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Republic of the Philippines


Palompon, Leyte
Tel. No. 053-555-9841


Bachelor of Arts in Communication

Name: Aying Marian. Date: May 11, 2023

Course, Year & Section: BA-COMM Ill A Subject: Communication Research

Thesis Title:
1. “Weblog Vs. Paper & Pen: The Effect on Learners’ Writing Performance”
2. "The Effect of Weblog on the Filipino Learners’ Writing Performance"

(Preliminary JOURNAL
Pages) (Preliminary Pages)
1 TITLE: TITLE: - The title consist of ten words
Weblog Vs. Paper & Pen: The Effect of Weblog which makes it interesting and easy
The Effect on Learners’ on the Filipino to read.
Writing Performance Learners’ Writing
Performance It has an interesting topic that
conveyed how Filipino struggles in
their writing and what causes it.

2 APPROVAL SHEET It mentioned the names of the

person who are involved in the
research to give credits of what they
have done.
-they put the committees involve in
the research that bounds to correct
and guide for the completion of the
3 ACKNOWLEDGEMEN It mentioned how grateful the
T researcher to the persons who help
in achieving the research.
The names were given to show how
they put efforts in helping the
5 DEDICATION -The researcher's dedication was
about faith on how she devoted god
for her work.
6 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT -The study differs from the other
one because its written shorter and
uses less sentences, it was well
chosen and arrange but it’s
Information is also lacking unlike
the first thesis which was full of
information which makes it longer
but it was great because it tend to
have details that makes people
understand the best of it

7 KEYWORDS The keywords used is the one most

mentioned and used because it has
importance involving in the
8 TABLE OF CONTENTS - it was well organized in which it’s
easy to point where the topics
belonged and located

9 LIST OF TABLES the page number is aligned with the

table titles and it was shown in the
list of tables
10 LIST OF FIGURES -The number of list of figures is
- each page number is aligned with
it’s Correct tittle of .
1 - There are words cut to make the
Background of the Study Introduction thesis short.
It directly explain about the
research purpose
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework It refers to other authors and the
Framework diagram were removed.
- The words were written
Statement of the Problem Objective of the - The area were the research was
Study conducted was clearly mentioned
where it was in the Philippines
and it answered why the study
was conducted but some of the
words are missing.
Hypotheses - This part mentions what was the
researchers future view on how
the research end if the research
has result or doesn’t have.
Significance of the Study - it mentioned people who can
benefits by reading the research.

Scope and Delimitation of - It clearly mentioned on who and

the Study where the study was conducted
which is also mentioned in the
statement of the problem
provided with more details and
Definition of Terms It was the words that that author
usually mentioned in the research
2 Review of Related Literature - you will notice that in this part
– Conceptual Literature of the research it most mentioned
the references used to provide
details that the problem exist.
- This study's variables were
conceptualized and mentions past
research with their authors

Research Literature - it mentions the research related

works to strengthen the evidences
-it also provides past research
along with it’s author that greatly
relates to the main study.
3 Research Methodology Methodology - you will notice the difference of
the two thesis because in the first
study, the individual sections
were separated but in the second
they put it together
Research Design It was demonstrated to provide
support on how the research
Research Environment It was in specific detail
Which mentioned the place
where the study was being
Research Subjects -in this the author identified the
subjects of the study and
supported their selection on what
was being used
Research Instruments - it mentions the tools they used
to complete the study.
Data Gathering Procedure Gathering - The researcher put the details
Procedure together carefully to fully
understand the outcome of their
Statistical Treatment of Data Statistical -the explanation of the formulas
Treatment of Data that they used was presented
including the t-test and the mean.
-it also mentioned the scoring
bases for the data along with their
4 Presentation, Analysis and Results and - the other thesis the information
Interpretations Discussions and the outcome explained are
put together to have a detailed
discussion of the results they got.

5 Summary - it is indeed a short overview of

the most important aspects of the
study but it didn’t miss out details

Findings - it explained how clear the

details obtained as its findings
-it has a strong details that proves
that the data collected was correct
Conclusions Conclusions It contains the conclusion on how
the findings went
Recommendations It suggested how this study
Translational - the thesis was based on the
Research recommendation on how the
readers react or perceive the
6 Bibliography Literature Cited - it has combined references
Appendices - it shows all relevant documents
and data used in the study and
are attached here.
All the data that was used each of
them are written correctly.
Curriculum Vitae - It contains the researcher's
biographical information and
history in a correct

In my opinion on how I describe the research there are difference between the two thesis it was
the spacing in their sentences on how they are justified or the difference in format. The study
both are interesting though I can’t put myself on how to explain because I can’t perceive
researches. The other one was shorter maybe because the information provided differs.
The study really proves that there are cause and effect and relation between the variables. This
research helps individual or professionals on how to handle people with difficulties. Through
researches people gained knowledge about how to act in a certain individual.

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