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Ahmad Padhil & Hari Purnomo

Macroergonomic Approach to Development Of Sustainable

Tourism Village

Ahmad Padhil

Department of Industrial Engineering
Universitas Muslim Indonesi
Makassar, 90231, Indonesia

Hari Purnomo

Department of Industrial Engineering
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Yogyakarta, 55584, Indonesia

Sector development has strong relevance to regional development. Regions can develop through the
development of leading sectors in a region that encourage other sectors. Gunung Condong Village,
located in Bruno sub-district, Purwerojo Regency, is one of the regions that has natural beauty and
abundance natural resources. This study aims to develop Gunung Condong Village into a tourism
village by using macroergonomic approach. This approach uses Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
method in Gunung Condong Village that developed in accordance with the conditions of the land and
the capacity of its nature. In addition, the application of rules and community involvement in managing
the institutional matter of tourism village is a social responsibility for the entire community. This study
resulted in the suitability of tourism development based on rainfall factors, topography, environmental
feasibility and the existence of supporting facilities in Gunung Condong Village.

Keywords: Tourism Village, Macroergonomic, Focus Group Discussion (FGD).

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