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the problem of drinking water treatment

In my point of view, the problem of water treatment is very

important since tap water contains high amounts of contaminants,
whether they are bacteria or chemical residues, and it is very
harmful for the entire planet, not only for humans but also for all
living beings. . Therefore, it is very important to know the most
appropriate water purification processes, such as the filtration
process, sand filtration, and chlorinated water, which could be said
to be the most reliable.
since ancient times the water has been purified but over the years it
has evolved the water is treated in large plants and it is almost
impossible to verify if the water is contaminated by its simple smell
or color for that due tests must be carried out. remember that without
water there is no life.
la problemática del tratamiento del agua potable
(Berdonces J. L., 2008)
Secretaría de Educación Pública.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior.
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Agropecuaria
y Ciencias del Mar.
Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario NO.179.
“LIC. José Lugo Guerrero”


Actividad: Evidencia de aprendizaje 4 (la problemática del tratamiento del

agua potable.)

Docente: Yadira Marina Ángeles Martínez

Dicente: Araceli Rivera Bahena
Carrera: Técnico Agropecuario
Semestre y Grupo: 2º “B”

Febrero – Julio 2023

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