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Test • Unit 9
Nouns and Modifying Nouns
Attitudes Toward Nutrition
Part I

A Write C (correct) or I (incorrect) for each sentence.

C 1. Green vegetables are very nutritious.
2. During her research, Carol found important informations about healthy eating.
3. Obesities are an increasing problem in the United States.
4. Broccoli isn’t my favorite vegetable.
5. That store sells snacks from all over the world.
6. An interesting branch of economics are nutritional economics.
7. Fast food is popular with many young people.

B Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. An apple is a healthier snack than a slice / drop of cake.
2. There are many different tea / teas on the menu in that restaurant.
3. The elderly is / are at especially high risk of health problems from a poor diet.
4. Could you pick up a liter / drop of cola at the supermarket?
5. I’ve just bought a(n) fantastic Italian / Italian fantastic cookbook.
6. Strawberries contains / contain as much vitamin C as orange juice.
7. This website provides an interesting helpful / interesting and helpful
guide to healthy eating.

Part II

1. Nouns
Circle the correct word or phrase.
1. Broccoli isn’t / aren’t one of my favorite foods.

Grammar and Beyond ETM 3 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 9 1
2. Some orange / oranges do not taste very sweet.
3. The poor sometimes isn’t / aren’t able to afford healthy food.
4. I need to buy more vegetable / vegetables for the weekend.
5. Good nutrition makes / make a difference to your mental and physical health.
6. This / These grapes were grown in California.

2. Noncount Nouns as Count Nouns

Circle the correct word or phrase.
1. I need a few different kinds of oil / oils / bottle of oil for this recipe.
2. Many people think they do not have time / times / a time to prepare healthy meals.
3. Next, you add two flour / flours / cups of flour to the mixture.
4. Oxygen is one type of gas / article of gas / piece of gas that is necessary for all
human activity.
5. Stress / A stress / The stresses can lead to eating too much.
6. Sandro found a bit of / bit / bits of useful advice about healthy desserts online.

3. Modifying Nouns
Circle the correct answer.
1. This article describes the research into the benefits of various
a. latest scientific b. scientific latest c. latest and scientific
2. This coffee comes in a container.
a. metal round big b. big round metal c. big metal round
3. Marcel brought an pie to the party.
a. apple strawberry b. apple and strawberry c. apple, strawberry
4. This book offers tips about nutrition and exercise.
a. helpful new health b. new health helpful c. new helpful health
5. The website had a link to a(n) article on obesity.
a. interesting well-written b. well-written interesting c. interesting and well-written
6. This restaurant serves food at a wonderful location on the river.
a. traditional French b. traditional, French c. traditional and French
7. Daniel’s mother makes a delicious pie.
a. chicken, and vegetable b. chicken, vegetable c. chicken and vegetable

Grammar and Beyond ETM 3 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 9 2
Part III

A Complete the sentences with the food noun in parentheses. Use the quantifier only if it is necessary.
1. Change the flavor of this recipe by using different spices (teaspoon / spice).
2. Would you like another (piece / bread) with your soup?
3. My daughter never puts much (pinch / salt) on her food.
4. I’m thirsty. Did you bring any (glass / water) with you?
5. Marilyn’s family uses three (liter / milk) every week.
6. It’s not unusual for children to dislike (head / lettuce).

B Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Be sure the words are in the correct order.
Add articles when necessary.
1. It (be / easier / people / for / rich)
to follow a healthy diet.
2. Eduardo’s favorite meal (be / nutritious / big /
3. Genevieve (get / this recipe / from / new /
television / exciting / show) last week.
4. (educated / have / no excuse)
for eating unhealthy food.
5. Andy (buy / chocolate / rectangular / huge / cake)
for his son’s birthday yesterday.

Grammar and Beyond ETM 3 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 9 3
Part IV


Write about changes people can make in order to have a healthy lifestyle.
Include information about diet and exercise.

Grammar and Beyond ETM 3 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 9 4

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