Reading Exercises

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PROFESSOR (A): __Clarissa Dias__ DISCIPLINA: Inglês Instrumental I_ Data: ___/___/ 2023
ALUNOS: _______________________________________________________ TURMA: ______

EXERCISE: Form a single sentence using the group of words below.



EXERCISE: Read the text and then answer the following questions.

Words and Their Stories: Computer Terms

Computer technology has become a major part of people's lives. This technology has its
own special words. One example is the word mouse, which is not a little animal
considered by many a plague, but a small device that you move around on a flat surface,
moving the pointer, also called the cursor, on a computer screen. It was developed in the
early 60’s by the computer expert Douglas Engelbart. Do you know that the first computer
mouse was a carved block of wood with two metal wheels? And he named it a “mouse”
because it had a tail at one end, that was the wire connecting it to the computer.
But using a computer and understanding its complexity takes some time and training.
And the people who are experts and sometimes use this knowledge to do evil stuff are
called hackers. They usually write software programs in a special computer language in
an attempt to steal information from computer systems. It is not the same as spam -
unwanted messages triggered to your electronic mailbox.
Another well known computer word is google, one of the most popular search
engines for the Internet that people use to find information about almost any subject. Its
name refers, in mathematics, to googol, which is an extremely large number (the number
one followed by one-hundred zeros). So, when you "Google" a subject, you can get a large
amount of information about it.
A vlog is the shortened name for web video log. It may contain stories, comments,
pictures, comedy videos and links to other Web sites, which these vloggers can feed every
day. More recently, we have youtubers and tik-tokers.
So these are some examples of technical terms related to technology! Let’s dig some
1) Answer: What is the central idea of the text?

2) Match the vocabulary from the text to its definition:

a) a file in a computer for the storage/providing access to electronic mail:
b) a person who can illegally gain access to or break in computers/restricted computer system
and codes: ___________________
c) a person who produces and distribute a variety of contents on an internet platform:
d) equipment used as a computer pointing device, controlling the movement of the cursor:
e) machine or instrument used to locate/look for information online: ______________
f) search for something on the internet using a search engine: _________________
g) sequence of instructions enabling a computer to perform a task thru a computer software:
h) supplying a machine with material for its operation: ___________________
i) unsolicited email or text message with commercial purposes: ________________
j) a video journal uploaded to the internet: ___________________

3) Choose 2 sentences and then translate them into your own words:
a) A computer is an electronic gadget used to store and process data.

b) We can send and receive messages through emails and save important and private
information with security protection on it.

c) The four major parts of a computer are the mouse, keyboard, monitor and CPU.

d) To log on an operating system you must type in a username and a password.

e) You can either drag and drop or even copy and paste the files into the new folder.


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