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Answer Key


Lesson 1
VOCABULARY Students’ answers may vary.
A. 1. F 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. E 6. B
Do you
B. 1. passport 2. airport know?

3. luggage 4. bag
When one describes his or her DOB in English,
5. money 6. bus station
the “month” goes first, the “day” next, and then
DIALOGUE the “year.” Applying such rule, a person would say
A. 1. sounds good 2. One more thing he or she was born on “October 8th, 1978” in the
3. ASAP 4. Not a problem DOB example of “10/08/1978.”

Track 3

Jenny: There’s a lot more to plan before

Lesson 2
Leo: I have an idea! Why don’t we create TUNE IN
a checklist?
A. d
Jenny: That sounds good.
So, what is the most important? B. 1. offering me the opportunity
Leo: Passports and visas are the most 2. jump in
important. 3. all you need
Jenny: Okay. When did you get your 4. Prepare yourself with
Leo: Hmm, let me check. I got it on Aug. Track 4

25, 2014. Good morning! My name is Amanda

Jenny: Okay, that’s within 10 years. It should Turner and I work for the Enjoy Your Life
be valid. travel agency. First, I want to thank Professor
Leo: Good. Garcia for offering me the opportunity to give
you some ideas about booking a flight online.
Jenny: One more thing, we have to check
Please feel free to jump in or raise your hand
the luggage limit when packing.
if you have any questions.
I think our bags can’t be over 23
Online booking helps you find prices and
schedules of different flights. With e-ticketing
Leo: BTW, do you know the bus
solutions, all you need to do is arrive at the
airport and check in on the day of your flight.
Jenny: No, but I can check the bus station’s
Follow these steps and enjoy!
Step 1. Prepare yourself with travel dates
Leo: Wow, we really need a checklist
and departure and arrival airport codes.
ASAP. I will make a list by the end of
Step 2. Have your credit card ready when
booking your ticket.
Jenny: Thanks a lot! Step 3. Visit different websites to
Leo: Not a problem. compare prices. Type in your travel


Lesson 1
information on the website to search for
Step 4. After you have chosen the A. 1. F 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D
flight, go to the airline’s website to buy
the ticket. B. 1. travel agent 2. flight confirmation
Don’t forget to enter your e-mail 3. city map 4. timetable
address, because you will receive a 5. hotel 6. rent
confirmation e-mail soon with your
confirmation code and receipt. DIALOGUE
I’ll take your questions now. Anyone? A. 1. make a reservation 2. May I have
3. How long 4. Is there anything else
Track 7
Receptionist: Hello, Great Car Rental. How
B. 1. T may I help you?
F (People can become members of the airline’s
2. Derek: Hi, I am flying to Singapore on
program to save more money.) June 13th. I would like to make
F (Another way to save money on the flight is to
3. a reservation.
travel during the low season.) Receptionist: May I have your flight number?
4. Derek: Sure. It’s SQ 888.
Receptionist: How long would you like to rent
the vehicle?
Derek: I will need it for two days. And
I’d like a midsize sedan, please.
Receptionist: Could you tell me your name,
please, as it appears on your
Derek: My first name is Derek, D-E-R-
E-K and last name Wu, W-U.
Receptionist: All right. I have reserved a
midsize sedan for you from
June 13th until June 14th. Is
there anything else I can help
you with?
Derek: Where should I pick up the
Receptionist: Please come to our counter at
Terminal 2.
Derek: Thank you.

A. a. sedan b. SUV
c. sports car d. hatchback


B. Answers will vary. Lesson 1

A. 1. E 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. F 6. B
It is said that
• black SUV car owner is elegant. B. 1. blankets 2. pillows
• white hatchback owner is easygoing. 3. entertainment 4. seat
• gray sedan owner is traditional. 5. in-flight meal 6. lavatory
• red sports car owner is showy.
A. 1. deal with 2. piece of advice
Lesson 2
3. in advance 4. wish for
Track 11
A. c Emily: Have you ever been on an airplane
B. 1. hang around 2. city tour for 12 hours?
Mark: Once. Last summer, I went to Seattle
3. cancel the reservation 4. last-minute
to visit my friends.
Track 8
Emily: Oh, how interesting! How was the
Hi, Ada, this is Nick Spencer. I want to
thank you for planning my trip to Indonesia
Mark: It was terrible! The in-flight
and Singapore. The itinerary looks good to
entertainment system was broken,
me. However, after discussing this trip with
so I couldn’t watch any movies. I felt
my friend in Singapore, we decided not to
bored the whole trip, and I was not
go to Bintan. We would like to hang around
able to sleep at all.
in Singapore. Can you plan a city tour of
Emily: I’m sorry to hear that! Do you have
Singapore on June 13th in the afternoon?
any suggestions to deal with a long-
I would like to cancel the reservation at
haul flight? I am flying to New York
Bintan Lagoon Resort and book a hotel in
downtown Singapore instead.
Mark: Let’s see. Ask for a window seat
I hope these last-minute changes are not
and make sure you’re not near the
too difficult. Please call me when you get this
lavatory. On my trip, I had an aisle
message. Thanks.
seat right next to the lavatory. All
through the trip, people were walking
LET’S LEARN MORE and talking in the area, and I almost
B. 1. T went crazy.
F (Before 2012, an exam-taker could only be tested
2. Emily: That’s a really good piece of advice.
in one of the six languages: English, Japanese, Mark: One more thing, try to request a
French, Korean, Spanish, and German.) special meal. Although you usually
F (Danish is not included on the exam for tour
3. have to request it two to three days
guides.) in advance. I always ask for the
F (Since the Vietnamese woman Thao passed the
4. Asian vegetarian meal. Check the
“second” stage of the foreign language tour airline website to see what special
guide exam, it means the exam has at least two meals are offered.
stages of exam requirement.)

Emily: Thanks! It looks like I have Grace: That’s a lot of traveling.
to come prepared if I wish Eric: The worst thing was adjusting to
for a pleasant flight. the local time. I have a never-ending
Grace: I can imagine. Some experts say it
LET’S LEARN takes one whole day for your body to
A. Students’ answers may vary. recover from each time zone.
Eric: Wow! I am going to need a full week
B. 1. b 2. a off then.
Grace: Too bad that could only happen in
Do you your dreams.

Correct Answer: john = toilet! If you hear someone

says, “May I use the john?” it means he or she YOUR TURN
needs to use the toilet! Can you think of any other
A. fatigue, stomachache, vomiting, and sore muscles
term that has the same meaning? Check them out
below! B. 1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes
• bathroom LET’S LEARN MORE
• restroom
• lavatory B. 1. F (I should get enough sleep before I travel to
• ladies’/men’s room prevent jet lag.)
• powder room F (I won’t suffer from jet lag because Taipei and
• WC (water closet) Penghu are in the same time zone.)
Lesson 2 F (I should start changing the schedule of my
daily routine in advance of my trip.)
A. d

B. 1. suffering from 2. adjusting to

3. recover from 4. in your dreams
Track 12
Grace: Hey, Eric! You look so tired! How was
your trip?
Eric: Well, it was good, actually. The
meeting went well, but I am suffering
from jet lag.
Grace: It is very common to get jet lag after
international travel.
Eric: I flew from Taiwan to Tokyo for a
trade fair and then took a flight to
New York City to visit our clients’


Lesson 1
Do you
A. 1. B 2. F 3. E 4. A 5. D 6. C Rules of Liquid Policy:
 Non-flammable liquid =< 3 o.z.

B. 1. X-ray machine 2. metal detector
(1 o.z.= 30 c.c.)
3. laptop computers 4. boarding pass Exceptions to the 3 o.z. limitation:

5. bottled water 6. security check • baby formula
• prescription medicine
 Flammable liquid
A. 1. personal belongings 2. take off  Any liquid > 3 o.z.
3. Excuse me 4. hand-held
Track 15
Lesson 2
Inspector: Sir, please put all your personal
belongings, including your cell TUNE IN
phone and laptop computer, in
A. b
the plastic containers.
Johnson: Yes, ma’am. B. 1. go through 2. responsible for
Inspector: Please remove your shoes and 3. in order to 4. fill out
belt. Place them in separate
Track 16
containers. Please also take off
When you travel abroad, you have to go
your jacket, sir.
through Customs and Immigration at the
Johnson: May I bring this bottled water with
airport before you can enter the country.
me? It’s new.
Customs and Immigration is responsible
Inspector: No, sir. You may not.
for blocking illegal immigrants, goods, and
Johnson’s carry-on baggage goes through
agricultural products from entering a country.
the X-ray machine to be scanned. Johnson
It is important to understand the country’s
walks through the metal detector. The
immigration rules in order to smoothly pass
alarm sounds.
through Customs and Immigration.
Inspector: Excuse me, sir. We need to You need to prepare your passport,
search you because the alarm visa, and boarding pass before entering into
was set off. your destination country. If you are entering
The inspector does a pat-down body the USA, you will also need to fill out the
search with a hand-held metal detector. Customs Declaration Form. Have them ready
Inspector: Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your trip!
sir. You may proceed to the
boarding area.
A. US Customs Declaration Form
B. Example Answer:
A. 1.  2.  3.
How long will you stay here?
B. All of the items might set off the alarm except the 3. What’s the purpose of your trip?

Review I
B. 1. T Answers will vary.
F (The system can complete immigration checks
in just 12 seconds.)
1. 2. A 3. B 4. C
F (The E-Gate is a self-serve immigration
F (Although Jack is fourteen years old, he may be
shorter than 1.4 m in height.)

Hotel Receptionist: Welcome to the Mandarin Oriental! May I help you?
Jack: Yes, I’d like to check in, please. There should be a reservation
. It’s “Jack Tower.”
Hotel Receptionist: Let’s see. Yes, Mr. Tower. We have a suite reserved for you on
the 3rd floor, Room 321 for 5 nights .
Jack: Great! Thanks.
Hotel Receptionist: Please fill out the registration form for me, Mr. Tower. I will also
need your passport and credit card.
Jack: I have a quick question. Is breakfast included?

Hotel Receptionist: Yes, the breakfast buffet is complimentary each morning.
Jack: Wonderful!

HOTEL Hotel Receptionist: Please to call the front desk if you need
any further assistance. We will be to
serve you. Here’s your key card. Enjoy your stay with us! Do you

What is a “suite?”
When you travel, what type of guest room
LET'S LEARN do you usually reserve?
Lesson 1 A. Below is a conversation between a customer
and a hotel receptionist. Put the sentences back in order.
Hello, how may I help you? 3 Do you have a reservation?
A. 1. C 2. E 3. B 4. D 5. F 6. A 5 Could I have your name, please? 4 Yes, I do.
7 Oh, yes, I see. Your reservation is a double room for three nights.
B. 1. check-in desk 2. reception
2 I would like to check in, please.
3. wake-up call 4. swimming pool 6 My name is Mr. Colin Smith.
5. room service 6. reservation 9 Here are your key cards. Enjoy your stay.
8 That’s correct.
B. Then, practice saying the conversation.
A. 1. under my name 2. as per your request
Do you 31
3. feel free 4. more than happy know? Unit 5 HOTEL

Track 19
“Suite” is a set of connected rooms in a hotel.
Hotel Receptionist: Welcome to the Mandarin Types of guest rooms you can reserve:
Oriental! May I help you?
• suite
Jack: Yes, I’d like to check in, • single room
please. There should be • double room
a reservation under my • triple room
name. It’s “Jack Tower.” • family room
Hotel Receptionist: Let’s see. Yes, Mr. Tower.
We have a suite reserved
for you on the 3rd floor, Lesson 2
Room 321 for 5 nights as TUNE IN
per your request.
A. c
Jack: Great! Thanks.
Hotel Receptionist: Please fill out the B. 1. offers easy access 2. a variety of
registration form for me, 3. business lounge 4. log in
Mr. Tower. I will also need
Track 20
your passport and credit
card. Welcome to the Grandview International
Jack: I have a quick question. Hotel. My name is Amanda Gordon. I’m here
Is breakfast included? to tell you about our hotel accommodations
and facilities. The Grandview International
Hotel Receptionist: Yes, the breakfast buffet
Hotel is located only five minutes from the
is complimentary each
city subway. The hotel offers easy access
to downtown. We have 200 guest rooms
Jack: Wonderful!
with views of the city and harbor. There is a
Hotel Receptionist: Please feel free to call the
variety of breakfast and dinner options and
front desk if you need any
an evening bar. Make sure you try our gym
further assistance. We
on the 3rd floor. We also have a swimming
will be more than happy
pool, Jacuzzi, and sauna right next to the
to serve you. Here’s your
gym. In addition, there is a business lounge
key card. Enjoy your stay
on the 2nd floor with computers, printers,
with us!


Lesson 1
and fax machines. Inside the hotel
building, we offer high speed Wi-Fi. All VOCABULARY
you have to do is log in with your last A. 1. B 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. F 6. D
name and type in your room number as
the password. We hope you enjoy your B. 1. taxi / cab 2. train
stay with us. 3. subway 4. station
YOUR TURN 5. bus stop 6. meter
Below are sentences of a conversation about the dry
cleaning service at a hotel. Put the sentences back in the DIALOGUE
correct order. Then, practice the conversation with a partner.

1 Morning, I’d like to dry-clean my shirts. A. 1. first visit 2. do some sightseeing

5 That’s great. So where do I leave my shirts? 3. by any chance 4. next to
3 Yes, please. When will they be ready?
2 No problem, sir. Do you want your shirts pressed? Track 23
4 If we could have them before noon today, you could have them back by tonight. Hotel Receptionist: Good morning, ma’am.
6 Please fill out the form and leave your shirts in your room. We will pick them up later.
May I help you?
LET’S LEARN MORE Tracy: Hi, there. I do have some
Track 21
A. How much do you know about hotel service? Read the article
questions since this is
below and find out the information.
B. 1. F (RoomWatch
Out is
for usually expensive.)
Your Hotel Bill actually my first visit to
2. F on(Before
Some unexpected trouble may come the bill when you check out at the hotel. The
total cost your hotel billyou
could make
be much a callthanfrom
higher the landline
you thought. in
You were charged New York.
your room, check the rates posted in the guest
with extra fees, extra taxes, room service, and phone charges.
Hotel Receptionist: How exciting! Welcome to
When planning the accommodation budget, do your homework by checking out
some of the services guidance.)
at the hotel. the Big Apple!
Room Service Room service is usually expensive. Pay attention to the fees on the room
3. service menu. There might be additional service charges. Tracy: I’m here for a conference,
Telephone Charges Before you make a call from the phone in your room, check the
4. rates. If you’re not sure, call the front desk and ask. and I have the day to
Internet Access Many hotels offer high speed Internet access, such as free Wi-Fi.
However, sometimes this may cause extra charge.
myself. I think I will do some
No one is happy to be overcharged. Always remember to ask about your hotel sightseeing in the city.
services. Do this to keep your accommodation budget under control. You may then really
relax and enjoy your stay. Hotel Receptionist: There is plenty to do in
B. Read the statements below. Write T (true) or F (false). New York, and the subway
1. It is usually very cheap to use the room 3. There may be additional service gets you almost anywhere.
service in a hotel. charges added onto your bill.

2. It is difficult to check the telephone 4. Asking about your hotel’s services can
Tracy: That’s good to know. Is
rates in a hotel room. keep your travel budget under control. there a subway station in
Unit 5 Hotel
this neighborhood by any
Hotel Receptionist: You’re very lucky. The
subway station is right
next to our hotel. You may
purchase a daily pass,
which allows you unlimited
rides on the subway for the
whole day.
Tracy: Great. Thanks. You’ve
been really helpful.
Hotel Receptionist: You’re very welcome! Enjoy
your ride!

LET’S LEARN Track 24

A. There are thousands of buses serving

the city of New York. In general, buses stop
every two or three blocks in the city. If you
want to reach your destination quickly, riding
a bus is not the best choice. However, buses
run through lots of areas where the subway
does not, and that’s why some people prefer
traveling by bus because they’ll be able to do
some sightseeing.
Riding a bus in any city is pretty much
the same. There’s not much difference when
riding a bus in New York. As soon as you see
the bus coming, raise your arm to inform the
driver that you need to hop on the bus. When
requesting the bus to stop, all you need to
do is simply pull the cord or press the black
band near the window.
Be aware that there are both local and
express buses. An express bus has a sign
on the front window and only stops at certain
B. Sandy should take the red-line subway route and
ride on the subway train “1” from the “Time
Square” station at 42 St and get off at the “Colum-
bia University” station at 116 St. YOUR TURN
Students’ answers may vary.
Do you
B. 1. T
A “local train” of New York City’s subway stops at
F (A taxi is a better option when the weather is
every station on the route while an “express train” terrible. The locals say that they’d rather spend
makes stops at a certain stations of major transfer money riding a cab than walking even just a
points or destinations. Major transfer points or few blocks.)
destinations include Time Square, Grand Central F (Empty cabs have their light lit, while occupied
Station and Columbus Circle for example. ones are not. If the “off duty” light is on, that
means the cab is currently not working.)
Lesson 2
A. b

B. 1. thousands of 2. As soon as
3. hop on 4. Be aware


Lesson 1
Do you
A. 1. D 2. B 3. E 4. F 5. C 6. A Ways people cook their food in English:
• marinated
B. 1. main course 2. appetizer
• deep-fried
3. dessert 4. dim sum • steamed
5. soup 6. soft drinks • grilled
Students may have different personal preference
over how to cook their own food.
A. 1. call it a day 2. business dinner
3. give it a try 4. sour and spicy
Lesson 2
Track 27

Dave: Wow, it’s almost 7 o’clock. Let’s call

it a day and get something to eat. A. d
How about Italian food? I love Italian
B. 1. top tourist attractions
food, especially spaghetti and pizza.
Sarah: Italian food sounds fine, but I just 2. attracts more tourists
had it yesterday at a business dinner. 3. explore Chinatown by walking
I heard that there’s a new Thai 4. The most popular
DIALOGUErestaurant opened just two days ago.
Track 28
Track 27 As you listen, writeDo you keywords
the correct want to andgive
a try?
box in the blanks. Then, practice the dialogue with a partner. San Francisco’s Chinatown is the
Dave: I’d rather not
business dinner
eat Thai food. Thai food
sour and spicy largest Chinatown outside of Asia. It is
call it a day is unique, give I would
it a try say. It is healthy
one of the top tourist attractions in Flower
Dave: Wow, it’s almost 7 o’clock.of
Let’sherbs and vegetables,
City. Established in 1848, San Francisco’s
and get something to eat. How about Italian food? I love Italian food,
but I think
especially spaghetti and’s too sour and spicy. Chinatown continues to retain its own
Sarah: That’s fine. How about Mexican
Sarah: Italian food sounds fine, but I just had it yesterday at a
I heard that there’s a new Thai restaurant opened just two days ago. Do you
cultures, languages, identity, and food. It
want to food? I love? tacos with grilled
Dave: I’d rather not eat Thai food. Thai food is unique, I would say. It is healthy
attracts more tourists than the Golden Gate
because ofchicken.
herbs and vegetables, but I think it’s too . Bridge every year.
Dave: Sounds great! I am so hungry now.
Sarah: That’s fine. How about Mexican food? I love tacos with grilled chicken.
Dave: Sounds great! I am so hungry now. Let’s go! It is fun to explore Chinatown by walking.
Let’s go! Unique shops, restaurants, and temples are
LET'S LEARN all attractions to visitors. The most popular
A. Do you like Italian or Mexican food? How do you give your order? Work with a
partner and match the following Italian and Mexican food with the correct terms.
food in Chinatown is “dim sum,” which is
A. lasagna burrito taco risotto
seen on almost every block. Most of the
small dishes are steamed or deep-fried.
You will find steamed buns with roast pork,
shrimp dumplings, and mini spring rolls.
Restaurant servers push carts around with
B. Other than Italian or Mexican food, is there any
B. Students’ answers may vary. dishes of dim sum. Then, customers decide
other types of food that you like? Check your
answer and share it with your partner. what they want to eat by picking up the small
Do you
In English, how
the ways the
do people des
plates from the carts.
y cook? How
• Char Siu Bao: famous steamed buns
usually cook do you
your food?
Japanese Korean Indian

stuffed with barbecued pork


Lesson 1
• Fun Jeow: chicken’s feet that are usually
deep-fried, then marinated and finally VOCABULARY
steamed A. 1. F 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. D 6. A
• Lo Mai Gai: sticky rice, meats and Chinese
sausage wrapped in lotus leaves B. 1. Broadway show 2. box office
• Mango Pudding: a light, refreshing dim 3. musicals 4. show time
sum dessert made with sweet fresh mango 5. play 6. theater
What would you like to order? DIALOGUE
A. 1. a good laugh 2. coming out
3. crack up 4. show times
Below are some names of more dim sum dishes. Match the
names with the correct description.
Track 31
1. Ha Gau   a steamed rice cake made with daikon radish and Chinese sausage
2. Low Bok Gow   b steamed rice noodle sheets filled with shrimp Joyce: Hi, Allen! Are you free this weekend?
3. Siu Mai   c steamed fresh prawn dumpling with bamboo shoots
4. Ha Chun Fun   d steamed stuffed dumpling with seafood and vegetables Allen: I am. What are you up to?
Joyce: A new movie theater has just opened
Track 29 A. Have you ever heard about “cultural differences”? Read the article
right across the street from the
B. 1. T
below and find out the information.
Newport Shopping Mall. I want to
Time for Dinner: When East Meets West
2. F (One of the biggest differences between
Most likely, you’ve heard of “cultural differences.” Do you know that such differences
check it out!
a Chinese dinner and a Western dinner is
are understood during dinner? If you watch carefully, you will notice that eating a Chinese
dinner can be quite different from eating a Western meal. Allen: Sounds great. A friend told me it’s a
The courses theA typical
are different. wayWestern
of serving.)
dinner comes with an appetizer, a main
great place for watching movies.
course, and then a dessert. A person may start off with a salad or soup as the appetizer.
3. Tof tea or coffee is part of the dessert.
A cup
Joyce: Do you usually watch movies at
In a Chinese dinner, hot tea comes first. You will always see rice or noodles as part
4. F (One may start off with a salad or some soup as
of the main course. Many other dishes are ordered for all to share, including a big bowl of
soup. Most times, fruit is served as the dessert of a Chinese dinner.
home or at a movie theater?
Another appetizer.)
difference is the way of serving. In a Western dinner, food is served Allen: I prefer going to the movie theater
on each person’s own plate. One person is served with a portion of different foods in his
or her plate. Each person can then order more food if they are hungry. because of the large screen and the
When having a Chinese dinner, dishes are served in the middle of the table for all
to share. At the center of the table, there might be a rotating tray to move the dishes amazing audio system.
around. People will use a pair of shared chopsticks or a big spoon to choose what they
want to eat. They will pick up the food and put it onto his or her small plate or bowl. Joyce: Me, too! What’s your favorite type of
Anyone can see “cultural differences” while doing something as natural as eating.
B. Read the statements below. Write T (true) or F (false). Allen: I love comedies. When I’m
1. Cultural differences are also reflected 3. In a Chinese dinner, dishes are served
during meals. in the middle of a table for all to share. really stressed or worried about
2. Serving is similar between a Chinese 4. In a Western dinner, a salad and a cup something, a good laugh always
and a Western dinner. of coffee are part of the dessert.
Unit 7 DINING OUT Joyce: That’s true. Secret Pet Agent II is
coming out this weekend. Do you
want to see it?
Allen: Sure! I love that movie series. I crack
up each time. I’ll check the show
times and call you later.
Joyce: Thanks. See you at the movie theater
Allen: I can’t wait!

Joyce: Hi, Allen! Are you free this weekend?
Allen: I am. What are you up to?
Joyce: A new movie theater has just opened right across the
street from the Newport Shopping Mall. I want to check it out!
Allen: Sounds great. A friend told me it’s a great place for watching movies.
Joyce: Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater?
Allen: I prefer going to the movie theater because of the large screen and the amazing
audio system.
Joyce: Me, too! What’s your favorite type of movie?
Allen: I love comedies. When I’m really stressed or worried about something,
always helps.
Joyce: That’s true. Secret Pet Agent II is this weekend. Do you
want to see it?
Allen: Sure! I love that movie series. I each time. I’ll check the
and call you later.
Joyce: Thanks. See you at the movie theater then! Do you
Allen: I can’t wait!
What other typ
es of movies
you like to wa do
tch? Do you
how to say the know
m in English?

A. How well do you know movies? Match each movie title to its type. Have you decided which show you want
A. Titles of Movies Bride Wars Harry Potter Avengers The Conjuring to watch? Get a ticket and get ready. When
you’re in New York City, you don’t want to
Types of Movies Fantasy Action & Adventure Comedy Horror
miss out on seeing a Broadway show!
B. Find a partner. Discuss what types of movies you like. Discuss which movie is of
B. your favorite. answers may vary.

Do you Unit 8 ENTERTAINMENT Students’ answers may vary.

• action • romance B. 1. F (The dramas, comedies and musicals of
• animation • science fiction Broadway have made The Theater District one
• documentary • thriller of the most popular tourist attractions in New
• drama York City.)
Lesson 2 F (This district is also called the “Great White
A. c

B. 1. at a discount 2. off-season
3. first-come, first-serve 4. Other than that

Track 32

There is no better place to see a live show

than on Broadway. However, tickets for a
musical are very expensive. The average cost
of a ticket is around US$100.
Today, I will offer some tips on how to buy
Broadway tickets at a discount.
The off-season is the fall and winter—in
September, October, January and February.
It’s easier to get discount tickets at this time.
Check with the theater’s box office about
discounts available.
Before the box office opens, go to the
theater early and try to get rush tickets. Rush
tickets are a limited number of tickets that
are only sold on the day of the show and on
a first-come, first-serve basis. Other than
that, special rush tickets are available for
students to purchase at the ticket center at
their school. Bring your student ID and some
cash when buying a ticket.


LET'S TRY Lesson 1

Students’ answers may vary.
CONVERSATION SNAPSHOT A. 1. E 2. B 3. F 4. D 5. A 6. C
1. 2. A 3. C 4. D
B. 1. souvenirs 2. statuette
3. key chain 4. tourist
5. postcards 6. mugs

A. 1. I bet 2. a big sale
3. quick research 4. take the elevator

Track 35

ucy and Ben are planning to do some

souvenir shopping at Times Square in New
York City.
Lucy: Let’s go to Times Square to shop
for souvenirs. It’s a must-go for all
visitors in New York City.
Ben: I bet or you wouldn’t have dragged
me all the way down here.
Lucy: The souvenir vendors are having a
big sale where everything is up to
50% off.
Ben: Wow, you are so ready.
Lucy: I don’t know what to buy, though.
There are so many options!
Ben: Hmm, I want a T-shirt saying “I love
Lucy: Yeah, I guess it pays to do some
quick research.
Ben: This building is huge. Let’s take the
elevator over there.
Lucy: Wow, they have T-shirts, key chains,
and even statuettes of Lady Liberty! I
like this store. I may come back here
tomorrow before my flight. You know,
I often change my mind once I get
Ben: Tell me about it!!

Lucy and Ben are planning to do some souvenir shopping at Times
Square in New York City.
Lucy: Let’s go to Times Square to shop for souvenirs. It’s a must-go
for all visitors in New York City.
Ben: or you wouldn’t have dragged me all the way down
Lucy: The souvenir vendors are having where everything is up
to 50% off.
Ben: Wow, you are so ready!
Lucy: I don’t know what to buy, though. There are so many options!
Ben: Hmm, I want a T-shirt saying “I love NYC.”
Lucy: Yeah, I guess it pays to do some .
Ben: This building is huge. Let’s over there.
Lucy: Wow, they have T-shirts, key chains, and even statuettes of Lady
Liberty! I like this store. I may come back here tomorrow before
my flight. You know, I often change my mind once I get home.
Ben: Tell me about it! Do you
know ?
Do you know
that when you
something in buy
America, you
entitled to get
with the item
are often
a refund if you
’re not happy
Match the country with the popular souvenir.
you’ve purcha
sed? great.
Thailand Japan USA France Taiwan Sam: Now to the snack section. You
wanted some chips and crackers,
Wendy: Yes, please. Thank you.
Sam: Do we still have some bacon and
Eiffel tower
T-shirt elephant
Taipei 101
fan sausage for tomorrow’s breakfast?
57 Wendy: Yes, but you just reminded me that
we have run out of eggs.
Do you
know? Sam: That’s about everything. Let’s go to
the checkout counter.
In the US, you may return the merchandise and
receive a refund either in cash or on your credit
card as long as you keep the original receipt. Most YOUR TURN
stores prefer of course that you make the return Students’ answers may vary.
within 30 days of your original purchase. There are
exceptions however—stores in most cases do not
B. 1. T
accept returned items on final sales.
F (Membership cards at most grocery stores are
Lesson 2 F (Collecting coupons is time-consuming but
certainly worthwhile.)
F (Although processed food is convenient, it is
A. d costly. )
B. 1. have plenty to 2. on the list
3. Let’s see 4. run out of

Track 36

Wendy: Let’s get a cart. We have plenty to

buy today.
Sam: That’s true. Okay, I got one.
Wendy: What do we have on the list?
Sam: I thought you brought it.
Wendy: No, I thought you did. That’s OK.
We’ll just rely on memory.
Sam: I remember we need some olive oil.
Let’s see. It’s in Aisle 3.
Wendy: Frozen food is in Aisle 5. I need some
Sam: How about fruit and vegetables?
They all look so fresh.
Wendy: Some apples and grapes would be


Lesson 1 LET’S LEARN

VOCABULARY B. Students’ answers may vary.

A. 1. C 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. F 6. B
Do you
B. 1. automated teller machine / ATM
2. deposit Once you gave a check away, the amount
3. savings account of money you wrote on the check would be
4. check automatically transferred from the checking
5. credit cards account at your bank to ensure your payment.
6. debit cards

A. 1. deposit money 2. debit card.
3. transfer money 4. makes sense
A. c
Track 39

Sara: I’m thinking about opening a bank B. 1. Do your homework 2. take time
account here in the US. 3. Stay away from 4. out of the way
Jason: That sounds good. Why don’t you Track 40
do it?
When planning a vacation, your budget is
Sara: Well, the US banking system is really important. Nobody wants to buy too much,
complicated. and then run out of money. Here are some
Jason: That’s true. It’s confusing to tourists tips when making a budget for your trip.
and international students. Do you #1: Do your homework and research
want me to explain it? One of the biggest costs during your
Sara: That would be great, thanks! vacation is the hotel. There are many different
Jason: The typical bank accounts are options, such as bed and breakfasts, motels,
checking and savings. A savings and Airbnb. Use the Internet and take time
account allows you to deposit reading about each choice before you
money and receive interest. A decide.
checking account generally does not #2: Travel during offseason
generate interest, but it allows you to If you travel during the low season, you
deposit money and write checks to could save a lot of money. Also, you might
manage your living expenses. It also meet more of the local people.
comes with a debit card. #3: Stay away from “touristy”
Sara: Which account do I need if I have restaurants
to transfer money from my home During your vacation, you have to eat,
country to pay my tuition? so being smart and choosing where to buy
Jason: If you will have a lot of money in your your food is important. Restaurants in tourist
account, it makes sense to open a spots are generally more expensive than
savings account. those that are not. So, you should carefully
Sara: Now I finally understand. Thank you! decide where to eat.
Jason: My pleasure!


Lesson 1
#4: Shop at outlet malls
Tourist spots are filled with vendors VOCABULARY
selling souvenirs. And, they could A. 1. E 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. F 6. A
possibly overcharge you. So, you should
go to outlet malls instead. They are a B. 1. dispatcher 2. painkillers
little out of the way and inconvenient, but 3. first aid kit 4. pharmacist
you’ll save money in the long run. 5. paramedics 6. emergency

YOUR TURN A. 1. ease your symptoms 2. there you go
Students’ answers may vary. 3. You’re all set 4. Feel better
Track 43
LET’S LEARN MORE I an is at a drug store near his apartment.
B. 1. T He’s having a conversation with the
F (When traveling, especially abroad, you need
2. pharmacist, Julia.
to get familiar with the currency exchange Julia: Good afternoon. May I help you?
rate.) Ian: Hi! I’ve had an upset stomach since
F (Eating two big meals a day could save your
3. last night. Now I have a headache as
money.) well.
4. Julia: Do you think it’s because of
something you ate?
Ian: Possibly. I had dinner with my friend
yesterday, and I didn’t feel well after
Julia: Do you also suffer from diarrhea?
How often do you have to run to the
Ian: I need to go almost every thirty
Julia: Well, let me show you the medication
we have here. These painkillers
should help to ease your symptoms
for now.
Ian: I’ll take it. I also need a first aid kit. I
like to keep one in the car. You never
know when you need it.
Julia: Okay, there you go. If you still
don’t feel well with the symptoms
continuing, go see a doctor.
Ian: Thank you, I will.
Julia: You’re all set! Do you need anything

Track 43 As you listen, write the correct keywords and phrases from the
box in the blanks. Then, practice the dialogue with a partner.

ease your symptoms you’re all set

feel better there you go

Ian is at a drug store near his apartment. He’s having a conversation with the
pharmacist, Julia.
Julia: Good afternoon. May I help you?
Ian: Hi! I’ve had an upset stomach since last night. Now I have a headache as well.
Julia: Do you think it’s because of something you ate?
Ian: Possibly. I had dinner with my friend yesterday, and I didn’t feel well after that.
Julia: Do you also suffer from diarrhea? How often do you have to run to the toilet?
Ian: I need to go almost every thirty minutes.
Julia: Well, let me show you the medication we have here. These painkillers should
help to for now.
Ian: I’ll take it. I also need a first aid kit. I like to keep one in the car. You never know
when you need it.
Julia: Okay, . If you still don’t feel well with the symptoms
continuing, go see a doctor.
Ian: Thank you, I will.
Julia: Ian: I think that’s about it. Thanks.
! Do you need anything else?
Do you
accident at a crossroad, giving the
Ian: I think that’s about it. Thanks. You’ve been very helpful.
Julia: No problem. You’ve been very helpful. !
Do you know
that drug stor
America is qui es in names of the cross streets helps identify
te diff
erent from

Julia: No problem. Feel better!

those in Taiw
the exact location.
LET'S LEARN If you are calling 911 for a medical
In the US, when people have these symptoms, they wouldn’t
go to the hospital. They would buy medicine from a drug store.
emergency, again, stay calm while you
Find a partner. Match the pictures with the symptoms. describe the condition of the patient.
Stay on the line as told and do not panic.
Help is on the way and will arrive any
time soon. That’s all for now, and I’ll take
diarrhea itching headache stuffy nose sore throat your questions.
Do you
A. a.  b.  c.  d.  e 
In the States, one can not only buy medicine but
also do some grocery shopping at a drug store. B. b, a, d


B. 1. F (The International Telecommunication Union
Lesson 2
has officially recommended two standard
TUNE IN emergency numbers.)

A. c T
B. 1. cope with 2. taking place
F (Many countries allow emergency calls to be
3. on the scene 4. any time soon made from a cell phone even without an SIM
Track 44

Hi, my name is Jason Clancy. I am a

911 operator and dispatcher. Today, I want
to advise you on what to do during an
emergency. Hopefully, you will learn how
to cope with such situations if they really
When there’s an emergency, call 911.
After you dial the number, a dispatcher or
the emergency center will answer. Try to
keep calm and tell the 911 operator what’s
going on. The calmer you are, the better you
In addition, you need to clearly tell where
the emergency is taking place. Giving an
exact address is important because the
paramedics can then arrive on the scene
ASAP. For example, when you see a car


Lesson 1 LET’S LEARN

Students’ answers may vary. Others might be:
security availability, gender of landlords...etc.
A. 1. C 2. E 3. F 4. B 5. A 6. D

B. 1. neighborhood 2. landlord Do you

3. contract 4. bedroom
5. realtor 6. kitchen Any international students could go to the “Office
of Residential Services,” “Office of International
Services” or “Off-Campus Housing Center” at the
A. 1. in a moment 2. within walking distance school for help in search of housing during his or
3. have in mind 4. Take a look her stay.
Track 47

Trisha is looking for an apartment. She

just moved to New York to study at Pace
Lesson 2
University for one year. Trisha is now at a TUNE IN
rental agency talking with a realtor, Luke. A. c
Luke: Welcome to Apartment Hunters
Management. My name is Luke B. 1. have special offers 2. close to
Morgan. How may I help you? 3. apply for 4. be honest with
Trisha: Hi, my name is Trisha Chen. I’m Track 48
looking to rent an apartment.
Discuss with your friends about where
Luke: Okay, Ms. Chen. Please have a seat. they have opened their accounts. If your
I will be with you in a moment. hotel or school has a relationship with
Trisha: Thanks. a particular bank, you should first think
Luke: I need to ask you a few questions about doing business with that bank. Most
before I show you what we have. major US banks have special offers and
Trisha: Sure. I’m ready. services designed for students or tourists
Luke: All right. Here’s the first question. only. First, find a bank with a branch that
About the apartment location, do is close to where you live. Ask your bank
you have a preference? what documents an international student or
Trisha: I’d like to live close to my school. Or tourist needs to bring when opening a bank
if not, I hope the apartment could account.
ideally be within walking distance of Most local banks in the United States
a subway station. would ask you to present the following
Luke: I understand. What price range do documents when you apply for opening an
you have in mind? account at the bank. They are:
Trisha: Somewhere between $1,000 to 1. Your passport
$1,500 a month would be great. 2. Documents that show your address
Luke: Here are some photos of the in the US, such as your apartment
apartments available for now. Take a contract and utility bill
look first and we can talk more. 3. Your student ID
Trisha: Thank you. 4. Your Social Security Number (SSN)


A. Yayoi is taking a note. She has to know which phone number
to call in case there is an emergency or when she needs help.

B. Work with a partner. Help Yayoi find the phone number of

the correct department.
Useful Phone Numbers to Call in Taiwan
Usually, these banks will ask for an
SSN to open an account. If you do not women & children protection

have an SSN, simply be honest with the 110 fire & ambulance
bank about your international student
113 police
visa status. The bank will explain what
other forms of identification you may 117 freeway condition information

need instead. 166 anti-fraud consulting service

165 weather forecast

YOUR TURN 168 time

1. 2. a 3. b
Conversation Snapshot SNAPSHOT
Work with a partner and complete the following sentences. Choose the best
B. 1. F (If you have been awarded a scholarship, it 1. C 2. A
expressions from the box below.
3. D 4. B
generally takes a month for the money to go in (A) The rent listed on the website includes
your bank account.) (B) reporting all emergencies
(C) NT$1,000 or more
2. (D) they offer a wide range of services

F (International money transfer typically takes 2
to 5 days to complete the transaction.)


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