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434 Magsaysay Ave., Baguio City

Tel. Nos. (074) 442-2986/300-2707
P.O. Box 904

Course Syllabus
Second Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023

Course Title : Science, Technology and Society

Course Code : GE7
Number Of Units : 3 units
LAB : None
Contact Hours : 3 hours
Prerequisite : None
Instructor : Danmar C. Camilot, BSEd
Course Description: The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social, cultural,
political, and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by them. This interdisciplinary course engages
students to confront the realities brought about by science and technology in society. Such realities pervade the
personal, the public, and the global aspects of our living and are integral to human development. This course seeks
to instill reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical
decision making in the face of scientific and technological advancement. This course includes mandatory
topics on climate change and environmental awareness.
Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society, specifically Philippine society.
2. Explain how science and technology affect society and the environment and its role in nation-
3. Analyses the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express philosophical ramifications that are
meaningful to the student as a part of society.
4. Define and demonstrate the impact of social media on the students’ life and Philippine society in
1. Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the environment and the
development of the Filipino nation.
2. Critique human flourishing vis-à-vis the progress of science and technology such that the student may
be able to define for himself/herself the meaning of the good life.
3. Foster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable development of society and
the environment.
1. Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology to society.
2. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with innovative and
creative solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical standards.
3. Illustrate how the social media and information age impact their lives and their understanding of
climate change.
Number of Hours: 3 Hours every Saturday for 18 weeks or 54 hours in a semester
Course Outline:
 Course Orientation:
 Introduction of the course, discussion of the course policies, establishing house rules, grading system, and
 Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the course of science and technology
 Intellectual revolutions that defined society
 Science and technology and nation building
Prelim (Summative Test & Prelim Exam)
 The Human Person flourishing in terms of science and technology
 The Good Life
 When technology and humanity cross
 Why the future does not need us
Midterm (Summative Test & Midterm Exam)
 The Information Age
 Biodiversity and the healthy society
 The Nano world
 Gene therapy, Culminating Activity
Finals (Summative Test & Final Exam)

Suggested Reading Materials and References:

Science, Technology, and Society Syllabus 1 | P a g e

434 Magsaysay Ave., Baguio City
Tel. Nos. (074) 442-2986/300-2707
P.O. Box 904
 Plotnik, Rod et al., and Psychology, Singapore: Cen gage Learning Asia Pte Ltd, 2012. 9thEdition
Course Requirements:
1. Individual learning activities (quizzes, recitation, drills, major examination)
2. Researches/Case Studies/reflection paper
3. Seminars/interviews
4. Nervous System Model
5. Prelim, Midterm and Final Examinations
6. Attendance

Grading System:
Attendance (5%)
Written Works (20%)
Performance Tasks (50%)
Exam (Prelim-Finals including Summative Test) (25%)
Total: 100%

Classroom Policies:
1. Written tests during the semester. Exams are to be given DEPARTMENTALLY.
2. Three scheduled major written tests. Make up tests will only be given with prior permission of the
instructor. Make up tests must be taken within a week of the original scheduled test date unless there is an
inevitable reason.
3. Participation in class discussions and group exercises is a must; thus attendance and being prepared to
contribute to the discussion is also expected.
4. Upon entrance to the classroom, submission of assignments is expected; and working on the
challenge of the day is also to be observed.
5. Punctuality is to be observed. If students come in late, .5 points will be deducted to the
attendance/behavior points. Students should also be responsible for missed materials.
6. Always follow the 5 S’s and CLAYGO (Clean As You GO)

Written tests– It will be administered periodically in order to assess the students’ knowledge of topics within
Accounting. Use of cellphone during examinations IS prohibited.
Class Work/Activities – Students are expected to participate in all activities and assignments. Oral
Presentations– Students will be expected to present topics that will demonstrate their understanding of the
specific subjects. Included in oral presentations are role playing, simulations, topic or research
presentations or focused group discussions.
Strict implementation of deadlines- No late projects, papers, researches or quizzes will be accepted unless
you have made prior arrangements in writing with the instructor and have a valid and documented reason. All
late projects that are accepted will have appropriate deductions.
Quizzes- Make-up quizzes must be done only at the available schedule of the instructor. Unjustified absence
resulting to missed quizzes shall be awarded with an equivalent grade of 20. Special Arrangements and
considerations–no special arrangements and considerations will be given after the final term. The students’ grades
shall stand as they are except when errors in the checking of requirements and/or inputting of grades by the
instructor were found. Change of grade procedure will be then followed for the necessary changes to take effect.
Cheating- All graded requirements must be a students’ own work only. Cheating or plagiarism is a serious
breach of academic ethics and policy (refer to students manual) and could lead to appropriate sanctions.
When taking tests, answer must not be seen by others. If cheating is covered, all participants will be
penalized with a grade of zero for the particular test.
Student contributions – In cases wherein students are grouped to complete a specific task, members must
actively participate or risk being eliminated from the groupings.
Etiquette: Courtesy in class from every student is expected especially during classroom experience. Mobile phones
must always be kept silent and are not allowed to be used for texting or browsing inside the room at
any time. Personal/portable media players must be put away and should not be used at any time inside the
classroom. The instructor has the right to ask a student who has a disruptive behavior to leave the class. All
students are expected to be familiar with and to follow the guidelines set in the college student manual.
Attendance– Students who reach the maximum allowable absences will no longer be allowed to continue the
course as stated in the college student manual and will receive a grade of DROPPED.

 Compliance with these professional standards of appearance is mandatory.

Prepared by:

Science, Technology, and Society Syllabus 2 | P a g e

434 Magsaysay Ave., Baguio City
Tel. Nos. (074) 442-2986/300-2707
P.O. Box 904


STS Instructor

Science, Technology, and Society Syllabus 3 | P a g e

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