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Positioning and handling the young child

Online Skills Class


Developing Motor Control
Three stages of motor control – Cognitive, Associative and
Cognitive – Skill Acquisition
Associative – Skill refinement
Autonomous – retention of the skill and performance of the
movement functionally
These stages are dynamic and constantly interacting with each other
Stages of motor development – We will
practise these in the online session – You will
need a mat for the class
Supine Lying and play – Important for manipulation – use of hands for play
Prone Lying and play – Important for moving, weight bearing and walking – Extension progresses
Rolling – Trunk rotation sets in and helps with rolling over, weight shifting and transitions from
one position to another – getting ready to move
Moving – Creeping, Crawling, Sitting Up, Pulling to standing and standing, walking – Weight
shifting from one part to the other
Handling/ Positioning children with motor
Who needs this?
Muscle Tone –
Hypotonia – very low tone, flaccid, head flopped forwards or back, wide based sitting or frog
legged lying down
Hypertonia – stiffness present, legs extended and tight or even crossed over, arms close to body
and flexed, head extended, sitting with kyphosis and extended legs, or in w-sitting
Movement restrictions – due to surgery, or congenital abnormalities
Sensory issues – including poor circulation
Lets Practice… You will need a doll with flexible limbs or a teddy,
cup and spoon to feed the doll, a small table or carton to keep in
front of seated doll for play, feeding
You are working with a baby (doll) - Practice each instance In groups of 4 or 5
Sitting for play, feeding
Facilitating lying to sitting to standing using occupations (reaching for toys)
You are working with a child is at kinder - Practice each instance
supported seating for sand play
Supported seating for tabletop activity
Lifting and carrying for transfers

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