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Social Networks Pros and Cons

People interact with each others in their daily life, be it their family, friends, or even
strangers. The age of writing letters is gone, although telephone calls and emails are still used
for contact, people find social media much more efficient.

If we are looking at the positive aspects of social media, we will find many advantages. It
helps to strengthen the bonds between loved ones, it is because of social media that distance is
not a barrier anymore. Another perk that social media provides us is that it allows companies to
promote their brands. Social media has become a hub for campaigning and advertising, along
with offering the company a great platform for connecting with their customers. Social media
has also proven to be a very useful device for education.

Despite having so many advantages, social media is also often said to be one of the
most harmful elements of society. Social media can lead to grave consequences if not
monitored. Social media invades the privacy of people like no other form of communication ever
did before. Often children and people, who over-share on social media, fall prey to predators
like bullies and hackers. The mental health of people is affected significantly because of cyber-
bullying on social media. The minds of many people are getting poisoned because of the spread
of fake news on social media.

Also the addiction to social media is a serious matter of concern that many children face.
Addiction to social media leads to an increase in anxiety, hampering of studies, and, most
importantly, a waste of time.

Hence, as responsible people, we should use social media with good intentions rather
than making it something that is toxic. Social media is a very useful tool that can be further
developed to bring greatness to humankind.

- Interactions

- Bonds

- Brands

- Campaigning and advertising

- Education

- Harmful elements of society

- Monitored

- Invading privacy

- Over-sharing data, predators

- Mental health of the victims

- Fake news

- Anxiety, hampering of studies

- Hence, use it with good intentions, not toxic, tool do be developed to bring greatness

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