the hotels L: Do you play the games? at about eleven. I meet the clients at quarter past P: Ohno, | don't. They're only for the clients! eleven and tell them about our parties, and I sell L: So, what do you do in the evening? Do you have them tickets for excursions. |help them when they dinner with the clients? have problems. Then | have lunch at about two P: Yes, | do. | take them to a restaurant at quarter o'clock. But | don't eat lunch with the clients. | have to eight and then to a nightclub at about half lunch with the other reps past ten, Sometimes we have special parties and L: And what do you do in the afternoon? entertainment: P: At half past three | go to the hotel pool and help Ls When do you finish work? the ather reps with games. Fun Club holidays are P: Well, | leave the nightclub at about haif past one in for young people aged 18 to 30, so we organise the moming. So | get home at about quarter to two. competitions and games for them. It's great fun Is a busy life ~ but | have lots of fun! Vocabulary | holidays @ Match the verbs: answers with the text. the nouns, Then check your Verb Noun 4 sell a games 2 meet b work 3 play © clients, 4 organise 4 tickets finish e competitions ‘b Weuse the verb have with many different nouns. Look at the text and find five different words we use with have. Then complete the sentences. We have parties on Saturday evenings — we sing and dance and eat lots of food. 1 InSpain we. very late, around 10 p.m. 2. Doctors can help you when you with your health. 3. Lenjoy parties. | always ! at in the office at 12:30 ~ just a sandwich. Grammar | Present Simple: //you/we GBB Look atthe text again and complete the Active grammar box. Active grammar ° I meet the clients. We ‘special parties. ° eat lunch with the clients. Yes/No > Do you have dinner with the clients? questions < play the games? 2 Yes, (oi £ What do you do in the afternoon? questions ° When do work? ‘see Reference page 27 GBB match the questions with the answers. Where do you work? What do you do at the school? When do you have lunch? Do you have lunch in a restaurant? What do you do in the evening? 2 3 4 5 a |watch TV. b « a QO o o o No, Idon't. | work at @ school ‘Atal past one. 'm a teacher. a Complete the interview and write the job at the end. ‘A: When (1) do you get up? At tem in the evening. Do you work at night? Q to, What (3) you do in the afternoon? : (a) sleep. A 6) do you have dinner? B: 116) dinner at about eleven in the morning. ‘A: D0 (7) ‘work in an office? B: No, 1 (8)__. ‘A: Where () you work? | G0) ina hospital. ‘A: So, what do you do? B: Ima b Gos Listen and check your answers. Then practise the dialogue with a partner. How to... talk about your daily routine Ask about : What do you do in the routines: moming/afternoon/evening? Answer: Isleep. ‘Ask about : (3)___ do you go to work? times What time (2)__ you 1 ___ to work? Answer :00 in the evening. places Answer Speaking a Complete the You column inthe chart in ‘exercise 2b, Write about your daily routine. 1b Work in pairs. Ask your partner about their daily routine. What do you do in the morning? When do you go to work/school? Do you work in an office? © Is your daily routine on holiday the same or different? Ask and answer questions with your partner, 2.2 A very special job RET describe other peoples routines Reading EBB a Look at the people in the photos. What are their jobs? ‘b Read the texts quickly and check your answers. © Match A-F on the photos with the underlined words in the texts. A waxmodel — C E 8 D F BAB write jo, john or Jeanette. This person works under water. Jeanette 3 starts work before eight o'clock. 4 works ina museum. 4 listens to other people 2 thinks alot at work. 5 is very careful at work. Vocabulary | verbs ERB Look atthe verbs in red in the text, Then choose the correct verbs in italics in these sentences. Jeanette cleans the tank and another diver (aS) washes fr her 1 John works/invents at a theme park. The people atthe park waik/taik about the rides. The people at the park have fun onthe rides, My brother watches/ mashes TV inthe evening. Every week Rob washes his car then he cleans driest My friend Sue goes/leaves to work at 6:00 in the morning. Mary's mother washes/cleans the house every weekend. Our teacher works/checks our homework every moming. Grammar | Present Simple: he/she/it/they Look atthe verbs inthe text again and complete the Active grammar box. Active grammar ° ie he|she/it they he/she/it they goes go 5 doesn’t go don’t go doesn'thave don't have invent: don't invent leaves leave: doesn't leave doesn't talk don’t talk doesn't watch don’t watch work > don’t work talks see Reference page 27 Jo Kinsey has an interesting job. She's a hhairesser — but a very special hairdresser, Jo doesn't work at a hairdressers; she works at ‘Madame Tussaud's - the wax model museum, ‘She goes to work at 7:30. In the moming she ‘checks the models for dity hair and in the afternoon she washes and dries their hai. Jeanette Ewart is a cleaner, but in a very dangerous place. She cleans the shark tank in the 200 in her city. She swims under the water and cleans the tank. She also feeds the sharks three days a week. The sharks don't leave the tank, so Jeanette's very careful, but another diver waits by the ‘tank and watches her, The vistors at the 700 watch her, too, John Wardley is an inventor, but he doesn't invent boring kitchen equipment He invents exciting ides for his theme park. He walks through the theme park and he listens to people when they talk about arrde. He wants to find out when they have fun on the rides. Then he invents new rides, and the engineers make them. John ikes his work — his theme park is the best place to work! Complete the sentences withthe corect form of a verb from the box. ean go have leave like play talk ish watch My mother cleans our house. ‘The teacher in English in class. Jake is hair every morning Matt his new job — it's very interesting. Tracy to work at 9:00 in the morning. My brother: football on TV every evening. Patrick. games on the computer at work. Some engineers __ dangerous jobs. ‘The shop assistants work late, gevaneune Change the sentences to make them negative. ‘My mother doesn't clean our house. Pronunciation | Present Simple -s endings GBB a ©» Listen to three verbs. Do the endings sound the same? Listen again and repeat. ‘b G25 Listen and write the verbs in the table. Then repeat them, [Bs wats Jz] listens [iz] organises © @ 226 Now listen to sentences 1-6 in exercise 5a. Repeat the sentences. see Pronunciation bank page 148 Grammar | Present Simple: questions Complete the dialogue. : Does Jeanette like her work? 1 Yes, she does. She loves it she clean the shark tank? Yes, she sand she ___the sharks. the sharks eat every day? No, they, ‘They eat three times a week. So Jeanette work every day? No, she She five days a week. o PP ePrereRr @ wr Listen and check your answers. EBB choose the correct words to complete the questions in the Active grammar box. Active grammar 4 ‘Does/Do the sharks eat/eats every | day?""No, they do/don’t. | -2. ‘Does /Do Jeanette clean cleans the tank every day?" ‘No, she doesn’t/ don't.” «3. ‘Does/Do Jeanette like/likes her ‘work?’ ‘Yes, she doesn’t/does.” see Reference page 27 EB a complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Does Jo work every day? (work) 1 John his work? (ike) 2 your parents DVDs? (watch) 3 John computer games? (invent) 4 1 in my sleep? (talk) 5 Anna children? (have) 1b Change the questions in exercise ga. Ask and answer with a partner. ‘A: Do you work every day? B: Yes, I do./No, ! don't. © Now ask and answer the questions about your family and friends. Speaking Doug Hitchens has a dangerous job— he cleans the windows on tll buildings Talk about his daily routine. Student A: look at page 229. Student B: look at page 133. noun plurals; this, that, these, those SMEG talk about everyday objects 8 Tick () the correct answer for you. Every | Once a | Oncea | Never day | week | month 1 go shopping in supermarkets 2 use local shops 3. goto markets In pairs, compare your answers. ‘A: Do you go shopping in supermarkets? B: Yes, every day. EBB & Match the numbers with the things in the picture. bags (3) books (] cameras] diaries] DVD players(_] taptops[_] mobile phones [) MP3 players[] scarves[] shoes) watches|_] @ «> Listen and tick (v) the things you hear. Look at the plurals of the nouns in exercise 3a, then complete the rules in the Active grammar box. Active grammar We add -s to most nouns to make them plural. We add __ when the noun ends in -ch,-s, “sh or -, e.g. watch We add __ when the noun ends in -y (but take away the +), e.g. diary + When the noun ends in__, we change it to -vin the plural, e.g. scarf Look at the Lifelong learning box. Read the tip and complete the exercise. Irregular plurals E Das tk & @ +8 Listen, What is a flea market? Use a dictionary tofind regular plurals: Ee is wc ‘1 5 Listen again and choose the correct words, eee 2 Hells Kitchen flea market is in the UK/US. is 2 It's open every day/two days a week. Find the plurals of these nouns. Use a g 3. Jodie sels clothes and shoes/cameras and phones. tionary. 5 44 Jodie and Karl like don't like the flea market. address bus child class dictionary family man niece wife woman © Do you go to flea markets? What kind of things do you buy in them? Vocabulary | adjectives (1): colour, opinion GB a GireWeight colours, then find the colours in the picture in exercise 3a, bad big Giac) blue green grey horrible old old-fashioned ugly useful young brown good modern nice small yellow pretty red useless white 1 Now put the other adjectives into pairs of opposites. bad - good Grammar | this, that, these, those GB a ©» Listen to Jodie and Karl. What things do they look at on Jane's stall? 1b Listen again. Which adjectives from exercise 6a do you hear? © Do Jodie and Karl like 4 the belt? 4 the shoes? 2 the coat? 5 the bag? 3. the scarves? EBB a Listen again and complete the sentences with adjectives. (7 Now that’s really__! Theyre so! 1b Complete the Active grammar box with this, that, these and those. Active grammar near far singular plural see Reference page 27 © Correct the underlined words in the sentences. These isa car. This is a car. 2 What colour is those? 2 These is very beautiful. 3 Are that your house? 4 These isn’t very old (Took at those shoes. Pronunciation | /1/ and /i:/ GB. Ih) this, be Then » Listen to the vowel sounds. Repeat. Ji) these += Listen and write the words in the table. ten again and repeat. big clean sister swim green teacher listen niece read think Af this Jix/ these see Pronunciation bank page 147 Speaking Describe the photos and talk about them. Use the adjectives in exercise 6a. As [think that dog’s old. B: Yes, and these are young. A: They're very pretty. Do you like cats? GBB Match the photos with the captions. 1 Inthe city oO 2 Inthe mountains [] 3 Atthebeach = [J a @ sy Listen and match the speakers with the photos. Matt = photo Wendy = photo Gareth = photo D Listen again. Which speaker(s) | takes these things on holiday? | 1 presents | 2 scenes @ a gceook 5 games and books | Which speaker(s) does these things on holiday? 2 gosking 2 lookat the sights 3 gotothe beach 4 play games 5. read books EMD (00k at the words in the box. Are they for a beach holiday, a city break, a holiday in the mountains, or all? camera go sightseeing goskiing guidebook magazine museum passport suitcase sunbathe sunscreen Complete the questionnaire ‘words from the box. do(x2) go time what when where who you What do you usually Where do you go on holiday? 1 zi ‘do you go with? 3 Where do___ stay? 4 What you take with you? 5 do you get up on holiday? 6 What do you __ in the day? 7 do you do in the evening? 8 What do you _ to bed? b Match the questions with these answers. My camera and a good book. To the beach. At about ten in the morning. Go on excursions or swim. At about half past eleven. Go to a nightclub or restaurant. My friends. In ahotel Q Qa ba a a fe a Work in paits. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4a and write the answers. ‘A: Where do you go on holiday B: go to my sister's house. Tell the class about your partner’s holiday routines. He goes with do on holiday? 2 Reference Present Simple Positive and negative work | don't (do not) work doesn't (does not) works | “06st” Iwork in an office. She doesn’t work every day. We use the Present Simple for daily routines and activities. With /, we, you and they the Present Simple positive form is the same as the infinitive. With he, she and it we add -s to the infinitive, but note these exceptions: oe verbs : watch + ending | sad-es |watcnes Shand |“ | go goes remove ending end canry—+ consonant : je ad vies | carries +y | Note: verbs ending with a vowel +-y are regular: play — plays The third person of have —* has Questions Do we Where do | you they | work? Does Ne When does Fi B it In questions, don’t add -s to the verb. Note the short answers: Yes, No, I/we you|they do. hhe(shelit does. J/we/youthey don’t. hhe/she/it doesn’t this, that, these, those Singular | Plural near this far that 4 What's this? Doyoulike Look at that ‘Those bags are these shoes? car! horrible. Noun plurals We add -s to nouns to make the regular noun plural: book — books, picture — pictures There are some special spelling rules: watch -* watches nouns ending 5 | address + addresses add -es remove -fand | scarf— scarves a es knife —* knives nouns ending | remove-y and | diary — diaries consonant +-y | add -ies city + cities Note: nouns ending with a vowel + -y are regular: day —* days Some plural nouns are completely irregular: child children Key vocabulary Personal possessions bag belt book clothes coat diary digital camera DVO player laptop computer magazine mobile phone MP3 player scarf shoe watch Basic verbs verb phrases Routines: getup wash have breakfast eat leave home 0 to work/school start work work have lunch finish work get home have dinner watch(TV) gotobed sleep Note these phrases: have breakfast/unch/dinner/fun/problems/parties .g0 to bed/a nightclub/a restaurant/school/work BUT go home Other verbs: check clean dry feed help invent like make meet organise play sell swim talk wait walk (GR see wrtting bank page 136 | | Review and practice EMD Look at the pictures and write sentences about Alvaro’s day. Use the verbs and phrases in the boxes. drive eat finist go read watch asandwich hisemails television to bed towork — work A. He drives to work at quarter past eight. EBB Find tve incorrect plural nouns and correct them. lunchs —X lunches 4 tides clients fa ispyamens 1 holidaies (easheties came 2 hotels 7 7008 3. partys 8 scarfs EBB complete the questions, then answer the questions using an adjective from the box. horrible modern old old-fashioned pretty Complete the sentences with the corect form of the verbs in brackets, She finishes work at five o'clock. (finish) a They at ten o'clock on Sundays. (get up) 2 He a good job. (have) eal to English classes in the evening. (go) 4 She the house in the morning. (clean) 5 We football on Saturday afternoons. (play) Now make the sentences in exercise 2 negative. She doesn’t finish work at five o'clock. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. to you work When go do ? When do you go to work? 4 she afternoon What does do in the 2 have Where does lunch he ? work in Do an you office ? does finish he When work ? What in you evening do do the 2 ‘What's this?” ‘it a phone. It's old-fashioned “what are ? “Theyte They're “What's B ‘tsa Is e @ Look at the ‘personal possessions’ vocabulary ‘on page 27. Copy the table and write the objects. Home | Equipment DVD player Personal/Clothes | Hou diary book D Look at the ‘routines’ vocabulary on page 27. Write eight of the verbs in the order you do them during the day. 41 getup 2 wash 3. have breakfast Find six of the activities from the box in the photos. te cook goforawalk go shopping go toa concert gotothe gym listento music meet friends play football (or another sport) play games online a play the guitar (or another instrument) read a book or magazine sunbathe _surf the Internet, swim text friends watch TV or a DVD. Answer the questions about the activities in the box. Which activities do you usually do with other people? Which activities do people do outside their house? Which activities do people do inside their house? Which of these activities do you do? ry, Where do you do the activities in exercise 1a? Copy and complete the table. ‘Athome | Inthe park |Atthe shops] Ataclub/ | Ata sports centre/ nightclub | swimming pool Write two more activities that you do in the table. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Whe Tell the class about your partner. adverbs of frequency MEET ate about what you doin your fre time J a Listen again and complete the table. You can sometimes tick (/) two or three names. Stig | Amber | Matt Ailsa eats a sandwich eats in the canteen sg0es for a walk checks emails v {goes to the gym reads a book/the news surfs the Internet sg0es shopping Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Stig goes to the canteen. 1 Stig sometimes stays at his desk in the lunch hour. [] 2 Amber works in the lunch hour. oO 3. Matt sometimes leaves the office for lunch. Q 4 Ailsa doesn’t take the bus into the town centre. = [J 5 Ailsa goes to the gym in her lunch break. o Complete the sentences with verbs from the box. Check your answers with audioscript 1.34 on page 151. goes (x3) has is leaves take takes 1 Amber is often at her desk at lunchtime ~ she doesn't always lunch break. 2 Stig always __his desk. He usually _for a walk 3 Ailsa often ___ the bus to town. She never___to the gym, 4 Matt sometimes ___ fora walk and occasionally __lunch in a café b Complete the diagram in the Active grammar box with never, sometimes and usually, then choose the correct answers. Active grammar Frequency + + + + 100% =n oe, We put adverbs of frequency before/after the verb to be. We put adverbs of frequency before/after other verbs. 3B a Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. sends emails sometimes Isabel to her fiends Isabel sometimes sends emails to her friends. often We goto concerts, cooks occasionally Lara Chinese food inthe evening football usually Jason plays inbed My parents read never always 1 go shopping at the weekend sgoesto the gym inthe morning sometimes Dan 1b What about you? Change the sentences so they are true for you. occasionally cook Chinese food. © Work in pairs. What do you do in your lunch break? What do your frends and colleagues do? Reading Read the blog. Make sentences about what Shane does in his lunch break. work He never works in his lunch break. 1 sleep 4 2 leavetheoffice 5 3. use the computer listen to music go shopping ‘You know, | hear that some people sleep in their lunch break. Sleep in your lunch break - why? During the week | work for a magazine company ~ it's great fun and very busy, but | aivays take an hour for lunch, sometimes two (then | work unt 7:00). it's important to get out of the office. | always go on the Intemet and go on Facebook for a few minutes, then | go out. On Monday | always go running or go for a walk, on Tuesday | usually do my homework (oscause | go to an evening class on Tuesday evenings). On Wednesday | often go shopping ~ some friends usually visit me on Wednesday evening so | get some food for the barbecue. | sometimes go to a concert con Thursday lunchtime and on Friday | always go {for a long lunch with friends. | don't do a lot at the ‘weekend ~ maybe go to the cinema on Saturday, then on Sunday | ust relax and watch football on TV, GBB write the days of the week in the correct order. Monday, Vocabulary | activities @ We use go with a lot of different activities. Write ies from the lesson in the word forks. goto 90 for -ing goon w “ing 'b Can you add any other words to the forks? © Make simple word forks with have, do and read. Speaking and writing EBB a Look at the questionnaire. Add six activities. Tick (V) the things you do and write the day you g0 out with friends study play a sport go on the Internet 7 (Fiday) | | | | Bee 1b Workin pairs. Ask questions and complete the questionnaire for your partner. ‘A: Do you go out with friends? B: Yes, | always go out with friends at the weekend. No, I never go out with friends. EB a what do you do in your free time? Make a list. Monday evenings - watch TV Saturdays ~ read the newspaper/ao shopping 1b Write about your free time. Can you do it? can}can't talk about your abilities Vocabulary | sports and games Match the words withthe pictures. aerobics] basketball judo) skiing) yogal_] chess] rowing] running] tennis] windsurfing 1b Write the activities in the table. Then check in the Reference on age 37. [ [we ay aerobies | running | chess © Work in pairs, Ask and answer questions. ‘A: Do you do yoga? B: Yes, Ido. A: When? B: On Thursday evenings. Pk ok ————aic ae LIVE THE DREAM! Rew Romero is 29, Shes British but her father is Spanish, She has a degree. in sports science and English. And she's the second woman in history with ‘wo Olympic medals in two different sports and the only British woman! Reading Look at the photos. What sports can you see? 1b Read the introduction tothe text and complete the table. Name [age | Nationality | Qualifications Achievements | [Rebecca Romero EBB Read more about Rebecca and choose the correct words in italics to complete the sentences. Rebecca has an Olympic silver medal in rowing from the Olympic Games in Athens, but silver srt enough for her. She can't row now because ‘of a back problem, but she can cycle, and she can cycle really fast. Her ‘Olympic gold medal isin cycling from the Olympic Games in Beijing, but Rebecca says she can't remember the medal cerernony at all Now Rebecca wants to win another Glympic medal, maybe ina different sport. She cant rn or ply spots lke tennis, but perhaps sking or ‘windsurfing are possible. Can Rebecca do it? Can she live her dream? Her sive medalis from Befingthen>. 1 Her silver medal is in rowing/cycling. 2. She does ow now because she does’ like t/has a bad back 2. Rebecca remembers/doesn't remember the medal ceremony in Beling 4 She wants to win a medal ina diferent spot for example shingitenis. Grammar | can/can’t GBB a Tick ) the things Rebecca can do. Cross (X) the things she can't do. 1 row o 3 mun oO 2 cyclefast 2 4 playtennis Db Complete the questions and answers with can ‘or can’t. Then complete the Active grammar box and answer the questions. “What Rebecca do?"‘She __cycle fast.” +____ she play tennis?" No, she ; £ I/You/He/She/It/We/ They swim, |/You|He|She/ It] We/They swim. e: HIyoujhe/she/it/we/they wim? Yes, |/you/he/she/it/we/they can. 5 No, tlyoulhe/shelitwe/they 1 Do we use do/does to make questions and negatives? Yes/No. 2 Dowe add -s to can after he/she/it? Yes/No see Reference page 37 © Which activities can you do? Which activities can't you do? Tick (Y) and cross (X).. play chess] play football] play tennis) rideabikel) owl] run] skiC] swimC] Pronunciation | /z/, /2/, /a:/ EBB © 2s Listen. what can Jonny and Susie do? fick (V) the things they can do. Jonny play the guitar play the piano sing dance Play football play tennis, ski speak French speak Spanish ride a bike drive a car ooooooo00os ooooooooooNs & @ 56 We say can/can't in different ways. Listen and repeat, Can you dance? Yes, can. No, | can't, fl Jel fox} 1b Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about six things in exercise 5. ‘A: Can Susie speak French? B: Yes, she can. ‘As Can Jonny drive? B: No, he can’t. ‘see Pronunciation bank page 148 GBB a Find out about your partner Ask and answer questions about the activities in exercise 4c. 1b Now ask your partner about languages and other abilities. Speaking GBB a Work in groups. Find someone who... speak three languages @ stand on their head @ write backwards @ move their ears © play an unusual instrument @ make their own clothes @ cook Q swim 9g © write with their right hand © get up in the mornings Oo @ send a text message Oo @ use a DVD player Co ‘b Tell the class about your group. ee} | ites Phone fun PETE sinc tre prone DIENT take ancteave a simple phone message | a Sens I \ Je Vi ie \ Be Mooile Crazy 1 Tete are now more than 4 bition mebile phones in the wort. the UK people send 78.9 bition text messages andi £53 milion picture messages ee every yea! That's over 216 milion text messages E «2.60 0F9 millon on hour In fact he average mobile hone user sends Goout 20 text messages a ocoy i 2 Now American fans of mobile phone texting can show what they can do at the US National ¢ Texting Chompionship. this year's champion is I 15:yectold Kate Moore from lowe, She sends 14,000 texts a month. Kate can even send a text message with her eyes closed EBB @ How do you use your mobile phone? Tick (V) the things you do. 3. Of course, some people hate mobile ohones surf the Internet Qo Co Every year in London there is a special take photos Oo ‘competifion called The Mobile Phone Throwing listen to music Qo i ‘Championships. In this event compettors throw send tents o oer thelr phones 0s for as they can. Some women send pictures Oo con throw @ phone over 50 metres, and some olay games o men can throw one over 95 metres. It’s a lot of, translate words Oo cre fun for mobile phone haters! make phone cals o download ring tones or music} watch videos Oo . use maps or GPS Oo Reading 4o calculations oa EBB When do you use your mobile phone? Who do you call? 1b Compare with other students Find Do you send text messages? out how many students in your class use each phone feature. GAB a Read the text quickly. Match the headings (a) with paragraphs 1-3. a. American Texting Championship) Vocabulary | mushers b. The phone throwing competition] GBB © = How do we say these numbers? € Texting in Btain o Match the numbers withthe words in he box. Then listen r b_ Read the text again. Match the numbers (1-8) with the a information (a-h). 6six 16 60 600 601 660 2 4ilion 2 mes some men can throw a phone pl pial Papel ha 2 789 billion b Kate's age 6,000,000 6,000,000,000 3. 26min |e messages Kate sends every month milion 4. text messages a year in the UK x sixbillion six hundred 5 20 mobile phones inthe word sixhundred and one sixthousand 6 14,000 i] imesseasraiony sixhundred and sity sixty 745 messages a day for every user pu tandind isang on i3 eer six thousand, six hundred and sixteen 9 sixteen sixty thousand © Do you think the information in the text is suprising, or not? Pronunciation | word stress GB 2 © Number the sentences in the correct order. Then listen and check. GBB a G0» Listen. Undertine the main stress. OK. What's your number? og sixteen sixty fourteen forty ote a ‘b @»s» Listen. Underline the number you hear. She isn't here right now. Can |take a message? C] 1 fourteen forty Hello. @ 2 eighteen eighty Yes, please ask her to phone Jeffrey fs 3. Seventeen seventy It’s 011 908 5561. ao 4 thirteen thirty Hello can speak to Laura, please? a 5 nineteen ninety 1b Work in pairs and practise the dialogue. 6 sixteen sixty © Test your partner. Say a number. Your partner EEX Complete the How to... box. points to the number he/she hears see Pronunciation bank page 148 How to... use the phone; tale and leave a message Listening Answerthe —: Helo GBB a © Listen. Match the names with the phone (This is) 908 934 782. aca Take a he isn't here right now. Can Damian (Benson cameras C1 case emmch (MM Toceater Jane G2] Steve Henshaw = [J Sony, can you repeat that? Mary Wilde C1] What's your (phone) number? 1b Listen again and complete the messages with iiserternessige (parce Mme [ocala one word, a number or a time. How does Mary say with aperson = My(@)___ i 909 54 323. ‘88 in the phone number? =—een Leave a (informal Hi, John. (4) Oran @; voicemail ina here. Can you call me? pa * | Message For Mandy from message (Formal) Good morning. lessage for Tony | Steve Henshaw £ @)_ is Michael Brown, From: _ east eel 1 ike to leave a (6) for Message pil Mrs Brinley. (Mase eccaoe] | Meet outside the at 7:50, End the call Thanks./OK. Bye./Goodbye. ee you there/later. Speaking GBB Make some phone calls. Student A: turn to page 129 Student B: read the notes below. Call Your name is Carla, Phone Student A You want to speak to jason. Your number is 990 675 3551 Call 2 Your number is 899 054 782. Answer the phone and start the conversation, (Sylvia isn't here today. Take a message for her) —_ 834 Call 3, Your name is Mr/Mrs Grey. Phone Student {You want to speak to the manager. Your number is 07733 89105, Call 4 You work for Sunshine Holidays. Answer the phone and stat the conversation. (Mr Preston is on holiday. Take a message for him) f _ Renton rom: Mary Wilede Number: 713, Message: 3.3 3|Communication Name, Brian Winter Goo Pow 0206 S81 22 ae net bacon do ‘wrath an MED talk about other people's abilities EBB a Match the abilities (2-10) with the jobs (a). Use a dictionary if necessary. Abilities Jobs 4 speak foreign languages [a sports teacher 2 design buildings. b taxi driver 3 play sports| Je artist 4 drive 1d. carpenter 5 repair computers Je mechanic 6 playa musical instrument |f photographer 7. draw and paint § tourist guide 8 repair cars. h musician t 9 use a camera i architect 10 make things in wood _|j_ computer technician i 1b Work in pairs. Add three more abilities and jobs to the list. Read the text. What is a skills exchange? Do you have one in your town? ‘SKILLS Do you live in Barton? Can you drive? Can you teach a foreign language? Can you cook? IF 0, join Barton's Skil Exchange and help other people - they can help you, toa, Your town needs you! Work in pairs. Match the four people in the skills, exchange. Carmen can take the photos for Dario’s sister. ‘@ Organise a skills exchange in your class. Interview two students and complete the notes. Read the information about Carmen and Brian. ‘A: What do you need? Complete the skills exchange notes about them. ; Alfeacher= my English Is ery Hel! ‘A: What can you do? teu mceene trmen Lopes. is thirty-two years old. Her phone oe eae 331 212, She car speak Seah ‘and German, She can paint and dean. Sie the Internet. She takes digital patos and the changes them on her computer. She. carte drive, She goes to the hospital on Friday mornings she wanes a driver: ESoeT | i : t 4 3 | ir ten a ence and he dart like deaning, | s0 he needs a cleaner. oe bh @++2 Listen and complete the notes for Dario 1b Now compare your notes with other students. o and Lizzie. Can you match people in your class? 3) Reference Adverbs of frequency Common adverbs of frequency are: 0% 100% never occasionally sometimes often usually always We use adverbs of frequency with the Present Simple to describe how regularly or how often something happens. We often go to the aym in the evenings. (= three days aweek) J always go for a walk at lunchtime. (= every day) We put adverbs of frequency after the verb to be but before other main verbs. The children are usually in bed at eight o'clock. The children usually go to bed at half past seven. can/can’t Can is a modal verb. We use modal verbs before other verbs. The negative of can is cannot, but we usually use the short form can’t. You He ‘She am can’t (cannot) We You They can sing. Modal verbs do not change their form after he, she or it. He can play the piano. ‘We use can and can’t to talk about ability. We use can to talk about things we are able to do, and can’t to talk about things that we are not able to do. |'can sing but | can’t dance. Note: when we talk about the skill or ability, we don't say go running or go swimming; we use run, swim, etc. can swim. 1 go swimming on Mondays. We use can + you + infinitive to make requests - when we want someone else to do something. Can you take a message? play, do, go + activities We use play + noun for games, and for sports we usually do in teams, e.g. play football, play chess We use do + noun for activities we can do alone (not in ateam). e.g. do aerobics, do yoga We use go with activity verbs that end in -ing. e.g. go swimming, go running Key vocabulary Days/parts of the week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday atthe weekend during the week Activities cook drive (aca) go fora walk listen to music meet friends rideabike sing study sunbathe Collocations: do aerobics/judo/youa 0 rowing/running/shopping/skiing/ windsurfing go on Facebooki'the internet go to the cinema/a concert/the gym play basketball chess football/games/sports/tennis play the guitar/the piano read a book/a magazine/the news watch TV/a DVD/a video Numbers 6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 600 six hundred 6,000 six thousand 60,000 sixty thousand 600,000 six hundred thousand 6,000,000 six million 600,000,000 sixbillion Technology/phones Verbs: call check emails download (ring tones, music, videos) phone send (a message/picture) surf (the Internet) text (friends) Nouns: ‘email picture/text message texting voicemail Listen to these words. see Writing bank page 137 EBB Make sentences about Malcolm. Use adverbs of frequency or a negative, live in anice house (not) ‘Malcolm doesn't live in a nice house. sleep in the park (usually) Malcolm usually sleeps in the park. G3B Find eight mistakes in the text and correct them. Andreas tats do a lot of things. He likes spork cand fe. can plays basketball are fectball but te ro ean play tennis. He dort lke terms. He (ices rock musi arch he. play the quitar in shows he sing too, bet he doest't dances: He can't plays the piano GHB complete the puzzle with SIX days ofthe week and one other part of the week, to find the seventhday. have a job (not) have an address (not) go to work in the morning (never) oat esaularas Oa) GBB complete the diary with the corect verbs. have lunch in a café (occasionally) meet friends in the park (sometimes) Monday Malcolm's days/be/boring (always) Play fooréndt ath the bore Maleoimtike his life (902) hese” ere one) B Tack and Ella for lars Write four sentences about the activites thatyou aaa and your friends do together. Choose from the ese comnalliae box. Use adverbs of frequency. 4 2) Pe the gym = ee $l aman ont on Facebook fat investaurants go shopping go to concer g0 0 nightclubs goto the cinema pana cra pA GST STATO goto the gym listen to music em pe STS play computer games play sport watch TV in © * ___ 7090 with Jane (morning) We occasionally eat in restaurants. 5 Jeinanaing wth the girls Saturday Wirite a sentence with can and can’t about the . vherrng things below. Choose from the box. Sunday check spellings. play football drive play computer games play music run ‘send text messages think send picture messages sleep all day swim Young children can play computer games but they can’t drive. Computers Sharks Mobile phones Dogs Harry's DVD GB Lnderine the wrong word in the lst. 1 play chess judo tennis 2 goon theinternet Facebook nightclub 3 goto aDVvD aconcert the gym 4 do aerobics yoga running, 5 go cycling skiing reading 6 watch music the TV afilm 7 read book the Internet a magazine 8 play thepiano football swimming ‘a Match the words from the box with the pictures. apples beef bread cheese chicken eggs fish milk pasta rice strawberries tea tomatoes watermelon, 1b Do you know any other food words? ‘We use the words inthe table to measure food, drink and money. Pu the words inthe correct column, Wres dollars grammes euros kilos cents ‘ Can you add any more words to the table? EBB a Match the pictures below with the words from the box. cash machine[] coin[] credit card(_] note(] receipt] 1b Which pictures show cash? When do you use cash/credit cards? Where do you buy food? How do you pay for it? 39 4.1 A world of food Cm —$— ee and uncountable nouns; — lot of HSN ta about quantities Reading EBB a match the words with the pictures. rice[] bananas] hot dogs] ‘b Inwhich countries do people eat these things? @ Read the text quickly. Match each family with the food pictures and check your answers to exercise 1b, 1b Read the text again and tick (/) the correct, answers. Which family... Toro 1 eats a lot of fish? 2 eats fresh fruit? 3_has aration book? | Merton | Esteban 44 eats at fast food | restaurants? | 5 doesn’t have time to cook? 6 has dinner together? Listening EMD 2 Go Listen to three people talk about food in different countries, Tick (V) the countries you hear. Canada(] Britain) tran[) Brazil] Finland) Bb Listen again, Which speaker(s) talk about these food words? Speakers Speaker2 Speaker 3 dried fruit Qo QO Qo lamb Qo Q [e) black beans = [] Oo Q rice oO Qa Qo seafood oO oO [a EBB work in pairs and discuss the questions, 1 Is your family lke any ofthe families inthe texts? 2 What food do people in your country eat? 3 What's your favourite food? Grammar | countable and uncountable nouns @ Look at the pictures in exercise 1 and answer the ‘uestions. 4. Which food can you count? 2 Which food can’t you count? Eating around the world ‘The Toros live in Tokyo, Japan. Yamada Toro lives with his wife, Keiko, and his children Yoshi and Haruna, He ‘works in an office, Keiko cooks breakfast before Yamada leaves for work at 7:00 a.m. They have dinner together at home in the evenings. They eat a lot of fish and rice. Keiko cooks all the meals for her family. Steve and Corinne Merton and their children, Larry and New York, They are a typical American family. Steve and Corinne both work and they don't Courtney, live i usually have time t0 cook, so they like convenience food. The children eat a lot of hot dogs, burgers and cola. They eat at fast food restaurants once a week. Julio Esteban, his wife Manuela and their children, Marfa and Pedro, live in Havana, Cuba is a tropical country so they eat a lot of fresh feuit ~ pineapples, watermelons and bananas. Families in Cuba have ration, books. These show how much food the family can buy every month, Db Here is the Merton family shopping list. Choose the correct words in italics to complete the sentences. 1. The red words are countable/uncountable nouns. 2 The blue words are countable uncountable nouns. © Choose the correct words in italics in the Active grammar box. Active grammar ) 1 Uncountable/Countable nouns ‘+ They have singular and plural forms. ‘+ We can use numbers in front of them. 2 Uncountable/Countable nouns + They do not have plural forms. ‘+ We cannot use numbers in front of them. see Reference page 47 Four of these sentences have mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them. I don't lke rices Do you eat breads? Can have six bananas, please? | drink orange juices with my breakfast. Do you like milks in your coffee? Vocabulary | food @ Look at audioscript 1.43 on page 152 and underline the food words. Then complete the words in the table. Use a dictionary. (Others Vegetables potatoes Seafood beet fish ‘Work in pairs. How many more food words can you add to each column? Grammar | much/many/a lot of (GBB a Read the sentences. Are the underlined words countable or uncountable? We eat a lot of seafood We don't eat much fast food. We don't eat many takeaways. The children eat alot of burgers. ‘DB _Look at the red words in the sentences. Then complete the Active grammar box with ticks (/) and crosses (X). a, Active grammar + countable + uncountable noun noun (how) much oO Qa (how) many o oO (not) a lot of oO Oo We usually use much and many in questions and negatives, but not in positive sentences. see Reference page 47 EBB a Cross out the words in italics that are incorrect. 4. How much/many/a lot of coffee do you drink every day? 2 | don’t eat much/many/a lot of meat these days. 3 How much/many!a lot of bananas do you want? 4 Do you drink much/many/a lot of water? 5 Do people in your country eat much/many/a lot of burgers? 6 My family eats much/many/a lot of eges every week. ‘Complete the sentences with words from the box. alot coffee many much six tomatoes How (3) _rice do you buy each week? don't buy (2) _of rce, really. | don like it Oh! How many (3) do you buy? A: B: A B: About (4) A Bi A How much (5) do you buy? | usually buy just one jar of coffee. How (6) pineapples do you get? B: Oh, only one, Work in pairs. Ask questions about your partner's weekly diet and food shopping. Make notes and tell the class. How much .. do you buy? Do you eat alot of .? 4.2|Trash tales MSE 2/2, some and any WERENT #2 about your cit ancttesiye | Vocabulary | containers ‘a Look at the picture and match A-H with the containers in the box. bag[A]_bottle(] box(] can[] carton(] jar[] packet(] tube(] 1b Now match the containers (1-8) with the things they can contain (2-H). bag bottle box can carton jar packet tube juice eggs water coffee toothpaste crisps rice cola © What other things can you buy in these containers in your country? Listening Look at the extract from a TV guide. Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 What is the TV programme about? 2. Who introduces the programme? 3. Which food in the bins is healthy? Which food is unhealthy? ws Listen to the first part of the TV programme. Label the bins in the picture 1 or 2. b Listen again. Write the food and drink you hear in the correct column. Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 4 Doyou agree with Laurence about the Healthy food | Unhealthy food Fait cola vegetables | pizza diets of the two families? 2 Are these types of food healthy or unhealthy? rice chocolate hot dogs oranges red meat salad Your rubbish can tell us about your life! ‘Tonight this popular series looks at the cet of two ordinary families. ‘They bring their food rubbish from one week into the studlo and Doctor Laurence Redburn examines it. He then discusses with the families what 's good and bad about their diets. Messy, but relly interesting TV! Don't miss it ‘Channel 6, 9:00 p.m. Grammar | a/an, some and any EBB Look at the extract from the show. Complete the Active grammar box with a/an, some or any. ‘We have some cans. ‘Do they eat any vegetables or any fruit?” “They eat some pasta...” Active grammar ular Noun: countable, 5 eg. bottle Plural countable, e.g. cans ‘We have a bottle.” Uncountable, es fruit see Reference page 47 GBB a complete the conversation between Laurence and Mrs Clark (in 2) with a/an, some or any. Lz This bin is very interesting, Mrs Clark. Do you eat ()__ fast food? Mrs C: Well, we occasionally eat (2) __ pizza. Mmm, you eat alot of vegetables .. Mrs C:- Oh, yes, we eat (3) vegetables every day, and @) frit. You clearly eat fish. Do you eat ©) meat? Well, my husband and I don't eat (6) ___meat, but the children sometimes eat (7) —_ burger. They lke burgers a lot. What about drinks. Do you drink @ coffee? No, we don't like it, but we always have (6) __jar of coffee in the cupboard, for visitors. | see. Well, thank you, Mrs Clark, Your family has ()__ very healthy diet! ‘@ +s Correct the underlined mistakes in this paragraph, then and check. Mrs C: Mrs C: ten 66,We eat any pizza once a week... and the children eat a burgers. And, yes, we sometimes drink any coffee, and the children drink some can of cola once or twice a week, but we don’t drink some tea, and we drink a lot of water ~ about tem litres a week. We also eat a lot of vegetables every day, and we eat a meat and chicken, We don’t eat some sweets ‘or chocolate ~ that's good, isn't it? 99 Pronunciation | /z/and /a/ GBB a Guus Listen to the vowel sounds: in these words. Can you hear the difference? pasta some Jel fal 1b @xw Listen to these words. is the vowel sound /ze/ or /a/? Repeat the words. butter lamb salad lunch carrot apple see Pronunciation bank page 147 ah Vocabulary | adjectives (2): feelings RB a. Match the pictures with the adjectives. 0 healthy] oe thirsty] tired] unhealthy] 1b Which adjectives have a positive meaning? Wi negative meaning? have a © Use the adjectives above to complete the sentences. When | watch TV late at night | feel____the next day. ‘Are you__? Do you want a drink? tm ! Let’s get a burger! We don't do much exercise so we aren't very__. | don't eat alot of chocolate because it's __ 3 4 5 Speaking GBB a Look at the quiz about diet. Complete the column for you. How much/many do you eat/drink? X=Idon'toavrink any 2=some ¥ =alot 1 burgers 2 crisps 3 water 4 salad 6 biscuits 6 coffee 7 fruit 8 milk 9 fruit juice 10 chocolate 11 cola 12 cheese ‘b Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions and complete the column for your partner. ‘A: How many burgers do you eat? B: / don’t eat any burgers./I eat some burgers./I eat a lot of burgers. © Look at page 129 and tell your partner about his/her diet. P} Reguarfries _S Large ties 8 3 ‘Smal salad eer Large salad Burger Regular cotee Large coffee Orange juice Reguar cola ‘Small mineral water $ Large mineral water $_ Vegetarian Chicken pi Listening and speaking GBB Work in pairs and look at the photo of the diner. Discuss the questions. 1. Do you eat at fast food restaurants? Which? 2 Where is your favourite restaurant? EBB 2 ©» Listen toa dialogue in a restaurant. Who orders these things? Write J for Jenny and S for Sam. cheese sandwich] fries] salad] coffee] water] Db Listen again and complete 1- the bill below. Cheese sandwich x Large (1) ite x1 $3.00 a= salad x1 $4.00 i) Sam conten xl $2.95 small mineral (4) ie ale Service & tax included a 3 49 Listen and answer the questions. 1 What does the waitress bring first? 2 How does Sam ask for the price of the meal? that? 3. What is the total for the bil? 4 How does Sam pay for the meal? GB a Look at the menu from the diner, Match the headings with A-C. Drinks Main dishes Side orders Work in pairs. Student A: turn to page 129. ‘Student B: ask your partner questions to complete the menu, How much is a burger? BB a match 7 with arg. 4) What a muchis that? 2 Tdlike b_ pay by credit card? 3 Jenny, what would ¢ can! get you today? 4 Doyou 4 acheese sandwich, please. 5 Sam,do e have salads? 6 How f you like? 7 Cant you want some juice? b Look at audioscripts 1.48-1.49 on pages 152-153 and check your answers. Then complete the sentences in the How to... box. How to... order food in a restaurant ‘Ask about the menu : (2) ___ you have salads? ‘Say what you want : Jd (2)___ a cheese sandwich, please. Ewhave a coffee. [How (3)___is that? ‘Ask about prices ‘Ask about payment: (4) 1 card? Tpay by credit © Use some of the words from exercises 5a and 5b to complete the conversation. Hello, what (2) | get you today? like a vegetarian burger, please. Any side orders? BG) you have salads? ‘A: No, we don't, Do you (4) some fies? B: OK. Small fries. ‘A: Anything to drink? Bs Yes, ll (5) an orange juice, please. A: OK. B: How (6) is that? A: That's €10.95. B: (7) ___I pay by credit card? Work in pairs and practise the dialogue. Grammar | object pronouns GB a Match the sentences (1-5) with the speech bubbles (A-£). 1. ‘Amedium salad for you, sit ‘No, they're not for us.” “Two vegetarian pizzas? | really like them.’ [] ‘No, the salad’s for her.’ ] “Alarge cup of coffee for him and a small glass of mineral water for me."(_] 1b Read the speech bubbles again and complete the Active grammar box. Active grammar Subject Object, pronouns Pronouns ' me he see Reference page 47 Choose the correct words in italics. 4 The coffee is for /me and the water is. for she/her. 2 ‘Isthat our waitress?" ‘No, it isn't her/ them: 3 Do like cheeseburgers? Yes, | love it/ them! 4 My brother doesn't eat meat. The salad’s for her/him. 5 Excuse me. Can you bring us/we a menu? 1b Complete the sentences with object pronouns. 4's this for you?" No, it isn't for_, its for my friend.” 2 | don't eat many vegetables; I don’t like 3. Welive ina big house. My grandmother lives with __. 4 My mobile phone is great. | use __ every day. 5 ‘Isthis sandwich for_2" "Yes, it’s for me.” Speaking EBB work in groups of three. Use the menu exercise 4a. Student A: you are a waiter/waitress. Take the customers’ order, Students B and C: you are customers at the restaurant. Look at the menu, choose the things you want and order a meal, ce) 4|Communication A ~ oe SS SUEY ask people for things and give people things. us i = EBB Listen to the conversations again and complete the How to... box. ona ask orien (he be eT apples OB fish on bananas MB omeon OB beef OB milk oB carrots OB potatoes OB Offer help Ask for Vd (@)__ three bananas... cheese [MM tomatoes OB 2/6) some fruit. chicken OI waer OB Give things: (@)___youare. b Listen again. What things can ‘faut prea 1G) i ‘she buy? Tick (Y) the red boxes. —_——— Give the price: (6) 28 euros. © Listen again, How much of these things does the woman buy? apples____ beef Sa EBB a Workin groups of three. milk Student A: You are a shopper. Choose six things from this unit and write your shopping list. You have 40 euros for all your shopping, Ask the shop assistants and try to buy all the things on your lst. How much does she pay for all her shopping? How much do you pay? Student B: You are a shop assistant. You sell fut, vegetables and EAB do we usually use kilos, grammes drinks. Choose six things from this unit for your shop. Write them down or litres when we buy these things? and write a price next to each one, eg. coflee-3 euros for 250g coffee carrots coffee cola fruit juice Student C: You are a shop assistant. You sell meat, fish, cheese, milk lamb mineral water potatoes and butter. Choose six things from this unit for your shop. Write them suger down and write a price next to each one, e.g. milks eure for alte 1b Do your roleplay. Look at the audioscript on page 153 if necessary. © Change roles and do the roleplay again, 4 Reference Countable and uncountable nouns: much/many/a lot of Countable nouns “Things that we can count. 1 banana, 2 bananas ‘Things we can’t count. rice, salt Uncountable nouns “They have singular and plural forms. apple, apples front of them. 25 bananas We can use numbers ‘We use many in questions and negatives. | don’t eat many appl We use how many to How many bananas do you We use much in questions and negatives. don’t drink much mitk We use how much to ask questions. How much water do you drink every day? We can use a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns. Do you eat a lot of burgers/cheese? * Show the quantity (how much/many) of countable and uncountable nouns by using another noun (e.g. @ bag) or a measurement (e.g. kilos) + of'n front of the noun. A bag of bananas. A glass of water. A litre of water. a/an, some and any Singular countable nouns We use a/an before singular countable nouns when there is only one of the noun. © | Wehaveacar © * Wedon't have a car. — @ —* Doyouhave a car? Plural countable nouns We use some and any to talk about a number of something, when we don’t know how many, or the ‘number isn’t important. We usually use some in positive statements, and any in negative statements and questions. We use some and any with plural countable nouns. We have some magazines. We don't have any magazines. Do you have any magazines? Uncountable nouns. We also use some and any with uncountable nouns. ° fe have some cheese. e We don’t have any cheese. e Do you have any cheese? Object pronouns ‘We use subject pronouns (see page 17) before verbs, and object pronouns after verbs. Subject 1 he she it we you the pronouns ridin haere eal Object = me him her it us you them | pronouns = & ij He loves them. She loves him. They love me! ig He loves her. Key vocabulary Food Dishes: burger fies hotdog pizza salad sandwich Meat and fish: beef chicken duck ham lamb lobster pork scallops seafood Fruit and vegetables: apple banana beans carrot ried fruit pineapple potato strawberry tomato (water)melon Drinks: coffee cola fruit/orange juice milk water Other: biscuits bread butter cheese chocolate ctisps eggs nuts pasta rice spices sugar Containers: bag. bin bottle box can carton jar packet tube Money: cash machine coin creditcard note receipt Adjectives for physical and emotional states: fit healthy/unhealthy hungry thirsty tired see Writing bank page 138 EBD match the sentence halves. 4 usually buya a. tomatoes for this recipe. 2 Weoftengetten bof chocolates to his 3. She puts 100 itfriend every Saturday. ‘grammes of milk every day. 4 drink acarton — d_pizzaon Friday evening. 5 Weneedacanof e bags of crisps at the 6 He takes a box supermarket. f ofcheese in the cheeseburger BAB choose the correct words in italics. How much/@fanporanges do you eat? 1 How much/many students come to your lesson? 2. She drinks three lites of waters/water every day 3 Let's have two/two kilos of those nice brown eggs for breakfast. 4 How much/meny money do you have in your pocket? 5 How manyimuch sugar do you eat every week? ‘Amanda phones her husband, but he doesn't answer, Complete her message with a, some or any. ‘Hello John. Please listen to this message. Can you {0 to the shops and get some things for dinner? We need (2)_fish, and (2)_box of eggs. ‘think we have (3) _potatoes, but we don't have (4) __coffee. Do we have (5) carrots? Can you check? Please buy (6) cheese, and I like (7) That's it. Oh. we don’t have (6) you get some? Thanks. See you later” butter - can | EB Replace the underlined words with pronouns and rewrite the sentences. Mr Bosgrove takes my friend and me to work in his car. | He takes us to work in his cor H 1 Mymother and I go shopping with Julia and Carla every Saturday. 2 Mysister gets up before my brother and me. 3 David and Serena don't take the children on holiday. My uncle uses the computer every day. 5 Myfriend and | have lunch with Maria every Tuesday. | Review and practice carton of orange juice. Complete the dialogue with the correct pronouns. ‘A: Hello, Mrs Lovett. How are you? B: Oh, hello Sonia. (1) ‘i fine, thanks. ‘A: How’s your husband? B: (2) *s fine. He works in the supermarket now. A: Yes, | know. | see (3) when Ido my shopping. And how are the twins, Jake and erty? B: Oh, (4) "re very well. ‘A: Do they go to school on the bus? B: No. take (5) with) every morning. Who is their teacher? It's Mrs Moore. Do you know (7) 2 A: Yes, | do, (8) lives in our street. She always says ‘Hello’ to (5) in the car Put the letters in the correct order to write the food words. hesdwina ‘sandwich erbug b eabrd b onermwalte w___ t © P ‘otmotsea cckechin iim apzzi Which container do we usually use for these things? coffee jar 4 water butter rubbish biscuits cola [TT EAB Use adjectives to complete the sentences. 1 want to be healthy so| eat a lot of salad and frui tm. | want to go to bed now. ‘Are you__? Do you want a glass of water? 4 Don’t smoke. It's 5 Carol goes to the gym every day. She's very 6 I'm - Do you have any biscuits?

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