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1. Abby ____ in a dormitory near the school’s laboratory.

o living
o stay
o live
o lives

2. I’m busy on Friday, so I ___come.

o am not
o not can
o don't
o can't

3.   Do you think it’s ___ rain tomorrow?

o going
o going to
o to
o will

4.  She’s wearing a ___ dress.

o black long beautiful
o long beautiful black
o beautiful long black
o long black beautiful

5. Let’s go to the cinema.

Great idea! What film ___ we watch?

o are we going to
o will
o do
o shall

6.   I don’t know where she is. I suppose she ___ got stuck in traffic.
o should have
o can have
o must have
o might have

7. How long have they ___ there?

o waiting
o waited
o been waiting
o been waited

8.  We ____ joined you at the game yesterday, but the babysitter was not available.
o would have
o could have
o should have
o have had

9. May I please request that the two groups take an _____ position on the issue now?
o alternating
o alternative
o alteration
o all of the above

10. My car _____ stolen from the city center.

o have been
o has been
o was been
o have had been

11. Choose the correct spelling.

o Fahrenheit
o Fahrenheight
o Farrenheit
o Farhenheit

12. Joan is settling ________ Japan next year. She would be leaving ___________ eleven
o’clock in the morning _________ New Year’s Day.
o in - on - on
o at - on - at
o in - at - in
o in - at - on

13.  Stephen, an electrician, _____ I asked for assistance, was helpful.

o who
o whom
o that
o which

14. Choose the correct spelling.

o Worcetershire
o Worcestershire
o Worsestershire
o Worseterchire

15. Choose the correct and effective sentence from the set of sentences.
o Joan only walked ten kilometers when her legs gave out.
o Joan had only walked for about ten kilometers when her legs gave out.
o Joan has walked only ten kilometers when her legs gave out.
o Joan had walked only ten kilometers when her legs gave out.

16.  Joan badly needs her mentor's _____ because she failed her midterm examination in
o advice
o advise
o advisory
o advising

17. Neither the students nor their teacher _____ participating in the survey prepared by Juan.
o were
o are
o is
o was

18. Which of the following paints a verbal picture to directly compare two unrelated things?
o heart of stone
o The sun smiled down on us.
o as proud as a peacock
o pitter-patter

19.   The new laboratory head is very _____. For instance, laboratory assistants and students are
given much shorter deadlines for their experiments than before.
o persuasive
o suspicious
o tolerable
o demanding
20.  Jonathan was as brave as a lion. This sentence is an example of what type of figure of
o Simile
o Personification
o Metaphor
o Alliteration

21.  Which of the following is the correct comparative word for "I am strong and independent
man, but my Neil is ______."
o strongest and most independent
o stronger and more independent
o as strong and as independent
o more strong and more independent

22. Which of the following is a "compound" conjunction?

o so big that
o as long as
o although
o and

23. Choose the correct spelling of the word that describes the condition or quality of being true,
correct, or exact; freedom from error or defect; precision or exactness; correctness.
o Accuracy
o Acurracy
o Accurecy
o Accurracy

24. What is the proper sequence of the given sentences?

I. Large buildings have foundations that form the base on which they are constructed.
II. They all tend to have a roof, walls, and a floor.
III. Buildings come in a huge variety of sizes and shapes from tower blocks and supermarkets to garden
IV. Despite the differences they all serve the same purpose of providing shelter for us and our belonging.
o I, II, III, IV
o III, IV, II, I
o II, I, III, IV
o II, III, I, IV


'Versatile' means multiskilled, adaptable, flexible, etc.

25. What is the term that made this sentence grammatically wrong? “Joan went to her friend’s
birthday party despite of a lack of review for her upcoming final examination in Calculus on
o to
o despite
o of
o none of the above


In the given sentence, 'despite' is the preposition. It does not take 'of' after it. Therefore, the grammar
mistake in the given sentence is 'of.' With that, the correct sentence is the following: "She went to gym
despite her illness."

26. James asked _____ would be the new principal at the school. She was very excited about it.
o who
o whom
o which
o that

27. It was the first time Joan _____ spicy fried chicken that cost about five thousand pesos.
o has eaten
o had eaten
o was eating
o had been eating

28.  I would not say that to Mario if I _____ you.

o am
o would be
o were
o was

29.  If I had more time, money, and energy, I _____ do more replicates of my variables for my
research experiment.
o will
o would
o want to
o am going to

30. This pizza is _____, but also _____ than the pizza we ate last Wednesday.
o more big…more expensive
o bigger…more expensive
o bigger…expensiver
o more big…expensiver

31. I spend too much time _____ calculus and biology. I would like _____ more time for myself
and my family.
o to study…to have
o to study…having
o studying…having
o studying…to have

32. Next week, I ___ all my performance tasks, and I can finally play Vanorant Legends!
o will have been finishing
o will finish
o will be finishing
o will have finished

33.  When I go to the restaurant, I eat _____ fish _____ roast chicken. These are my favorite
o neither - nor
o neither - or
o either - nor
o either - or

34.  If Joan ___ two hours later, she ___ the show.
o would arrive…would miss
o would have arrived…would have missed
o had arrived…would have missed
o arrived…would have missed

35.  Chris _____ playing computer games for three hours before the power went off.
o has been
o had been
o have been
o was

36. I was _____ exhausted by the end of the day. 

o very
o extremely
o completely
o incredibly

37.  There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You _____ buy any in the supermarket.
o couldn't
o needn't
o must
o might

38.  She___ wear short skirts, but now she wears t-shirts.

o used to
o did not
o before
o use to

39.  Put _____ plastic on _____   desk, then give Joan _____ apple juice and _____   cup of
o the…the…an…a
o a…the…an…the
o the…the…a…a
o a…a…the…the

40.  Joan is wearing _____ laboratory gown and blue gloves for safety.
o a white long plain
o a long plain white
o a plain long white
o a long white plain
1. The process by which new rocks are formed thru intense heat and pressure is called
o cyrstallization
o lithification
o metamorphism
o plastic deformation

2. The demand for non-renewable resources increases as the world’s population continues to
grow and as industrialization expands at an alarming rate. Which is not true about non-renewable
o Their exploitation and use will eventually lead to their exhaust.
o These resources take millions of years to form.
o They cannot be stored for future use.
o They are finite or non-sustainable.

3. Water is boiled in a flask with a balloon over the top. As the water heats, the balloon expands.
What has happened to the weight of this flask and balloon in this experiment?
o it has increased as the balloon expands.
o it has decreased as the water boiled away.
o it has stayed the same.
o It is unpredictable because the balloon is flexible.

4. Which of the following is not a physical change?

o clothes drying in the dryer
o making a cup of coffee
o chopping wood
o boiling an egg

5. Give the mass number of an atom that has 10 protons, 10 electrons, and 11 neutrons.
o 31
o 20
o 10
o 21

6. A 200 N box is pushed up an incline that is 5.00 m long and rises 1.00 m. If the incline is
frictionless, then the work done by the pushing force is __________.
o 336 J
o 305 J
o 275 J
o 200 J

7. Different waves pass through the Earth’s inner layers. With this, we can understand the
characteristics of each layer. The outer core is liquid because
o P waves pass through it.
o S waves pass through it.
o P waves cannot pass through it.
o S waves cannot pass through it.

8. A man with type A blood marries a woman with type B blood. Which of the following is
o they have a type A child
o they have a type AB child
o they have a type O child
o none of the above

9. Which of the following is/are correct about the oxide ion, O2-?

I. The number of protons is greater than the number of electrons.

II. The number of electrons is greater than the number of protons.
III. The number of protons is equal to the number of electrons.
o I only
o II only
o III only
o II and III

10. Which of the following is the mass percentage of Potassium chloride in a solution containing
3.0 g of KCl in 100 mL of water? (Density of water = 1 g/cm3)
o 2.91%
o 0.97%
o 3.88%
o 7.76%

11. If a boxer moves into the punch such as to decrease the duration of impact by half, how much
will the force of impact be increased?
o 2 times greater
o 4 times greater
o 8 times greater
o The impact force will be the same.

12. Convert 100°C to °F

o 87.5
o 122.4
o 212
o 314

13. The charge of chromium (Cr) in potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) is

o 2+
o 3+
o 6+
o 12+

14. A plant cell is placed in a solution with different concentrations of solutes. In one solution
with a higher concentration, the water molecules move out of the cell through the cell membrane.
On the other hand, in another solution with lower concentration, the water molecules move into
the cell through the cell membrane. This process, called osmosis, is done to balance the
concentration of water on both sides of the membrane. Which of the following is not true about
o it is a form of diffusion
o it requires energy
o it involves movement of solvent from low solute to high solute concentration
o it requires a semi-permeable membrane

15. A rock with two very different textures means that the rock probably
o is sedimentary
o formed at two different depths
o is metamorphic
o formed as two different rocks fused

16. Which of the following plant tissues can also be found in animals?
o ground tissue
o meristematic tissue
o vascular tissue
o none of these

17. A person on the street wants to throw an 8 kg book up to a person leaning out a window 5 m
above street level. With what velocity must the person throw the book so that it reaches the
person in the window?
o 10 m/s
o 20 m/s
o 30 m/s
o 40 m/s

18. Acids are substances that __________.

o form hydronium ions when dissolved in water
o turn red litmus paper blue
o make foods taste bitter
o react with neutral liquids to form bases

19. A concave mirror with a focal length of 12.0 cm creates a real image 36.0 cm away on its
principal axis; the corresponding object is located how far from the mirror?
o 16 cm
o 18 cm
o 15 cm
o 13 cm

For questions 20 and 21, refer to the following diagrams.

20. From the illustration, one can conclude that __________.
o cube A has the least weight
o cube C has the highest density
o cube A has the highest density
o water has greater buoyant force than cube A

21. Cube C sinks because __________.

o it weighs much
o it displaces much water
o its weight is less than the weight of the water it has displaced
o its weight is greater than the weight of the water it has displaced

22. Which of the following is not a property of life?

o molding or adapting to one’s environment
o responding the stimuli
o reproducing, passing hereditary material to the next generation
o None of the above

23. Hydrogen and oxygen molecules in a gas sample have the same temperature. This means the
hydrogen molecules, on the average, have the same __________.
o speed, but more kinetic energy
o kinetic energy, but more speed.
o kinetic energy, but less speed.
o speed and the same kinetic energy
24. A hockey player pushes a puck across the ice with their stick and it travels 4 m. Another
player pushes the same puck back with their stick with less force and it travels 3 m. Which of
Newton’s Laws best describes this observation?
o Newton’s First Law of Motion
o Newton’s Second Law of Motion
o Newton’s Third Law of Motion
o Law of Universal Gravitation

25. In a plant, what part stores sugars as starch?

o leaves
o roots
o seeds
o all of the above

26. What are the coefficients that will balance the formula equation below?

o 1, 3, 1, 3
o 3, 1, 3, 1
o 1, 1, 1, 3
o 1, 3, 3, 1

27. Which of the following did not help Darwin formulate his theory of evolution?
o fossil evidence that species had changed over time
o closely related species on oceanic islands
o belief that the earth was several thousand years old
o evidence of artificial selection in domestic animals

28. Bart placed four identical candles on a table and lit them. He covered the first candle with a
big jar, the second with a medium-sized jar, and the third with a small jar. He left the last candle
uncovered. Which candle probably took the longest time to burn?
o the lit candle left uncovered
o the lit candle covered with the biggest jar
o the lit candle covered with the smallest jar
o the lit candle covered with the medium-sized jar

29. Taken by itself, the fact that 8.0 g of oxygen and 1.0 g of hydrogen combine to give 9.0 of
water demonstrates what natural law?
o Multiple proportions
o Periodicity
o Conservation of Mass
o The Atomic Theory

30. The optimum temperature for an organism is the one at which __________.
o it grows with the shortest generation time
o it has the longest time between cell divisions
o it is near one extreme of its range of tolerated temperatures
o its enzymes begin to denature

For questions 31 and 32. Five positions of a swinging pendulum are shown in the following
diagram. A and E are the highest positions attained by the pendulum; the lowest is C.

31. The kinetic energy of the pendulum is highest at position(s) __________.

o C
o B and D
o A and E
o A, C and E

32. Speed is minimum at position(s) __________.

o C
o B and D
o A and E
o A, C and E

For questions 33-35, refer to the situation below:

A new powder for rash medication is undergoing clinical trials. A total of 600 participants with reported
cases of rashes have been collected, regardless of the origin of their rash. They were divided into three
groups of 200 participants: Group A received Brand X rash medication powder, Group B received the
newly introduced product, and Group C received a placebo. All participants were not informed of what
group they are in. After six months, 187 participants from Group A said that it helped them with their
condition and 183 subjects from group B said the same thing with no evident side effects. Lastly, 43
participants from Group C reported the same effects.

33. What is/are the independent variable/s  in the clinical trial?

o 600 participants with reported cases of rashes
o three types of powder used for rash medication
o the manufacturers
o both A and C

34. What is/are the control variable/s in the clinical trial?

o rash medication powder
o newly introduced rash medication powder
o placebo powder
o both A and C

35. Why do you think 43 participants from Group C reported positive results?
o The powder they received was improperly labeled.
o The positive result was caused by external factors.
o The placebo powder contains traces of the positive control.
o All of the above.

36. A 2000 kg car accelerates from rest to a velocity of 20 m/s in 10 seconds. The power of the
engine during this acceleration is __________.
o 200 kW
o 20,000 kW
o 4000 kW
o 40 kW

37. What pattern of inheritance in humans does this pedigree illustrate?

o X-linked recessive inheritance
o X-linked dominant inheritance
o Y-linked inheritance
o Sex-influenced inheritance

38. Which of the following closely demonstrates natural selection?

o Deer with smaller antlers remain since hunters are selective towards deer with bigger antlers.
o Most dog breeders are selective to match individuals to produce the most trainable breeds.
o Sheep are selected according to the unusual coat colors for breeding.
o Most mice died after a cold spell while some survived and reproduced.

39. Jose wants to test the limit of his electrical generator, so he graphed the relationship between
the current and the power density produced as shown in the graph below. Which of the following
describes his results?
o Power density is inversely proportional to the current flowing through coils.
o Power density is directly proportional to the current flowing through coils.
o Increasing the current will decrease the power density.
o Insufficient information.

40. Calculate the molality of a solution of ammonia (17 g/mol) in water which is 33% NH3 by
o 1.94
o 29.0
o 33
o 67


o (b-a)³
o (a-b)³
o b³-a³
o a³-b³
o ³√b-a
Iba pa:

2. In the figure below, if the length of AB is 10, find the length of AD.

o 11 ⅜
o 11 ¾
o 12
o 12 ¼
o 12 ½

3. Find side AB.

o 11.54 m
o 8.66 m
o 20 m
o 5m
4. Two chips are drawn simultaneously from an urn containing 10 chips numbered from 1 to 10.
What is the probability that one of the numbers on the chips is even, and the other is odd?
o 2/9
o 4/9
o 5/9
o 5/18

5. A student downloaded 6 music files to a portable MP3 player. In how many different orders
can the songs be played?
o 6
o 24
o 120
o 720

6. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

o A∩B=B∩A
o A∪B=B∪A
o A\B=B\A
o A△B=B△A

7. Solve the equation

o a
o b
o c
o d
o e

8.  What is the value of sin (60°) 

o 1/2
o √3/2
o 1
o 2/√3

9.  Find the limit of a function

o 3/2
o 1/4
o 1
o 3

10.  Find the limit of a function.

o 1
o 4
o 5/2
o 1/2

11. A company has a workforce of 200 employees. 120 of the employees are men and the rest are
women. If 10 employees are randomly selected, what is the probability that at least 4 of them are
o 0.083
o 0.162
o 0.327
o 0.538

12. If 15 workers can complete a job in 10 days, how many workers are needed to complete the
same job in 5 days?
o 40
o 25
o 30
o 60

13. The ratio of the number of ducks to the number of chickens on a farm is 4:3. If there are 21
more ducks than chickens, how many ducks are there?

o 84
o 63
o 42
o 21

14. If the first term in an arithmetic series is 3, the last term is 136, and the sum is 1,390, what
are the first three terms?
o 3, 10, 17
o 3, 23, 43
o 3, 36⅓, 70
o 3, 139, 1251

15.  If ∠A is an acute angle and sin A = 3/5 , find tan A.

o 1.25
o 0.75
o 1.67
o 0.60

16. A person had a rectangular-shaped garden with sides of lengths 16 meters and 9 meters. The
garden was changed into a square design with the same area as the original rectangular-shaped
garden. How many meters in length are each of the sides of the new square-shaped garden?
o 9
o 12
o 5 √7
o 16

17.  For positive real numbers x, y, and z, which of the following expressions is equivalent to

o ⁶√xy²z⁵
o ⁶√x³y²z⁵
o ⁶√x³y⁴z⁵
o ¹¹√xy²z⁵
18. Six years ago, CJ’s mother was less than twice the age of CJ then. Four years from now,
twice her age will be four more than thrice his age. How old is CJ now?
o 16
o 36
o 20
o 30

19. A man, who is 2 meters tall and standing 15 meters away from a tree, found that the angle of
elevation of the top of the tree was 45 degrees. What is the height of the tree?
o 13 meters
o 15 meters
o 17 meters
o 19 meters

20. What value of x will give the maximum value for -7x² + 7x + 3?
o 0
o 1
o 1/2
o 3/2

21. A map of the locations of Beacon Hill, Fit City, and Nike Town is shown in the standard
(x,y) coordinate plane below, where coordinates for x and y are given in miles. The coordinates
of Beacon Hill and Nike Town are given, and Fit City is located along a straight line exactly
halfway between Beacon Hill and Nike Town. Highway BN from Beacon Hill to Nike Town is
310 miles long and Highway FN from Fit City to Nike Town is 130 miles long.

What are the coordinates of Fit City?

o (80, 150)
o (120, 120)
o (120, 80)
o (240, 80)
22. The shortest distance, in miles, between Beacon Hill and Nike Town must be: 
Please refer to no. 21
o Between 160 and 240
o Between 240 and 320
o Between 320 and 400
o More than 400

23. The hotel transylvania has a total of 500 rooms. Each room contains a consecutive
numbering from 1 to 500. How many bronze numbers must be made to accommodate all the
room numbers?
o 1389
o 1390
o 1391
o 1392

24. The length of a room is 4 feet greater than its width; if each dimension is increased by 1 feet,
the area will be increased by 35 square feet. Find the area of the floor.
o 100 ft²
o 185 ft²
o 200 ft²
o 285 ft²

25. In how many ways can the term PUPADS be rearranged?

o 360
o 375
o 390
o 405

26. A group of 5 employees are to sit around a table with 5 seats in preparation for a meeting.
How many distinct ways can they arrange themselves such that no two  arrangements are
identical except for rotation?
o 20 ways
o 24 ways
o 28 ways
o 32 ways

27. Lyka was tasked to pick a ball from an urn containing 50 balls where 25 are black, 10 are
white, and the rest are grey. What are the chances of getting a white on the second draw given
that the first draw was a grey ball with no replacement?
o 1/2
o 1/5
o 10/49
o 9/49
28. Determine the point of intersection between the lines x + y = 20 and x - y = 15.
o (1, -3)
o (5/2, 35/2)
o (35/2, 5/2)
o (-3, 1)

29. Abby  is  traveling using a motorized boat in the river. She  travels 30 km upstream as well as
she travels 25 km downstream. If the current’s speed is 5 kph, determine the boat’s speed in still
o 50
o 55
o 60
o 65

30. During a biological experiment, the researchers culture a single-celled organism whose
population doubles every hour. Their initial sample contains 15 bacterial cells. After 6 hours,
how many bacterial cells will they have in the culture?
o 90
o 225
o 480
o 11, 390, 625

31. Michael can make 13 questions in 3 hours. Sam can make 19 questions in 2 hours Glenn can
make 21 questions in 6 hours. How many questions can they make together in 3 hours?
o 48
o 49
o 51
o 52

32. Sean added 50 mL of distilled water to a 75 mL brine solution whose initial concentration
was 75%. What is the concentration of the new solution?
o 45%
o 40%
o 35%
o 50%

33. Find the 1st term of a geometric sequence given that the 5th term and 7th term  are ½ and ¾,
o 9/2
o 5/6
o 8/7
o 2/9
34. A total of 300 dining sets were sold. Each dining set costs 500 php with 12% tax. How much
tax was collected from the sold dining sets?
o 15,000 php
o 17,000 php
o 18,000 php
o 20,000 php

35. During the distribution of periodic report cards, Rheinne got 94, 89, 93, 95, 90, and x on all
of her subjects which attained a mean of 91.5. What is the value of x?
o 87
o 88
o 80
o 90

36. The owner of a boba milk tea shop surveyed 300 people about their preference of flavor
between matcha cheesecake and winter melon.  If 145 people said they prefer matcha cheesecake
only and 55 people said they did not prefer one flavor over the other and each person likes at
least one of the two flavors, find the number of people who prefer winter melon.
o 120 people
o 100 people
o 160 people
o 200 people

37. Solve this quadratic equation: 24x² = 3(43x − 15)

o x = ⅓ and x = 6
o x = 2/8 and x = -5
o x = 3 and x = ⅛
o x = ⅜ and x = 5

38. Which of the following numbers does not share a common factor aside from 1 with the other
o 199
o 243
o 567
o 894

39. Determine the measure of an angle given that its complement is 25° less than a half of its
o 20°
o 33.3°
o 45°
o 50°
40.Solve the inequality (4/3)× −5 > 𝑥 − 2.
o x>3
o x>6
o x>9
o x > 12

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