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Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems
 Not being able to find and watch any  If can’t find stop motion animations
stop motion animations to do with or with robots, then look for them in other
featuring robots. styles of animations.
 If people don’t respond positively to the  Then film some more with different
test shoots for example how the movement styles or a different
character moves. framerate.
 Only certain ages respond positively to
 Either adapt the idea or adjust the target
the developed idea.
audience to suit the feedback.
Planning for practical and technical problems
Problems I may encounter when filming and How I plan to resolve these problems
 Not having enough materials to build up  Looking online at shops such as eBay
the scenery. for lots of pieces for cheap.
 Producing sounds for the robot’s  Find some sounds online to use instead
movement. on YouTube.
 Only having access to one rig when I  Make it so one of the characters doesn’t
need two characters to move. need it or buy another rig.
 Not having enough time to finish
 Plan to finish my production a few days
editing my production.
early to then allow extra time for any

Mid project check-up (After research)

I’m finished with my research and am about to start planning, so far I have encountered a few
 I didn’t find any feature length stop motions which feature robots, instead of this I found
other styles of animations. These films being ‘WALL-E’ and then also a live action film
with robots being ‘Batteries not included’.
 People thought that my idea could do with some slight adjustments, I then decide to hold a
focus group and people preferred a slightly different idea that I proposed. This new idea
was favoured by the group and meant that some of my research differed from the idea,
thankfully the idea was relatively similar so I don’t think it was a waste of time.
 I struggled to find a range of ages to answer my surveys, I mainly sent it to peer students
and family members. Thankfully I have a big enough extended family so I could get some
younger and older responses and thoughts on ideas.

End project review

I faced a variety of problems throughout the project.

 The robot movement was very difficult to achieve, for example if I tried to just move its
arm, I’d end up moving its whole body instead.
 I had to rewrite my script as my idea began to change. I also had to redo my storyboards
due to this.
 I ended up running out of storage on my memory stick, I didn’t consider how much
memory the photos would add up to. I found some other memory sticks in my house, but
they all were quite small or already had projects on them. In the end I had to resort to
deleting past projects to make some room, thankfully this gave me just about enough room
to finish my project.
 I knocked my tripod over a couple times whilst filming, this just costed me time and meant
I had to reshoot a few scenes throughout my project.
 The light I was using in the start of my production turned out to change the power by itself,
this meant that once the photos were but together it meant that the lighting was constantly
flickering. I resolved this by changing the light source.
 I found that with the sounds of my production I was downloading a majority of them, I had
planning to make majority of them myself, but this fell through. I ended up keeping most of
the downloaded sounds as I was running out of time and wanted to prioritise other factors
such as my filming and editing colour and rigs out of scenes.
 Another problem I faced with the editing was creating a colour transition, you will notice in
the scene where the colours go from grey to normal that it fades. The problem with this is
that the end of the fade doesn’t match the colour in the next scene, no matter what I tried I
couldn’t seem to get it to work but nobody seemed to notice.

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