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country_event = {

id = 48300
news = yes
news_title = "EVTNAME48300_NEWS_TITLE"
news_desc_long = "EVTDESC48300_NEWS_LONG"
news_desc_medium = "EVTDESC48300_NEWS_MEDIUM"
news_desc_short = "EVTDESC48300_NEWS_SHORT"

trigger = {
tag = ANH #only for Anhalt
year = 1862
NOT = {
year = 1865
has_country_flag = LeopoldIVAnhalt
war = no
OR = {
government = absolute_monarchy
government = hms_government

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 8

modifier = {
factor = 0.95 #increase likelihood to happen
year = 1863

modifier = {
factor = 0.95 #increase likelihood to happen
year = 1864

title = "EVTNAME48300"
desc = "EVTDESC48300"
picture = "leopoldiv"

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA48300"
prestige = 5
set_country_flag = LeopoldIVAnhalt

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