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Engineering Target Technical Vocabulary List activity

Add categories to each of these lists:

Tools / safety / uncountable nouns / 2D shape / control / assembly &fixings / electricity / size /
texture / components and parts / plastic / metal / control/ dimension / adjs&compound adj/
things you wear / simple past vb with- t- sound / direction / Simple past vb with-id- sound/
positive adjs / simple past with -d- sound

_____________ (adjustable) spanner (wrench), (Phillips) screwdriver, drill, hammer, pincers, pliers
_____________(right angled/ regular/ irregular) triangle, circle/ round, diamond, ellipse/ oval,
pentagon, rectangle, semi-circle, square.

________________ (super) glue, bolt, joint, knot/ tie, nail, nut, screw, slot, solder, staple, welding.

_______________ (surface) area, breadth/ width, circumference, depth, diameter, flat, height,
length, radius, thickness, volume

______________ absorbed, analysed, arranged, boiled, certified, confirmed, covered, destroyed,

dissolved, dragged, drained, dried, filled, flowed, glowed, hauled, improved, misused, poisoned,
poured, recycled, refilled,reused, reversed, revolved, rolled, rubbed, scheduled, signalled, simplified,
specified, spilled, spinned, sprayed, squeezed, steered, transfered, warmed, warned, worsened

_______________ accelerated, activated, calculated, circulated, coated, complicated, conducted,

constructed, converted, corroded, eliminated, estimated, experimented, generated, heated, ignited,
illuminated, incinerated, injected, inserted, inspected, insulated, limited, melted, obstructed, painted,
pointed, predicted, proceeded, protected, reflected, shifted, supported, transmitted, upgraded,
ventilated, vibrated, winded

_________________ accurate/ precise, arranged/ organised, careful, effective, (energy) efficient,

fire resistant, flexible, good value, hard wearing, high tech, multipurpose, pocket-sized, portable,
reinforced, reliable, shock resistant, simplified, sophisticated, thorough, tidy, up to date, upgraded,
water resistant/ waterproof/ watertight,
________________ acrylic, cellophane, PET, polythene, Styrofoam
________________ alarm, first aid kit, fuse, goggles, hard hat, hazard/ hazardous, heat detector,
injure/ injury, smoke detector

_______________ alloy, aluminium, bronze, copper, gold, iron, platinum, silver, stainless steel, tin,
_________________ anticlockwise ( counter-clockwise), at right angles, backwards, clockwise,
curve/ bend, diagonal/ leaning, forwards, horizontal/ lying down, pointing up/ vertical, straight / ahead
_____________________ apron, goggles, hard hat, lab coat, mask, rubber glove
______________________ attached, compressed, crushed, equipped, flushed, leaked, pierced,
piped, pressed, processed, pumped, reached, reinforced, reversed, slipped, splashed, stacked, stretched,
unlocked, wiped,
___________________ bulb, fluorescent, glow, illuminate/ illumination, lamp, laser pointer, LED,
matt, projector, reflect/ reflection/ reflective, shine, torch ( flashlight), translucent, transparent

_________________ bulky, compact, enormous, huge, gigantic, massive, long, medium-sized,
microscopic, miniscule, nano-scale, tiny, narrow, pocket-sized, short, tall, thick, thin, wide
_________________ bumpy, hard, ridged, rough, sharp, slippery, smooth, soft, spongy, sticky
_________________ button, dial, handle, knob, lever, mouse, pedal, remote control, steer, switch,
touch screen, touchpad

____________________ cone, cube, dome, spiral, hemisphere, pyramid, sphere, tube

____________________ deepen, enlarge, loosen, sharpen, straighten, tighten, weaken, widen,


__________________ drain, float, flow, flusk, hose, leak, mop up, oil, paint, petrol, pipe, pour,
pump, sink, spill, splash, stir,

___________________ goggles, overalls, pincers, pliers, premises, scales, scissors, tweezers,

_________________ alloy, aluminium, bronze, copper, gold, iron, platinum, silver, stainless steel, tin,

Differences or similarities between these things?

________________________________ square/ rectangle
________________________________ a vinyl bag/ a plastic bag (= carrier bag)
_______________________________ wide/ large
_______________________________ large/ bulky
_______________________________ small/ compact

Add one missing word to each of the gaps below.

· In order to straighten a nail, use a clamp and __________.
· If you combine ______________________ and tin, it makes bronze.
· A combination of ____________________ and pressure causes the formation of coal.
· A nail can be removed ____________ wood with pincers.
· A simple solution _______________ a squeaky hinge is olive oil.
· A washer combines well _________________ a nut and bolt.
· A welding torch should _________________ with a mask.
· Changing _____________ a two-pin plug system to a three-pin one is more trouble than it is worth.
· Drink cans are usually____________ aluminium.
· Glass is similar ______________ acrylic because they are both transparent.
· Pressure is a reason _______________ hoses leaking.
· Scissors should be kept with the ________________ up.
· Semi-circle and hemisphere both have ____________ and straight parts.
· The paperclip broke due to being ______________.
· To choose ______ nails and screws, think about the weight that the structure will hold.
· Wear and tear is the result _____ friction.

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