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of the

New Racial Features the Cat-Folk
D&D 5th Edition
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Although material wealth holds little attraction for

The Tabaxi the Tabaxi, they have an insatiable desire to find and
procure ancient relics, magical items, and other rare
Reaching from far off lands, the wandering feline
humanoids called the Tabaxi roam the lands with trinkets. Aside from the power such items might

their cat-like curiosity, driven to seek out enticing confer, a Tabaxi takes great joy in unraveling the

artifacts, collect lore and unearth unbelievable tales. stories behind their creation and the history of their

Tabaxi are natural born travelers, not keen on staying use.

in one place - they are drawn to travel to exciting new

Passing Passions
lands, gaze upon wondrous sights, twitch an ear to
foriegn fables and to lay their paws upon otherworldly Tabaxi breaking out to a life of adventuring and

trinkets. exploration have insatiable wanderlust. Bouncing

from tavern to temple for the slightest whiff of a
Creatures of Curiosity rumor, which once tasted - will obsess over with a

Most Tabaxi are content to live their lives in their far burning passion. Once the desire has been met, it is

away homelands, within their small intimate clans. quickly quenched, only to be replaced by another.

They keep to themselves, and live a day to day life of This object fascination only lasts as long as its secrets

hunting for food, crafting goods and rarely venturing are withheld.

out of their tiny domains. A Tabaxi bard may pour over songs and poems of

But not all Tabaxi are satisfied being in the confines adoration and mysteriousness of a local tale, but will

of small sleepy or restrictive communities. The Cat immediately drop all attention on to something else

Lord - the divine figure responsible for creating the one the luster of the tale has faded. A Tabaxi Rogue

Tabaxi, blesses all of their children with a unique may spend weeks obsessing over a precious heirloom

feline trait. If that trait happens to be a cat's curiosity, outside of their grasp, going through elaborate plans

they are compelled to travel far and wide, collecting to illicitly acquire it, but once held within their paws,

stories, artifacts and lore. Any of those who return will simply pawn it off for lodging at the next tavern of

home after their glorious jaunt around the world come their future escapade.

back to their clans and homelands; spending their

Colorful Vagabonds
elder days sharing the news of the outside world.
From this, the Tabaxi are enlightened about the Curiosity drives most of the Tabaxi found outside

greater world around them, despite their isolation, the their homeland, but not all of them become
adventurers. Tabaxi who seek a safer path to satisfy
Tabaxi are never ignorant of the outside world.
their obsessions become wandering tinkers and
Lore as Currency minstrels.

Tabaxi find wealth in the knowledge they accumulate, These Tabaxi work in small troupes, usually

and see coins and gems as mere utility. A motherlode consisting of an elder, more experienced Tabaxi who

of gold, while useful in buying lodging or food garners guides up to four young ones learning their way in the

nothing compared to the excitement of dusty tomes world. They travel in small, colorful wagons, moving

with a world of knowledge inscribed within. from settlement to settlement. When they arrive, they

In the eyes of the Tabaxi, wealth is like packing set up a small stage in a public square where they

rations for a trip, important to survive in the world, sing, play instruments, tell stories, and offer exotic

but not the end all be all when it is lost. Instead, goods in trade for items that spark their interest.

Tabaxi have a thirst for new experiences and stories, Tabaxi reluctantly accept gold, but they much prefer

willing to part ways with their wealth to tease out local interesting objects or pieces of lore as payment.

legends within a tavern - their ears perking up at the These wanderers keep to civilized realms, preferring

whispers of local juicy gossip. to bargain instead of pursuing more dangerous

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

methods of satiating their curiosity. However, they enhance their strength and vigor, although this
aren’t above a little discreet theft to get their claws on practice has since been effectively retired as the
a particularly interesting item when an owner refuses number of Tabaxi integrated within towns and cities
to sell or trade for it. has increased their presence within Faerûn.
Tabaxi now consider themselves to originate from
The Center of Attention the jungles of Chult within the mystical island
Young adventuring tabaxi have two very distinct continent of Maztica, far west off the Sword Coast.
states of social being: First - an insatiable desire of The content is mostly warm and humid, containing
capturing any amiable gaze. And secondly, the heavy jungles, sprawling savannahs and vast deserts.
complete opposite - An avoidance of everyone and These hot and comfortable environments are all
everything that could possibly interact with them. preferred by the Tabaxi.
Using bursts of energy during their lust for
attention commonly proceeds with the desire of rest, Clan Beginnings
relaxation and a retraction from social interactions. The majority of Tabaxi are content in living isolated
This way, Tabaxi can recharge themselves for their lives away from the hustle and bustle of large,
next social endeavor, but also provides a window to obnoxious industrious civilizations, instead preferring
retrospectively reflect on their past interactions. This the close-knit kinship of a few families they can safely
ebb and flow of excitability allows Tabaxi to see all rely on.
social interactions as important and meaningful, as a These intimate clan settlements don’t tread much
way of making themselves memorable to the people over a few tens of inhabitants, and villages tend to not
they meet. get much larger than a hundred Tabaxi. Most clan
Lastly, when a Tabaxi seeks out to be alone, Their settlements in Tabaxi territory are small, hidden, and
appreciation of solitude is outmatched only by their surprisingly plentiful in the continent - if you can find
contempt of those who disrupt it. them of course.
The Tabaxi are strong believers of family traditions,
Society & Culture while they vary wildly from clan to clan, there is a
common grain that runs through the blood of most
Tabaxi made the lush jungles of Chult their home clans. Clans typically are evenly split between males
after a tormented past, being victims of a historically and females, and consist of several ‘hunts’, small
notable blackmarket slave trade that once plagued the groups made up of 2 to 8 individuals, quite literally
western isles of the sword coast. After being brought for hunting - when required - but also to patrol the
to Faerûn, many escaped captivity using the dense area around the clan’s settlement.
vegetation of Chult to evade capture. ‘Loose’ Tabaxi Clans are typically led by elders. In some rare cases,
minstrels became a common sight around Port leaders in some of the further outreaches of Chult’s
Nyanzaru, whereas hunters roamed and settled in jungles are aided by shamans. Clans tend to avoid
small clans around the entire peninsula. each other and not engage in trade, Tabaxi tribes
Despite the troubled origins of the Tabaxi, they consider trade to be demeaning, but in rare instances
have had very few enemies throughout history. Most will use third party tabaxi agents to trade for them,
races are affable towards them, and only the most like minstrels and wandering troupes.
degenerate and violent would ever consider an attack
against them. The Calling Of the Cat Lord
The darker markets will still rarely put a bounty on Tabaxi who head out into the world are very
the pelts of the tabaxi, reaching 50 to 1000gp commonly incited by the deity of their kind - the Cat
depending on the rarity of the Tabaxi’s patterning. Lord. While not every adventuring Tabaxi is the result
Hishna shapers would use the claws and skins to

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

of this, it is certainly common enough to assume all and if they are enamored enough by it, they may
who travel to be influenced by them. emulate it. On their return, it is possible for them to
This phenomenon is most likely to happen to assimilate into the tribe, who may adopt it if they are
Tabaxi who are coming of age, however it is not receptive to it - especially if they take up a leadership
exclusive, it can hit Tabaxi of any age after they or other prestigious role.
become an adult - some may only find that spark to Larger Tabaxi villages are less likely to have formed
wander much later in life. more dogmatic traditions. They are also more likely to
Those that travel the far reaches of the world, welcome in other races, although this is not too
seeking knowledge, culture, wisdom and artifacts may common, as these outsiders have to adopt the quirks
find themselves after much time, many in their later of the tribe.
years, yearning to return home. It is common for
those that return to become a leader, elder or other Religion
form of teaching role, imparting their wealth of Tabaxi are not typically religious, having a rather
experiences to prevent villages from becoming insular fleeting relationship with their deity - the Cat Lord.
or fearful of the outside. Other smaller clans within Maztica pay their respects
to the lesser deities of Tezca, Nula, and even more
Colorful Homelands rarely, Azul. A small number of even more isolated
Tabaxi have an appreciation of color and fashion in clans within this owe their allegiance to the Jaguar
their life, with a tendency towards strong and bold Lord - a deity with wilder and more hostile origins
hues. Adventuring Tabaxi commonly attach than that of the Cat Lord.
themselves to a favorite color scheme in which to
dress themselves. Their keen eye for fashion and The Cat Lord
appearance helps support their desire to catch the Few Tabaxi in the current era of Faerun believe in
eyes of others. When they finally settle down and a higher power. Those that do put their faith into
return home, their desire to show strong colors the Cat Lord, a fickle and tricky entity who
continues through to that life, transitioning from their bestows each tabaxi with a specific feline trait and
clothing to their home. was believed to wander the world, watching over
It is difficult for an outsider to not notice the them.
presence of a Tabaxi house, their abodes are Clerics of the Cat Lord are rare and those that
commonly draped with colorful linen used for shade. do practice it typically access the Trickery
The flying of color tends to be more prominent in Domain.
places where it’s common for Tabaxi to go out and
return after their adventuring days. Smaller clans may Tabaxi who have left their smaller clans are told by
seem drab in comparison as those who leave may not their elders about the Cat Lord and call for their
return to the same place to display their colors. blessing before sending them out into the rest of the
non-feline inhabited world.
Tribal Traditions
Traditions are common among Tabaxi clans, but are Clawed Fighters
very localized. Some may arrange their marriages, Tabaxi are instinctual hunters by their very nature,
others may send their young out into the wild as a and it is only natural that this makes them adept at
coming-of-age ritual. These traditional values are combat. Their speed and stealth combined with their
diverse from clan to clan, from both simple and regional camouflage mean that the Tabaxi are
benign, to bombastic and dogmatic. particularly skilled at surprise attacks and in some
Tabaxi who explore outside of their realms, acquire cases have even been known to disguise their scent
quirks and traditions from places they have visited, with local herbs.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Due to their knowledge of hunting, intelligence and

5 When testing something, a claw test is your only
sense of smell, it is practically impossible to trap a measure of quality. Biting or raking something to
tabaxi. gauge it, no matter the material.
When it comes to equipping themselves for combat,
6 You are flamboyant, like wearing the most
Tabaxi favor bolas, slings, and javelins. Tabaxi are just brilliant of colors and striking outfits. Gray and
as likely to use weapons as they are to use their claws brown are for other adventurers.
and teeth in battle.
7 You miss your home and the closeness of that
community, wanting your party to also feel like a
Language family.
The Tabaxi language was an ancient form of the Payit
language, named after its land of origin within 8 You have a fascination chasing wildlife that is
smaller and faster than you. The smaller and
Maztica. Those who spoke modern Payit and knew
faster, the better.
what to listen for could usually understand about half
of the Tabaxi words they heard. 9 When you are hurt you hide closely but out of
Modern Tabaxi is more related to the Tabaxi sight of others.

language of the Tabaxi tribes of Chult, which has no

10 Whenever there is a lull in any pressing issue,
connection to the old Payit language. you can’t help but take a quick nap.
Nowadays, most tabaxi have adapted to Common,
with only the most rural insular Tabaxi clans The Tabaxi Obsession table can help hone your
maintaining any form of Payit. character’s goals. For extra fun, roll a new result every
few days that passes in the campaign or once you have
Creating a Tabaxi satisfied that obsession - to reflect your ever-changing
Tabaxi Personality If you are using Volo’s Guide, you can add the two
A Tabaxi might have motivations and quirks much obsession tables together and roll a d20.
different from a dwarf or an elf with a similar
Tabaxi Obsessions
background. You can use the following tables to
customize your character in addition to the trait, d12 My curiosity is currently fixed on...
ideal, bond and flaw from your background. 1 A town or city
If you are using Volo’s Guide, you can add the two
2 An instrument or weapon
Quirk tables together and roll a d20.
3 A book
d10 Quirk
4 An organization or group

1 You always try to find the highest spot in any 5 A party member
situation, taking higher paths and perching atop
precarious points for vantage. 6 A story

2 You will bat at any tempting tiny moving object 7 A spell

near or coming towards you with your paws.
8 A geological feature

3 You have a tendency to block doorways. Their 9 A plane of existence

sturdy nature makes you feel safe.
10 A race or species
4 When you are with a friend, you stay close to
them. The more you like them, the closer you 11 A leader
like to be. If you can’t see them, then you like to
12 A type of food
bring them up in conversation.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Tabaxi Traits
Lion Tabaxi
Your Tabaxi character has the following racial traits. The Keo are natural born leaders, only a few moments
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score upon meeting one you will find that their charm is as
increases by 1. strong as their appearance. Keo’s have bold
Age: Tabaxi have lifespans similar to that of personalities, but always provide a sense of warmth
humans. and humbleness when talking to anyone and
Alignment: Tabaxi tend towards chaotic everything. From this it is not hard to see why Keos
alignments, as they let impulse and fancy guide their command a lot of respect and others find it easy to
decisions. They are rarely evil, with most of them rally around them.
driven by curiosity rather than greed or other dark From this, it is easy to see Keos finding themselves
impulses. within commanding and leadership roles throughout
Size: Tabaxi are between 3 to 7 feet tall with most Tabaxi - and often other - villages. However, this
sub-races being taller on average than most humans. affinity towards leadership roles can have a negative
They are also relatively slender. effect, a Keo cannot tolerate another leader, Keo or
Feline Agility: Your keen reflexes and agility otherwise, making uninformed or flawed decisions -
allows you to move with a burst of speed. On your rarely biting their tongue when they know they can
turn you can choose to move with double your provide a better solution. Male Keo prefer to take
movement speed until the end of that turn. You leadership roles single handedly and are good at small
cannot use this trait again until you have spent a scale strategy, providing to be a strong and valuable
round moving 0 feet. figurehead. Female Keos instead like to work in teams
Languages: You can speak, read, and write of two or more other females, when in a position of
Common and one other language of your choice. responsibility, working as a counsel, who are able to
Subrace. There are multiple subraces within the plan on a much grander scale more efficiently than
Tabaxi, each with their own unique traits their male counterparts.
Appearance. The Keos are immediately striking in
Tabaxi Subraces their looks, a muscular, deep-chested Tabaxi with a
The Tabaxi are a warm and affable race - despite their short, rounded head, a reduced neck and round ears.
tendency for isolation - and have many distinct The fur in Keo varies in color from light buff to silvery
subraces. In general, they are taller than most humans gray, yellowish red and dark brown. The colors of the

aside from the curiously smaller Felis. underparts are generally lighter. Males have a

Tabaxi are charismatic and curious in their essence, prominent mane that grows downwards and
whether through the ferocity of the Tigri, the backwards covering most of the head, neck, shoulders,
overwhelming charm of the Keo or the off-guard and chest. The mane is typically brownish and tinged
cuteness of the Felis; they are able to enjoy the with yellow, rust and black hairs. The tail of all Keo
company of many other races with ease. ends in a dark, hairy tuft.
Other subraces include the isolated Leuk-Leuk Additional Ability Score Increase: Your
found in remote rocky tundras, the incredibly fast and Charisma score increases again by 1 and your Strength
slender Jubata, known to be the fastest runners of all score increases by 1.
races, the Unci prowls the most treacherous snow Size. Keo average at just over 6 feet tall. Your size
capped mountains and their close relatives the Onka is medium.
silently stalk within their dense forest and jungle Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
habitats, passing by silently unbeknownst to the Cat’s Claws: Attacking with your claws do 1d4 +
travelers who walk through them. your Strength modifier of slashing damage. You also
have a climbing speed of 20ft.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Lion’s Talent: You have proficiency in Persuasion. Size. Tigri are some of the largest known Tabaxi,
Lions Roar: You let out bellowing roar, all target ranging on average at around 7 feet tall. Your size is
creatures of your choice within a 15 foot radius around medium.
you who can hear you must make a Wisdom saving Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
throw with a DC of 10 + your Intimidation skill Tiger’s Claws: Attacking with your claws do 1d6 +
modifier, becoming frightened by you on a failure for your Strength modifier of slashing damage. You also
1 turn, and having no effect on a success. You cannot have a climbing speed of 20ft.
use this feature again until after a short or long rest. Pounce: When you move at least 10ft. towards a
target of size large or smaller and make a claw attack,
Tigri you can push them to the ground using that force. If
Tiger Tabaxi the attack hits - you attempt to jump on and pull the
The Tigri are the strongest and most athletic of the target to the ground, the target must make a Strength
Tabaxi, commonly becoming military and protectors saving throw where the DC is 10 + your Strength
of tribes, while not necessarily commanders or modifier and an additional +1 for every extra 10ft.
leaders, they are formidable at short term tactics and moved towards the target. On a failure, the target
combat. Their appearance makes them intimidating, becomes prone; on a success the creature remains
and their patterned fur helps them blend into standing.
treelines and deep grasses, which they regularly use to Bite Down: As a bonus action you can make an
get an advantage on foes. attack roll to use your strong jaws (which you are
Their attitudes tend to be stoic and reserved, when proficient with) to bite down on a target, doing 1d4 +
provoked they fold their arms and leave actual hostile your Strength modifier of piercing damage on a hit.
actions as a last resort, they understand their strength On a successful hit you can freely attempt to grapple
and never wish to harm others using violence as a last the target if you decide to. If the target is prone, then
resort, which has become a common saying with the they suffer from disadvantage on the grapple
tabaxi culture “A Tigri’s wrath is never seen, but contestion roll.
always deserved.”
Appearance. Tigris are tall and quite slender, Leuk-Leuk
however, their shoulders and chest slowly bow out Lynx Tabaxi
and become wide and thick, giving them a top heavy Leuk-Leuks are seen as the most isolated of the
appearance and an unnatural strength to compliment Tabaxi subraces, giving that impression as they are
their speed. talented in survival in harsh environments - creating
Tigris have orange fur with black stripes, and a camouflaged housing and structures as well as also
white belly. The black stripes usually extend to the having a fur pattern that helps blend themselves into
white underside. These stripes give tigris a natural their natural environment.
advantage to stalking, keeping them camouflaged The Leuks are docile, but wary of strangers coming
while hunting. No two Tigris have the same pattern of into their lands, opting to stay hidden and out of sight,
stripes. waiting to see if trespassers encroach further into
Rarely, Tigris can have different colors other than their lands, gauging to see if their intentions are
orange. There are white Tigris that have white fur with hostile - and if the are - the Leuk wait for the perfect
black stripes, or in even rarer cases - have pure white moment to ambush them unawares.
fur. To other tabaxi, Leuks are quiet and reserved, and
Additional Ability Score Increase: Your relatively more tribal in nature, often solitary
Strength score increases by 2. wanderers. Villages consisting of the Leuk tend to be
extremely small, with tribes only consisting of a

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

handful of families and a few lone vagabonds who Despite their affinity for speed, the Jubata are calm
pass through. and cheerful at rest and have expressive personalities,
Appearance. Leuks have a short tail, being perky and full of vigor. They contain a lot of
characteristic tufts of black hair on the tips of their energy, letting it out in bursts like being quick to flee
ears, large, padded paws for walking on snow and in the presence of danger, or when comfortable, they
long whiskers on the face. Under their neck they have are colorful and relish in spending that effort for
a ruff which has black bars resembling a bow tie. attention.
Body color varies from medium brown to goldish to Appearance. The Jubata has a yellowish tan or
beige-white, and is occasionally marked with dark rufous to grayish white skin, that is covered with
brown spots, especially on the limbs. Leuks have nearly 2,000 solid black spots. Their bellies are
white fur on their chests, bellies and on the insides of typically completely white, they have a slender body,
their legs, fur which is an extension of the chest and small rounded heads, black tear-like streaks on the
belly fur. The Leuks coloring, fur length and paw size face, long thin legs and a long spotted tail.
vary according to the climate in their range. Size. Your size is medium.
Additional Ability Score Increase: Your Speed: Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Constitution score increases by 1. And your Wisdom Additional Ability Score Increase. Your
score increases by 1 Dexterity score increases by 2.
Size. Leuks stand at just under 6 feet tall. Your size Claws: Attacking with your claws do 1d4 + your
is medium. Strength modifier of slashing damage.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Flat Out: From a standstill, and moving in a
Claws: Attacking with your claws do 1d4 + your straight line, you can achieve your fastest speed easily.
Strength modifier of slashing damage. You can double your Feline Agility movement ability
Lynx’s Talent: You have proficiency in the as long as you travel in a straight line across relatively
Survival and Nature skill. flat terrain or soft inclines. If you have to change your
Darkvision: You have a cat's keen senses, direction you lose any leftover movement from this
especially in the dark. You can see in dim light within ability. You cannot use this ability until you can also
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in the use feline agility again.
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray. Onka
Survival Shelter: You have a natural ability Black Panther Tabaxi

creating hidden shelters in natural terrain - The shadowy Onka are a rare subset of the Tabaxi, or
constructing one using nearby loose natural objects to so it is perceived. They are unseen and unknown,
blend it seamlessly into the environment. A survival lurking in the shadows ready to pounce. Their
shelter can contain any sized creature up to large size, usefulness in the clan and to outsiders is apparent, as
taking 15 minutes to construct and giving +10 to they themselves are not. Being the helpful underhand
stealth checks to whomever is inside. to the Tabaxi.
Despite the rumors, they are indeed a very rare
Jubata breed, using their elusiveness to roam from tribe to
Cheetah Tabaxi settlement helping leaders with issues that require a
The Jubata are known for their deft speed and grace, little nuance or more subtlety. They hold themselves
they are the fastest, nimble and slender of the Tabaxi to a high standard and set of guiding principles in
races. Their talents have proved them useful as their work, leaving very little room to bend their rules.
messengers and couriers within their clans, and also They may be lone-creatures, but they are warm in
any other settlement outside of tabaxi lands. conversation, being polite but curt, keeping any
company with others at arm's length when possible.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

The Onka prefer to be quiet and observe from a In times of need Uncee do come down, to spread
distance, to better understand their mark, whether to knowledge and advice of what they have learned, to
chat to a patron in the warmth of a tavern or to trail a bestow new wisdom around magics and lore from
suspect outside in the comfort of a darkened forest. their realms.
Appearance. The Onka tends to be dark brown to Appearance. The Uncee show several adaptations
black in color, and unlike their other tabaxi brethren, for living in a cold, mountainous environment. Their
have no spots on their long body or tail. Instead they small rounded ears help to minimize heat loss and
have a shiny coat of dark fur. Onka have small heads their broad paws do well to distribute the body weight
with strong jaws and emerald green eyes. for walking on snow, with fur on the undersides to
Size. Your size is medium. increase the grip on steep and unstable surfaces. Its
Speed: 30 feet is your base walking speed. long and flexible tail helps to maintain balance in the
Additional Ability Score Increase. Your rocky terrain. The tail is thickly covered with fur,
Dexterity score increases by 1. which allows the Uncee to use it like a blanket to
Cat’s Claws: Attacking with your claws do 1d4 + protect its face when asleep
your Strength modifier of slashing damage. You also The Uncee’s fur is whitish to gray with black spots
have a climbing speed of 20ft. on head and neck, but larger rosettes on the back,
Panther’s Talent: You have proficiency in the flanks and bushy tail. Their belly is whitish and their
Stealth skill. eyes are pale green or gray in color. They have a short
Darkvision: You have a cat’s keen senses, muzzle, a domed forehead and the fur is undeniably
especially in the dark. You can see in dim light within thick.
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in the Size. Uncee have a stocky body, are short-legged
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern and slightly smaller than the other Tabaxi standing at
color in darkness, only shades of gray. around 5 - 6 ft. Your size is medium.
Attack from Above: Using a height advantage, if Speed: 30 feet is your base walking speed.
you jump onto a target that is located under you using Additional Ability Score Increase. Your
only your claws, you can make an attack roll and add Intelligence score increases by 1. And your
an additional +1d8 if the attack hits and the target Constitution by 1.
makes a Strength or Dexterity saving throw equal or Cat’s Claws: Attacking with your claws do 1d4 +
greater to 8 + your Proficiency or be knocked prone. your Strength modifier of slashing damage. You also
You must be no lower than 10ft. above them when you have a climbing speed of 20ft.
attack that target. Leopard’s Talent: You have proficiency in the
Lone Hunter: When isolated from your allies and Nature skill.
friendly creatures within a 60ft. radius of you, you Darkvision: You have a cat’s keen senses,
gain +5 bonus to your Stealth checks. especially in the dark. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in the
Uncee darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
Snow Leopard Tabaxi color in darkness, only shades of gray.
The Uncee are mountain wanderers and destined Snow Paws: Your large padded paws give you an
loners, much like monks and those trained in magic. advantage when moving over ice, deep snow and
While their land is cold and they have adapted to it, it rocky terrain able to move over this difficult terrain
is their deftness over rocky terrain that catches naive using your regular movement speed. You also have an
hunters off guard. advantage when climbing on rough rocky surfaces and
Uncee are rare and revered by the Tabaxi, they do not suffer any disadvantage from icy and frozen
spend a lot of the time isolated to meditate and live in surfaces.
some of the most inaccessible places in the lands.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Frosted Fur: Your fur has a natural touch of frost firmly planted towards the ground. In any case of
to it, making you resistant to cold damage. However, acrobatics, or fall from a height that is the result of
this ability is removed once you take fire damage of your choice you are able to stop yourself from
any kind. You regain this ability again after a long accidentally landing prone and falls that you were not
rest. aware of still have advantage. Your fall damage
instead uses d4 instead of d6 for each 10ft. fallen, up
Felis to the maximum of 20d4.
House-Cat Tabaxi
The Felis Tabaxi are first, notably smaller than other
Racial Feats
subraces. Second, they are also the most varied when
These feats are associated with the Tabaxi and their
it comes to temperaments and physical differences,
colors and patterns are, as well as minute physical
differences. Face, ears, fur length and texture, facial
structure and tail length can vary drastically from one
Lore Master I
Felis to another. Prerequisite: Tabaxi
They are also the smallest of their kind, are almost as Your curiosity knows no bounds, you have an
fast and even more nimble. Their size and springiness unnatural ability to know the whereabouts of
makes them especially suited for weaving through something you find interesting. You gain the
dense crowds and displaying unbelievable feats of following:
acrobatics. ● Your Intelligence increases by 1.
Appearance. The felis subrace of tabaxi are the Also, you are able to freely cast any one of the
most varied in regards to looks and patterns. Some following spells to help satisfy your curiosity of an
with folded ears, single color, patterns, spots, patches object or creature:
and a wide range of physical differences between each ● Locate Object
other. They are also the smallest of the tabaxi ● Locate Creature
subraces. ● Identify
Size. Felinus are the smallest of the Tabaxi and are Once cast, you cannot use any of these spells again
around 3 feet high, your size is Small. until after you have finished a long rest.
Speed: 25 feet is your base walking speed.
Additional Ability Score Increase. Your Lore Master II
Dexterity score increases by 2. Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Lore Master I
Feline’s Talent: You have proficiency in the You continue to hone your ability to satiate your every
Acrobatics skills. increasing thirst for lore. You are able to use both the
Darkvision: You have a cat’s keen senses, following abilities once:
especially in the dark. You can see in dim light within ● You are able to freely cast the Legend Lore spell
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in the once on a target (this feature cannot be cast on the
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern same target ever again).
color in darkness, only shades of gray. ● You are able to apply your proficiency bonus to an
Nimble Climber: You have a climbing speed Arcana or History check. This applies even if you
equal to your movement speed. With advantage on are already proficient or have expertise in the skill.
grappling, traversal and acrobatic checks related to You cannot use these abilities again until you have
climbing objects with soft pliable materials like finished a long rest.
clothing, wood, flesh, rope and so on.
4 Feet First. Your small contorting frame has an
inhuman ability to always shift so that your feet are

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Transfixation of the Tabaxi ● You are now able to jump three times as far - and
twice as high.
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Charisma of 14 or higher
● You are able to fall 30ft. before you start taking fall
You have an innate ability to keep a conversation
going, bringing life into them and attracting others
● You have advantage on any skill checks that relate
with intrigue and colorful tales.
to jumping.
When you talk to a creature and have spent at least
1 minute talking to them, as long as they remain Cat’s Eyes
neutral or friendly to you, you are able to use one of
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Dark Vision
the following spells for free on them:
Your perception inside the darkness becomes even
● Enthrall
keener, gaining the following:
● Friends
● Your range of dark vision increases by another
● Suggestion
+60ft. making it reach out to 120ft.
You cannot use any of these abilities again on the
● You have an additional +2 bonus to perception
same person for at least 1 week after using any of
checks in the dark.
them. As long as they are not used to cause any harm
● You can still see in almost pitch black conditions
to the target creature, they will not realize that you
but can only see 30 feet in front of you and see only
have tried to charm them after the spell effect wears
in shades of gray.

Warning Whiskers Cat Nap

Prerequisite: Tabaxi
Prerequisite: Tabaxi
Tabaxi are known for resting quickly and efficiently as
Your whiskers provide you with extra sensory input,
they travel around the lands. You can gain the benefits
becoming more aware of noticing the minute changes
of rest much faster than most races. You can do only
in the air around you has made you keenly alert of
one of the following abilities a day:
your immediate surroundings. Providing you with the
● Take a short rest lasting 10 minutes.
following benefits:
● Take a long rest lasting 2 hours.
● You are able to sense creatures through magical
You must complete a regular long rest of 8 hours
darkness within a 15ft. radius, you are unable to see
before you can use any of these abilities again.
them, but know of their presence and location.
● You are able to sense invisible or hidden creatures
Cat-like Reflexes
around you within a 10ft. radius, you are unable to
see them, but know of their presence and location. Prerequisite: Tabaxi
● Tight spaces that are about half your width or Being good on your feet, and quick to act. You are able
height are not seen as difficult terrain as you are to pull off bewildering feats of speed. You are able to
able to glide through these spaces with ease without do only one of the following per round of combat:
bumping into the edges. ● As a reaction, you can drop prone.
● As a reaction, you can use the rest of your
Springstep movement from your previous round, however the
movement cost is doubled.
Prerequisite: Tabaxi
● As a reaction you can avoid an attack of
Your cat-like affinity for athletics continues to reach
new heights, literally. You can jump - and even fall -
more effectively than before.
● Your Dexterity increases by 1.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Tail Adeptness King's Presence

Prerequisite: Tabaxi Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Keo
Excluding: Leuk-Leuk Your natural born leadership inspires confidence in
You have built a keen dexterity with your tail and are others fighting with you. As long as you maintain
able to use it as a powerful tool such as grasping more than half of your hitpoint maximum you
objects, with a range of 5ft. your tail allows you to do gain the following effects:
any of the following: ● Allies have advantage on melee attacks if they are
● You can perform sleight of hand using your tail - within a 15ft. of you.
which doesn’t gain proficiency. However, if used on ● You have advantage on any attempt to charm or
a target creature paying attention to you, they have frighten you.
disadvantage on noticing the tail. You lose these effects once your hitpoints fall to equal
● You can hold and use items or weapons using your or below half of your max, however you only regain
tail, which uses Dexterity for attacks. Your tail these abilities back once your hitpoints are fully
naturally increases the range of melee weapons replenished.
wielded with it - additionally gaining the Reach
modifier (if it doesn’t already). However, you can Strength of the Lion
only hold light weapons, and attacks using your tail
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Keo
have no attack or damage bonuses relating to
The Keo are a strong set of Tabaxi, and being around
proficiency or dexterity.
others' friends will encourage them to impress past
● It allows you to maintain balance better; With any
their typical limits.
checks pertaining to keeping balance gaining
● Your Strength score increases by +1.
advantage as long as your tail is not restricted.
You also gain the following abilities:
● When you have not moved your turn, you can
forfeit all movement and instead, use a bonus
Prerequisite: Tabaxi action to grapple, and then restrain the target
Tabaxi have fantastic reactions, especially when creature using your claws.
targeting flying prey, predicting their movement with ● You gain +1 Strength Modifier for every ally that is
a keen sense, you have the following abilities: directly beside you in a 5ft. Range.
● You have advantage on melee attacks on creatures
that are flying, presuming you can reach them. Lion’s Pride
● If you are using your claws to make an attack of
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Keo
opportunity on any creature (including non-flying)
You feel your strongest and most charismatic when
passing by you, you have advantage on the attack
amongst a strong looking group of allies.
● Your Charisma modifier increases by +1.
● Instead of an attack of opportunity against a
You also gain the following abilities:
creature, you can instead attempt to stop the
● For every known ally with full hitpoints that you
creature by grappling them. If the creature that fails
can see around you within 30 feet of you, your
the contest is of size Large or smaller and airborne
Charisma Modifier increases by +1 (up to a
they are also dragged to the ground and knocked
maximum of your current proficiency bonus)
prone. If they are bigger than size Large and are
● You can instead use your Charisma Modifier
airborne, then you can choose to hold on and be
(including the ally bonus) for any strength checks.
carried by the creature.
This bonus only applies when the target or attacker is
a creature.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Tiger’s Prowess of size large or smaller, on a successful hit, the

creature is pushed back by half the amount of
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Tigri
distance you traveled up to it to make the push. The
Tigri’s are natural at most athletic feats, with some
creature suffers disadvantage to Dexterity checks as
dedicated training they can become more proficient in
they are pushed back.
a multitude of physical attributes.
If you miss the attack you move past the target by half
● You are proficient in Athletics. If you are already
the distance you traveled, rounded down to the
proficient you will now have expertise in it.
nearest 5ft.
● Your Strength score increases by +1.
● Your movement speed increases by +5ft. Pounce Rebound
● Your swim and climb speed is now equal to your
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Jubata
base move speed.
You are able to use your speed as a Jubata to pounce

Teeth & Claws at a target and spring off them, either to aid in your
movement, or to transfer that momentum to the
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Tigri
Your teeth and claws become more vicious:
As an action, you are able to make a running jump
● Your claws now do 1d8 of damage instead of 1d6.
at a creature. Making a contested acrobatics check.
● Your bite now does 1d6 + your Strength Modifier of
For every 10ft. that you travel in a straight line
damage (instead of 1d4).
towards the target you gain +1 bonus to the check. On
a success you are able to do one of the following:
Apex Predator
● Using the Force of your jump, you are able to kick
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Tigri off the target with enough force to make them fall
If the creature is your size or smaller, you are able to: prone to the ground.
● You have advantage on attacks of opportunity. If ● Using your claws, you are able to make a free attack
you are using your claws - on a successful hit you on the target you leap off.
stop their movement. In both of these actions you are able to leap off the
● Using Pounce on the creature will suffer target creature, using the result of your acrobatics roll
disadvantage on their saving throw. (converted to feet rounded down to the nearest grid
● Using Bite-down on the creature will suffer tile). You can choose any distance up to the roll
disadvantage on their grapple throw even when not amount. This rebound movement does not invoke
prone. attacks of opportunity, and can also be used to jump
High Speed Impact On a failure you stumble and fall prone beside the
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Jubata target creature.
A Jubata’s speed is their greatest asset. Leveraging
that potential energy can be used to put weight into
Death from Above
your initial attack if given a lot of space to get speed. Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Onka
As long as you are wearing medium armor or lighter, You are able to use height to get even more potential
when you approach a target in a straight line you are damage on a target.
able to do one of the following: When you dive onto a target from above using your
● If you make a melee attack on a target, for every 10 Attack from Above ability, you can use your falling
ft. you travel in a straight line towards it, you energy and transfer it to the target if you successfully
receive +1 to your attack damage on a successful hit. land on them. You must make an Acrobatics check
● You can use an action to attempt to push the target that must beat a Dexterity or Strength saving throw by
creature in the opposite direction. If the creature is

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

the creature, which gains +1 bonus to the roll for every ● Creatures who are more than 15ft. away from you
additional 10ft. of height you use against it. suffer disadvantage on attack rolls towards you.
You add +1d6 of damage for every 10ft. you fall
before reaching the target. Snow Prince
If you successfully landed on the target you can as a Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Uncee
bonus action use your Death from Above trait. Your large paws are useful at distributing your weight,
The target must be a physical creature for you to giving you a slew of useful abilities:
land on it. If your landing is unsuccessful you will ● You leave no footprints on soft surfaces like sand,
instead take fall damage for the distance you traveled. mud or snow. You cannot be tracked through
non-magical means.
Ghost Of The Forest
● You cannot get stuck or trapped on soft surfaces,
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Onka like mud, snow or quicksand, nor does it count as
The Onka are natural inhabitants of forests, so it difficult terrain.
makes sense for them to use their home grounds to ● You have advantage when trying to hide in snowy,
stalk intruders. mountainous or harsh icy terrain, including tundra
As long as you are wearing Medium armor of lighter: and high rocky areas.
● Your climbing speed is now the same as your ● Your weight is considered tiny in cases when you
movement speed. crawl while prone, distributing the weight over all 4
● You are able to move freely and silently from tree to paws, where a creature would sink or fall through
tree, as long as trees (including their branches) are cracked or unstable surfaces that could be negated
within 5ft of each other by weight. This can be a trap trigger, an unstable
● You are able to use a bonus action to Dash when on surface or a vibration sensing creature.
the ground of forests, jungles or any large group of
trees. Fur of the Permafrost
● You gain advantage on stealth checks when in a tree
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Uncee
or within dense bushes, using the foliage and shade
Your fur is thick and maintains a frosty coat imbued
to help.
with a light magical sheen. You gain the following
Night Stalker
● The Frosted Fur trait now becomes permanent.
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Onka ● You are now able to, as a reaction, shed your
The Onka, with their dark fur, have a natural night Frosted Fur ability - puffing out in a frozen sphere
camouflage and are able move through the shadows to around you. You and all creatures around you in a
exploit that simple fact to its fullest extent. As long as 15 foot radius are enveloped in a frosty mist,
you are in darkness - and are not lit - you gain the becoming resistant to one instance of fire damage
following benefits: for 1 minute. You lose your Frosted Fur trait until
● You can use a bonus action to remain perfectly still, after you finish a short or long rest.
giving you a +5 bonus to your next stealth roll. This ● You can, as an action, create a freezing field
benefit is lost once you are seen or have moved and immediately around you. All creatures within a 5
will need to reroll again. foot radius of you must make a Constitution saving
● When you lay prone, you gain advantage on stealth throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency, on a failure
checks. You will have to reroll this check if you the creature becomes stuck and cannot move during
move into a light source. their turn and the rest of the round. You cannot use
● If you are hidden when initiative starts, you can add
this ability until after a short or long rest.
your stealth skill bonus to your initiative.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Lick Your Wounds ● You are able to perform a feat of acrobatics as a

bonus action (e.g. climb a tree) when it would
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Felis
otherwise cost an action.
When you take damage, you are able to groom
● As a reaction you are able to dodge a single
yourself, cleaning your wounds, mitigating the
projectile (e.g. a crossbow bolt, rock, or single magic
damage by a small amount by hiding.
missile bolt), roll a d8 to determine which square
After taking damage, if you are able to break line of
you move into. If the space is currently filled you hit
sight with the enemy you can, as a bonus action, heal
off it, taking the projectile damage and also falling
for +1d4 hitpoints. You can only do this the following
prone. If the square is a drop, you still avoid the
round after taking damage.
projectile but slip and fall off.
After using this ability you cannot use your
movement until the following round.

Four Feet Forward

Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Felis
Felis with a little training can run on all fours close to
the ground. You gain the following:
● Your Dexterity score increases by +1
● You have your base movement speed while prone
(but cannot dash).
● It costs 5ft. of movement to stand up from prone.

Purring Pal
Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Felis
When taking a short or long rest, you can sleep beside
an ally, giving them a sense of wellness and
relaxation. You can use only one of the following
abilities per rest on a single ally (not including
● The ally you sleep beside heals for +1d6 hitpoints.
● The ally you sleep beside gains +1d4 of temp
hitpoints. (This can be gained on a short or long
● You can spend your own hit dice on the ally.

Prerequisite: Tabaxi, Felis
Your flexible and contorting frame allows you to
achieve some crazy feats of acrobatics:
● When you perform a dodge action, you are able to
make a single acrobatics roll to replace your AC or
Spell save roll when you are attacked; for the rest of
the round. You must replace it with the resulting

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Tabaxi Naming 86-90 [Adjective] [Preposition] [Adjective + Noun]

Each Tabaxi has a single name, determined by clan 91-94 [Adjective + Noun] [Preposition] [Noun]

and based on many esoteric factors that can involve 95-97 [Adjective] [Preposition] [Verb] [Noun]
astrology, prophecy, clan history, and other peculiar
oddities. Tabaxi names are not restricted by gender, 98-100 [Adjective + Noun] [Preposition] [Verb]
and have shortened nicknames derived or inspired by
their full name.
Word Tables
Next - roll the noun/adjective/verb table to find
Tabaxi Name
out what word lists you will use. In the current
Use the following tables to help make a Tabaxi example - rolling a 5, 23 and 98 will mean that the
name. You should try to adapt the name to be word lists will be Movement, Mood and Random
meaningful to your character as names are built upon respectively - updating the example to:
something ingrained deeply from either their
appearance, family, culture or birthplace. “[MovementNoun] [Preposition]
Name Examples: Laughing at Butter, Arrow out [MoodAdjective + RandomNoun]”
of the Handle, Slicing Slighteclipse, Mine out of a
Collapsed Tavern, Holy Whiteshovel, Void Blackfist. d100 Noun / Adjective / Verb Tables

1-5 Movement
The name structure table helps form the skeleton 6 - 12 Colour
of the tabaxi name. For each of the [Adjective] [Noun]
13 - 18 Amount
[Preposition] and [Verb] in the structure, roll on the
corresponding table which will give you a table of 19 - 24 Mood
words. When there is a ‘+’ you conjoin the words into
25 - 30 Materials
As an example, the first roll of a d100 will 31 - 36 Spiritual
determine the structure of the name. An 82 will mean
37 - 42 Tools
the name will be of the structure:
43 - 48 Animals
“[Noun] [Preposition] [Adjective + Noun]”
49 - 54 Geography

d100 Name Structure 55 - 60 Weather

1 - 20 [Noun] [Adjective + Noun] 61 - 66 Body

21 - 40 [Verb] [Preposition] [Noun] 67 - 72 Abstract

41-50 [Verb] [Adjective + Noun] 73 - 78 Construction

51-60 [Noun] [Preposition] [Noun] 79 - 83 Structure

61-70 [Adjective] [Adjective + Noun] 84 - 88 Arts

71 -75 [Noun + Noun] 89 - 92 Clothing

76-80 [Adjective] [Noun + Noun] 93 - 97 Nature

81-85 [Noun] [Preposition] [Adjective + Noun] 98 - 100 Random

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Word Selection Finally you can assemble the whole name into the
Next, you want to roll a d20 for each of the word final form, ending up with the Tabaxi name:
tables you picked before; 13 on Movement noun, 5 on
Mood adjective and 18 on Random noun. When you “Soldier off the Joyousman”
roll the die, on the word table, look for the
corresponding noun, adjective or verb for that result. Final Considerations
This will give you the results in the example - a noun: It is up to you to determine the nickname of the
Soldier, an adjective: Joyous and finally another character, this could be “Soldier” or “Joy” in the
noun: Man/Woman (if the character is male in this example above. Other finalizations that you may want
case, we may want to favour ‘Man’ but if you want to consider is making things pluralize correctly, ie.
pure randomness: use a coin flip to decide the “Soldiers” vs. “Soldier” or “man” vs “men”, other
outcome). corrections could also mean changing words from
“-ing” to “-ed” and you should do so if you feel like it
Prepositions helps make the name sound more pleasing. E.g.
Lastly roll a [Preposition] using the preposition
table below, in our current example - a roll of 73 will Perhaps the character is named after an elite group
give you “Off the”. of Tabaxi soldiers in their tribe called the
“Joyousmen” leading the name to be changed to:
d100 Preposition d100 Preposition

1-2 Of 3-4 Or “Soldiers of The Joyousmen”

5-8 Of the 9 - 12 Of a

13 - 16 On the 17 - 20 On a With a slight change again this could instead imply

21 - 24 Like the 25 - 28 Like a that they will be the soldier of a tribe or group called
the “Joyousmen”:
29 - 31 In the 32 - 33 In a

34 - 36 Over the 37 - 39 Over a

“Soldier of the Joyousmen”
40 - 41 Under the 42 - 43 Under a

44 - 45 At the 46 - 47 At a Or it could be about an important phrase within the

48 - 49 Near the 50 - 51 Near a tribe where “The Joyousman” is a geological bridge in
52 - 53 For the 54 - 55 For a the shape of a smile, that soldiers use as a choke-point
to defend their home-town:
56 - 58 By the 59 - 60 By a

61 - 62 Onto the 63 -64 Onto a

“Soldier of the Joyousman”
65 - 66 Across the 67 - 68 Across a

69 - 70 From the 71 - 72 From a This system is about creating a name that may
73 - 74 Off the 75 - 76 Off a inspire your character in some way. Make sure to
77 - 78 Out of the 79 - 80 Out of a make an initial roll first before making any changes as

81 - 82 Atop the 83 - 84 Atop a

the result may create a challenging, yet serendipitous
name to build a very compelling story around. After
85 - 86 Up to the 87 - 88 Up to a
that, feel free to roll other tables, or change results
89 - 90 From within the 91 - 92 From within a
after the creation to help facilitate the name that
93 - 94 Without the 95 - 96 Without a works for your Tabaxi!
97 - 98 Upon the 99 - 100 Upon a

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Word Tables
1-5 Movement 6 - 12 Color

d20 Noun Adjective Verb d20 Noun Adjective Verb

1 Lean Left Leaving 1 Blood Crimson Bleeding

2 Sit Right Balancing 2 Grass Green Swaying

3 Top Upward Jumping 3 Water Blue Poured

4 Bottom Downward Crouching 4 Butter Yellow Cooking

5 Stance Unsteady Tumbling 5 Leaf Orange Rustling

6 Balance Steady Standing 6 Barrel Brown Roasting

7 Ring Round Spinning 7 Violet Purple Bruising

8 Depth Shallow Diving 8 Clay Tan Tanning

9 Step Steep Climbing 9 Rose Pink Blushing

10 Center Balanced Sitting 10 Smoke Grey Smoking

11 Slope Slanted Sliding 11 Shadow Black Frightening

12 Knot Frayed Twisting 12 Light White Blinding

13 Soldier Fallen Hurting 13 Night Dark Scaring

14 Essence Dead Falling 14 Wine Red Cork

15 Grip Handy Gripping 15 Sky Cyan Open

16 Rush Rushed Sprinting 16 Rope Velvet Crushed

17 Patient Sick Healing 17 Tint Tinted Painted

18 Leap Eager Bounding 18 Shade Shaded Darken

19 Spring Bouncy Bouncing 19 Coin Copper Spent

20 Handle Held Holding 20 Prism Colorful Refracted

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

13 - 18 Amount 19 - 24 Mood

d20 Noun Adjective Verb d20 Noun Adjective Verb

1 Self One Choosing 1 Delight Happy Smiling

2 Partner Two Splitting 2 Smirk Jealous Avenging

3 Company Three Whispering 3 Misery Sad Frowning

4 Crowd Four Talking 4 Teardrop Tearful Crying

5 Group Five Packing 5 Joy Joyous Radiating

6 Pack Six Squeezing 6 Hatred Angry Punched

7 Band Seven Playing 7 Power Tough Fighting

8 Party Eight Dancing 8 Panic Anxious Shaking

9 Mob Nine Approaching 9 Love Concerned Concerned

10 Horde Ten Incoming 10 Panic Crazy Escaped

11 Team Eleven Cooperating 11 Grimace Angry Distressed

12 Jury Twelve Arguing 12 Pain Hurt Injured

13 Council Twenty Discussing 13 Horror Close Frightening

14 Company Little Working 14 Pride Calm Washing

15 Folk Some Whispering 15 Anger Burnt Burning

16 Gallery Many Displaying 16 Laugh Laughing Laughing

17 School Hundred Learning 17 Hope Far Settling

18 Audience Thousand Watching 18 Fury Fiery Overwhelming

19 Inhabitant Million Encompassing 19 Shame Deep Creeping

20 Universe Infinite Unknowing 20 Delight Eager Settling

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

25 - 30 Materials 31 - 36 Spiritual

d20 Noun Adjective Verb d20 Noun Adjective Verb

1 Gold Golden Lusting 1 Sign Apparent Instructing

2 Silver Silver Shining 2 Star Celestial Twinkling

3 Bronze Dull Coating 3 Moon Lunar Waxing

4 Tin Burnished Combining 4 Symbol Iconic Symbolizing

5 Steel Stainless Fired 5 Eclipse Solar Eclipsing

6 Iron Welded Ironed 6 Planet Worldly Grounding

7 Brass Tarnished Cleaning 7 Meteor Burning Streaking

8 Marble Veined Smoothing 8 Galaxy Vast Expanding

9 Glass Clear Shattering 9 Heavens Divine Godly

10 Wood Wooden Knocking 10 Void Open Isolating

11 Rock Rocky Rumbling 11 Mentor Smart Guiding

12 Stone Pure Casting 12 Spirit Holy Humbling

13 Earth Dirty Growing 13 Monk Spiritual Meditating

14 Metal Metallic Forging 14 Priest Saintly Praying

15 Paper Folded Flexing 15 Cleric Pious Healing

16 Gem Cut Faceted 16 Incense Musky Wafting

17 Diamond Brilliant Dazzling 17 Prophecy Chosen Fulfilling

18 Ruby Precious Sparkling 18 Rune Magical Pulsing

19 Emerald Jade Shining 19 Essence Invisible Permeating

20 Opal Milky Charging 20 Potion Potent Imbuing

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

37 - 42 Tools 43 - 48 Animals

d20 Noun Adjective Verb d20 Noun Adjective Verb

1 Key Unlocked Opened 1 Lion Proud Roaring

2 Pick Locked Picked 2 Tiger Striped Pouncing

3 Needle Sharp Sewn 3 Lizard Scaly Skittered

4 Dagger Pointed Point 4 Snake Sneaky Slithered

5 Hammer Flat Hit 5 Frog Slimy Hopping

6 Sword Deadly Stab 6 Crocodile Textured Biting

7 Shovel Blunt Digging 7 Dragon Treasured Sleeping

8 Pan Thick Frying 8 Insect Small Creeping

9 Armour Safe Blocked 9 Wasp Pesky Annoying

10 Shield Hardy Shielded 10 Bee Tiny Buzzing

11 Axe Sliced Cutting 11 Moth Aimless Flying

12 Fork Forked Swallow 12 Mosquito Tiny Distracting

13 Knife Blunt Slicing 13 Fish Slippery Slapping

14 Bow Tense Pulling 14 Whale Huge Basking

15 Arrow True Shooting 15 Shark Great Hunting

16 Spear Long Throwing 16 Crab Shelled Strafing

17 Jug Thick Pouring 17 Bird High Soaring

18 Scissor Light Cutting 18 Hummingbird Steady Hovering

19 Anvil Heavy Hitting 19 Eagle Bold Clawing

20 Forge Hot Forging 20 Vulture Hungry Snatching

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

49 - 54 Geography 55 - 60 Weather

d12 Noun Adjective Verb d12 Noun Adjective Verb

1 Plains Flat Stretching 1 Rain Distant Falling

2 Hill Rolling Rolling 2 Sun Bright Glowing

3 Mountain Tall Looming 3 Cloud Misty Drifting

4 Valley Wide Spanning 4 Snow Snowy Snowing

5 Cliff Steep Standing 5 Storm Stormy Brewing

6 River Soft Meandering 6 Ice Icey Freezing

7 Gorge Narrow Splitting 7 Wind Windy Blowing

8 Canyon Grand Slicing 8 Hurricane Powerful Punching

9 Sands Soft Singing 9 Lightning Light Striking

10 Lake Calm Lapping 10 Thunder Loud Thundering

11 Sea Rough Waving 11 Heat Hot Scorching

12 Ocean Deep Still 12 Cold Chilly Chilling

13 Volcano Great Erupting 13 Warmth Warm Warming

14 Peak Majestic Piercing 14 Tornado Violent Plowing

15 Mesa Flat Balancing 15 Breeze Soft Whispering

16 Jungle Humid Exploring 16 Sunshine Bright Beating

17 Ridge Hard Climbing 17 Freeze Deep Freezing

18 Coast Erratic Swaying 18 Mist Light Dispersing

19 Creek Quiet Wandering 19 Fog Thick Creeping

20 Beach Sandy Resting 20 Moonlight Soft Casting

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

61 - 66 Body 67 - 72 Abstract

d20 Noun Adjective Verb d20 Noun Adjective Verb

1 Crown Majestic Placing 1 Mind Broad Thinking

2 Head Big Turning 2 Soul Deep Caring

3 Face Lovely Facing 3 Life Rich Living

4 Eye Glassy Looking 4 Death Strange Dying

5 Hand Strong Lifting 5 Heart Good Beating

6 Hair Luscious Flowing 6 Luck Dumb Working

7 Scale Oily Glancing 7 Fear Uneasy Bubbling

8 Horn Ivory Charging 8 Courage Full Unwavering

9 Chest Hairy Beating 9 Truth Half Creeping

10 Fin Slick Flapping 10 Peace Weary Shaking

11 Tooth Ferocious Biting 11 Breath Deep Breathing

12 Ear Keen Listening 12 Faith Pure Unwavering

13 Nose Scented Sniffing 13 Energy Strong Energizing

14 Foot Raised Kicking 14 Dream Crazy Dreaming

15 Fist Clenched Striking 15 Adventure Meaningful Adventuring

16 Claw Ferocious Swiping 16 Comfort Soft Comforting

17 Spine Curved Bending 17 Chaos Mad Disrupting

18 Skull Old Crushing 18 Brilliance Brilliant Shining

19 Tail Nimble Swaying 19 Beauty Lovely Viewing

20 Bone Ancient Crumbling 20 Courage Bitter Holding

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

73 - 78 Structure 79 - 83 Construction

d20 Noun Adjective Verb d20 Noun Adjective Verb

1 Tower Towering Towering 1 Ramp Slight Rolling

2 Windmill Quaint Rotating 2 Wall Smooth Standing

3 City Active Bustling 3 Trim Sideways Tilting

4 Village Sleepy Warming 4 Floor Low Lowering

5 Tavern Lively Drinking 5 Window Clear Opening

6 Farm Lush Tending 6 Steeple Sharp Towering

7 Watermill Productive Grinding 7 Doorway Open Framing

8 House Humble Inviting 8 Pillar Towering Holding

9 Hovel Modest Constructed 9 Arch Curved Arching

10 Cottage Cute Standing 10 Door Shut Closing

11 Pool Shallow Swimming 11 Tile Fragile Tiling

12 Settlement New Settling 12 Roof High Covering

13 Hut Meager Crumbling 13 Clock Set Ticking

14 Church Holy Guiding 14 Lock Safe Protecting

15 Chapel Impressive Praying 15 Mirror Reflected Reflecting

16 Town Busy Selling 16 Frame Wooden Framing

17 Well Deep Supplying 17 Chair Soft Sitting

18 Mine Rich Mining 18 Picture Artistic Displaying

19 Fortress Impenetrable Fortifying 19 Table Sturdy Standing

20 Castle Old Existing 20 Dome Smooth Imposing

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

84 - 88 Arts 89 - 92 Clothing

d20 Noun Adjective Verb d20 Noun Adjective Verb

1 Bell Loud Clanging 1 Shoe Worn Standing

2 Drum Tight Banging 2 Skirt Long Flowing

3 Song Popular Humming 3 Hat Pointed Placing

4 Lute Exquisit Playing 4 Coat Long Coating

5 Whistle Small Whistling 5 Hood Hooded Obscuring

6 Sculpture Lifelike Sculpting 6 Belt Loose Attaching

7 Brush Bristly Brushing 7 Buckle Firm Buckling

8 Art Artistic Creating 8 Sock Cozy Dressing

9 Picture New Framing 9 Cloth Threaded Wiping

10 Paint Colourful Painting 10 Wire Malleable Threading

11 Painting Detailed Displaying 11 Gauntlet Wire Lashing

12 Letter Intricate Writing 12 Thread Thin Sewing

13 Scroll Old Casting 13 Wool Soft Filling

14 Scripture Dusty Crumbling 14 Harness Tight Harnessing

15 Music Dulcet Singing 15 Rope Durable Tying

16 Note Hasty Playing 16 String Delicate Binding

17 Book Long Reading 17 Cotton Fine Blowing

18 Page Folded Writing 18 Leather Hardy Covering

19 Library Grand Reading 19 Fur Fluffy Stroking

20 Story Fictional Gripping 20 Feather Beautiful Floating

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

93 - 97 Nature 98 - 100 Random

d20 Noun Adjective Verb d20 Noun Adjective Verb

1 Tree Tall Falling 1 Circle Round Orbiting

2 Flower Pretty Planting 2 Square Acute Measuring

3 Cell Single Dividing 3 Chalice Artful Gleaming

4 Fire Toasty Roasting 4 Bottle Full Drinking

5 Water Cool Running 5 Dice Random Throwing

6 Steam Intense Blasting 6 Bolt Solid Tightening

7 Poison Deadly Subduing 7 Gear Circular Breaking

8 Pond Quiet Burbling 8 Pipe Broken Leaking

9 Lily Flat Floating 9 Mesh Fine Filtering

10 Outcrop Rocky Defining 10 Cage Closed Trapping

11 Marsh Boggy Smelling 11 Apple Crunchy Shining

12 Forest Thick Moaning 12 Soup Warm Stewing

13 Grove Tender Beckoning 13 Bean Tender Stewing

14 Thicket Dense Hiding 14 Bowl Curved Filling

15 Timber Sturdy Piled 15 Plate Clean Smashing

16 Oil Slippery Sliding 16 Corn Planted Tending

17 Vine Dangling Creeping 17 Boy/Girl Curious Playing

18 Log Wooden Chopping 18 Man/Woman Mature Working

19 Moss Mossy Thriving 19 Candle Gentle Glowing

20 Rubber Firm Bouncing 20 Torch Warm Exploring

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Tabaxi

Tabaxi Clan 77 - 83 Structure

Tabaxi clan names are based on important 84 - 88 Arts

geographical features around their birthplace or their
89 - 91 Clothing
clan's territory. Use the tables to help create one.
The name structure table helps form the skeleton 92 - 96 Nature
of the clan name. For each of the [Adjective] [Noun]
97 - 100 Random
and [Verb] in the structure. Clan nouns have their
own special table (at the end of the page).
As clan names are mostly natural and geographical
Clan Examples: Breaking Tundra, Arguing Sun, names, use the following noun table when you have
Spiritual Jungle, Unlocked PlainsLake, Singing Sands to roll a [Noun]:

d100 Name Structure

d100 Noun Table d100 Noun Table

1 - 29 [Adjective] [Noun]
1-2 Plains 3-4 Tundra

30 - 59 [Verb] [Noun]
5-8 Hill 9 - 12 Taiga

60 - 79 [Adjective] [Verb] [Noun]

13 - 16 Mountain 17 - 20 Outcrop

80 - 100 [Verb] [Adjective] [ Noun]

21 - 24 Valley 25 - 28 Peak

29 - 31 Cliff 32 - 33 Tree
The following is the adjective/verb table used for
[Adjective] and [Verb] words. Use the word tables 34 - 36 River 37 - 39 Marsh
in Tabaxi names in the previous pages.
40 - 41 Gorge 42 - 43 Forest

d100 Adjective / Verb Table 44 - 45 Canyon 46 - 47 Grove

1-6 Movement 48 - 49 Dune 50 - 51 Thicket

7 - 14 Color 52 - 53 Lake 54 - 55 Archipelago

15 - 21 Amount 56 - 58 Sea 59 - 60 Island

22 - 25 Mood 61 - 62 Ocean 63 -64 Badlands

26 - 32 Materials 65 - 66 Volcano 67 - 68 Rainforest

33 - 37 Spiritual 69 - 70 Peak 71 - 72 Cave

38 - 43 Tools 73 - 74 Mesa 75 - 76 Sun

44 - 49 Animals 77 - 78 Jungle 79 - 80 Sunshine

50 - 58 Geography 81 - 82 Ridge 83 - 84 Shade

59 - 63 Weather 85 - 86 Coast 87 - 88 Sands

59 - 63 Body 89 - 90 Creek 91 - 92 Thundercloud

64 - 69 Abstract 93 - 94 Beach 95 - 96 Snow

70 - 76 Construction 97 - 98 Swamp 99 - 100 Rain

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson

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