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nse ESU LUA The Roman Way of Life $,, $5.6W344, $6.36, 55.6317 Daily Life 1. IDENTIFYING Complete the chart to describe who lived in each part of Rome and what kind of building they inhabited Many citizens of the Roman Empire lived in cities. Like today's cities, Roman cities were important places for culture, business, and government. Studying archaeological ruins has taught historians much about how people lived in those cities long ago. The heart of the vast Roman Empire was the city of Top of the hill: Rome itself, located on the Italian Peninsula, The Empire’s Chief City Rome was one of the largest cities in the ancient world and was very carefully organized. The city was built as a square with its main streets crossing at right angles. The emperor lived in a palace on top of a hill. The Forum, a large, open marketplace where people bought food and other goods, Among the streets: was at the base of that hil. The Forum was surrounded by public buildings, including temples. By the year A... 1, over one million people lived in Rome. Hills above the city: Similar to the emperor's palace, the residences of Rome's wealthy patricians were located on hills. Many patricians also had houses on large farms in the countryside, called villas, 2. MAKING Patrician homes had luxuries like marble walls, tiled floors, CONNECTIONS ‘open courtyards called atriums, gardens, and even ce eae What was the connection waning we between the Circus Maximus Plebeians who worked as skilled artisans or shopkeepers and unrest in Rome? had some income, but most Romans were poor. They were crowded into wooden apartment buildings among the dirty and dangerous streets. Poverty and crowding could be a source of anger and unrest. Thieves roamed the streets at night. Garbage was tossed into public spaces. Wooden apartments could easily collapse or catch fire, on Perms gare trp To avoid unrest and to gain support for their causes, political leaders would offer people “bread and circuses.” This included several types of entertainment. In the Circus Maximus—a large arena that held 150,000 people—chariots raced before entertained onlookers. In stadiums such as the Colosseum, gladiators fought each other or wild animals to the death, Most gladiators were enslaved. However, they were admired for their skill and bravery. Copyright © Metra Ed WORLD HISTORY 401 Name LESSON 1 SUMMARY, continued 3. CONTRASTING Explain how the roles of ‘women in a typical patrician and plebeian Roman family were different. How did the role of women change as the Roman Republic became an empire? 402 WORLD HISTORY Date. Cass. The Roman Family The family was at the heart of Roman society. Families were large, and martied children lived with their parents. The father had complete control and authority under the law. He could sell his children as slaves or even put them to death. As women gained legal rights in later times, the father's authority weakened. In time, people had fewer children, and men and women could divorce and remarry. Fathers in patrician families were responsible for educating their children, Wealthy young children were educated at home, Older boys went to school to study reading, writing, arithmetic, and public speaking. Older gitls remained at home and continued with private lessons. Some poorer children learned enough reading, writing, and arithmetic to conduct business Roman boys were considered adults at about 15 years old. The boy would take part in a ceremony, burning his toys and putting on the white toga of an adult male. The boy could then Join the army, work in the government, or work in his family’s business, Roman girls were considered adults when they married, This was usually around the age of 14. Marriage usually came later in life for men. What Was Life Like for Roman Women? In early Rome, women were not full citizens and enjoyed fewer rights than men. Despite this, many women advised their husbands in private and had a strong influence within their family. While Rome was an empire, the wife of the emperor sometimes gained new power and duties. Some, like Julia Domina, took charge of political affairs. Domna administered Rome while her husband Emperor Septimius fought rebels in the far comers of the empire. Wealthy patrician women had more freedom than other women in Rome. By the A.D. 100s, wealthy Roman women who were married could own land, run businesses, and sell property. They were still responsible for the household, but they had enslaved people to do the work. This gave them. more time to pursue education or entertainment. Plebeian women had less money and less freedom. They did housework or helped their husbands in the family business, They had less free time, but they were permitted to leave home to visit friends, to worship at temples, or to go to the public bath. Some women worked independently as hairdressers, priestesses, or doctors. 3 m01924 3 UBKdo9 ‘os wootse 0 sonpordo oy paw use Jon, Permission gare rpreduc Copyright © Metra Ed Name ate Cass LESSON 1 SUMMARY, continued 4. MAKING Rome and Slavery ooeostons Slavery existed in Rome since its earliest days. As the Romans acquired more territory, they also conquered peoples who could be enslaved, By 100 8.c., about 40 percent of the people in Italy were enslaved. Some enslaved people worked in mines. Some built roads, bridges, and aqueducts. In the countryside, enslaved people planted and harvested crops. Other enslaved people worked indoors: cleaning, cooking, and performing repairs, The majority of enslaved people lived harsh lives. They could be sold at any time. They worked very long hours under terrible conditions, and they faced brutal punishment for poor work. The constant hardship sometimes led to slave revolts. Most rebellions were dealt with quickly by the Roman military, but other attempts to rebel proved too strong. Spartacus, a former gladiator, led a huge slave rebellion in 73 B.C. His rebel army swelled to 70,000 people before it could be crushed Religion and Philosophy Romans worshipped many gods. They believed the gods controlled all parts of life. Special spirits protected their homes. Starting with Augustus, the Senate even recognized the ‘emperor as a god. Most of the important gods were based on the Greek gods, but they were given Roman names. Romans made offerings to their gods and goddesses at altars in thelr homes. Offerings included incense, wine, honey, and even an entire meal. Government officials honored gods and goddesses in temples. The temples were open to all. Romans also took ideas from Greek philosophy, such as the philosophy of Stoicism. Greek Stoicism taught that happiness is found through reason. The Romans thought this meant that people needed to learn to live in a practical way. Roman Stoies thought citizens should participate in political life and treat conquered people well As the empire grew, Romans came into contact with people who practiced different religions. The Romans allowed these people to practice their religion, as long as doing so did not threaten the Roman government, Science and Art ‘The Roman Republic, and later the Roman Empire, was greatly influenced by Greek civilization. Romans admired Greek ideas inart, architecture, and philosophy, but they changed or adapted parts to match their own needs. List three reasons why enslaved people frequently revolted. 1 8. RESEARCHING Use the Internet or another credible source to research a famous Roman Stoic, Describe who this person was and why they are known. WORLD HISTORY 403 Name LESSON 1 SUMMARY, continued Eee 6. Look at the map of the Roman system of roads. How did these roads contribute to the stability and growth of the empire? 404 WORLD HISTORY Date. Class. Science ‘The Romans learned about the sciences of medicine and astronomy from the Greeks. Galen, a Greek doctor, showed the importance of anatomy, which is the study of the body's parts and structure. His work was adopted in Rome, Doctors in the Western world learned from Galen’s work for more than 1,500 years. Ptolemy, an astronomer in Alexandria, studied the motion of planets and stars. He carefully mapped more than 1,000 stars and tried to explain their movements. He thought that the sun moved around Earth. He was important to the Roman Empire, and in fact, educated people accepted his ideas for centuries. The Roman system of numbers, called numerals, used letter- like symbols borrowed from the Greeks and Etruscans. Roman numerals are still in use today, especially when creating an outline or counting a series, Roman engineers built practical structures throughout the empire. Roads allowed soldiers and merchants to travel quickly to different regions. Aqueducts, or long troughs supported by high arches, brought fresh water from the hills to the cities, Art and Architecture The Romans borrowed from Greek art and architecture to develop their own styles, The Greeks made statues and wall paintings that showed perfect human bodies and faces. The Romans used a more realistic style. Their art featured natural imperfections, like wrinkles, that the Greeks considered unattractive. 1 wossuing voneonpa eH mer9oH @ Wukdo9 0 ce on Perms gare trp Copyright © Metra Ed Name. Date. LESSON 1 SUMMARY, continued Roman builders added practical ideas to Greek architecture. ‘They used arches in many buildings and bridges. They produced vault, or curved ceiling, by building rows of arches against one another. The Romans were the first people to master the use of concrete, a mixture of volcanic ash, lime, and water. Concrete became as hard as rock when it dried, making it an excellent material for a variety of building projects. ‘The design of the United States Capitol building was eas ‘These practical ideas helped Roman architecture last. The Colosseum in Rome was built in about A.D. 80. The ruins of the Colosseum still can be seen in modern Rome. The Pantheon is another example of Roman building skill. It is famous for its domed roof, and it has survived undamaged through the centuries into modern times. Literature Roman writers and philosophers were highly respected. Some of these people wrote about Roman ideals and the search for the meaning of life. Other Roman writers developed plays and stories that featured their gods and heroes. Some of these plays were serious and inspirational. They were meant to teach morals or encourage bravery. Others were comedies meant to. poke fun at the gods, political leaders, and heroes. The Roman poet, Horace, wrote many satires that made light of human weaknesses. Many comedians do the same thing today. Horace also wrote more serious poems about life called odes. Virgil was a Roman poet who wrote an epic poem called the Aeneid that told the story of the founding of Rome. He drew ideas from an earlier Greek epic poem by Homer called the Odyssey. Class Bn 7. MAKING INFERENCES Look at the image of the United States Capitol building. What can you infer about the American political system from the Roman influence on government architecture? Explain your answer using at least one example. WORLD HISTORY 405 Name Date. Class. LESSON 1 SUMMARY, continued 8. GIVING EXAMPLES The Greek historian, Herodotus, inspired the Roman historians Livy and Tacitus. Livy believed that history had moral lessons to teach people. He wrote the History of Rome describing Rome's rise in power. Tacitus did not focus on the greatness of Rome, like Livy. He believed that some Roman emperors had taken away the people's freedoms. He also believed that the Romans were losing the characteristics that allowed them to be the powerful masters of a far-flung empire. Provide an example of an area of study today that uses the Latin language. Explain how Latin is used in the example you choose. Use a dictionary or other reliable sources to help you. Theater and Language Plays were a popular pastime in Rome, Roman actors were usually men or boys. They used masks to play different characters. Women were not allowed to perform on stage, except in comedies called mimes. The Roman language, Latin, had a far-reaching impact all over the ‘empire and long after the Roman Empire ended. Latin became the language used in European government, the Church, trade, and ‘education until about A.0. 1500. Latin is the basis of many modern European languages, such as Italian, French, and Spanish. Many English words used today have roots in Latin. Ee Complete the chart to summarize the key achievements of the Roman Empire. Perens) ‘Area of Culture ‘Achievement science art architecture 1 wossuing voneonpa eH mer9oH @ Wukdo9 literature language 2. @ EXPLAINING Choose one area of culture from the chart above. Use the Internet or another credible source to identify a key contributor to Roman achievement in that area, On a separate piece of paper, write a brief essay describing who that person was, where they lived, and how they affected Roman culture, ‘os woo'sse 0 sonpodo 406 WORLD HISTORY

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