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( Fo r ap p l ic a ti o n s fo r p e r mi s s io n fo r p er ma n e n t r e si d e n ce )



To: Minist er of J ustice

Nati onalit y/Regi on:


In connection wit h t he per son appl ying for per missi on for per manent resi dence
above, I hereby guar antee to provide hi m/ her with necessar y s upport to fulfill
his/her ci vic dut y and to abi de by J apanese laws and r egul ations during hi s/her
stay i n J apan.

Guarant or:

Addres s in J apan: T EL

(Place of employment) : TEL

Nati onalit y/ Regi on:

Status of resi dence/Period of st ay:

Rel ationship:

(Guar antor 's si gnat ure)

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