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Destination image has become essential to standing out in today’s competitive

global market, where competition between destinations is intense (Qu, Kim, &
Im, 2011). Destination image is a fundamental factor in travellers’ selection of a
destination, since it influences their behavior (Gunn, 1972; Gartner, 1994; Bigné,
Sánchez & Sánchez, 2001; Carballo, Araña, León, & Moreno-Gil, 2015). In this
context, ‘image’ can be defined as mental concept formed from a set of
impressions (Beerli & Martín, 2004): there is a cognitive element to the image
created in the minds of tourists that depends on the quality and quantity of
available information. In contrast, the affective part of the image is formed on the
basis of each individual’s characteristics (Beerli & Martín, 2004). If a tourist takes
into account both the cognitive and affective dimensions of the image, they will
allow him/her to make a general assessment of the destination, on the basis of
prior knowledge and beliefs about the place as well as his/her feelings towards it
(Baloglu & Brinberg, 1997).


The organizational reality is similar in the context of Tourism Marketing, given that the image tourists
have of tourist destinations is an element of major importance there (Hunt, 1975; Chon, 1991; Echtner
and Ritchie, 1991; Aaker, 1996, Gartner, 1996; Kapferer, 1997; Buhalis, 2000; Laws, Scott and Parfitt,
2002; Tasci and Gartner, 2007; Rial, and García Varela, 2008), ultimately influencing the final choice or
behavioral intention (Chen and Tsai, 2007).


 Destination image” refers to the process through which people try to form an impression of a
particular vacation destination. The destination image encompasses beliefs, feelings,
perceptions, and knowledge about a destination, in addition to direct and indirect information
gained while traveling to the destination, such as through associations, tourism-related
channels, social platforms, and the Internet facility. The significance of developing destination
images for managers stems from the fact that they have a considerable impact on tourists’
purchasing decisions and actions (Pike and Ryan, 2004)

Destination image is one of the most researched topics in tourism due to its power to invoke certain
images into tourists’ minds. The value of the destination image to the local destination marketing
organizations and other destination promoters is uncontestable due to its power to attract more tourists
to the area. Fakeye and Crompton (1991) note that images are of paramount importance to destinations
because they have the power to change and rearrange the tourists’ impressions and perceptions of a
give him or her a pre-taste of the destination”


Destination image” refers to the process through which people try to form an impression of a
particular vacation destination. The destination image encompasses beliefs, feelings,
perceptions, and knowledge about a destination, in addition to direct and indirect information
gained while traveling to the destination, such as through associations, tourism-related
channels, social platforms, and the Internet facility. The significance of developing destination
images for managers stems from the fact that they have a considerable impact on tourists’
purchasing decisions and actions (Pike and Ryan, 2004).


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