WC 15 Review

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WC Level 15


A) Choose the correct clause mark to give the right meaning of each
1. Betty looks ____something is wrong.
a- only if b- even if c- as if d- so that.
2. The people danced_____the music played.
a- like b- as c- unless d- in case.
3. David goes swimming _____ his illness.
a – even if b- in spite of c- though d- whereas.
4. ____I looked, I found fingerprints.
a- until b- whereas c- because d- wherever.
5. This region is called “land of apple” _____ it yields a lot of apples.
a- because b- although c- until d- only if
6. _____ ploughing the field, the farmer uncovered a dinosaur bone.
a- as though b- while c- until d- since.
7. Lucy can’t attend the meeting ____ she finds a baby-sitter.
a- unless b- even if c- only if d- if.
8. ____the fire started blazing, the skewers were tilted toward the flames.
a- so that b- as if c- such as d- as soon as.
9. ____pandas mostly eat bamboo, they are also carnivorous.
a- not only b- until c- although d- as soon as.
10. Seat belts were introduced_____ traffic fatalities would be reduced.
a- as if b- then c- so that d- only if.

B) Combine the following sentences using an adverb clause of time.

after, since, as soon as, before, whenever, until, while, when

1. We watched the robins. They raised their young in our apple tree.
We watched the robins while they raised their young in our apple tree
2. Becky read the book. It was recommended by a friend.
Becky read the book since It was recommended by a friend.
3. Dad donates his suits to charity. He has worn them a year.
Dad donates his suits to charity after he has worn them a year.
4. The policemen delayed the drivers. The wrecks were cleared.
The policemen delayed the drivers until the wrecks were cleared.
5. Ann will eat an apple. She finishes studying her vocabulary.
Ann will eat an apple when she finishes studying her vocabulary.
C). Combine the following sentences using adverb clauses of time at the
beginning of the sentence.
after, since, as soon as, before, whenever, until, while, when

1. Frank started medical training. He drove a forklift for a living.

Before Frank started medical training, he drove a forklift for a living.
2. The rains had started the mud slides. The homes were not safe to live in.
Because the rains had started the mud slides, the homes were not safe to
live in.
3. Older people love to sit in the park. They feed the birds and visit.
While they feed the birds and visit, older people love to sit in the park.
4. I enjoyed camping out. I was much younger.
When I was much younger, I enjoyed camping out.
5 Joe recognized the man. The man had stopped his car to help.
After the man had stopped his car to help, Joe recognized him.
D) Complete these sentences with a suitable relative pronoun or adverb
who which that whose where
1. That is the man who helped me when I fell down in the street.
2. Is that your car? No, mine is the one that is parked just opposite the bank.
3. That is the woman who complained about the room service.
4. This is the park where we first met. Do you remember?
5. So, James is the man_whose_ son came on the school trip with us? I didn't
6. Jim, who I've known for years, is my best friend.
7. My new coat, which I bought in New York, is very warm and comfortable.
8. My boss, whose wife is French, travels to Paris regularly.
9. He didn't even say "thank you", which I found really rude.
10. Next summer I'm going to India, where I've never been before.

E) Fill in the correct comparative forms of adverbs and adjectives:

1. Sam's idea sounds good (good) but I like Carol's idea even better (good).
2. Every morning I get up 10 minutes earlier (early) than my sister.
3. What are the most dangerous (dangerous) animals in Australia?
4. I can run as fast (fast) as my elder brother.
5. You should buy the blue sweater. It suits you better (good) than the red one
and I think it fits perfectly (perfect)
6. If you worked more carefully (careful), you would make fewer (few)
7. Joy Fielding writes the most exciting (exciting) books I've ever read.
8. Caroline is the most prettily (pretty) dressed girl in this room.
9. Vienna is the largest (large) town in Austria.
10. Please, speak more clearly (clear), I hardly (hard) understand the

F) Choose one of the following to complete the sentences.

Must have - Might have - Should have - Can't have/Couldn’t have
1. John can't have gone on holiday. I saw him this morning downtown.
2. Nobody answered the phone at the clinic. It must have closed early.
3. I should have studied more for my exams. I think I failed!
4. Sarah looks really pleased with herself. She must have passed her driving
test this morning.
5. I didn't know you were going to Phil's party yesterday. You might have told
6. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He must have caught the wrong train.
7. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He can’t have caught the correct train.
8. Don't lie to me that you were ill yesterday. You can’t have been ill - Don said
you were at the ice hockey match last night.
9. I don't know where they went on holiday but they bought Euros before they
left so they might have gone to France or Germany.
10. His number was busy all night – he must have been on the phone
continuously for hours.

G) Match the words or expressions with their meanings

1. Ordeal a. products you buy (5)
2. To Handle b. willing to do dangerous or difficult things (7)
3. Caught off guard c. to do something wrong and not suffer consequences (11)
4. Browse d. one who is friendly, likes to be with other people (6)
5. Goods e. showing that you understand and care for someone(15)
6. Outgoing f. a very difficult, stressful situation (11)
7. Daring g. stopping something from continuing as usual (10)
8. Cramped h. a small number of very active individuals of a group(13)
9. Overwhelming i. to give someone confidence or hope (12)
10. Disruptive j. to deal with a problem or situation successfully (2)
11. Get away with k. to look around a shop casually (4)
12. Encourage l. not big enough for the number of people or things (8)
13, Hard core m. difficult to fight against (9)
14. Dependable n. to be surprised by someone or something (3)
15. Sympathetic m. able to be trusted upon (14)

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