SCBW Reference 3.2

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Marine x6 1 +1 5 4 6 Zealot x6 2 +1 7 5 Zergling x9 1 +1 6 3

6 4 6 5 6 5 4
5 5 5 6 6 4 5
5 5 6 5 7 5 5
6 6 6 6 7 5 6
1 1 65 7 3 7 Leg Enhance 1 2 @ opp X ground < cost 1 46 0 5
Stim Packs 7 4 7 Dragoon 2 1 +1 6 6 7 Burrow cloak 0 6
Firebat 1 1 +1 6 4 5 7 5 Metabolic Boost 2 = if suff +2 stren

1 1

splash MZZ 6 5 7 7 8 Hydralisk x6 1 1 +1 5 5 5

6 5 8 7 8 5 6 6

6 6 Singularity Charge 1 + +1 +1 6 6 7
6 6 Dark Templar 1 2 +1 7 6 7 6 7
1 1 65 7 3 cloak 7 7 1 46 0 5 0

Stim Packs 7 4 8 7 ++ Burrow cloak 0 6 0
Medic 1 Summon 1 = Dark Archon Aspect 1 = Lurker
Heal 1 + infantry +2 Dark Archon from Dark Templar Lurker 1 1 +1 6 6
Opt Flare x1 1 + =0 no supp =0 Mind Ctrl x1 2 2 + take over FLU from Hydralisk 7 7
Restoration 1 @ +1 card Feedback 1 + opp X asst/reinf cloak 8 7
Ghost 2 +1 5 4 6 Maelstrom 1 = prevent mobilize Ultralisk 2 2 +2 7 8
6 4 6 High Templar 1 8 8+

5 5 6 Psi Storm 1 2 + +2 detect +2 8 9+
5 6 5 Hallucination 2 + cancel combat card 1 1 45 9 9
Nuke 1 2 7 4 *0* 6 *0* Summon 1 = Archon Chitinous Plating 8 10
Lockdown 1 + V vehicles V Archon 2 +1 8 8 8 Queen 1

Cloaking Field 2 + cloak Wraith/Ghost from 2x High Templar 9 8 9 Infest CC 2 = Infest CC
Vulture 2 +1 6 5 9 8 9 Parasite 2 = detect, opp reveal
splash MZZ 5 6 8 9 8 Ensnare 1 + detect +1 S=0

6 6 Corsair 2 1 +1 6 8 Spawn Broodling 2 + opp destroy ground


7 7 7 ++ 7 Infested Terran 1 7 5
Spider Mines 1 56 7 7 8 8 at Infested CC 8 6
SD if no detect 8 7 Disruptive Web 2 + Air Sup no +1F G sacrifice 9 6
Goliath 2 1 +1 6 7 7 Reaver 2 2 +2 7 7 Defiler 2 (Burrow if FLU)
1 1

1 1

1 1

6 7 8 7 8 Plague 1 2 + auto detect auto

6 7 8 8 8 Dark Swarm 2 + R ranged
7 8 7 8 8 Consume 1 @ 3 cards for unit/worker
Charon Boosters 1 2 @ def: opp X flying 9 7 Scourge 2 5 7
Siege Tank 2 2 +2 7 8+ 1 65 9 8 sacrifice 6 8
1 1

7 8 Increased Reaver Capacity 10 9 6 9

8 8 Scout 2 2 +1 7 7 8 Mutalisk 2 1 +1 7 6 7
1 1

1 1

8 8 8 7 8 splash MZZ 7 7 7
1 1 65 9 8 7 8 7 8 7 8
Siege Mode 8 9 7 8 8 7 8 7
Wraith 2 1 +1 6 7 6 Arbiter Stasis 1 2 + =0 both =0 Aspect 1 = Guardian/Devourer
1 1
1 1

6 7 7 2 Cloaking 1 = cloak non-Arbiter Guardian 1 +2 8 7

7 7 7 Recall 2 = mobilize: 1 to Arbiter from Mutalisk 7 8
7 8 7 Carrier 3 2 +2 7 8 7 8 8
1 1

Cloaking Field 2 + cloak Wraith/Ghost 8 8 8 1 1 54 9 8

Science Vessel 2 detect 9 8 9 Improved Flyer Attack 10 8

Defense Matrix 1 = +1 8 9 8 Devourer 1 +2 8 8

Irradiate 1 + +1 SD soft +1 9 8 9 from Mutalisk 8+ 8
EMP Shockwave 2 + +P reinf +P 1 56 9 9 9 9 ++ 7
Valkyrie 1 2 +2 6 9 Increased Carrier Capacity 10 9 10 1 1 54 8 9
7 7 Khaydarin Core 2 = +1 hand, recharge Improved Flyer Attack 9+ 9
7 8 Observers 1 @ pay 1g for detect Sarah Kerrigan (hero) major major
Battlecruiser 3 2 +2 7 8+ 7 2.8 Shield Battery 1 F +2 at base Psionic Storm + +2 C&D +2
1 1

8 8 8 4.2 Shields x3 F +1 Gamete Meiosis 2 = +1 hand, recharge

9 8 9 Improved Reactors 2 = +1 hand, recharge Pneum. Carapace 1 = +3 stack on attack
8 9+ 8 Scanner Sweep 1 @ detect Improved Carapace 1 1 F +1
1 1 47 9 9 9 3.2 Bunker 1 F infantry +3 at base 3.3 Sunken Colony 1 F +2 at base
Yamato Gun 10 9 10 3.8 Repair F vehicles +1 worker 3.7 Swarm F +1 if supp +1
StarCraft Reference 3.1 @instinctive
Jim Raynor Aldaris The Overmind
Raynor’s Raiders SVC 6 resource areas V F 2M 8W X Predestined SVC 20 CP victory, win at end D 2Z 7W X The Swarm SVC base on 3 planets H 4Z 8W X
Covert Operations 3 Ghosts, build/move ops 2F 3M 7W X Conclave Fleet build/move fleet 2D 8W X The Overmind gain Overmind: 1CP/turn 2H 3Z 7W X
Storage Facilities 3 resources, 1 r/w/turn (max 3) V 3M 9W X Riches of Aiur undeplete 2/turn, no deplete events D Z 9W X Endless Hunger permanent 1 mineral 1 gas 2H Z 9W
Jim Raynor hero Vulture +2H, +1A all skirmishes Fenix hero Dragoon +2H, may use High Templar cards Torrasque hero Ultralisk, may replace at end of Regroup
Make Do With Little 2x R&D/Supply, Build: +1 worker/transp Khala Devotee move bottom order to top of one stack Cerebrate Doggath place 1 free order at start of planning
To the Bitter End each opponent –2CP Destiny skip normal and special victory checks this phase Teeming Swarm execute Build, move all workers to pool
Psi-Disruptor all opp retreat from planet with friendly unit The Will of the Conclave place 2 orders each round (8 total) The Swarm Flies destroy 1 enemy transport on each route
Arcturus Mengsk Tassadar Queen of Blades
Terran Dominion SVC two planets G F 2M 8W X Domination SVC most areas 3Z 8W X A New Power Rising SVC 3 CP areas 2H 3Z 7W X
The Sons of Korhal gain Star Order token Gol Med 3M 7W X Warp Gate gain Warp Gate: move at regroup D 2Z 7W X Forward Planning start with 2 bases 6Z 8W 2X
Emperor Arcturus I choose planets and player F 3M 9W X Orbital Platform permanent 2 minerals DT 2Z 9W X Glimpse the Future choose all Z-axis, all transp IT 4Z 9W
The Norad II hero Battlecruiser +1H, search deck for 1 card Zeratul hero Dark Templar +1A +1H, SoB: destroy 1 ground Sarah Kerrigan hero Infested Terran, no sac, all majors, tech
Tactical Mastery place 2x 1CP token in non-CP areas Gantrithor hero Carrier +1H, revenge: destroy unit/base/inst Hasten the End draw 4 event cards
Terran Civilization level III buildings, free special Builds Return to Aiur place 8 transports, cannot be destroyed Subtle Influence opp max 1 order on planet with most units
Scorched Earth Policy 2x Battlecrsr/Siege Tank, BCs gain CD Ultimate Sacrifice destroy friendly: all units 1 area of planet Deathblow free special Mobilizes

Supply +1 build limit Planning Phase Build (in order)

1 Terran x4 Clockwise from first player, 4x around: 1. base: units, workers, transports
1 Protoss x3 • Place order on/adjacent to planet with friendly area. 2. base/unit: 1 building and/or module
Zerg N/A Execution Phase 3. unit: base
Clockwise from first player until all orders are removed: +1 build limit, 1 resource discount
Research +1 special order • If no more orders, skip.
2 Terran x3 • If all orders are obstructed, draw event card. Mobilize
Protoss x3 • Reveal order: either draw event card or execute it. – move units to active planet
– may only move to one enemy area
2 Zerg x3 Regroup Phase
– start battle if moved to enemy area
• Destroy enemy-occupied bases/installations.
Air Support base may not be • Destroy transports, lose resource areas and workers. in battle: +2 cards, +1 attack
3 Terran attacked via
transport, • Gain friendly or uncontested resource areas.
3 Protoss +1 vs flying, • Return workers and special orders to pool. Research
detector • Choose and reveal Leadership cards if new Stage. – draw 1 event card and 3 combat cards
3 Zerg
• Gain CP for controlled areas. Check for normal victory. – may purchase 1 technology
Offensive destroy transport • Check for special victory conditions (Stage III only). – if tech remains, shuffle with discards
to attack into • Choose and reveal event cards. add 1 tech to hand or draw 1 more event
2 Terran Air Support
2 Protoss base • Discard combat cards to hand limit. Pass first player.
1 Zerg
– limit 1 per planning phase per player
Battle Sequence – immediate mobilize to 1 friendly area
Defensive swap 2 defenders • Attacker then Defender.
– place Guard token in this area
2 Terran • Use 1 start of battle ability (Guard counts as SoB).
– Guard is Defender SoB: +2H minimum
1 Protoss • Draw combat cards.
2 Zerg • Attacker forms skirmishes. Resolve Skirmishes
• Assign supporting units. • Reveal and resolve cards.
Assist +1 assist unit stacking • Place combat cards. • Determine combat values.
1 Terran • Resolve skirmishes. • Determine "sufficient strength" and attack-ability.
2 Protoss • Resolve Collateral and Splash Damage. • Destroy units.
2 Zerg • Resolve retreats. • Withdraw undetected "destroyed" cloaked units.

Stage I Stage II Stage III

2 Aggressive Strategy +1 hand, +1 card when attacking 1 Adaptive Strategy draw 2 pick 1 for blind play 3 The End Draws Near +1CP or execute another event card
2 Defensive Strategy +2 cards when defending 1 Heroic Strategy gain CD if H is 3 more or FLU hero 1 Unconventional Strategy may use each special order
2 Versatile Strategy may execute 2 Event cards in future 1 Industrial Strategy regroup 1 CP for 1 mineral + 1 gas 2 Double Time move all workers to pool
2 Advanced Reconnaissance SoB opp play faceup 2 Progressive Strategy regroup draw 1 event card 2 Accelerated Progress execute top card of event deck
1 Desperate Measures do not count special against limit 1 Specialized Strategy regroup 2 cards from draw/discard 2 Flagship Battlecruiser/Carrier/Guardian+Scourge
2 Flawless Defense Plan SoB +2H 2 Flawless Attack Plan SoB +2A 2 Informant take opponent’s play area card and execute it
1 Preemptive Action place extra order at start of planning 2 Retreat SoB cancel battle, withdraw to 1 friendly/empty area 1 Inspiring Leadership execute unused Stage II Leadership
2 Retreat SoB cancel battle, withdraw to 1 friendly/empty area 1 Unexpected Action place extra order at end of planning 1 Materials Shortage deplete 3 resource areas
1 Subtle Planning choose Leadership card after others reveal 2 Air Support gain Wraith/Scout/Mutalisk 3 Stalling Tactic +1CP and return to event deck
2 Base Construction building or module at 1 discount 1 Brilliant Engineering free building or module 2 Surprise Assault 2 units from 1 area to 1 empty/friendly
2 Emergency Routing move 2 transports or gain 1 transport 1 Fortified Position free Defend order 2 Technological Breakthrough free tech, add to hand
1 Encrypted Data Chip 1 res, Restoration/Cloaking/Parasite 2 Invasion Preparation 2x transport or Wraith/Scout/Mutalisk
Players 2 3 4 5 6 III
2 Navigation Error swap two z-axis ends 2 Refinery Sabotage deplete 2 resource areas
Stage I & II (28) 9 13 17 21 25 21
2 Refinery Bombardment deplete 1 resource area 2 Reinforcements Marine+Tank/Hydra+Ultra/Zealot+Reaver
2 Scouting Party gain 2x Marine/Zealot/Zergling 2 Rich Vein 2x Worker and undeplete 1 resource area 2 Stellar Maelstrom destroy all transports on 1 route
2 Technological Advance tech 1 discount, take 1 in hand 2 Saboteur discard opponent’s play area event card 1 Xel’naga Artifact 2m1g, DefensiveMtx/Maelstrom/Consume

StarCraft Reference 3.1 @instinctive

Turn Sequence
Clockwise from the first player, four (4) times around:
• Place order token facedown on or adjacent to a planet with a friendly area, OR
• Limit once per planning phase, execute a Defend order in a single friendly area.
• Cerebrate Doggath and Khala Devotee may be used at start and end of phase, respectively.
EXECUTION PHASE (called the "Action Phase" in the Brood War rules)
Clockwise from first player until all order tokens are removed:
• The active player may freely destroy units, transports, bases, and installations.
• If all your order tokens have been removed, skip to the next player.
• If all your order tokens are obstructed, you must draw an event card (do not examine it).
• Reveal an unobstructed token. "Reveal" abilities may be used, e.g., Maelstrom and Conclave Fleet.
• If you cannot or choose not to execute the order, you must draw an event card.
• Execute the order. "Execute" abilities may be used, e.g., Star Order, Terran Civilization, and Deathblow.
• Any order token on a planet where you control a strategic area may be considered a free special order.
• Any other special order can only be executed if you are under your special order limit (Research modules).
Build: You must build something. Special: +1 build limit and 1 free gas or mineral for building.
• If you have a base: you may build any number of workers and transports.
• If you have a base: you may build units in empty and friendly areas up to your build limit.
• Terran and Protoss: 2 + number of Supply modules. Zerg: 2 x number of buildings.
• Tech-required units do not require a base, but do count against your build limit.
• "Build" abilities may be used, e.g., Conclave Fleet and Covert Operations.
• If you have a base or unit: you may build one building upgrade and/or one module (to faction sheet limit).
• If you have a unit: you may build a base in a friendly area. One friendly base per planet, one base or installation per area.
• Move workers onto resource cards to pay for builds. If a card is fully depleted, move workers from the card to "unavailable workers."
Mobilize: You must move at least one unit. Special: +2 additional combat cards, and +1 Attack in each skirmish.
• Move units from this planet, and planets connected with a transport, to areas of this planet (maximum 1 enemy area).
• Assist module: +1 assist unit stacking.
• If moving into an enemy area: +2 stacking (or +3 with Pneumatized Carapace) until retreat.
• You may not transport units into an enemy base area if the enemy has the Air Support module, unless you have the Offensive
module, in which case any such transport is destroyed after movement (exc: Return to Aiur).
• "Mobilize" abilities may be used, e.g., Liftoff, Covert Operations, and Recall.
• If you moved into an area with enemy units, resolve the battle. (No battle occurs if just enemy base or installation.)
Research: Requires a friendly base.
• You must draw an event card. You may draw three combat cards. You may purchase a technology.
• Special: must either draw an event card or (only if combat tech purchased) take one purchased card into hand.
• If and only if newly purchased combat cards remain, shuffle them and your discards into the combat deck.
1. Destroy bases and installations if an area is enemy-occupied. Then destroy transports if no adjacent base (exc: Return to Aiur).
2. Lose resource card if enemy area or no friendly base on planet. All workers on that card are destroyed.
3. If friendly base on planet, gain resource card for friendly areas. Gain resource card for empty areas if no enemy base on planet.
4. All workers to worker pool, all special order tokens reset, Recharge abilities reset.
5. Choose and reveal leadership cards if a new stage has been reached. Resolve in player order.
6. Gain conquest points for controlled areas. (Errata: the 1 CP for the Overmind installation is gained at this step.)
7. Check for normal victory: 15+ accumulated conquest points.
8. Check for special victory (Stage III only).
9. Choose 1 event card (must choose The End Draws Near). Resolve in player order. Reveal and discard others. Check for end victory.
10. Discard combat cards to hand limit (Terran 8, Protoss and Zerg 6, each race also has a permanent tech for +1 hand size).
11. Pass first player token clockwise. The Overmind may replace Torrasque.
1. Choose factions clockwise from first player.
2. Choose Stage I leadership cards and reveal simultaneously.
3. Each player take two planets at random using planet tokens.
4. Clockwise from first player: place first planet.
5. Counterclockwise from last player: place second planet.
6. Clockwise from first player: place z-axis route.
• Special victory conditions are worth 5 CP while maintained,
instead of automatic victory.

StarCraft Reference 3.2 @instinctive

Battles and Skirmishes
Start of Battle
• The active player may no longer voluntarily destroy units.
• Attacker and then Defender may use 1 “at the start of a battle” (SoB) ability (e.g., Guard). Return destroyed units to supply.
• If Retreat event card is played, the battle is canceled, and attackers in excess of the stacking limit are destroyed.
• Attacker draws 3 combat cards (5 with Special Mobilize). Defender draws 1 (3 if Protoss).
Skirmish Creation
• Attacker creates as many 1v1 skirmishes as possible from non-assist units.
• These are the front-line units. All other units are supporting units.
• If there are only assist units on a side, owner chooses 1 to be the single front-line unit.
• Attacker and then Defender assign supporting units to skirmishes.
• If Defender has Defensive module, make 1 swap of 2 defending non-assist units. New front-line units must be attackable.
Play Combat Cards
• Attacker and then Defender play cards face down to all skirmishes. For each skirmish:
• If front-line unit is mind-controlled, play a card blindly from its faction’s deck. You may add a reinforcement card.
• Otherwise, play a card blindly from your deck, or play one or two from your hand.
• If you play two cards from hand, one must be a values card and one must be a reinforcement card.
• If Defender has Parasite: before Defender plays, reveal Attacker's cards in skirmishes with defensive Queen in support.
Resolve Each Skirmish (in order chosen by Attacker) (see Skirmish Resolution below)
End of Battle
• Splash Damage Effects are resolved: Attacker and then Defender must destroy their own units to maximize casualties.
• Collateral Damage Effects are resolved: may destroy enemy base, installation, or workers in this area.
• Zerg may Infest Command Center.
• Units retreat as a group to a single empty or friendly area on (a) this planet or (b) adjacent planet with transport.
• Retreating units that would exceed the stacking limit are destroyed.
• If a non-assist Defender remains, Attacker must retreat.
• If an Attacker remains, Defender must retreat. If Defender is over stacking limit, excess units must retreat.
• If Attacker is over stacking limit, excess units must retreat.
• Zerg draws 1 combat card.
Reveal and Resolve Cards
• If values card was a reinforcement, draw from combat deck until you get a values card.
• Resolve reinforcement cards that match front-line unit, or alternatively a supporting unit if there is a speciality support icon.
• Timing: EMP Shockwave, then Hallucination, then Feedback, then all other cards (i.e., cancels have priority).
• If cards have the same timing, resolve Attacker then Defender.
• If there is Detector (including Air Support in friendly base area), opposing Cloaking is cancelled for this skirmish.
• The Recharge ability may be used to return one Reinforcement card to the player’s hand per Execution Phase.
Determine Combat Values
• Front-line unit gains major (match) or minor (no match) values from values card.
• Support units add support value if and only if they are attack-capable vs opposing front-line unit.
• Add modifiers from combat cards and tech, Guard (min +2H), Special Mobilize (+1A), Air Support Module (+1F at base).
Destroy Units
• If Attack equals or exceeds opposing Health, then there is sufficient strength:
• If front-line unit is attack capable vs opposing front-line unit, opposing unit is destroyed.
• Otherwise, if front-line unit is attack capable vs any opposing supporting unit, owner chooses 1 to be destroyed.
• Front-line units with Sacrifice are destroyed unless:
• (a) they were not attack-capable vs any opposing unit, or
• (b) they do not have Detector and opposing attackable unit(s) have Cloaking.
• Destroy units through other effects, such as Spawn Broodling.
End of Skirmish
• Any front-line unit with Collateral Damage that is not destroyed triggers Collateral Damage Effect.
• Any Splash Damage effect that destroyed a unit triggers Splash Damage Effect. (Sacrifice alone will not trigger.)
• Mind Control takes effect if the target is not destroyed.
• Defender and then Attacker withdraw destroyed units with Cloaking:
• Cloaking cannot save a Sacrifice unit from self-destruction, but can save from other effects.
• Units must withdraw individually to any empty or friendly area with capacity on the same planet and are "un-destroyed".
• Destroyed units with Cloaking which cannot withdraw remain destroyed.
• If the FLU played Nuke and is not now destroyed (after Cloaking resolution), the Nuke card’s 2x Splash is triggered.
• Return all destroyed units to the supply.
StarCraft Reference 3.2 @instinctive
Marine x6 1 +1 5 4 6 Zealot x6 2 +1 7 5 Zergling x9 1 +1 6 3
6 4 6attack vs ground 5 6 5 4
5 5 5 6 6 no flying attack 4 5
5 5 6 health 5 7 5 5
6 6 6 6 7 5 6
1 1 65 7 3 7 Leg Enhance
attack 1 2 @ opp X ground < cost
vs flying 1 46 0 5
Stim Packs 7 4 7 Dragoon 2 1 +1 6 6 7 Burrow cloak 0 6
Firebat 1 1 +1 6 unit 4 or tech cost 5 7 5 Metabolic Boost 2 = if suff +2 stren

1 1

splash MZZ 6 5 7 7 8 Hydralisk x6 1 1 +1 5 5 5

6 5 8 7 8 5 6 6

6 6 Singularity Charge 1 + +1 +1 6 6 7
6 6 Dark Templar 1 2 +1 7 6 7 6 7
1 1 65 7 building level
3 7 1 46 0 5 0

shade is same building
Stim Packs 7 4 8 7 ++ Burrow
+ = health bonus cloak 0 6 0
Medic 1 Summon 1 = Dark Archon Aspect 1 = Lurker
Heal 1 + infantry +2 reinforcement card Dark Archon from Dark Templar Lurker 1 1 +1 6 6
Opt Flare x1 1 + =0 no supp =0 Mind Ctrl x1 2 2 + take over FLU from Hydralisk 7 7
Restoration 1 @ +1 "at
cardstart of battle" tech Feedback 1 + opp X asst/reinf cloak 8 7
Ghost 2 +1 5 4 6 Maelstrom 1 = prevent mobilize
permanent tech Ultralisk 2 2 +2 7 8
6 4 6 High Templar 1 8 8+

5 5 6 Psi Storm 1 2 + +2 detect +2 8 9+
5 6 5 Hallucination 2 + cancel combat card 1 1 45 9 9
Nuke 1 2 7 4blue *0* 6 to *0*
= return supply Summon 1 = Archon Chitinous Plating 8 10
Lockdown 1 + V vehicles V Archon 2 +1 8 8 required
8 Queen 1

purple = tech
Cloaking Field 2 + cloak Wraith/Ghost from 2x High Templar 9 8 9 Infest CC 2 = Infest CC
Vulture 2 +1 6 5 splash damage 9 8 9 Parasite 2 = detect, opp reveal
splash MZZ 5 6 8 9 8 Ensnare 1 + detect +1 S=0

6 6 Corsair 2 1 +1 6 8 Spawn Broodling 2 + opp destroy ground


no ground attack
7 7 7 ++ 7 Infested Terran 1 7 5
Spider Mines 1 56 7 7minor combat values 8 8 at Infested CC 8 6
SD if no detect 8 7 Disruptive Web 2 + Air Sup no +1F G sacrifice
black = lose capability 9 6
Goliath 2 1 +1 6 7 7 Reaver 2 2 +2 7 7 Defiler 2 (Burrow if FLU)
1 1

1 1

1 1

6 7 8 7 8 Plague 1 2 + auto detect auto

color: ground/flying
6 7 8 8 8 Dark Swarm 2 + R ranged
7 8 7 8 8 Consume 1 @ 3 cards for unit/worker
Charon Boosters 1 2 @ def: opp X flying 9 7 Scourge 2 5 7
Siege Tank 2 2 +2 7 8 +support value 1 65 9 8 sacrifice 6 8
1 1

7 8 Increased Reaver Capacity 10 9 6 9

8 8 Scout 2 2 +1 7 7 8 Mutalisk 2 1 +1 7 6 7
1 1

1 1

8 8 8 7 8 splash MZZ 7 7 7
1 1 65 9 8 splash and collateral 7 8 7 8 7 8
Siege Mode 8 9 7 8 8 7 8 7
Wraith 2 1 +1 6 7 6 Arbiter Stasis 1 2 + =0 =0
both reinforcement Aspect 1 = Guardian/Devourer
1 1
1 1

6 7 7 2 Cloaking 1 = cloak non-Arbiter Guardian 1 +2 8 7

7 7 7 Recall 2 = mobilize: 1 to Arbiter from Mutalisk 7 8
7 8 7 Carrier 3 2 +2 7 8 7 8 8
1 1

Cloaking Field 2 + cloak Wraith/Ghost 8 8 8 1 1 54 9 8

Science Vessel 2 detect 9 8 9 Improved Flyer Attack 10 8

Defense Matrix 1 = +1 8 9 8 Devourer 1 +2 8 8

Irradiate 1 + +1 SD soft +1 9 8 9 from Mutalisk 8+ 8
EMP Shockwave 2 + +P reinf +P 1 56 9 9 9 9 ++ 7
Valkyrie 1 2 +2 6 9 Increased Carrier Capacity 10 9 10 1 1 54 8 9
7 7 Khaydarin Core 2 = +1 hand, recharge Improved Flyer Attack 9+ 9
7 8 Observers 1 @ pay 1g for detect Sarah Kerrigan (hero) major major
Battlecruiser 3 2 +2 7 8 + 7 2.8 Shield Battery 1 F +2FLU at reinforcement
base Psionic Storm + +2 C&D +2
1 1

8 8 8 4.2 Shields x3 F +1 Gamete Meiosis 2 = +1 hand, recharge

9 8 9 Improved Reactors 2 = +1 hand, recharge Pneum. Carapace 1 = +3 stack on attack
8 9+ 8 Scanner Sweep 1 @ detect Improved Carapace 1 1 F +1
1 1 47 9 9 9 3.2 1
Bunker minor
average Fvalues
infantry +3 at base 3.3 Sunken Colony 1 F +2 at base
Yamato Gun 10 9 10 3.8 Repair F vehicles +1 worker 3.7 Swarm F +1 if supp +1
StarCraft Reference 3.1 @instinctive
I sent the PDF to my local UPS Store, where it was printed in full color, two-sided, on 80# cardstock, and laminated.
I wanted a comprehensive turn sequence. The rules are clear but scattered. That’s how it started.
The spreadsheets for Terran, Protoss, and Zerg followed. I wanted to see how the combat cards related. But then, in actual play, we all
used Steve Evans’ reference sheets, because we needed to see the values. After much page-flipping, I wanted to get all the units and
tech on a single page. Et voila!
Maelstrom and Conclave Fleet both refer to "revealing" a Mobilize order. The Star Order, Terran Civilization, and Deathblow all use
language of the form "if X is revealed, it may be executed as Y". The language makes a clear distinction between reveal and execute, and
that distinction is made in these play aids.
Mind Control and Nuke both require that a front-line unit not be destroyed. Yet repeated rulings and discussion have held that a
cloaked, withdrawn unit escapes Mind Control, while the Nuke detonates even if the FLU withdraws.
The Retreat event card has caused some forum debates. Given that the card cannot be a surprise, as it will be face up in front of its
owner, I have opted for the literal interpretation, i.e., Attacker can not retreat.
Guard tokens as "start of battle" ability. Because the rules used Flawless Defense Plan as an example (BW:9), there is a substantial forum
opinion that it does not count as the single SoB ability. My opinion, reflected in these play aids, is that the specific use of the exact text
cited in the original rules (SC:29) trumps the inference from the use of FDP. Note that the "minimum +2H" stacks with nothing, not
even the +Health that appears on combat cards!
• Oliver Kanand, BW Reference
• Steve Evans, SCBW Unit Combat Tech Ref
• Stefan Sasse, Strategy Guide for StarCraft
• Guido Gloor, StarCraft Strategy
• Dave McWeasely, The StarCraft Primer
• Official FFG FAQ and Forums
• Compilation of Rulings from Corey Konieczka
• BoardGameGeek: StarCraft and Brood War
• SVC worth 5 CP instead of victory (and also this). I like this rule.
• Queen may infest even if there is no battle (and others). I like the idea of allowing infestation during the Regroup Phase.
• Collateral Damage card may be played even if there is no battle. Probably overpowered.
• Nuke gains Collateral Damage. I think most people consider Nuke underpowered, this might help.
• Give a blank order token to the single player with the least CP. From the designer of Forbidden Stars. I think won’t work in Starcraft
because CP are finer-grained, and blocking runs out the event deck clock.
• Bid workers to choose turn order. Feels clunky. Probably not needed in team games.
• Heavy units require 2 Splash Damage to destroy.
• Discard Guard tokens in Regroup Phase. From the German rules.


Science Vessel Wraith, Battlecruiser Valkyrie

Arbiter Scout, Carrier Corsair
Queen Guardian Mutalisk Scourge, Devourer

Medic Firebat, Vulture, Siege Tank Marine, Ghost, Goliath

High Templar, Dark Archon Zealot, Dark Templar, Reaver Dragoon, Archon
Defiler Zergling, Ultralisk, Lurker, Hydralisk
Infested Terran


StarCraft Reference 3.2 @instinctive

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