2nd Grade Benchmark Administration

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1) Students open DMAC under apps

2) Students will need Student ID, Birthdate (roster), Test ID
3) Teacher will need to walk students through the login process one step at a <me.
While teacher is giving direc<ons, the other proctor may walk around the room helping
students that need individual assistance:
• Student IDs
• Birthdates
• Test session (write this informa<on on the board)
4) Once students are logged in, have them choose a teacher, semester, and class (write this
informa<on on the board)
5) Have students stay on the SeMngs page while you read the following direc<ons.

Today you will take the (subject) 2nd Grade Hoy van a tomar la prueba (subject) de fin de
End-of-year benchmark test. It is important año de segundo grado. Es importante que
that you do your best. You will have 5 hours hagan su major esfuerzo. Tendran 5 horas
to complete this test. All of your responses para completer esta prueba. Todas las
must be entered before the session ends. If respuestas deben escribirse en linea antes de
you are unsure of a response, provide the que termine la session. Si no estan seguros
best response you can. You may go back to de una respuesta, pongan la major respuesta
review your response at the end of this test que puedan. Al final de la prueba, pueden
session. Are there any ques<ons? regresar a revisar las respuestas. Tienen
alguna pregunta?
If you have any ques<ons about the
instruc<ons or the tools, please raise your Si <enen alguna pregunta sobre las
hand so I may help you. You should remain instrucciones o las herramientas, por favor
seated and quite so that you do not disturb levanten la mano para ayudarles. Deben
others who are tes<ng. If you need to go to permanecer sentados y en silencio para no
the restroom, please raise your hand. You distraer a los demas que estan tomando la
must sign the restroom log and take your prueba. Si necesitan irr al baño, por favor
pass. Are there any ques<ons? levanten la mano. Deben firmar el registro
del baño y tomar su pase. Hay alguna
When you have completed your test, raise pregunta?
your hand so I can help you submit and
close your test. Do not submit your test Cuando hayan terminado la prueba, levanten
un<l I have confirmed that you are done. If la mano para ayudarles a entregar y cerrar la
there are no more ques<ons, you may prueba. No entreguen la prueba hasta que yo
begin. haya confirmado que esta completa. Si no
hay ninguna otra pregunta, pueden
Once students have begun their test and you have done at least one lap around the classroom.
Please fill out the STAAR sea<ng chart in order to prac<ce test administra<on.

Note: Please make notes of observa<ons made during this mock STAAR-type assessment.
Please guide your notes with the following:

1) Students that need OA when tes<ng and do not have it already

2) Students that have OA but don’t need it
3) Students that need reminders to stay on task/redirec<on
4) Students that could benefit from small group and why
5) Students that need the test in Spanish
6) Any other note that you may deem important
2ND GRADE EOY BENCHMARK – Subject: _________________________

Test administrator: ___________________________. Date: ___________________

Student Name Note

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