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Título: La equidad de género.

Locutor 1- Lesli
Locutor 2 – Brenda
Locutor 3 – Vanessa
Locutor 4 – Lizandro
Hora de grabación:


Bloque Contenido Audio Tiempo Tiempo total

1 Entrada Música 0´25” 0´25”

2 Bienvenida Voz Lesli 0´8” 0´33”

3 Definición Voz Brenda 0´22 0´55”

4 Importancia Voz Lesli 1´04” 1´59”
5 Cortinilla Música 0´30” 2´29”

6 Características Lizandro 1´08” 3´37”

de equidad de
7 ¿Para qué nos Vanessa 1´01” 4´38”
sirve la
equidad de
8 Despedida Lesli 0´30” 5´14”
9 Salida Musica 0´40” 5´54”

Guion del podcast La equidad de género

Welcome: Hello and welcome friends. We welcome you to this podcast about gender equity, I hope you
enjoy it and I hope you find it interesting. I am Lesli and together with my colleagues we will share some
outstanding information about gender equity.
Definition: I am Brenda and I would like to share with you a little bit about what gender equity is. From my
point of view, gender equity is the one that allows us to offer both women and men the same opportunities,
conditions, and ways of treatment, leaving aside the stereotypes or negative thoughts imparted by society.
But in general each person has a different concept about equity and more than anything an idea that we
ourselves generalize.

Importance: I believe that all of us are responsible for building the path. Let’s not cut off their dreams, let’s
not cut off their wings!. That when they ask a girl what you’re going to be when you grow up, she might
dream of being a policeman, an engineer, an astronaut or a firefighter. And let a boy dream of being a
model, a designer or a nurse.

In general, I believe that gender equity is important for a healthy society and coexistence where we are given
the same treatment, conditions and opportunities regardless of gender. We have heard some false
comments such as, if you had not been born a woman, the treatment would have been different or we were
told that we would not have enough intelligence to study a career and all these are misconceptions. Let the
women say,I studied architecture in the University of Buenos Aires. I managed to get my family forward.

What is gender equity good for?: Greetings Vanessa, I would like to comment that gender equity helps us to
live in a harmonious society, and from a personal point of view it helps us to have mental and physical
health, which involves several aspects.

So, equity is not just a slogan, it is about creating strategies so that everyone has the opportunity to access
the different spaces, goods and services they request: health, education, justice… Let’s start at home, let’s
create a home without stereotypes and sexist thoughts for a better life.

Farewell: Friends I invite you to start a change from home, for a healthy education, we always hear phrases
like if a man wears pink, he is a homosexual, or if a woman carries a heavy load, she will be crying, or if you
had not gone on a rampage, you would not have gotten pregnant, let’s leave all those phrases that do not
define us and start creating our identity. Thank you for joining us in this podcast, I hope it will be of your
interest, see you next time.

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