M6 Decreased RBC Prodn

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M6: RBC Disorders (Types of Anemia due to Decreased

RBC Production)
By: Jan Trisha S. Hombrebueno

MAIN TOPIC o This will then lead to PANCYTOPENIA-

which means there’s a decrease (penia) of all
(pan) cells (cyto) particularly blood cells
TOPIC OUTLINE o Not only the RBCs is decreased but also the
1 Different types of Anemia WBCs, and the platelets
3 Topic 3 1 Decreased Erythropoietin (EPO) Production
4 Topic 4  Renal Failure
5 Topic 5 - The kidneys are the site of APO production and
therefore, if the kidneys are damaged, then they
ANEMIA will not be able to produce enough erythropoietin.
- Decreased oxygen carrying capacity of the blood The anemia due to renal failure is also termed,
- it is NOT A DISEASE, but is merely a symptom “Anemia of Renal Disease”
of an underlying condition  Hypothyroidism
Laboratory Findings: - May also cause anemia because if there is there is a
 Decreased (↓) RBC Count decrease in the thyroid hormone, then this will put
 Decreased (↓) Hgb the patient under oxidative stress and will lead to a
state of hypoxia. May also be described as,
 Decreased (↓) Hct
“Anemia of Endocrine Disease”
Hgb- HEMOGLOBIN Hct- HEMATOCRIT 2 Decreased EPO effectiveness
Caused by:  Loss of EPO receptors (in erythroid stem cells)
 Blood loss - In this type of cases, even if the erythropoietin is
 Accelerated RBC destruction normal or elevated, if the erythroid stem cells are
 Decreased RBC Production not able to detect them due to the loss of receptors,
then the bone marrow would still produce a
DIFFERENT TYPES OF ANEMIA decrease amount of blood cells.
 Infectious hepatitis
NORMOCYTIC ANEMIA (NORMAL MCV) - May also affect the effectiveness of erythropoietin.
3 Damage to bone marrow (BM) by Ionizing
NORMOCY 1 Aplastic Anemia Radiation
TIC 2 Myelophthisic Anemia  Constant exposure to X-rays, gamma rays and
ANEMIA 3 Chronic Dyserythropoietic neutrons
Anemia - Since the bone marrow is a part of the body that is
responsible for blood cell production, if the bone
NORMOCYTIC ANEMIA marrow is already destroyed or damaged, then it
APLASTIC ANEMIA will not be able to perform its job or function.
 rare but potentially fatal bone marrow failure 4 Damage to BM by Toxic Chemicals
condition - If the bone marrow is already destroyed or
 Aplastic is derived from a word which means damaged by the different toxic chemicals, such as
absence benzene and chloramphenicol, then it will not be
 Plastic which means plasia, which means able to do its functions properly
growth  Benzene
 Meaning there is a complete absence of  Chloramphenicol
growth in your bone marrow however the 5 Replacement of Normal Hematopoietic Tissue
better term for this would be by Tumors
 Hypoplastic anemia- better name since there’s only  Myelophthisic anemia
decrease (hypo) in growth but there’s still some - In this case, the problem is not with the
proliferation of new blood cells; this is what hematopoietic tissue, however, the tumors are up
happens under normal conditions taking the space that is meant for the hematopoietic
 AT NORMAL CONDITIONS your bone marrow cells and that is the cause of anemia.
will have enough hematopoietic cells that will
mature to become your blood cells TYPES OF APLASTIC ANEMIA
 However, in cases of APLASTIC ANEMIA, the INHERITED
bone marrow fails to produce enough 1 Fanconi Anemia
hematopoietic cells leading to producing
- is not fanconi syndrome. They just have the same
insufficient mature blood cells

M6: RBC Disorders (Types of Anemia due to Decreased
RBC Production)
By: Jan Trisha S. Hombrebueno

name but they have completely different however, yung WBC and platelet this would be
pathophysiologies and clinical manifestations. decreased since again aplastic anemia leads to
- Meron ding pancytopenia dito (although ↓ RBC, pancytopenia
but normal WBC and PLT)  If you check the bone marrow cellularity, this
would be described hypoplastic because again,
 Commonly seen in children. mababa yung number ng hematopoietic cells inside
 Autosomal recessive or X- linked recessive the bone marrow
 There are many different genes that can cause  Serum iron- increased since again instead of being
fanconi anemia. used for RBC production, maiiwan lang sa serum
yung iron ng patient.
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS:  Lastly, erythropoietin would be normal since
 Physical malformations erythropoietin is produced by the kidney to
- There is abnormal structure of the hands. stimulate the RBC production.
 Aplastic anemia  In fact, in cases of anemia, this would actually be
2 Pure Red Cell Aplasia elevated. Your kidneys would be stimulating
- Only the red cell are affected increased erythropoietin production. Sometimes in
- Ribosomal cases of aplastic anemia, erythropoietin may also
be increased.
 Immune suppression of erythropoiesis ACQUIRED
 ONLY RBCs are affected 1 Cytotoxic drugs
 Either there are antibodies against erythroid 2 Benzene
precursors or the lymphocytes of the patient attack 3 Radiation
the erythropoietic cells because of this, only the 4 Infections
RBCS are affected and WBCS and PLTS remain - The different types of infections that can cause
normal aplastic anemia would be viruses like hepa B,
3 Diamond-Blackfan Anemia hepa C, measles, Epstein- Barr virus,
- Exhibits Pure Red Cell Aplasia cytomegalovirus, as well as parvovirus.
- RPS19 gene
 Autosomal dominant inheritance 
 Usually caused by mutation in the RPS19 gene. TER  Definition
 There are many different types of mutation of this M
specific gene, however, the main idea is that this NOTE
leads to defective ribosome function, thus leading  Additional info
to anemia.
FINDINGS  Info about topic 2
RBC count, Hemoglobin Decreased  Info about topic 2
& Hematocrit
Reticulocyte Count MCV, ENUMERATION
MCHC 1  Info
Reticulocyte Count Decreased
WBC count, PLT count Decreased ü
Bone marrow cellularity Hypoplastic ü
Serum iron Increased ü
Erythropoietin Normal
 RBC, HGB, HCT- decreased 2  Info
 Retic Count- decreased, since the problem here is 3  Info
inadequate hematopoiesis 4  Info
 MCV and MCHC- normal since the problem in
aplastic anemia is not in the quality of your red TOPIC 3
cells, its with the quantity
 Hindi talaga magiging abnormal yung MCV and Insert photo
MCHC since normal naman yung structure ng rbcs

M6: RBC Disorders (Types of Anemia due to Decreased
RBC Production)
By: Jan Trisha S. Hombrebueno

Term  Definition

For information that needs emphasis


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