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Wireless Application Note

Yokogawa – Wireless Gas Detection

Monitoring Solution
Yokogawa wireless solution can be an easy replacement of traditional
gas detection monitoring technology.

Application Background

The Petrochemical industry is facing increasing safety challenges caused by aging

infrastructure and sourer ( higher H2S concentration) feeds. Plants are unable to do
effective predictive maintenance in order to obtain real-time alarms in case of gas leaks,
generate timely reports of the detected gas leaks or locate personnel during an
The current system relies on a portable gas detectors worn by field operators, radio
notifications and manual gas leak detections reports.
Yokogawa provides innovative solution that leverages wireless technology to address
these challenges. Yokogawa innovative wireless solution is based on ISA100.11a
Yokogawa's solution has been used in a variety of measurement applications including
oxygen concentration in oil refinery hydrocarbon vapors & all toxic gases .
Not only is it safe, but it also helps increase manufacturing efficiency.

Key Features

• Reliable IR technology
• Fast Response (5second)
• SIL2 ( Incl. communication)
• Ultra low-power consumption
• Intrinsically safe
• Low weight stainless steel
• Field Replicable battery pack
• Extended Antenna
• No recalibration required.

Customer Challenges

• Laying cables
• To comply all safety standards
• Short project window

Customer Benefits

• Delivers Reliable High Speed Analysis in

• Solid, Simple Design Increases Reliability
• It’s highly safe—it has certified conformance
to the SIL2 safety level of the IEC61508
international safety standard.
• Directly Sends Data Wirelessly without a
Power Supply.
• Increased personal safety by removing the
operations from a potentially dangerous
Why Yokogawa

By using yokogawa real time wireless gas

detection monitoring solution, customer can
minimize costs for cabling, cable trenches,
conduits and cable trays.

For further information please contact us on:

Tel: 00973 17358100

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