Gabe l3 Unit 06 Test

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Name: ___________________________________

Date: ____________________________________

Test • Unit 6
Future Time Clauses, Future Perfect, and
Future Perfect Progressive
Business Practices of the Future

Part I
A Write C (correct) or I (incorrect) for each sentence.
C 1. As soon as we get new computers, we will change service providers.
2. I won’t be here tomorrow when they arrive.
3. She won’t have getting her new phone by then.
4. How long will he have been a student here by the time he graduates?
5. The company won’t have been using that program for very long by next summer.
6. We will have been buying an online storage system by next year.
7. We will have saved money by then because our new Internet service provider is cheaper.

B Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. When we get the new software, our jobs are / will get easier.
2. I’ll call him as soon as I finish / will finish uploading these files to my computer.
3. While they are working / will be working on the project, we will be setting goals.
4. We will know it when we find / will find the right company.
5. The employees will have heard / will have been hearing about the new service by Friday.
6. He won’t have been buying / won’t have bought this by the time you arrive.
7. We save / are going to save files in the shared folder until we get online storage.

Part II

1. Future Time Clauses

Circle the correct answer.
1. The conference call will start when the organizer ready.
a. is b. will be c. Both a and b are possible.

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2. After we hire a new computer programmer, we update our software.
a. are going to b. will c. Both a and b are possible.
3. I will be busy the computer repairman is here.
a. when b. while c. Both a and b are possible.
4. Joshua care of the baby when Lucia is at her interview.
a. takes b. is going to take c. Both a and b are possible.
5. As soon as my cell phone contract , I’m going to get a new phone.
a. finishes b. will finish c. Both a and b are possible.
6. She will be in Mexico while they the new computer system.
a. are installing b. are going to install c. Both a and b are possible.
7. The company will continue to use this Internet service provider until it a new one.
a. is finding b. finds c. Both a and b are possible.
8. Mr. Davies update the system until everyone approves the change.
a. won’t b. isn’t going to c. Both a and b are possible.
9. There will be an announcement before the computer repairman working.
a. will begin b. begins c. Both a and b are possible.
10. Until employees training, they will not have access to the new software.
a. receive b. have received c. Both a and b are possible.

2. Future Perfect vs. Future Perfect Progressive

Read about Jack’s schedule next week. Then complete the sentences with the future perfect or future
perfect progressive form of the verbs in parentheses.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:30 a.m. All day: 8:30 a.m.–noon 8:30 a.m.–noon 11:00 a.m.–noon
Buy software Attend software Study for software test Write report on software Answer questions about
training software
10:00–11:30 a.m. Put Noon–2:00 p.m. 1:00–3:00 p.m.
software on my Take software test Present new software to Noon-1:00 p.m.
computer boss Lunch with Cindy

1:00–2:00 p.m.
Answer questions about

1. Jack will have bought (buy) the new software by Monday at 10:00 a.m.
2. Jack ______________________ (not attend) the training by the time he puts the software on his
3. When Jack takes the software test, he ______________________ (attend) the software training.
4. By the time Jack studies for the test, he _____________________ already ______________________
(attend) the training.
5. At 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Jack ______________________ (not study) for very long.
6. At 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, he ______________________ (take) the software test for one hour.
7. When Jack presents the new software to his boss, he _____________________ (write) the report on it.
8. Jack ______________________ (write) his report for 30 minutes at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday.

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9. On Friday, Jack ______________________ (answer) questions about the software for three hours
when he takes a lunch break.
10. By 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Cindy and Jack ______________________ (have) lunch together.

Part III
Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. Once we have / are going to have / will have CompuApps, the university will allow us to
provide our graduates with a university e-mail address for life.
2. By the time we become a global university, CompuApps
is becoming / will have become / will have been becoming even more valuable.
3. As soon as we finish this school year, the university begins / will have begun / will begin
its change to CompuApps.
4. While the students are on summer vacation, we
are installing / will have been installing / will be installing the new application.
5. By the start of the summer term, we train / are training / will have been training
faculty and staff for a month.
6. We hope that we finish / will have been finishing / will have finished
training the entire staff to use it by the start of the next school year.
7. Staff members attend / will be attending / will have attended the
final training session while we check the application’s security settings.
8. We don’t make / won’t make / won’t have been making the final
updates to the application until the staff is ready and trained.
9. After we make / will make / are going to make the final updates,
we will train students to use the new system.
10. We start / will start / will have started with our new students once
they arrive on campus for orientation.

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Part IV


Think about your life 10 years from now. What will you have done? Use the future perfect and future
perfect progressive in your writing. Use time clauses when necessary.

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