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Définition of the axe for exemple identities of exchange plus exemple (irish immigration /

slave immigrace / the Wind rush génération étude du document le choix des documents
(image / quotition )
Le choice is not important just choose the document that you can talk about. the other
document can be great help, image study: background, description and detailed, location,
foreground describe every you see, read everything, start with the less important and move
from less to more important
-colors: talk about every color you see, and then say or try to find what they symbolize EX:
Blue can be a symbol of the sky, the sea (immigration), sadness, serenity and truth. Green
can be symbol of earth, nature, hope, disease, and misfortune. Red can be a symbol of love,
passion, femininity, strength, blood, violence, evil, and murder.
-give example from what you did in class of other documents.
-justify your choice of the document. You can briefly include the
Information’s of the document
Anyone with a fixed idea of what Britain is actually anti-British, British has always been
multi-culture right back to set

Oral video or audio record 1min 30 compte rendu en français

Ecrit 1 ou 2 textes compte rendu de l’ecrit en anglais
Introduction paratexte the source auteur le titre
Developpement try to read between the lines, qay what not the said ( he seems to think…,
he he probably want to say…, he try to express his opinion by saying…)the tone (angry
satisfied, sarcastic, a feelings of justice – justify whith words from the text -) and the
objective of the author (convince, inform, argue, rase awareness, debate, explain) when
there are two texts, you talk about the similarities and differenties between the two ( the
texts cover the topic differently for exemple )
Conclusion: do not say “I think”. Instead you can say “so many people think” or believe “it is
socially acceptable “. Focus on re-introducing yours findings (what was not said
Le tout 1h 30

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