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G present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs

V food and cooking Do you drink

P short and long vowel sounds a lot of• coffee?
Yes, but I'm
trying to cut down
at the moment.


a D o the quiz in pairs.
Can you think of...?
1 Is there any food or drink that you
couldn't live without? How of t en do you
eat/ drink it?
ONE red f ru it, ONE yellow fruit, ONE green fruit
2 Do you ever have
TWO kinds of food that some people are allergic to
a ready-made food?
THREE kinds of food that come from milk b takeaway food? What kind?
FOUR vegetables that you can put in a salad 3 What's your favourite
FIVE containers that you can buy foo d in a f ruit?
SIX t hings t hat people somet imes have for breakf ast b veget able?
Are there any that you really don't like?
b >- p.152 Vocabulary Bank Food and cooking. 4 When you eat out do you normally order
meat, fish, or vegetarian?
c 4 l)) Listen to these comrnon adjectives to describe
5 What food do you usually eat
food. Do you know \.vhat they niean? Then say one kind
a w hen you're feeling a bit down?
of food \.vhich \Ve often use with each adjective.
b before doing sport or exercise?
fresh frozen low-fat raw ~cy takeaway t inned c before you have an exam or some
important work to do?

2 PRONUNCIATION short and long vowel sounds a lJ 6 >)) Listen to five people talking. Each
person is ans\veri11g one of the q uestions in
a Look at the eight sound pict u res. What are the \vords and sounds?
Food & Eatins above. Match each speaker
\ Vhar part of the symbol tells you that a sound is long?
\vi t h a question.
l ~ squid ch icken sausages roast ::±] Speaker A ___; Speaker D
l sptey gr illed chocolate box CJ
Speaker B 11
Speaker E

2~ beef stca1ned r a\\ fork _ Speaker C

beans breakfast boiled salt b Listen again and make notes about their
ans~rers . Con1pare ~r ith a partner.
pr a\\'ns salinon cook s ugar
lan1b cabbage n1 ushroon1s food c Ask and ans\.ver the questions \·Vith a pa rtner.
4 .~~
n1argar1ne ca rton
iar warn1 ss:J c ucumber beetroot
fr uit d uck
What do you have in con1111on?

b Look at the \vords in each list. C ross ou t the word \vhich doesn't
have the sound in the sound picture.

c 1)5 >)) Listen a nd check.

d >- p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the t ypical

spellings of the sounds in a .
a Are the foo ds in the list c arbohydrates
or proteins ? \\lith a partner, thi n k of four
1nore kinds of food for each category.
cake chicken past a salmon
We live in a stressful world, and daily life can sometimes
b \Vith a partner, answer the ques tions below make us feel tired, stressed, or depressed. Some people go
wit h either carbol1ydrates or prote ins . to the doctor's for help, others try a lternative therapies,
W hat kind of food do you think it is bet ter to but the place to find a cure could be somewhere completely
eat .. . ? different: in the kitchen.
r Paul Clayton, a food expert f rom Middlesex University, says
• for lunch if you have a n i 1n portant exa n1 o r
n1eeting D 'The brain is affected by what you eat and drink, j ust like every
other par t of your body. Certain types of food contain substances w hich
• for breakfast
affect how you th ink and feel.'
• for your evening 1neal
• if you are feeling stressed For example, food which is high in carbohydrates can make us f eel more
relaxed. It also makes us feel happy. Research has shown t hat people on
c Look at the title of the article. \Vhat do yo u diets often begin to feel a litt le depre ssed after two weeks because they
th in k it means? Read tl1e article once to are eat ing fewe r car bohydrates.
find o ut, a nd to check your ans\.vers to b.
On the other hand, food which is r ich in protein makes us feel awake
d Read the a rticle again. T h en \.vith a par tner, and focused. Research has shown that schoolchildren who eat a high-
say in your O\vn \.vords '" hy the protein breakfast often do better at school than children whose
followi ng people a re n1ent ioned. breakfas t is lower in protein. Also, eating the r ight kind of mea l
at lunchtime can make a difference if you have an exam in the
G ive as 111uch info r n1ation as yo u
afternoon or a business meeting where you need to make some
quick decisions. In an experiment fo r a BBC TV programme t wo
1 Dr Paul Clayton chess players. both former British ch ampions, had diffe rent
2 people o n diets meals before playing each oth er. Paul had a plate of prosciutto
3 schoolchi ldren and salad (f ull of protein f rom th e red meat), and his opponent
4 Paul and Terry Ter ry had pasta with a creamy sauce (f ull of carbohydrate). In the
chess match Terry felt sleepy, and t ook much longer t han Paul t o
5 nightclub owners in Bournemouth
make decisions about w hat moves to make. The experiment
e Find adjectives in the article for the verbs was repeated several times with th e same result.
a nd nouns in the list. W hat's the differe nce Another powerful mood foo d could become a secret
bet \veen the t\vo adjectives n1ade fro n1 weapon in th e figh t against crime. In Bournemouth in
stress? the south of England, where late-night violence can be
a problem, some nightclub owners have come up with
st ress (noun) (x2) relax (verb) wake (verb)
sleep (verb) power (noun) v iolence (noun) a solution. They give t heir clients f ree chocolate at th e end
oil (noun) of the night. The results have been dramatic, wi th a 60'\o'o
reduction in violent incidents.
f i\sk and answer the questio ns \.vi t h a Why does chocolate make people less aggressive? Fi rst , it
pa rtner. causes the brain to release feel- good chemicals called endorphins. It
also contains a lot of sugar, which gives you energ y, and can help stop
1 What time of day do you norn1ally eat
late-night tired ness t urning into aggression. These two things, together
protein and carbohydrates? Ho'" do they
w ith a delicious taste, make chocolat e a powerful mood changer.
n1ake you feel?
2 How often do you eat chocolate? Does it
n1ake you feel happier? Mood food - what the experts say
3 After readi ng the article, is there a nyth ing • Blueberries and cocoa can raise concentration levels for up
... to five hours.
you '"ould change about your eating habits?
• Food that is high in protein helps your brain to work more
• For relaxation and to sleep better, eat carbohydrates.
• Dark green vegetables (e.g. cabbage and spin.a ch) an d
oily fish (e.g. salmon) eaten regularly can help to fight

Adapted from a British newspaper

4111t<·'' m

a Ask and an s\ver the questio ns \Vit h a

pa rtner.

1 How often do you eat out?
2 What's your favo urite ... ?
a kind of food (French. Italian, etc.)
b restaurant dish
3 How important are these things to
you in a restaurant? Number them 1-4
(1 = the most important).
0 the food
0 the service
n t he atmosphere
LJthe price
4 Have you ever tried English food?
What did you thin k of it?

b 7 >)) Re ad the text abo ut S teve A nde rson.

Then lis ten to Part 1 of a n inte r vie w \Vith
hitn, and nun1ber t he photos in the o rder he
inentio11s then1.

c Lis te n again. \Vhy does h e nic ntio n each


d 1 8 >)) O\V listen to Part 2 a nd an s ,ver the

q uestio ns .
I \Vhat docs he say is t he best a nd \vorst thing
abo ut ru nning a resta ura nt?
2 What's the main d iffere nce het'>veen British
and S panish customers?
STEVE ANDERSON has always had a passion fo r food.
He was first taught to cook by his mother, who is half
3 What kind of custome rs does he fi nd
Burmese. After studying physics at university, he got a
diffic ult?
holiday job helping on a cookery course in Italy, where he
4 Ho' v does he think eating h abits in S pain met several famous chefs. One of them, Alastair Little. later
a re cha ngin g? employed him as a trainee chef. Two years later he moved
e \V h a t ab o ut yo u? Ans\vcr the q uestio n s \Vith to Valencia in Spain and opened a restaurant, Seu Xerea,
a pa rtne r. now one of the most popular restaurants in town.

What was yo ur favourite food 'vhe n you

\Vere a child?
2 ls thcrc anything that you like/ do n't li ke
3 In yo ur country, '>vhen people eaLout \vou Id
they norn1a lly tell the chef \vhat t hey really
th ink about the food?
.+ Do you knO\\' a nyone \vho is a 'difficult
cu tomer' in restau rants?

present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs
a 1 9 l)) Listen again to son1e of the th ings S teve said. ~ the form of the
verb he uses.
1 T his \.veek for example I cook / l'rn cook in fl nearly every day. \Ve usuall)' close /
are usuall)1closing on S undays and t-.1ondays, but this Monday is a pub Iic
2 T he British a l ~1ays say/ are saying t hat everything is lovely.
3 Actually, I think Tprefer / I arn pref errirzB that honesty, because it helps us to
know \.Vhat people Ii ke.
4 Unfort unately, I t hink the)' Bet / they're BettinB \Vorse. People eat / are eating
n1ore unhealthily.
b \Vith a partner, say \vh y yo u think he has chosen each forn1 .
c > p.132 Grammar Bank lA. Learn n1ore abou t the present simple and the
present conti nuous , and practise thern.

d M ake questions to ask your par tner \Vith the present sin1ple or continuous.
Ask for n1ore in formation.
On a tvpical
, dav
, 1\t the n1omcnt / no,vadays
- What / usually have fo r breakfast? - / need to buy any food today?
- / drin k Coke o r fi zzy drinks? Ho\v - / \vant anything to eat r ight no,v?
rnany glasses / drin k a day? What.?
- \Vhere / usually have lunch? - / take vitarnins or food
- \Vhat / usually have fo r lunch su pplements at the n1oment?
during the \Veek? - / tr y to cut do\.vn on anyt hing at the
- / ever cook? \Vhat / make? rnornent?
/ prefer eating at hon1e or eating - / the d iet in your co untry/ get
o ut? better or \.Vorse?



1 Men are better cooks than women.
2 Both boys and girls should lea rn to cook at school.
3 Cheap restaurant s usua lly serve bad food.
4 On a night out with friends, where and w hat you eat isn't important.
5 Not all f ast food is unhealthy.
6 Every country thin ks that their cuisine is the best in the worl d.

a ti 13 l)) Listen topeople d iscussing sentence l. \Vho do yo u agree with

more , the man or the won1an? Why?

b 14l)) Listen to the phrases in the Useful la11g11age box . Copy t he intonation.

p Useful language: Giving your opinion (1)

For example...
I agree. I'm not sure.
I don't agree. (I think) it depends. In my opinion ...

c In sn1all g ro u ps, say \v hat you think about sentences 2-6. Try to use the
Usef11l lang11age phrases .

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