Dysfunctional Cortico-Basal Ganglia-Thalamic Circu

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Dysfunctional Cortico-Basal Ganglia-Thalamic Circuit and Altered

Hippocampal-Amygdala Activity on Cognitive Set-Shifting in Non-
Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Article  in  Arthritis & Rheumatology · December 2012

DOI: 10.1002/art.34660 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Anselm Mak
National University of Singapore


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Vol. 64, No. 12, December 2012, pp 4048–4059
DOI 10.1002/art.34660
© 2012, American College of Rheumatology

Dysfunctional Cortico–Basal Ganglia–Thalamic Circuit

and Altered Hippocampal–Amygdala Activity on
Cognitive Set-Shifting in Non-Neuropsychiatric
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Tao Ren, Roger Chun-Man Ho, and Anselm Mak

Objective. To explore sequential brain activities cortico–basal ganglia–thalamic–cortical circuit in lupus

throughout cognitive set-shifting, which is critical to patients in order to maintain their cognitive test perfor-
understanding the basic pathophysiology of cognitive mance as comparable to that of the healthy subjects.
dysfunction, in patients with new-onset systemic lupus Conclusion. Our study revealed significant differ-
erythematosus (SLE) without neuropsychiatric symp- ences in the sequential brain signals during cognitive
toms. set-shifting between patients with SLE without neuro-
Methods. Fourteen patients with new-onset SLE psychiatric symptoms and healthy subjects. The results
but without neuropsychiatric symptoms and 14 healthy prompt further in-depth investigation for the functional
controls matched for age, sex, education level, and neural basis of cognitive dysfunction involving the
intelligence quotient with the patients performed a aforementioned neural circuits and compensatory path-
cognitive set-shifting task derived from the Wisconsin ways in patients with SLE.
Card Sorting Test while they were undergoing event-
related functional magnetic resonance imaging of the Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic
brain. Blood oxygen level–dependent signals were com- and multisystemic autoimmune disorder characterized
pared between different stages of cognitive set-shifting by protean clinical manifestations. Neuropsychiatric
in the lupus patients and in the healthy subjects. SLE (NPSLE) is one of the most common manifesta-
Results. Lupus patients and healthy subjects tions of lupus, and it has hindered improvements in the
demonstrated comparable cognitive function perfor- survival of these patients over the last 5 decades (1). Of
mance, but the cortico–basal ganglia–thalamic–cortical the various symptoms of NPSLE, cognitive impairment,
circuit and amygdala–hippocampus coupling, which which primarily affects attention, planning, reasoning,
were involved in response inhibition and active working memory, and executive function, has been
forgetting–learning dynamics, respectively, were demon-
frequently described (2). It is evident that the cognitive
strated to be compromised in patients with SLE. More-
functioning of patients with NPSLE is inferior to that of
over, an increase in contralateral cerebellar–frontal
lupus patients without neuropsychiatric symptoms and
activity was found to compensate for the compromised that of healthy individuals (3,4), as they demonstrate
poorer performance in a number of domains of cognitive
Supported by the Ministry of Education, Singapore (Tier 1 function testing, in particular, attention, information
Academic Research grant R-172-000-164-112). processing, learning, memory, and executive function
Tao Ren, PhD student, Roger Chun-Man Ho, MBBS,
MMed(Psych), DPM, MRCPsych, Anselm Mak, MMedSc, MBBS, (3–5).
MD, FRCP(Edin): National University of Singapore Yong Loo Lin Real-time functional magnetic resonance imag-
School of Medicine, Singapore. ing (fMRI) of the brain while subjects were performing
Address correspondence to Anselm Mak, MMedSc, MBBS,
MD, FRCP(Edin), National University of Singapore, Division of cognitive function tasks revealed that brain activities,
Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University Medicine Clus- which were manifested by blood oxygen level–
ter, Level 10, NUHS Tower Block, 1E Kent Ridge Road, Singapore dependent (BOLD) signals, were significantly altered in
119228. E-mail: anselm_mak@nuhs.edu.sg.
Submitted for publication May 18, 2012; accepted in revised patients with NPSLE as compared with healthy subjects
form July 31, 2012. (6,7). However, since these fMRI studies involved lupus

patients with neuropsychiatric manifestations, the find- have clinically overt neuropsychiatric symptoms. Our
ings failed to give insights as to whether the real-time goal was to map the potential functional abnormalities
brain activities in lupus patients without clinically overt in neural circuits by analyzing event-related sequential
neuropsychiatric symptoms were altered. Such knowl- activation of the brain.
edge is particularly relevant because it is currently
believed that lupus patients, even those without clinically
obvious neuropsychiatric symptoms, perform poorer
cognitively on neuropsychiatric tests than do healthy Study participants. Patients with new-onset SLE who
individuals (4,8,9). satisfied the American College of Rheumatology classification
Until recently, we used brain fMRI to evaluate criteria for the disease (16) were recruited from the Lupus
Clinic of the National University Hospital, Singapore. SLE
the event-related brain activities of lupus patients with- disease activity was measured with the Systemic Lupus Ery-
out neuropsychiatric symptoms (10). Using the Wiscon- thematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) (17), and assays
sin Card Sorting Test (WCST) for assessing neural for serum levels of complement components 3 and 4 and
activities corresponding to response selection and feed- anti–double-stranded (anti-dsDNA) antibodies were carried
back evaluation, which evaluate the performance of out in the hospital laboratory. Healthy subjects recruited from
goal-directed tasks and strategic planning skills of exec- staff working at the National University of Singapore were
individually matched with the lupus patients in terms of age,
utive function, respectively, lupus patients without neu- sex, education level, and intelligence quotient (IQ). Each
ropsychiatric symptoms demonstrated significantly in- participant’s IQ was evaluated with the Wechsler Abbreviated
creased brain activities in regions that enhanced event Scale of Intelligence (WASI), which comprises verbal, perfor-
anticipation, attention, and working memory during RS mance, and the full IQ.
to compensate for their poor strategic planning as a Participants were ineligible for this study if they were
left-handed, were not proficient in English, had a history of
result of deactivated brain regions involved in motor
neurologic disorders, had symptoms of anxiety and/or depres-
planning, decision-making, sensory integration, error sion (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale score ⱖ8), (18)
detection, and conflict processing (10). Very recently, a had a history of a psychiatric disorder or treatment with
study performed by another group of investigators using psychotropic medications, or were positive for antiphospho-
a different functional imaging protocol demonstrated lipid antibodies. Written informed consent was obtained from
attenuated brain activities in the cerebellum, posterior the study participants, and the study was approved by the ethics
committee at our institution.
cingulate, and the adjacent precuneus in the default
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. All participants were
mode network in lupus patients without neuropsychiat- instructed to perform the computer-based modified WCST.
ric manifestations (11). While both of these studies Prior to the test, all participants underwent training to ensure
demonstrated altered brain signals in certain anatomic satisfactory comprehension of the sorting criteria. During
regions of the brain in lupus patients without neuropsy- response selection (RS), 4 cards appeared along the top of a
chiatric symptoms, it is pathologically more relevant to blue screen as a reference and remained unchanged as the test
ensued. On each trial, a candidate card that appeared at the
map the functional abnormalities that occur in neural center bottom of the blue screen was to be matched according
circuits by analyzing sequential activation of the brain to 1 of the 3 rules (color, number, or shape) with 1 of the
while patients are going through various sequential reference cards, as randomly generated by the program (Fig-
stages of cognitive function testing. ure 1). Participants were given 4 seconds to respond, after
The WCST, which is primarily regarded as a which either a bar would appear under the selected reference
card or else the words “too late” would appear on the blue
unitary system for evaluating executive function that screen, which signified trial termination, and the test would
recruits cognitive processes as a whole during task move on to the next trial. After the 4-second selection time,
performance, has been increasingly used to identify the fixation display of a white cross would appear at the center of
neural basis of different cognitive stages of executive the blue screen. After another 5 seconds, feedback would
function. Using tailored set-shifting tasks derived from appear on the screen as “Right” or “Wrong,” indicating a
correct or incorrect card selection, respectively. The feedback
the original WCST (12), the modified version of the stimulus would appear for 500 msec, during which feedback
WCST was able to demonstrate that the prefrontal evaluation (FE) was allowed, and then the display would
cortex, hippocampus, and striatum were sequentially change to fixation until the inception of the next trial.
involved across cognitive set-shifting processes in a The identified rule remained unchanged for a random
stage-specific manner (12–15). We therefore undertook 3–5 successive correct feedbacks until another rule was ran-
domly generated. Appearance of the first negative feedback
this fMRI study using the modified WCST to explore (NF) after successive correct feedbacks signaled a “shift” event
brain activities across all stages of cognitive set-shifting for the study subject to abandon previously prepotent rule and
processes in patients with new-onset SLE who did not search for a new rule, subsequent negative feedback (second
4050 REN ET AL

Figure 1. Sample sequence of the modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, showing the course of cognitive set-shifting. RS ⫽ response selection;
PF ⫽ positive feedback; NF ⫽ negative feedback. Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/

NF), if applicable, would serve as a “generate” event to identify prior to statistical mapping of brain activation during the fMRI
the correct rule. The first positive feedback (PF) in a series of paradigm. Functional images were subsequently registered to
correct feedbacks was regarded as an “update” event to the T1-weighted images, and the realigned images were trans-
register the newly confirmed cognitive set in memory, while formed into Talairach space.
subsequent positive feedback (second PF) served as a “main- Beta-score maps were computed in the Talairach space
tain” event to keep the prevailing rule until a signal was using a random-effects general linear model. This model was
received to shift to another rule. constructed with separate regressors relative to a fixation
Each scanning session consisted of 5 runs, and each baseline, convolved with a canonical hemodynamic response
run lasted for 8 minutes. Figure 1 shows a sample sequence function peaking at 6 seconds after initiation of card stimulus
from the modified WCST. During the performance of the or feedback, for RS and FE. Jittering of the fixation intervals
WCST and concomitant imaging, the sequence of the “shift,” between the FE and the subsequent RS facilitated event
“generate,” “update,” and “maintain” events was kept constant deconvolution (15). A region of interest (ROI) was computed
throughout the course of the WCST, while the predefined time by analyzing the effect contrasts of the 2 categorical task
interval of the imaging sequence was entirely independent of factors, class (positive/negative) and order (first/subsequent),
the WCST event sequence. for both the RS and the FE. Significant clusters and peak
Image acquisition. Functional imaging was performed voxels that survived a false discovery rate (a statistical method
with a Siemens Symphony 1.5T MRI scanner. A blipped for correcting for multiple comparisons) of q ⬍ 0.05 were
gradient-echo echo-planar imaging sequence was applied for
reported (19). The cluster threshold was calculated with the
functional imaging, using the following parameters: repetition
Cluster-Level Statistical Threshold Estimator tool in the Brain
time 3,000 msec, flip angle 90°, field of view 192 ⫻ 192 mm,
Voyager QX software package.
and pixel matrix 64 ⫻ 64. Each run contained 156 whole-brain
Statistical analysis. Results are expressed as the
acquisitions in a plane parallel to the line between the anterior
and posterior commissures on the sagittal scout images, using mean ⫾ SD except where indicated otherwise. Data from
the following parameters: 32 oblique axial slices of 3 mm healthy controls and SLE patients were compared by Mann-
thickness, 0.3-mm gap between slices, with descending inter- Whitney U test for continuous variables and by chi-square test
leaved slice acquisition. T1-weighted anatomic reference im- for categorical variables. P values (2-tailed) less than 0.05 were
ages were acquired using a magnetization-prepared rapid considered significant. All statistical analyses were performed
gradient-echo sequence, as follows: pixel matrix 256 ⫻ 256, with the PASW Statistics software (version 18; SPSS).
field of view 206 ⫻ 206 mm, 80 slices of 2 mm thickness, and
in the coronal plane.
Image processing and statistical analysis of the BOLD
signal. Image processing and analyses were performed using Characteristics of the study participants and
the software Brain Voyager QX (version 2.1; Brain Innova-
tions). Preprocessing steps, including slice scan-time correc- performance on the WCST. Fourteen patients with
tion, motion correction, spatial smoothing (8-mm full-width new-onset SLE and 14 healthy controls matched to the
half-maximum) and linear trend removal, were performed patients in terms of age, sex, education level, and IQ

Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics and WCST performance of the study participants*
SLE patients (n ⫽ 14) Healthy controls (n ⫽ 14)
Demographic and clinical characteristics
Age, years 39.38 ⫾ 13.9 34.07 ⫾ 14.4
Sex, no. female/male 12/2 12/2
Education level, years 14.43 ⫾ 3.4 13.43 ⫾ 3.4
Full IQ 96.23 ⫾ 15.6 100.43 ⫾ 11.0
C3, mg/dl (normal 85–185) 70.46 ⫾ 25.0 (28–103) –
C4, mg/dl (normal 10–50) 15.42 ⫾ 10.9 (3–38) –
Anti-dsDNA, IU (normal ⬍20) 132.50 ⫾ 111.3 (1–250) –
SLEDAI 9.93 ⫾ 5.7 –
Prednisolone, mg/day 15.32 ⫾ 18.4 –
WCST performance
No. of rules identified 19.54 ⫾ 3.5 19.50 ⫾ 3.0
No. of errors per rule 3.04 ⫾ 2.5 2.51 ⫾ 0.7
Reaction time, msec 1,679.01 ⫾ 411.3 1,808.51 ⫾ 228.8

* Except where indicated otherwise, values are the mean ⫾ SD or the mean ⫾ SD (range). WCST ⫽
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; SLE ⫽ systemic lupus erythematosus; IQ ⫽ intelligence quotient;
anti-dsDNA ⫽ anti–double-stranded DNA; SLEDAI ⫽ Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity

were recruited. Upon recruitment, the majority of the absent. However, activated BOLD signals in the right
SLE patients had active lupus, as indicated by low serum parahippocampal gyrus and left posterior cingulate were
levels of C3 and C4 and a high serum level of anti- elicited during the condition contrast of the RS after the
dsDNA. Two patients had SLEDAI scores ⱕ4, indicat- first NF ⬍ RS after the first PF, which was absent in the
ing low levels of disease activity, while the other 12 healthy controls, implying that SLE patients required
patients had SLEDAI scores ⬎4. With regard to perfor- additional activity in these 2 regions to boost reconfigu-
mance on the WCST, the SLE patients and controls ration of the response strategy for adapting to a new
were comparable in terms of the number of rules rule. The brain activation profiles of healthy controls
identified, the number of errors per rule, and the and SLE during RS after the first NF versus after the
reaction time. Table 1 summarizes the demographic first PF are shown in Table 2 and Figure 2.
features, clinical data, and WCST performance data of Signals on fMRI during negative feedback versus
the study participants.
positive feedback. Regions that showed greater activa-
Signals on fMRI during response selection after
tion at the second NF as compared with the second PF
negative feedback versus after positive feedback. Fol-
(second NF ⬎ second PF) reflected involvement in
lowing the rule-shift signal, brain regions that yielded
greater activation during RS after the first NF as com- generating the identity of a new rule instead of keeping
pared with the RS after the first PF (RS after first NF ⬎ the prevailing one. In healthy controls, both middle
RS after first PF) implied involvement in response frontal gyri, the left medial frontal gyrus, the precentral
inhibition of the previously prepotent rule and the need gyrus, and both inferior parietal lobules were activated
to search for a new rule. In healthy control subjects, during this condition. In lupus patients, the right supe-
significantly activated BOLD signals were found in both rior frontal gyrus, the bilateral middle frontal gyri, the
middle frontal gyri, the left medial frontal gyrus, the left right inferior parietal lobule, the left superior parietal
inferior parietal lobule, the right angular gyrus, the right lobule, the left cingulate gyrus, and the right claustrum
middle occipital gyrus, the right middle temporal gyrus, were activated instead.
the left fusiform gyrus, the right claustrum, the right Brain regions that were activated in the second
globus pallidus (GP), and both thalami. The GP and PF as compared with the second NF (second PF ⬎
thalami, being the critical components of the cortico– second NF) signified their contribution to maintain the
basal ganglia–thalamic–cortical circuit, were involved in established rule rather than to generate the identity of a
response inhibition and change in behavioral set (20,21). new rule. During this condition, healthy controls had
In patients with SLE, besides brain activation in involvement of their right precentral gyrus, right precu-
various regions within the frontal and parietal lobes, the neus, left inferior parietal lobule, left middle temporal
declive of the cerebellar vermis was activated while gyrus and both hippocampi, left amygdala, right poste-
signals in the right GP and thalami were concomitantly rior cingulate, left anterior cingulate, and left cingulate
4052 REN ET AL

Table 2. Region of interest during RS and FE in healthy controls and patients with SLE*

Brain region x y z Hemisphere BA

Healthy controls
RS after first NF ⬎ RS after first PF 1 Middle frontal gyrus 41 25 30 R 9
(response inhibition) 2 Middle frontal gyrus ⫺34 50 6 L 10
3 Medial frontal gyrus ⫺1 19 45 L 8
4 Angular gyrus 32 ⫺56 39 R 39
5 Inferior parietal lobule ⫺37 ⫺56 42 L 40
6 Middle occipital gyrus 30 ⫺83 ⫺3 R 18
7 Middle temporal gyrus 50 ⫺32 0 R 21
8 Fusiform gyrus ⫺37 ⫺56 ⫺9 L 37
9 Globus Pallidus 14 ⫺2 3 R –
10 Thalamus 12 ⫺7 9 R –
11 Thalamus ⫺10 ⫺8 9 L –
12 Claustrum 29 19 0 R –
RS after first NF ⬍ RS after first PF No significant voxels
RS after second NF vs. RS after second PF No significant voxels
Second NF ⬎ second PF 13 Precentral gyrus ⫺43 1 30 L 6
(generation of new rule identity) 14 Middle frontal gyrus 29 49 3 R 10
15 Middle frontal gyrus ⫺37 50 3 L 10
16 Medial frontal gyrus ⫺1 19 45 L 8
17 Inferior parietal lobule 35 ⫺56 42 R 7
18 Inferior parietal lobule ⫺43 ⫺44 42 L 40
Second NF ⬍ second PF 19 Precentral gyrus 32 ⫺29 57 R 4
(maintenance of established rule) 20 Anterior cingulate ⫺7 43 ⫺6 L 32
21 Posterior cingulate 5 ⫺50 18 R 30
22 Cingulate gyrus ⫺10 ⫺20 39 L 24
23 Precuneus 14 ⫺44 51 R 7
24 Inferior parietal lobule ⫺49 ⫺26 27 L 40
25 Postcentral gyrus 56 ⫺23 21 R 40
26 Middle temporal gyrus ⫺52 ⫺2 ⫺9 L 21
27 Middle temporal gyrus ⫺46 ⫺59 9 L 39
28 Hippocampus 29 ⫺29 ⫺9 R –
29 Hippocampus ⫺27 ⫺29 ⫺9 L –
30 Amygdala ⫺19 ⫺11 ⫺13 L –
First NF vs. first PF No significant voxels
First NF vs. second NF No significant voxels
First PF vs. second PF No significant voxels
Patients with SLE
RS after first NF ⬎ RS after first PF 31 Superior frontal gyrus ⫺31 55 15 L 10
(response inhibition) 32 Middle frontal gyrus 32 10 51 R 6
33 Middle frontal gyrus 29 49 3 R 10
34 Middle frontal gyrus ⫺49 25 27 L 46
35 Superior parietal lobule ⫺31 ⫺68 51 L 7
36 Inferior parietal lobule 44 ⫺56 45 R 40
37 Inferior parietal lobule ⫺37 ⫺50 42 L 40
38 Inferior parietal lobule ⫺55 ⫺47 48 L 40
39 Thalamus ⫺16 ⫺8 6 L –
40 Claustrum 29 22 3 R –
41 Declive of cerebellar vermis 35 ⫺62 ⫺21 R –
42 Declive of cerebellar vermis 5 ⫺74 ⫺18 R –
RS after first NF ⬍ RS after first PF 43 Posterior cingulate ⫺7 ⫺47 21 L 30
(reconfiguration of RS) 44 Parahippocampal gyrus 23 ⫺14 ⫺15 R 28
RS after second NF vs. RS after second PF No significant voxels
Second NF ⬎ second PF 45 Superior frontal gyrus 29 49 12 R 10
(generation of new rule identity) 46 Middle frontal gyrus 41 34 30 R 9
47 Middle frontal gyrus ⫺31 58 6 L 10
48 Middle frontal gyrus ⫺46 25 24 L 46
49 Cingulate gyrus ⫺4 28 33 L 32
50 Superior parietal gyrus ⫺37 ⫺59 54 L 7
51 Inferior parietal gyrus 41 ⫺53 45 R 40
52 Claustrum 29 19 0 R –

Table 2. (Cont’d)

Brain region x y z Hemisphere BA

Second NF ⬍ second PF 53 Precentral gyrus 50 ⫺2 6 R 6
(maintenance of established rule) 54 Paracentral lobule ⫺19 ⫺38 54 L 5
55 Anterior cingulate ⫺7 31 ⫺9 L 32
56 Hippocampus 29 ⫺26 ⫺12 R –
First NF vs. first PF No significant voxels
First NF vs. second NF No significant voxels
First PF vs. second PF No significant voxels

* RS ⫽ response selection; FE ⫽ feedback evaluation; SLE ⫽ systemic lupus erythematosus; BA ⫽ Brodmann area; NF ⫽ negative feedback; PF ⫽
positive feedback.

gyrus (limbic system). In lupus patients, limbic involve- brain activation in healthy controls and SLE for second
ment in rule maintenance occurred only in the right NF versus second PF are described in Table 2 and
hippocampus and left anterior cingulate. Regions of Figure 2.

Figure 2. Composite general linear model of the blood oxygen level–dependent activation pattern seen on functional magnetic resonance imaging
in healthy control subjects and patients with new-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) during the condition contrasts of response selection (RS)
after the first negative feedback (NF) ⬎ RS after the first positive feedback (PF) as well as the second NF ⬎ the second PF. Red/yellow areas indicate
activation; green/blue areas indicate deactivation. Images are numbered according to the brain region numbering shown in Table 2.
4054 REN ET AL

DISCUSSION utive cognitive function (27,28). For example, patients

with advanced Parkinson’s disease were unable to shift
We found that the cortico–basal ganglia–
attention after undergoing bilateral pallidotomy (29).
thalamic–cortical circuit, which is involved in response
Similarly, disturbance of metabolism in the thalamus was
inhibition, was dysfunctional in lupus patients, even if
demonstrated in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome
they did not manifest clinically overt neuropsychiatric
(30), of which cognitive dysfunction is one of the most
symptoms. To compensate for the dysfunction of the common symptoms. Therefore, the absence of activity in
circuit in the lupus patients, the contralateral cerebellar the right GP and right thalamus in our lupus patients
and frontal areas of the brain were activated. Addition- suggests that they had impaired response inhibition and
ally, lupus patients showed altered activities at the reduced capability for behavioral change secondary to
amygdala and hippocampus while they tried to maintain dysfunction of the cortico–basal ganglia–thalamic–
prepotent rules during cognitive set-shifting. cortical circuit.
While experiencing the maximum cognitive de- Notably, the absence of brain activation at the
mand for withholding the previous prepotent rule and right GP and right thalamus as mentioned above was
the response inhibition throughout the cognitive set- coupled with an increase in brain activity at the declive
shifting processes, healthy subjects showed increased of the right cerebellar vermis in lupus patients. A few
brain activation in the right middle frontal gyrus, the anatomic, physiologic, and neuroimaging studies dem-
right GP, and both thalami in a synchronous pattern onstrated that cerebellar damage led to impairment of
across the cognitive set-shifting processes (Figure 3A). executive function, spatial cognition, language, and per-
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is involved in working sonality change (31). On the other hand, overreliance on
memory, in the switching of cognitive sets, and in the cerebellar activities was demonstrated in patients with
inhibitory control of the prepotent response (20,22). schizophrenia, alcoholism, and cocaine abuse during
Since the right middle frontal gyrus belongs to the evaluation of working memory, verbal working memory,
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, it implies that it partici- and executive control, respectively (32–35). In our study,
pates in conditions that require functional working the increased activity in the right cerebellum was cou-
memory and switching of cognitive sets. Furthermore, it pled with activation of the left prefrontal cortex (left
was previously proposed that response suppression re- superior frontal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus) in lupus
quired the functional integrity of the prefrontal cortex, patients. This activation pattern is reminiscent of in-
basal ganglia, and thalami. Functionally, these 3 regions creased brain activation in the left frontal–right cerebel-
form the cortico–basal ganglia–thalamic–cortical circuit lar circuit in alcoholics during verbal memory testing
that was believed to coordinate the function of the (34), which is consistent with the observations that
cortical regions involved (21–25). cerebellar activation often occurs in conjunction with
Studies have identified the indirect pathway that contralateral frontal lobe activation (35). In our study,
connected these regions, showing that the cortex, stria- analysis of brain activities at the declive of the cerebellar
tum, external segment of the GP, subthalamic nucleus, vermis and the left middle and superior frontal gyri
internal segment of the GP, thalami, and cortex were revealed a rather similar activation pattern during the
involved sequentially in implementing response suppres- course of cognitive set-shifting (Figure 3C), further
sion and in changing the behavioral set (26). However, implying the conjugated role of the right cerebellum and
we did not observe brain activation at the right GP and left frontal regions during different stages of cognitive
right thalamus in patients with SLE when the cognitive set-shifting.
demand for inhibitory response control was dominant, Cerebellar activities, coupled with brain activa-
implying that information flow from the striatum to the tion in the contralateral frontal areas, have been sug-
thalamus was compromised, which resulted in the deficit gested to compensate for articulatory and inhibitory
of response control in SLE patients under this circum- controls in patients with alcoholism and cocaine abuse,
stance. Although the left thalamus was still activated in respectively, in order to maintain normal cognitive func-
the lupus patients, the magnitude of the activation signal tion (34,35). Taken together with another recent finding
in the same region was lower than that in the healthy of the cerebellum–basal ganglia interconnections in an
controls (Figure 3B). anatomic study performed in primates (36), we postu-
Besides its role in the response inhibition circuit, lated that in patients with SLE, the increased right
a number of lesion studies have shown that the GP is one cerebellar activities and its coupled left prefrontal activ-
of the important neural components that mediate exec- ities may serve to compensate for the dysfunction of

Figure 3. Brain signal changes across the cognitive set-shifting process. A, Cortico–basal ganglia loop activity in healthy control subjects. B, Left
thalamus activity in healthy controls and patients with new-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). C, Cerebellar–contralateral frontal activity
in SLE patients. The Talairach x, y, and z coordinates for the right declive of the cerebellar vermis are shown in the key to C to distinguish the two
graphs. Red/yellow areas indicate activation; green/blue areas indicate deactivation. Numbered images at the bottom correspond to the numbered
␤ score graphs at the top. Values are the mean and images are the composite of 14 healthy control subjects and 14 SLE patients. NF ⫽ negative
feedback; RS ⫽ response selection; PF ⫽ positive feedback. Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
4056 REN ET AL

inhibitory control secondary to the compromised in memory, both hippocampi were activated. This find-
cortico–basal ganglia–thalamic–cortical circuit in order ing is consistent with the putative role of the hippocam-
to maintain the performance of the set-shifting tasks. pus in set-shifting, in which decreased hippocampal
Consistent with the findings of other functional imaging activity at the generation event would facilitate active
studies, the compensatory activations that aided the forgetting of the previous rule and a shift to a new
dysfunctional cortico–basal ganglia–thalamic circuit cognitive set, while the subsequent increased hippocam-
found in our study illustrate the adaptability and plas- pal activity at the update and maintenance events would
ticity of the brain to recruiting neural networks to serve enhance learning of the new rule to guide ensuing trials
those functions that have been damaged. For example, (15). Interestingly, the left amygdala appeared to follow
in order to maintain performance levels, generalized a synchronous activity pattern with both hippocampi
brain activations were demonstrated in subjects with across all stages of set-shifting (Figure 4A).
age-related degeneration in motor performance of the The neural activity underlying FE has been pro-
hands (37). Relevant to SLE, a few recent studies posed as a result of the response to reward or punish-
demonstrated generalized brain activation in lupus pa- ment of the feedback stimulus (14). Hippocampal activ-
tients during the performance of neuropsychological ities appear to be reinforced and maintained by the
tasks (6,7,10,38). Importantly, compensatory BOLD sig- amygdala through the generation of rewards (40), sug-
nal intensity decreased in lupus patients with disease gesting the coupled role of the amygdala and the hip-
duration of ⬎10 years, suggesting that compensatory pocampus in set-shifting processes observed in our
activations may decrease when irreversible neuron dam- study. However, involvement of the left hippocampus
age has set in (38). and left amygdala in rule maintenance was absent in our
When being challenged to adapt to a new rule SLE patients, implying a compromise of the active
during cognitive-set shifting, the right parahippocampal forgetting–learning dynamics in set-shifting despite the
gyrus and left posterior cingulate were activated in SLE fact that the right hippocampus was still required to
patients in order to reconfigure their response strategy maintain the established rule in a pattern similar to that
and to adapt to a new rule, whereas among the healthy in healthy controls (Figure 4B). As in patients with SLE,
controls, no significant brain activities in these two altered amygdala and hippocampal activities within the
regions were observed. The altered activities of the default mode network have been demonstrated in pa-
posterior cingulate and parahippocampus were consis- tients with depression and Alzheimer’s disease (41,42).
tent with two recently published studies in SLE patients These findings may signify a potential common patho-
without NPSLE and in patients with schizophrenia logic basis of the disrupted forgetting–learning dynamics
(11,39), which suggested that there was attenuation of that involves the amygdala and hippocampi in patients
the intrinsic default mode network, episodic memory with SLE, depression, and dementia.
problem, and related cognitive deficits. The default While further mechanistic evaluation is required
mode network is regarded as a resting state of brain to explain the BOLD signal changes, especially those
function and is involved in the planning of future events involved in hippocampus–amygdala coupling, and the
and ongoing information processing. absence of BOLD signals in the hippocampus and
The condition contrast second NF ⬎ second PF amygdala in our patients with SLE, the well-investigated
indicated brain regions where involvement of new rule anti–N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antibod-
generation dominated the maintenance of an estab- ies and anti–ribosomal P antibodies may be potentially
lished rule. In healthy controls, both hippocampi were contributory. The NMDA receptors are mainly ex-
deactivated during this condition contrast, indicating pressed in the neurons of the hippocampi and amygdala.
their involvement in maintaining an identified rule. Most Under physiologic conditions, the neurotransmitter glu-
brain regions that contributed more to rule generation tamate activates the receptors and mediates learning
than to rule maintenance in SLE patients and healthy and memory by manipulating synaptic plasticity (43). In
subjects overlapped, suggesting that brain activities un- animal models, antagonizing the NR2 subunit of the
derlying this cognitive process remained intact in lupus NMDA receptor (anti-NR2 antibody) led to impaired
patients. Further analysis revealed that activities of both memory and learning (43). Because anti-NR2 is present
hippocampi initially decreased during the “generate” in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of NPSLE patients
event, when the identity of the new rule was unknown. (43), a potential pathogenetic role of anti-NR2 antibody
Subsequently, during the “update” and “maintain” in cognitive dysfunction has been advocated (44). In-
events, while the new rule was identified and maintained deed, anti-NR2 purified from lupus patients was able to

Figure 4. Brain signal changes in the hippocampus and amygdala across the cognitive set-shifting process. A, Hippocampal and amygdala activity
in healthy control subjects. B, Right hippocampal activity in healthy controls and patients with new-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Red/yellow areas indicate activation; green/blue areas indicate deactivation. Numbered images at the bottom correspond to the numbered ␤ score
graphs at the top. Values are the mean and images are the composite of 14 healthy control subjects and 14 SLE patients. NF ⫽ negative feedback;
RS ⫽ response selection; PF ⫽ positive feedback. Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.

induce cognitive impairment, memory deficits, and hip- system that could be significantly counteracted by anti-
pocampal neurotoxicity in BALB/c mice (45,46). It was idiotypic antibodies to anti–ribosomal P antibodies (49).
recently shown that anti-NR2 antibody exerted its cyto- This study has a few limitations. First, the sample
toxic effects on neurons by increasing intracellular cal- size is relatively small. However, sample sizes of this
cium levels through inhibition of the binding capacity of magnitude have consistently demonstrated sufficient
zinc at the zinc-binding site of the NMDA receptor, sensitivity of BOLD signals to achieve statistical signif-
resulting in reduced cell viability (47). icance (14,15). Second, patients with SLE were given
As for the anti–ribosomal P antibodies, a clinical prednisolone treatment at the time of the fMRI scan,
study in the 1980s demonstrated that the serum titer of and the possible effects of medication on BOLD signals
anti–ribosomal P antibodies was selectively raised in may confound the interpretation of our results. Since the
lupus patients with active psychosis, although not all majority of patients underwent fMRI scanning within
subsequent studies were able to replicate the associa- 2 months of the diagnosis of SLE, with a mean ⫾ SD
tions between the antibodies and psychosis as well as exposure to initial immunosuppressive therapy of
depression in patients with SLE (48). Nevertheless, 36.86 ⫾ 35.5 days (range 8–143 days) prior to the scan,
induction of autoimmune depression in C3H/HeJ mice the effect of treatment on BOLD signals should be
by intracerebroventricular injection of affinity-purified minimal.
anti–ribosomal P antibodies revealed that the antibodies In summary, our findings demonstrate that pa-
bound specifically to the pyramidal cell layer and dentate tients with SLE, even without clinically overt neuropsy-
gyrus of the hippocampus and other areas of the limbic chiatric symptoms, had abnormal sequential brain activ-
4058 REN ET AL

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