Industrial Safety

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MIE 475

Industrial Safety
Industrial safety refers to the management of all operations and events within an industry in order
to protect its employees and assets by minimizing hazards, risks, accidents, and near misses.

Industrial safety is overseen by federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The Occupational
Safety and Health Association (OSHA) is the primary regulatory body that is dedicated to ensuring
industrial safety.

Industrial safety covers a number of issues and topics affecting safety of personnel and the integrity
of equipment in a particular industry.

The following topics are generally discussed:

 General Safety – General aspects of safety which are common to all industries
 Occupational Safety and Health – Particularly associated with the occupation
 Process and Production Safety
 Material Safety
 Workplace Safety – Safety issues directly related to the workplace setting
 Fire Safety
 Electrical Safety – Arising from the equipment used
 Building and Structural Safety – Including installations as per existing building code
 Environmental Safety – Concerns the direct and indirect environmental impact of the

What is Industrial Pollution?

While there are many different types of pollution, industrial pollution refers explicitly to any
contamination caused by industrial activities. Industrial pollution is a big issue because most
pollution is caused by some industry, making it the most significant form of pollution on the planet.

The effects of industrial pollution are vast, causing water contamination, a release of toxins into
soil and the air, and it is the cause of some of the most significant environmental disasters of all

Six Causes of Industrial Pollution

The causes of industrial pollution are extensive but here is a list of some of the top reasons.

Safina-E-Tahura Siddiqui
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, CUET
MIE 475

1. Industrial Growth that is Unplanned

A lot of air and water pollution has occurred from companies who ignored rules or standard
practices to facilitate rapid growth. Industrial growth has been a frequent culprit for pollution.

2. Lack of Effective Policies

Many industries have been able to ignore or entirely bypass pollution laws because the policies
are either not valid, or not adequately enforced by pollution control boards. The result has been
significant pollution that has had a direct effect on many people.

3. The Sheer Number of Industries

There are many industries and factories, and most of them are polluting the air every day. Small
sectors that have to rely on grants from the government to keep operating are often able to avoid
following environmental regulations. Those companies have been discovered to release significant
amounts of toxic gas, making pollution an even more substantial issue from those smaller

4. Using Old and Outdated Technology

Updating technology is expensive, and there are many companies and plants which are relying on
outdated technology to continue operating their business successfully. Older technologies tend to
produce large amounts of waste.

Even when companies realize the harmful effect they are having on the environment, they choose
to save money by keeping their old systems instead of upgrading.

5. Natural Resource Use

Raw material is necessary for a lot of industries, which requires them to pull underground
elements. One of the most common forms of leaching from natural resources is fracking for oil.
When industries pull minerals, the process causes pollution in the soil and also causes oil leaks
and spills that are harmful and deadly to people and animals.

6. Improper Disposal of Waste

One of the most common forms of soil and water pollution are because of companies who do not
dispose of their waste correctly. This is one of the most significant causes of pollution because the
effects include severe and chronic health issues and lower air quality.

Safina-E-Tahura Siddiqui
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, CUET
MIE 475

The Effects of Industrial Pollution

The causes of industrial pollution are extensive but here is a list of some of the top reasons.

1. Water Pollution

The ecosystem has been significantly impacted because of pollution, and the consequence will
affect many future generations. Big industries and manufacturing plants use significant amounts
of water from nearby lakes, rivers, and oceans to operate.

During the manufacturing process, the water is exposed to chemicals, heavy metals, organic
sludge, and radioactive waste. That water is then dumped back into its original water source. Not
only does this process affect the plants, animals, and insects in their habitat, farmers also use that
water for irrigation, causing harmful effects to the food we eat.

Water pollution has caused many different groundwater sources to be labeled as unsafe for people
and animals alike. Once it is rendered dangerous, the only use for that water is for it to be reused
in the plants that initially harmed it.

2. Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is the result of land degradation, and it is caused because of human-made
(xenobiotic) chemicals as a result of industrial activity, the improper disposing of waste and
various agricultural chemicals. Soil pollution poisons agriculture and sometimes kills local

The results of soil pollution include chronic health concerns for people who work with soil, for
farmers, and for people who consume the fruits and vegetables from contaminated land.

3. Air Pollution

Similar to water and soil pollution, air pollution has been the culprit for many illnesses,
increasingly frequent over time. The effects of air pollution have an impact on everyone, every
day. It is caused by the smoke released by various industries.

Safina-E-Tahura Siddiqui
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, CUET
MIE 475

4. Animal Extinction

Pollution is one of the most significant contributors to global warming. There are conspiracy
theories and people who believe global warming doesn’t exist, but scientists and environmentalists
have proven the existence of global warming.

The rapid increase of global warming is of concern to many people. The greenhouse gasses, and
the smoke that causes it is released into the air daily and causing consequential problems. Glaciers
are melting, polar animals are becoming extinct, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, and other natural
disasters are increasing, and all of those are the effects of global warming.

5. Natural Resource Use

Industrial pollution continues to cause significant damage to the earth and all of its inhabitants. It
disrupts natural habitats and rhythms, affecting wildlife and ecosystems. Animals are becoming
extinct, and habitats are being destroyed.

Pollution is the culprit for oil spills and radioactive material leaks, and both of those types of
disasters take years to decades to clean up.

Facts about Industrial Pollution

Industrial pollution is wreaking havoc on the planet. Every nation is affected, and there are many
people who are working tirelessly to increase awareness and advocate for change. The activities that
are causing pollution include:

 Burning fossil fuels like oil, natural gas, and petroleum.

 Burning coal.
 Chemical solvents used in dyeing and tanning industries.
 Untreated gas and liquid waste being released into the environment.
 Improper disposal of radioactive material.

Reducing Industrial Pollution

As the harmful effects of industrial pollution increase, there are many agencies and individuals
who are working to reduce carbon footprints and live and work eco-friendlier. Here are some of
the different steps being taken to reduce and eliminate pollution:

Safina-E-Tahura Siddiqui
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, CUET
MIE 475

 Development of better technology for waste disposal.

 Increased recycling efforts.
 Development of cooling rooms or bins that allow industries to recycle the water they
need instead of pushing it back into the natural water source it came from.
 Adopting organic water and soil cleaning methods, like using microbes that feed off of
metal and waste.
 Creating policies that prevent land misuse.

Other Ways to Control or Reduce Industrial Pollution:-

Here are some of the ways companies are working to reduce industrial pollution.

1. Source Control

Adopting new technology, efficiently training employees for safe use and disposal of waste, and
being more conscientious about the raw materials used can help control industrial pollution at the

2. Industry Site Selection

Putting more consideration into where new sites are located, and the potential impact of the
environment surrounding it can help reduce harmful consequences.

3. Proper Treatment of Industrial Waste

By developing and implementing adequate treatment habits for handling industrial waste, pollution
can be reduced.

4. Planting and Rebuilding

Rebuilding habitats by planting more trees and plants can help give wildlife back their homes and
the trees can help purify air, output oxygen, and act as a buffer against the environment.

5. Stricter Laws and Enforcement

While we do have the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) working to correct the damage
from pollution, they need more ability to take action against the companies who do not follow
proper protocol. Rule enforcement needs to have stronger consequences and more significant
rewards for the companies who do operate properly.

Safina-E-Tahura Siddiqui
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, CUET
MIE 475

6. Regular Environmental Impact Assessments

Being a responsible company or industry should require regular environmental impact assessments
that are reported for evaluation. If there are harmful impacts discovered during the review, actions
to correct the negative consequences should be developed and enforced.

Final Thoughts

Even though all nations are affected by Industrial Pollution, the ones who are most affected are
the developed nations, followed closely by developing countries. As the realization of the damage
of industrial pollution is increasing, stricter rules are being enforced to hopefully minimize
potential environmental damage.

One of the most significant issues that are arising out of the awareness and stricter rules is that
there are some companies who fight against the change by outsourcing their work to countries that
are less developed and do not have severe environmental laws.

Those countries are already considered delicate habitats because they are underdeveloped and
unable to enforce environmental laws because they lack the resources. For people and companies
who genuinely want to make a difference, the time has to be spent to find a balance between the
progresses we so hope to achieve and the sustainability of all the life systems that keep us alive.

There is a balance to the ecosystem, and industrial pollution threatens to ruin it.

Safina-E-Tahura Siddiqui
Lecturer, Dept. of ME, CUET

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