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Interest - Preference

Illustrates - outlines / represents /exhibit / shows the

result of a survey
Eaten - consumption
Observed - experienced / witnessed
Country - Nation
Constant - Same / Stable / unchanged
Increased the most / sharply / significantly /
Represents / accounts for / make up
FROWNED upon - disapprove
Longer - more extended
In comparison / compared to / comparatively

People / human / mankind / public / society- People in

general ( no article)

Young / teenagers / youth / youngsters / adolescents

Advantage / benefits / strength / pros

Job / profession / occupation

Results / consequences / repercussion

A lot of / a multitude of / a plethora of

Wealthy / rich / affluent / prosperous / well off - talking

about people

Poor / needy / deprived / underprivileged

Firstly / to begin with

Cheap / inexpensive /

Costly / expensive
Enough / adequate / sufficient

Helpful / beneficial / useful

And - along with / together with / as well as

;Like wise, / similarly / in the same way

Later/ subsequently

Linking words


In conclusion - To conclude /
Owing to / due to / bcz/ since

Despite the advantages

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