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SOC SCI 1: Society and Culture

Name: Janicah A. Cañete Year/Course/Section: 2BSCE-C

Assessment 7: I BELONG

Identify a social organization involved into in the past or at present and describe its group dynamics.


1. Identify a social organization (utilitarian, normative or coercive) involved into in the past or at present.
2. Describe the organization based on the following:
a. Name of the group
b. A little of its history or background (location, time it was established, etc.)
c. Its mission and goals (Why and how it was created?)
d. Leadership (Who were its leaders and how they function to sustain the group)
e. Activities (What were its activities that contribute to the fulfilment of its vision)
3. Your involvement (What motivated you to join the group? What was your primary function in the group?
How was your experience when with the group? How did you conform? Did you do some adjustments?
What were those? Other things you might want to include in your presentation).
4. How did this organization influence you?
5. Organize your data into a presentation.
6. Your output must be in the form of a powerpoint presentation sent to email: or our class messenger account
and/or a printed version of this powerpoint presentat

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