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Trường Chinh Senior High School, District 12 Part 1: Multiple Choice – WORKBOOK 12

Unit 8: Life in the future

Test 1
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:
1. A. different B. terrorist C. contrary D. domestic
2. A. future B. burden C. device D. certain
3. A. development B. security C. pessimistic D. particular
4. A. threaten B. appear C. modern D. instance
5. A. experience B. technology C. environment D. optimistic
Vocabulary and Grammar:
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer:
6. Many teenagers show signs of anxiety and _______ when being asked about their future.
A. depress B. depression C. depressing D. depressed
7. Constant _______ of attack makes everyday life dangerous here.
A. threat B. threaten C. threatening D. threateningly
8. No one can predict the future exactly. Things may happen _______.
A. expected B. unexpected C. expectedly D. unexpectedly
9. Someone who is _______ is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular.
A. powerful B. optimistic C. stagnant D. pessimistic
10. There will be a powerful network of computers which may come from a single computing
_______ that is worn on or in the body.
A. device B. machinery C. equipment D. vehicle
11. A _______ is a spacecraft that is designed to travel into space and back to earth several times.
A. plane B. corporation C. telecommunication D. shuttle
12. An economic _______ is a time when there is very little economic activity, which causes a lot of
unemployment and poverty.
A. improvement B. depression C. development D. mission
13. In the future many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jobs will be lost.
A. companies B. services C. supermarkets D. farms
14. The more powerful weapons are, the more terrible the _______ is.
A. creativity B. history C. terrorism D. technology
15. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
A. speed B. expectation C. improvement D. treatment
16. Let's put off that meeting to next Monday.
A. postpone B. schedule C. arrange D. appoint
17. A nuclear station may take risk going off due to unexpected incidents.
A. demolishing B. exploding C. developing D. running
18. She is looking _______ a new place to live because she does not want to depend _______ her
parents any more.
A. for / on B. after / with C. up / forward D. at / into
19. I was brought _______ in the countryside by my aunt after my parents had passed _______.
A. on / over B. for / on C. on / off D. up / away
20. Due to industrialization, we have to cope _______ the fact that many species are _______
danger _______ extinction.
A. over / at / for B. at / upon / over C. for / on / with D. with / in / of
21. Boys! Put your toys ______. It is time to go to bed. Don't stay _____ late.
A. off / on B. away / up C. down / off D. around/ for

Trường Chinh Senior High School, District 12 Part 1: Multiple Choice – WORKBOOK 12

22. She intended to quit her job to stay _______ home and look _______ her sick mother.
A. in / at B. at / after C. for / over D. up / on
23. He is very worried _______ his new job because he is not quite prepared _______ working.
A. on / over B. to / off C. about / for D. in / at
24. Instead _____ petrol, cars will only run ____ solar energy and electricity.
A. of / on B. for / by C. in / over D. from/ upon
25. She has a promising future ahead _______ her.
A. for B. from C. on D. of
26. What are your plans for _______ future?
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
27. Up to now, _______ space exploring still remains _______ very risky, complex, and expensive
A. the / the B. a / the C. a / Ø D. Ø / a
28. Within _______ few years, _______ private space travel has gone from concept to reality.
A. Ø / an B. the / the C. the / a D. a / Ø
29. With its long days, lack of _______ atmosphere, and wide-open spaces, _______ moon would
also make an ideal place to put massive solar power plants.
A. Ø / a B. an / the C. the / a D. an / Ø
30. _______technology is already present in the form of computers, printers, scanners, handheld
devices, wireless technologies, and Internet connections.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø
Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected:
31. Future is a time when (A) most people assume (B)that everything will keep getting (C) better
and future generations will enjoy life in a more better (D)world.
32. Many optimist (A) people have made predictions (B) about the positive impact (C) of the
increasing mechanization on human life (D).
33. Imagine an (A)entirely wireless world where (B) the Net is "always on, always there", we live in
(C) endless sea of data, and objects are alive with intelligent (D).
34. Electricity is the most (A)critical energy for the future of many countries and cheap, plentiful (B)
electricity is associated for (C) high employment and productivity (D).
35. Our continuously economic growth (A), the maintenance of our quality of life and assurance
(B)of our security all (C) depend on a (D)abundant, affordable supply of electricity.
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers:
In the future, genetic engineering will allow us to create the perfect human. It will be hard to
get used to. Parents will order a baby who 'will grow up to become his new job because he is not
quite prepared a genius or to have a Miss World appearance. Also, genetic engineering will
allow us to mix plants and animals.
As computers have advanced, they have helped us remember, calculate, organize, and clarify.
So it will become easier to deal with things, and much quicker. At a point in a future time, some
may claim that computers become about as smart as Newton or Einstein. More advanced computers
will be able to be creative, respond to feelings in a feeling way, develop intuition, recognize patterns,
and suggest innovative alternatives. There is a hope if we choose to take action. We can select
Internet information wisely, choose healthy computer games, limit our exposure to television
commercials, and select television programs carefully. People will be aware of the importance of
keeping active, getting outside to do more physical activities. We will also plan to make a major
sacrifice the next time we buy a car, take the bus. Everybody will be more concerned about making
environmentally friendly choices, eating healthy, and helping build a healthier society by shopping
at better stores that sell better food.

Trường Chinh Senior High School, District 12 Part 1: Multiple Choice – WORKBOOK 12

Most people will be aware that a happy, loving family is a joy to be part of, and that it is a
necessary foundation for building a strong society. But it is extremely important for our future that
we maintain a healthy perspective. We need to value and appreciate the importance of what can
be achieved by loving and committed parents. People need a strong foundation, so it is vital for our
society that we encourage parents to work at creating love, joy, and happiness for their children in
a .decent, stable, and productive atmosphere.
36. How many aspects of life in the future are referred in the text?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
37. Which aspect is not referred in the text?
A. Education B. Genetic Engineering C. Computers D. Family
38. The phrase: “to have a Miss World appearance” means ____________.
A. to become a Miss World B. to enter a beauty contest
C. to be intelligent D. to be beautiful
39. According to the text, in the future, _______.
A. it will be difficult for us to select Internet information
B. people will prefer taking a bus to buying a car
C. food will not be sold at shops
D. TV viewers will not be able to escape from seeing a lot of advertising.
40. The last paragraph is about _______.
A. family and parents' responsibility in the future
B. children's education
C. children's health
D. how to build a strong society
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers:
Over the next 20 to 50 years, it will become harder to tell the (41) _____ between the human
and the machine. All, body (42) _____ will be replaceable. Computers will function like the human
(43) _____ with the ability to recognize feelings and respond in a feeling way. They will then
produce fake people. We will then be able to create a machine duplicate of ourselves (44) _____
we will appear to be alive long after we are dead. Maybe a few decades later, a way will be found
to transfer our spirit, including our (45) _____ and thoughts, to the new body. Then we can choose
to live for as (46) _____ as we want. It might be expensive. When it becomes possible to do a
spirit transfer, they will figure out (47) _____ to do them automatically. So we will be able to
reside within whichever duplicate we want, whenever we want.
Miniature robots will be built to travel through your blood (48) _____ and repair damage.
Also, larger robots will be used when you are sick. When you have an upset stomach, you will (49)
_____ a very small cherry tasting robot which will travel through your stomach taking video of the
mess. It will be set up like a video game, so you can control the exploring and the selection of
images. Then you can replay the video to help a doctor (50) _____ your illness, or to prove to
your employer that you really, were sick.
41. A. variety B change C difference D appearance
42. A. region B place C role D. parts
43. A. brain B limb C skull D. liver
44. A. such B as C so D but
45. A. experience B. memories C actions D health
46. A. long B. far C much D soon
47. A. what B. when C why D how
48. A. line B. creek C stream D river
49. A. swallow B. chew C vomit D. ink

Trường Chinh Senior High School, District 12 Part 1: Multiple Choice – WORKBOOK 12

50. A. notice B. diagnose C watch D observe

_____________   _______________

Unit 8: Life in the future

Test 2
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. A. future B. mature C. pasture D. nature
2. A. chore B. technology C. much D. exchange
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:
3. A. deny B. sandy C. suppose D. routine
4. A. area B. aerial C. Portuguese D. conference
5. A. circle B. desert C. conquest D. comprise
II.Vocabulary and Grammar:
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer:
6. Solar cells have been developed primary to _______ electric power for spacecraft.
A. seek B. provide C. apply D. ensure
7. I can’t _______ that loud music.
A. persist in B. put out C. hold onto D. put up with
8. Could you tell me _______ to fly from Chicago to New York?
A. it costs how much B. how much does it cost
C. how much costs it D. how much it costs
9. John found _______ so complicated a question.
A. it hard to answer B. himself hard to answer
C. hard for him to answer D. himself hard answering
10. This is the reason _______ an aero plane can’t fly in space.
A. how B. which C. why D. what
11. It was in the year 1925 _______ John Baird found a way to send pictures by wireless.
A. when B. that C. in which D. which
12. We found that the plane _______ when we got to the airport.
A. already took off B. had already taken off
C. was already taking off D. was already taken off
13. This kind of work is unfamiliar _______ me.
A. to B. with C. of D. regarding
14. _______ of them knows about the plan because it is secret.
A. Few B. Nobody C. None D. Little
15. People cannot close their eyes to the facts _______.
A. no longer B. not any longer C. any longer D. not longer
16. He’s far _______ of the others in mathematics.
A. advanced B. forward C. progressive D. ahead
17. Solid-fuel engines are simpler than liquid-fuel engines, ________ have important uses.
A. both of them B. both however C. but both D. both all
18. It is necessary that the plan ________ before Thursday.
A. were fulfilled B. was fulfilled C. would be fulfilled D. be fulfilled
19. A calculating machine has the advantage of speed and________ .
A. accuracy B. having accuracy C. being accurate D. accurate

Trường Chinh Senior High School, District 12 Part 1: Multiple Choice – WORKBOOK 12

20. Mrs. Smith, ________ is a retired teacher, does volunteer work at the hospital.
A. she B. who C. as D. that
21. Telecommunication is bound to have a huge influence on various aspects of our lives.
A. depression B technique C. expect D. impact
22. Don’t forget that the medicine in the bottle ________ for an emergency.
A. tends B. is meant C. intends D. is applied
23. He was well-known for his ________ into the habits of apes.
A. theory B. work C. learning D. research
24. ________ from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue
A. Seeing B. To be seen C. Seen D. Having seen
25. Not only ________ us light, but it gives us heat.
A. the sun gives B. the sun has given C. has the sun given D. does the sun give
26. There was nothing but sand ________ we could see.
A. such far as B. as far as C. very far as D. quite far as
27. Industrial countries ________ a great amount of raw materials.
A. consume B. absorb C. apply D. employ
28. The volunteers ________ their own time to the project.
A. have B. spend C. contribute D. donate
29. The calculation are ________ complicated that they cannot be done without a computer.
A. so B. that C. too D. more
30. Thanks ______the inventions ___ labor-saving devices, women have more free time to take
part _____ social work.
A. through / over / for B. on / from / with C. forward / for / from D. to / of / in
31. You frequently see this kind of violence on _______ television.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
32. They have told us that Galileo invented the telescope.
A. We were told that the telescope was invented by Galileo.
B. We have been told that the telescope was invented by Galileo.
C. Galileo was told to have invented the telescope.
D. Galileo has been told that the telescope was invented.
33. Housewives do not have to spend a lot of time doing housework any more.
A. Housework will never be done by housewives any more.
B. Housewives have to spend more and more time to do housework.
C. Never have housewives spent as much time doing housework as they do now.
D. No longer do housewives have to spend a lot of time doing housework.
34. I can’t imagine people beating him at sport in school.
A. People can’t imagine beating him at sport in school.
B. I can’t imagine him being beaten at sport by all the students in school.
C. I can’t imagine him being beaten at sport in school.
D. Nobody can be imagined being beaten at sport by him in school.
35. Mr. Bruce is very old, but he can walk to the stadium.
A. Although Mr. Bruce is very old, he can walk to the stadium.
B. Mr. Bruce is too old to walk to the stadium.
C. Mr. Bruce is not old enough to walk to the stadium.
D. Although he can walk to the stadium, Mr. Bruce is very old.
36. The teacher made him stay behind after class.
A. He was made to stay behind the teacher’s table after class.

Trường Chinh Senior High School, District 12 Part 1: Multiple Choice – WORKBOOK 12

B. After class he was made to stay behind the teacher.

C. The teacher had him stay behind his class.
D. He was made to stay behind after class by the teacher.
Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected:
37. We’ll be cycled (A) to Hoa’s native (B) village at (C) this time next (D) Sunday.
38. I’m (A) sure that this (B) old clock is (C) made by (D) steel and iron.
39. Our new pocket (A) calculator is enough small (B) to be keep (C) in the (D) wallet.
40. What will (A) you do (B) when (C) your friends won’t (D) come?
41. Someone was knocking (A) at the door (B) when I was doing (C)the washing up (D).

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers:

Someday people will certainly try to build settlements on the moon. The best place for houses in
a moon town will be a cave or a tunnel. Underground houses will not be squashed by meteorites that
constantly foil on the moon from outer space. This will be important on the moon, since daytime is so
hot that food could be cooked in the rocks, and the nights get bitterly cold.
Pioneer moon homes may be made of airtight plastic that can be blown up like a balloon inside a cave.
The reason is that the moon has no air around it. The pioneers will have taken along from the earth
the oxygen masks when they are away from home. But the balloon house itself will be filled with air.
Perhaps the house will have beds, tables and chairs, built into it. These can be inflated, too. So people
will sleep, eat, and work on air! Moon-house building will be easy. The moon’s gravity is less than the
earth’s. Everything weighs only one sixth as much as it does on the earth.
42. In a moon town, what is the best place for house?
A. A cave B. A balloon
C. A tunnel D. Either A or C
43. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The people on the moon will not leave their homes.
B. The people on the moon will wear oxygen masks when they leave their homes.
C. The moon homes are of plastic.
D. The temperature in a cave changes as much as the temperature outside.
44. Why will the pioneers have to take along from the earth the oxygen they need for breathing?
A. Because the moon homes are made of airtight plastic.
B. Because the balloon house will be filled with air.
C. Because moon people will sleep, eat and work on air.
D. Because the moon has no air around it.
45. If a stone weighs 18 tons on the earth, how much does it weigh on the moon?
A. Six tons. B. Fifty five tons.
C. One hundred and eight tons. D. Three tons.
46. According to the passage, can people build cities on the moon?
A. No, they can’t.
B. Perhaps people can do.
C. Of course. People can build cities on the moon in the future.
D. People only think so.
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits the blank space in the following
Another side effect of the human population explosion will be the conservation of more land to food
production or cities. This habitat ____(47)____ will cause progressive extinction of many more species.
Globally, 45 species of birds and 40 species of mammals went ___(48)___ between 1650 and 1969,
more have disappeared since then, and many more are in endangered species list. It has been
estimated that half of all the species on Earth reside in the Amazon rain forest, ___(49)___ most of
Trường Chinh Senior High School, District 12 Part 1: Multiple Choice – WORKBOOK 12

them in Brazil. Brazil’s plans to colonize and cut down the rain forests and similar changes in Congo
and Indonesia may very well ___(50)___ a major episode of extinction. Recent efforts to estimate the
projected rate of extinction suggest __(51)___ half of all the species of mammals and birds will become
extinct within the next 200 to 300 years.
47. A. variety B. extinction C. endanger D. destruction
48. A. exhausted B. exhaust C. extinction D. extinct
49. A. as with B. with C. as to D. as for
50. A. influence B. result from C. lead to D. cause to
51. A. that B. this C. those D. these

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