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Villaflor, Chelsea Flaine C.

12 – Industriousness

Why do I get goosebumps if I poop?

- Goosebumps may also occur during times of physical exertion, even for small activities, like
when you're having a bowel movement. This is because the physical exertion activates your
sympathetic, or instinctual, nervous system. Sometimes, goosebumps may crop up for no
reason at all.

What is the purpose of appendix in digestive system?

- It suggests that the appendix acts as a safe house for good bacteria. After intense diarrhea,
the appendix repopulates and reboots the intestine with good bacteria before harmful
bacteria finds a home there.

Why do we need to remove appendix?

- It needs to be removed when it becomes swollen or infected. If the appendix is not
removed, it can leak bacteria and infect your entire belly, which can be very life threatening.

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