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Universidad Nacional Experimental “Francisco de Miranda”

Departamento de Idiomas
Programa de Medicina
Unidad curricular Ingles III


Arealenny Naveda Bachilleres:
Yemiliana Aldana C.I 31,166,180
Mariangela guillen C.I

Barinas, abril 2023

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That idea came from ancient oriental medicine, but the first to use
1. What did you observe? science to prevent a disease, instead of curing it, was the English
I can see a child sleeping at night physician Edward Jenner (May 17, 1749–January 26, 1823), who in
2. Is there some connection between my observation 1796 developed the first vaccine for the disease. History
and my knowledge? • ¿What did you observe? :
I think that this child falls asleep early every day and the English doctor Edward Jenner who in 1796 developed the first
could achieve the correct 8 hours of sleep vaccine in history
3. What´s my prediction? •¿ what do you think about this? :
Through this invention, different diseases can currently be
probably his parents put him to sleep after dinner so he prevented.
can go to class the next day •How can I explain my ideas about this? Meaning( inference ):
your invention has significant value to humanity
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Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen's discovery of x-rays changed the

1. What did you observe? world, not only in the medical sciences, but also opened up
According to my perspective, what I can see in the a vast new horizon of opportunity and inspiration in natural
image is some pharmaceutical drugs. science research.
2. Is there some connection between my •¿What did you observe?
observation and my knowledge? Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen figured out how to do x-rays
•¿ what do you think about this?
If pharmaceutical drugs help us improve our health
X-rays allow us to detect bone fractures, tumors among
then they are good others.
3. What´s my prediction? •How can I explain my ideas about this?
In my opinion, if there are so many medicines in the Meaning( inference ): This discovery is very important
same place, it could be a pharmacy. because it helps us to easily see the lessons in order to deal
with them.
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In 1931 Paul Nelson developed the first modern operating room

1. What did you observe? at the Hospital de Lille where he was concerned with correct
I can see a woman running on the beach lighting, protection of the surgical space, and where clean-dirty
2. Is there some connection between my flow separation was implemented.
observation and my knowledge?
I think that this woman is running in the morning •¿What did you observe?:
Paul Nelson, develops the first modern operating room at the
and could be exercising to maintain her physical
Hospital de Lille
health. •¿ what do you think about this?:
3. What´s my prediction? operating rooms are the key spaces to perform various
this is probably her daily routine combined with a operations
good diet . •How can I explain my ideas about this? Meaning( inference ):
space where it must have adequate lighting and good higiene
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Swedish Svante Pääbo is the winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize

in Physiology and Medicine, the Swedish Karolinska
1. What did you observe?
Institute announced Monday. Pääbo, 67, receives the
I can see a woman in her prenatal control important award for his discoveries on human evolution.
2. Is there some connection between my •¿What did you observe?:
observation and my knowledge? Svante Pääbo is the Nobel Prize winner
If she is in consultation with that doctor, she is •¿ what do you think about this?:
probably an obstetrician Doctres with great performance are recognized for their
3. What´s my prediction? great work
In my opinion, if you go to the obstetrician every •How can I explain my ideas about this? Meaning(
inference ): the doctor receives the important award for
month, your pregnancy should be controlled and
his discoveries on human evolution.
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One of the most important discoveries in the medical and dental

world was the discovery of anesthesia, made by an American
1. What did you observe? dentist named Horace Wells in 1844, since although some
I can see several doctors operating on someone researchers had previously experimented with gases and pain.
2. Is there some connection between my
observation and my knowledge? •¿What did you observe?:
the discovery of anesthesia by an American dentist named
If they are operating on a person, they could be sick
Horace Wells
and they are curing them •¿ what do you think about this?:
3. What´s my prediction?+ This discovery allows us to perform any surgical intervention
In my opinion, if surgery improves health, it must be •How can I explain my ideas about this? Meaning( inference ):
good for people. through anesthesia patients do not feel any pain

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