Common Reference Level Booklet

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ENERO 12/2022

Part 1
Listen to the radio conversation. Then circle the correct answers.

1. What does Rob help Melvin do on the flight to Orlando?

a. Rob helps Melvin grab his bag off the carousel. X

b. Rob points Melvin in the right direction to the taxi line.

c. Rob helps Melvin put his bag in the overhead bin.

2. What field does Rob specialize in?

a. nanotechnology X

b. remote surgery

c. genetic engineering

3. What does Melvin say is one of Dr. Jordon’s strengths?

a. He has a good intuitive sense.

b. He has a way with words.

c. He has an eye for detail.X

4. What does Dr. Jordon give Melvin?

a. his employment history

b. a position at his research lab X

c. his contact information

Part 2
Listen to the podcast. Then circle the answer that correctly completes each sentence.

5. The program is about how to visually determine when a person is ( shifting the blame / not telling the
truth / making up an excuse ).

6. The speaker says you need to be ( persistent / perceptive / curious ) to figure out if someone is lying.

7. According to the podcast, if someone puts his or her hand over the mouth before answering a question, he
or she may ( have run out of truthful things to say / be letting off steam / be trying to come up with
an answer ).
8. According to the podcast, if someone points his or her finger while speaking, it can show that he or she is
deceptive and becoming ( hot-tempered / fed up / oversensitive ).

9. The speaker presents some obvious physical signs liars make and implies she is ( catching on / opening a
can of worms / just scratching the surface ).

Part 3
Read the paragraph. Then read the statements and choose True or False.

Can dark chocolate make you healthier?

Chocolate! Just the word probably makes you hungry! Most people love it. But if someone told you that chocolate is
actually good for you, would you be surprised? Dark chocolate, especially dark chocolate with a high percentage of
cacao (the seeds of a tree used to make chocolate), may actually make you healthier. Recent studies suggest that
eating dark chocolate may have the following health benefits:

1. Heart Health. 1-2 servings per week of dark chocolate decreases the chance of heart failure by 1/3. It also lowers
your blood pressure.
2. Increased blood flow. Dark chocolate with a high percentage of cacao increases blood flow. Because of the
increased blood flow all over your body, eating chocolate may even help to make your eyesight better.
3. Better performance on tests. Dark chocolate increases blood flow to your brain for up to three hours after you eat
it. Some studies have shown that people score higher on tests after eating dark chocolate. A scientific study
published in 2014 found that it improves memory, especially in people over 60.
4. Lowered cholesterol. Cocoa decreases “bad” cholesterol and raises “good” cholesterol. Remember, choose dark
chocolate with a high percentage of cacao.
5. Mood. Cacao causes the brain to release chemicals that make us feel happy and calm.
6. Sun Protection. Eating dark chocolate protects your skin from sunburn. You can stay out at the beach longer if you
eat chocolate!
7. Cough medicine. Have you tried chocolate? Before you go to the drugstore and buy expensive medicine, you
may want to try something that tastes better. Believe it or not, a chemical called theobromine, which is found in
chocolate, can help coughs.
8. Immunity. Cacao contains a lot of antioxidants, which are good for your immune system. So dark chocolate may
help keep you healthy!

Are you convinced yet? Go have a bite of dark chocolate!

True False

10. Cacao is used to make chocolate. (X✓ ) ( )

11. If you eat chocolate, it might help you do better on a test. ( X) ( )

12. Dark chocolate can help protect your skin. ( X) ( )

13. Dark chocolate makes you cough more. ( ) ( X)

14. Cacao has no antioxidants. ( ) ( X )

Writing Test
Part 4
Choose one of the topics below to write about. Write a three- to five-paragraph essay.

Topic 1

How do you juggle school, work, and other responsibilities? How do you stay focused? What challenges do you face?
How do you overcome them?

Topic 2

What is your point of view about companies that outsource jobs? Why do you feel that way? What is an opposing view
about this topic?

Topic 3

What are two types of intelligences? How are they similar? How are they different?

Topic 4

Why is humor important? How does it differ for different generations? How do people use humor in their lives?

Topic 1

        I constantly manage a schedule for everything, so my studies, work are very organized, I
always manage an order which keeps me focused all the time, as for challenges, only have one
which is to study and work at the same time, meet my teachers and a boss, but both challenges I
manage very well, is a positive challenge for








































Speaking Test

Part 1
What are the most important population trends in your country? Consider the following
questions in planning your response. Speak for two to three minutes.

• Is the population growing quickly?

• Is the birthrate rising or falling?

• How large is the elderly population?

• What do you think will happen as a result of the population trends?

Part 2
Your roommate is trying to save money to purchase a place of his or her own. Make up a
conversation between you and your roommate in which he or she asks for advice and you
give advice on how to save money. Consider the following questions in planning your
response. Speak for two to three minutes.

• What should your roommate do?

• What should your roommate avoid doing?

• What is your roommate’s opinion on your advice?

Part 3
Which of the following statements do you agree with? Give examples, details, and facts to
support your opinion. Speak for two to three minutes.

• “Advertisements persuade people to buy things they do not need.”

• “Advertisements are useful and inform consumers about what products are available.”

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