Rubrics - Models of Excellence

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I can write an artist statement that helps my view understand what my piece is
communicating to the world.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
I explained my My explanation is My explanation is My explanation is there, Explanation
specific symbol unique to my art unique to my art but not unique to my art. and connection
or picture. and explains it and mostly Someone else could have are confusing
and connected it carefully. explains it. said something similar or unclear.
meaningfully to about theirs.
immigration or It is clear how my It is mostly clear
migrant farm artwork connects to how my artwork Connected to
workers. immigrant/migrant connects to immigration/migrant farm
work. immigrant/migrant workers is only partially
work. clear.
Factual information
ties seamlessly into I used factual Factual information is not
work. (can be part information. (can used.
of next criteria be part of next
instead). criteria instead).
I communicated Clearly stated and Mostly clearly Only somewhat clearly Absent.
what I want my connected. stated and stated. Vague.
viewer to take connected.
away from my art.
My word choice is Professional words Professional words Professional words and Absent. Word
both professional and descriptive and descriptive descriptive words were choice is basic.
and descriptive. words are both words are both used rarely.
used. Each word used.
was thoughtfully
chosen and adds to
the power of the
5th grade No errors One error. More than one error. So many
conventions are errors that it is
used (spelling, difficult to read.
Learning Target: I can create a high-quality lino-block print that represents
immigration or migrant farm workers.


Final Score_____
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Realistic and Each part of the Almost all of the Some of the print None of the print
accurate. print is realistic print is realistic is realistic and is realistic.
and accurate. and accurate accurate

Clear and Black and white is Black and white is Black and white is Black and white is
thoughtful black carefully thought mostly carefully only sometimes not thought out.
and white out so that each thought out. One thought out. It is hard to make
contrast part stands out. or two small Several places out the design.
places may be are hard to
difficult to distinguish.

Design fills the Design fills the Design fills the Design fills some Design does not
space space well and space mostly of the space. use space well
thoughtfully. well. and leaves too
much space
unaccounted for.
Texture Texture and Texture and Texture and Texture and
variation details are added details are added details is only details is mostly
and wherever needed to most parts, but occasional. absent.
details – sun’s ray’s, dirt, one place might Several places
crops, leaf’s lines need more could use more.
finger lines, etc texture.

Lines are Lines are Lines are mostly Lines are jagged Lines are
smooth and smoothly cut and smooth with an or rough on incredibly jagged
carefully cut. the design of the exception or two. several parts. The and parts are not
original drawing The design of the print does not all the way cut
comes out in the original drawing look very much out.
print. comes out in like the original The print doesn’t
print. drawing. look like the

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