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I woke up and realised today was the day. 3 days away from my family. Now after lockdown.
I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I already packed and am ready to go on this
adventure to the far reaches of Yarra Junction, ADANAC camp. I drove there at 8:15 with my
dad, I think my parents wanted some peace😅. On the car trip I wondered why the camp
was called ADANAC. Because maybe it’s from another language? My dad left instantly after I
arrived at school. I saw my friend Zach and caught up on the latest news.

At the SPAC we did workouts to gain muscles💪. Shakthi brought this red robber mask, and
that gave us an idea that would revolutionise camp. THE INDIAN SPOODERMAN.

We finally went to the bus and loaded our stuff. Shakthi brought a whole Carrom’s board. I
felt excited and nervous at the same time. Nexcited? Ervous? I’m not sure what to call it. On
the bus I sat next to Zach at the front because of his motion sickness. I wrote the script and
Zach made Sithi’s backstory – He wants to “destroy” spooderman because spiders killed his
dad. I wrote everything else and Tada! The script was finished.


We entered the camp, putting luggage against the fence. I was overjoyed and happy. Finally,
after all this waiting it was time. Bronwyn gave this speech about everything at camp. She
explained that ADANAC is Canada backwards 😲😳. Me and Zach went in the line for lunch
which was extremely lengthy and we talked all day long. While we devoured lunch which

was a salad roll. The food was not great but good enough. I rate it a 5/10 I noticed how
many Year 7’s there are, I am surprised. Afterwards we went on our activity with half of our
STEP group including all my friends – Zach, Shakthi, Sithika, Aaryan and I. Some other people
in our group included, Abuk, Nyanajith, Jonny, Blake and Aishah. As we entered the cabins I
had low expectations, but I was surprised by how clean it was. It was a magnificent ‘‘home’’
for 3 days.

We walked down a gravel path which made everyone slip, even Jonny was holding onto us
so he wouldn’t fall and wake up in the hospital. 🏥😷🩺. Which would have been quite tragic,
oh dear, am I going off track? Anyways after a couple of minutes we realised that we were
supposed to go on the trampoline and cage soccer 🤦‍♂️. All the way back up the hill we
went. “Huff, Puff.” The trampolines were extremely large, big enough for two people so, I
went on with Nyanajith and got launched up so high I saw the aliens on Mars. (I’m kidding.) I
sat on the bench because the weather was BOILING HOT! 🔥. Hotter than the Sahara, hotter
than the sun (5,505 Celsius on the surface not on the core.)

Then we went into the deep dark woods for… HUT BUILDING! In a group of three – Zach,
Aryan and I. We built a hut using wood that we found from around the forest. The rule was
that if a piece of wood was bigger than your leg, two people had to hold it for safety
reasons. There were three groups and it was finally time for the test. What test? My teacher
Mr. Yap was going to pour water on top of the hut to see how waterproof it was and of
course the person under the hut was me. SPLASH! SPLASH! SPLASH! I was... I was… not wet?
The hut did an excellent job of keeping me waterproof. And we came first! But Aishah’s
group came first in design and I admit my one wasn’t very fancy.

Later that day we went to the swimming pool, I jumped into the pool from the deep end
and the splash was higher than the Burj Khalifa. I practised my swimming, and I went on the
inflatable. I did push-ups on the inflatable.

We went back and we started talking. It’s only the first day and camp was already amazing!
Shakthi brought his camera and we filmed the first parts of the movie.
“Lights out!”
Next thing I know I was laying in bed. We talked for hours before sleeping. What did we talk
about? Weird stuff (e.g. Girls) I think it’s because of hormones but anyway I fell aslee……..


I woke up. My first thoughts were:

‘Where was I? Oh, that’s right! I’m in camp. What’s the time? 6:00?’

I talked for an hour with my cabin mates then we all walked to breakfast which included a
variety of items including: Pancakes, cereal, porridge and yogurt. Word was it the yogurt
was delicious.

Then I slapped sunscreen on my face (ouch) and arrived at…

ARCHERY. The instructor’s name was Caleb. He taught us how to shoot the arrows for
I shot a lot of arrows, but I couldn’t hit the pool noodle which had the most6 points. Abuk
however hit the noodle 3 times. She was cracked at archery and didn’t even try unlike me.

There were three different targets but I could hit them but, I couldn’t earn that many points.

We woke up and started packing for the long trip home. Did I really want to go home? No.
Did I make many friends? Yes!
I ate my last meal: A.F.C

Absolutely delicious was the taste. The flavour was inadequate and made me feel just…
Words cannot describe this feeling. This is better than KFC, I can’t believe this is camp food!

I went on the bus and talked a lot before we finally arrived at the school. And that, is the
end of this recount!

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