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-Get the fuck out of here right now!

-The shout from John, my boss, made everyone turn to look at

me again. I can't even believe how you can still be here.


-No buts, get out of my sight. I don't want to see you on my premises again!

His shout made me jump in place as I turned to look at the man who was sitting on the floor,
covering his bleeding nose with one of the bartender's cloths.

Maybe I hit it too hard. But he deserved it, for trying to touch under my skirt.

-He wanted to touch me! -I tried to defend myself, feeling tears stinging my eyes. It was all so
unfair, it wasn't possible that he was firing me just for defending me from a drunk man who
wanted to touch me without my consent.

-If you have no money to support yourself and you make a living working in a bar, the least you
can do is accept the offer and let them play a little," He scoffed and I clenched my hands into fists,
wanting to punch him.

People were milling around us again and several of the customers had already helped the drunk
man with the broken nose.

-That's not fair. And if it were your daughter, would you allow them to touch her?

-What are you saying, stupid girl? -He roared with his hand raised, ready to slap me and all I did
was close my eyes, waiting for the blow to come.

The funny thing is that it never arrived.

I opened one eye and then the other, with my arms on either side of my body feeling small and
what I saw in front of me made me frown in confusion.

-What...? -I spluttered.

-It's not right to hit your employee -a tall man, with brown hair and dressed in black pants and a
white T-shirt, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, was holding the hand of my boss, no, more
like the man who had just fired me, just for defending my body, in the air.

John looked at him dumbfounded before jerking his hand away and baring his teeth angrily.

-What do you care? Oh? -he shouted, but took a step back, noticeably daunted by the tall, pale
man standing between them.
I could not see my advocate's face and could see little of John

-That silly girl hit one of my clients. It's a problem," he pointed at me, like someone pointing at a
child who only gets into trouble, and then seemed to remember more of his anger, as he tried to
approach me once more and hit me.

And once again, the tall man in front of me stopped him, pushing him away from me this time.

-The next time I see him treat her, or any other woman, like that, I'll have this filthy place shut
down," the man threatened, his voice deep and thick, as if he had just woken up.

And I felt the desire to know what it would be like to hear that voice in the morning. But this was
a serious situation, I had just been fired and a tall, well-dressed man was defending me.

So I pushed the fleeting and inappropriate thought away from me.

-What?! And who do you think you are, you stupid booger...?

-Chief! -The voice of Luis, the bartender who had given his handkerchief to the man I hit, tugged
on John's shoulder, silencing his nasty insult.

The boy leaned close to his ear and seemed to say something important to him, as Jonh opened his
eyes so wide I thought they would pop out of their sockets.

-It can't be, it's... it's... -I looked at him with a frown as he bowed to the man who stood between
us, who had also defended me, as if he had seen a policeman... Or his own wife, in fear.

-I hope someday I learn that you don't just have to be nice to a customer. I'll have an inspection
come," was the last thing the tall man said before pulling my hand and starting to walk to the exit.

-No, please, sir... No, wait," was the last I heard from John, looking in our direction with a
horrified expression.

What just happened?


We left the bar and the cold night welcomed me as my panties began to cool.
God, what was I supposed to do now? God, I was so fired. I brought both hands to my arms, my
uniform was a foulard and a button down shirt with short sleeves, so it didn't cover anything in the
freezing night.

-What is your name? -A male voice asked softly and I turned, almost fearfully, on my heels to face
my defender.

And my mouth fell open. God, what modeling magazine had this man come out of?

-Ah, I... -I stammered and he arched an eyebrow, waiting for my awkward response. His eyes were
a fairly light brown color and his long hair fell on either side of his forehead. She looked soft and
the scent she was giving off from her body was altering my neurons.

God. But where did it come from? Never, in my short nineteen years had I ever seen anyone so
handsome. Maybe I was hallucinating from the sudden shock of Jonh wanting to hit me?

And this man had defended me. I sighed and clung tighter to my arms. When he had taken me out
of the store I couldn't even take my coat, luckily that was the only thing I was carrying. I won't
miss that coat, I guess, because I won't be coming for it.

What's more.

Maybe if he hadn't intervened, maybe, just maybe, I would still have my job.

No! who wants that stupid job, with a macho boss who also believes that women are toys for men?

I exhaled deeply and the bao came out of my mouth, a reminder that I no longer had a source of
income and couldn't even afford heat at home.

-Thank you," I spoke for the first time and he looked at me seriously. Now that I thought about it,
he was intimidating, with his upright posture and serious look. That's why he had pushed back
Jonh, who could beat him in muscle mass, since he is fat....

But this man is muscular without being exorbitant. Although it did not go unnoticed that Luis said
something in John's ear and John seemed to come to his senses as he looked at my defender.

Who is this man?

-You must not allow anyone to touch you without your consent," he said and his voice was like a
touch of warmth in this freezing night. You were right to defend yourself," he continued.

-That's fine," I replied and bowed in thanks. Thank you very much...
-What is your name? -He asked for the second time and I raised my face to look at him, meeting
those beautiful brown eyes.

-Hazel, sir. But my friends call me Hal -I add as an unnecessary fact.

-My name is Lee Rang Do," he introduced himself, politely, and I gawked at him. He's Korean, I
wasn't sure where his features were-. It's a pleasure to meet you and I'm sorry for what happened
in there.

-Oh, no, no, I'm sorry too," I laughed nervously. This was embarrassing, the more so because I
was sure that if he had come to my defense he must have also seen what had happened with that
man. I feel ashamed for everything that happened -And I bowed again, I once read that in Korea or
Asian countries they did it as a thank you, greeting, farewell or in my case, apology-. Lamen...

But a hand under my chin shushed me and slowly his fingertips began to lift my face. I was

The touch of his hands was delicate and above all, respectful.

-Don't put your head down, ever. It's not wrong to take care of your personal space, please stop

And he did the unthinkable. He accompanied his words with a short smile that took my breath

-Yes sir...

-Please call me Rang Do or just Rang.

-It's okay..." I smiled and brought my arms back to my chest as a shield, it was freezing outside
and maybe it would be freezing at home too.

Oh, Mom.

-Where do you live? -he asked, taking out of his pocket a cell phone and a really expensive one,
wow, I couldn't afford something like that...". I'll take you home...

And it was like a bucket of cold water fell on me. Home? No! I couldn't go there mom didn't like
strangers, she might get scared. Besides, today was my day off, but I wanted to come in for
overtime. Maybe I shouldn't have come, breaking the timeline brought me consequences.

-No! -I exclaimed and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, with the phone already to his ear.
No, it is not necessary," I quickly denied. I can take a cab -What are you saying, silly Hal? You
don't even have enough for that, God. Thank you very much

I put a hand to my chest and leaned back.

-Stop bowing," he asked in a serious voice and I stood up straight immediately, for God's sake, I
was making a fool of myself.

-I'm sorry," I blurted out.

-Cab," he raised his hand and his loud voice echoed in my head. He was calling me a cab... No,
no, no, I don't have the money to pay for it.

From here I could walk, it's only an hour's drive... Almost the middle of the night. For God's sake.

-Sir, sir, please, that's not necessary, it's really..." But it was too late, as a yellow vehicle was
already parking in front of us.

Oh, shit, how was I going to pay for that?

-Get in," the man, no, rather Rang Do ordered and opened the cab door for me earning a look of
fear. I don't have money for a cab, for God's sake, a cab was a week's worth of food at home. I just
couldn't allow it - It's late," he continued and pulled a card from his wallet. Please call this number
when you get home.

I salivated and looked at the man in the cab. I took the card he was holding out to me and walked
straight into the vehicle. I sat on the back and then tucked my legs in.

I took a deep breath. Well, I could wait for the cab to go one street ahead and then get out and
walk home.

Yes, that would be a good idea....

-Please take her home safely," asked the man who had defended me, holding out some bills to the
cab driver. My mouth dropped open, as he turned his gaze once again to me. You don't owe me
anything," he said, as if reading my mind. Arrive home safely.
-Thank you..." I mumbled, but he couldn't hear me, as he pulled his body out of the vehicle and
the man started the car and drove off.

Turning away from that kind person who had touched my chin and asked me not to lower my

I turned my body and looked out the back glass, just to look at him one last time. He was standing,
watching us walk away, hands in his pocket and pose straight.

The last I saw of him, before the car turned a corner, was a man in a suit running up to him.


-We have arrived," announced the driver of the car, pulling me out of my reverie, where a soft
hand rested under my chin....

-Oh, yes, thank you, thank you very much," I hurried to get out of the car and once outside I
bowed to the cab driver who looked at me as if I had gone crazy before he started and drove away.

I watched the vehicle move forward and sighed. Apparently this was my night to make a fool of
myself. I looked behind me at the building that stood huge, I felt so tiny every time I saw it from
the outside.

And just as I expected, Mom was waiting for me sitting on the steps, one shoulder leaning against
the doorframe. I smiled and walked to her calmly.

It was cold and she shouldn't be sitting there.

-Mom? -I reached over and touched her shoulder carefully, I didn't want to scare her. Mom," I
tried once more and she began to open her eyes.

A smile tugged at her wrinkled cheeks as she realized it was me touching her and I smiled back.

-My Hally," he said happily, and I sat down next to him on the steps so he could hug me. How did
it go at work?

His question made me sigh, I hated that job deep down inside, so I don't know if I'm glad or sad to
be fired.

-Oh, fine, but I'm not going to work there anymore," I shrugged and started to get up, I must get
her inside or she'll get sick and that won't be good.

-Why not? -she asked worriedly, taking my hand to stand up.

I flashed him a small smile and kissed his cheek, trying to look casual and not desperate and
wanting to cry two days in a row.

Mom is not good at tolerating strong emotions, she hasn't been able to for years. His heart is

-I want to do other things. Tomorrow I start at the university so I'll dedicate it to my studies - and
in the meantime think about where the hell I'm going to work.

God, everything is so difficult.

-Well, I'm glad you're doing something else, baby," the elevator doors opened but there were
already people inside. Oh.

-There is still room for one person," said Mrs. Ines, our neighbor, accompanied by her husband
and two children. The elevator must have come down before it took them.

-We'll wait..." Mom began.

But no, we couldn't. The elevator would not go back down, it was not in the best condition, so that
was its last trip before being shut down. Besides, I would never put Mom up twenty flights of

-Mom, you go," I took her by the shoulders, carefully pushed her inside and the people in the
elevator made some room for her.

-But, Hally...

-I forgot to look for something, Mom," I said and touched the button to close the doors.

-No, Hally... -and I couldn't hear her anymore.

Well, I guess I would exercise.

With a sigh I walked to the stairs and began to climb. I guess this day couldn't get any worse.

What am I supposed to do now? Everything is so bad and difficult. And sad.

And also unfair. What did I do to have to carry all this by myself?

For God's sake.

I stop for a moment to catch my breath and that's all I need to burst. I've already gone five floors
when I stick my back to the wall and let myself slip to the floor.

My chest rises and falls and I feel like I'm hyperventilating, the urge to cry is consuming me from
the inside, it's like it's burning and I can't help it anymore.

I put a hand to my face and burst into tears, "What am I going to do? Mom has had a heart
condition for two years and the only solution is a transplant, but I can barely afford to buy her
medicines. Or pay for the apartment.

-Why does it have to be like this? -I say between sobs. It is not fair.

And with my knees up to my chest I allow myself to cry as much as I haven't been able to for a
long time.


I open my eyes wearily. They are swollen and a little sore. Last night while I was on the stairs I
texted mom and told her I would be late, to please go to bed.

I waited for a reasonable time until I sensed that she was asleep. I didn't want him to see my face. I
didn't want him to worry about anything.

When I went to bed I had trouble falling asleep, so I just tossed and turned in my bed, trying to
find a solution to my life. Something, anything.

I had to find money somehow, I could even sell things on the street... But I didn't even have
anything to invest with.

I groaned aloud and pulled the pillow over my face.

-Meow," I heard in the distance and pushed the pillow away, I smiled as I saw Oliver, my cat,
looking at me with confusion beside me.

-Hello, kitty," I raised myself up on my elbows and nuzzled his neck. Have you come to give me a
solution to my problems? -I inquired.

-Meow," he insisted.
-Or maybe you just came because you're hungry.


And I did nothing but get up, I had to go to college and also think about a job.

I didn't see mom anywhere so she was probably asleep, it was six in the morning. I fed Oliver, ate
some bread with jam, took a bath and also washed my hair.

If any interviews came up, then I had to look presentable.

-What do you think? -I asked Oliver, as I looked at myself in the mirror, today was my first day of
college, I would be studying business administration and I felt optimistic. At least that's what I had
left, my studies... Until I had to give it up-. Do you like it?


-Yes, I think it's too formal too," I dropped my shoulders and went back to change. A worn tube
skirt and a jacket was too much for the first day.

Although Danna, my friend, who, by the way, will study the same as me, often says that I have
nice legs.

-Ha," I scoffed in front of the mirror, "Nice legs. What good does that do me? Besides, men are all
morbid and old geezers... God. I don't want anyone's hands on me, no..." I shook my head
frantically. Although.

And by instinct he came back to my mind.

-Lee Rang Do..." I tasted his name on my lips. He was also the reason I was awake most of the
night. I couldn't get it out of my head. His hands would not bother me in my... No! Ah! What are
you saying Hally? You're a pervert.

I claimed to myself.

-A man like him would never look at me Look at me! -I pointed to myself as I looked at Oliver.


-I will probably never see him again. Besides, he didn't seem to be from around here... And I have
nothing to offer, Oliver.

-I only have debts, an untouched virginity and a sick mother to take care of. So the second thing I
have left I will keep until I die, I don't have time to look for a partner.


And a dry laugh comes out of me.

-God and look at me, talking to a cat," I laugh and shake my head as I reach over to take Oliver in
my arms and pet him, before the apartment doorbell rings. What? Who could it be?

I frown. It is early for a visit and we never receive visitors even if it is not early. The only person
who usually comes is Danna and I'm sure she's still asleep at this point.

I walk to the door with Oliver in my arms and open it.

-Yes? -A tall man in a suit with neatly combed hair stares at me. He looks like an executive. May I
help you?

-Hally Mason," he says.

-Yes, it's me... -I'm intimidated by his serious look and he's too upright to be normal, he reminds
me of...

-This is from you," he holds out a bag I hadn't noticed he had with him and I frown even more,
"who the hell is he?

-Hey, that's not mine. I have not ordered anything and...

-It's from you," he insists and extends the bag even further in my direction. Please take it.

I look from him to the bag and once again my mind travels to that place in the night and some
hands under my chin.

Reminds me of Lee Rang. My advocate. And that suit... Yes. He is the same man who approached
Lee Rang Do when the car turned the corner.

What are you doing here?

I take the bag and open it. It's a gift bag, it's like the ones they give in the malls when you buy
Inside is my coat. My coat! The one I left at John's bar

How did he get here? To my house How?

-Why do you have this? -I held the bag to my chest along with Oliver and he stretched out his paw
to try to check if what was inside was food.

-Mr. Lee Rang sent it for you.

-What? -I answered astonished. How?

-And he also sent you a message," the man continued, sounding like an executive. Was the man
who had defended me a big man? He says "Thank you for calling."

I frowned at his words.

-Call? -And then I remembered. The card he gave me.

And the man in front of me just nods. Wow, even though I couldn't stop thinking about that man at
night I completely forgot what he had given me.

Well, I guess I was busy climbing twenty flights of endless hot stairs.

-Oh, well, thank you very much. -I said to the man and he just bowed and I mimicked him, still
with Oliver in my arms, who was still trying to get his paw in the bag.

-That's all. I hope you have a nice day, Miss -And without further ado, he started walking to the

Lee Rang had sent me my coat and had also waited for my call... oh, god, no.

I shook my head quickly and went out into the hallway with the coat and Oliver, straight to the
man who had brought the only coat I had to my house.

-Wait," I asked, and he turned to look at me, straight and attentive.

-Yes, Miss?

-Could you send a message to your boss?

-Of course," he answered politely.

-Tell him... -What could I tell him? I'm very grateful that you took the trouble to return the only
coat I had," she laughed nervously. No, don't tell him that," I ask and clear my throat. Tell him
thank you for everything. And that I hope to see him again someday and invite him for coffee -I'm
poor, but at least I can afford that-. Please.

-I will, miss.

-And I got a bow before the elevator opened its doors and he slid in.


-And he just fired you?! -Danna exclaimed indignantly, standing up, alerting half the cafeteria. I
tugged on her lucky sleeve to pull her once again into the seat.

-Yes, he did. And please don't talk so loud.

-I'm sorry," he apologized. But it's amazing how caveman-like men are. And plus that fat old man,
what else did you do?

-I broke the nose of the man who wanted to stick his hand up my skirt," I said reluctantly,
slumping back in my seat.

-That's my female. I'm proud," she praised and then laughed. Yes, that's right my Danna.

-I must get a job and soon. Mom's medicines won't buy themselves.

-Your brother insists on not helping?

I nod and she grimaces with hatred. Since Kadin, my older brother, left to work abroad, he forgot
about us. His excuse is that he no longer lives at home.

-Well, we don't need it. I'll help you get a job," she smiles and pulls me in for a hug. We can start
with Go Empress.

-Go what? -I ask and Danna just rolls her eyes.

-For God's sake, you never pay attention to what I tell you.

-Only sometimes.

-Go Empress," he repeats. The owner is from Korea, Seoul. The company was also founded here a
year ago and as they are going to expand they need workers with or without experience. We can
try. In addition, the owner of half of Seoul and most of the companies in this region, apart from
Go, will be here for a while to see how things are developing. I think it was installed about a week
ago. That is not very clear to me.

-How do you find out about all that?

-Camilla is a reporter," she shrugs. Camila is her older sister. Oh and the most interesting thing is
that today Fri...

-Hey! Romans -Ian, a pale, dark-haired boy sits next to Danna and hugs her by the shoulders to
which she slaps him away.

-Don't call me by my last name.

-Yes, yes, because you don't like it," he rolls his eyes. Ian goes to the same class as us and from
time to time the three of us team up. He is quite studious and eternally in love with my friend.

But she doesn't seem to realize it.

-Yes, yes," Danna slaps him again and looks at her watch. We must leave now

The three of us stand up and walk to the first class. Since it is the opening day, it is most likely that
they will give a speech.

We arrived at the classroom and the three of us took a seat in the third row, not too far from or too
close to the teacher.

Danna and Ian get into an argument about my friend's last name and I just pull things out of my

-Oh, what I was going to tell you, Hal," Danna calls, and I give her my attention, but what I think
is the teacher of the first class bursts into the classroom and everyone stands up.

Someone else enters, but without paying attention, I return my gaze to Danna.

-The owner of Go companies will come and give a keynote speech, as he will also fund this

-Dear new students, please welcome the president of Go Empress....

And when I turn my gaze to the stand my mouth goes dry.

The air leaves my lungs and I feel like I could pass out at any moment, watching him walk with
that erect posture and serious look and this time his hair doesn't fall over his forehead on either

-Oh, shit...

-Mr. Lee Rang Do.

I feel Danna squeal next to me and I just have my mouth hanging open.

He... He is here.

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