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5 Data Collection

For the purposes of this research in depth interview and survey were used. In depth interview and
survey are personal and unstructured interview and survey, whose aims is to identify participants
emotion, feelings, and opinions regarding a particular research subject. The main advantage of personal
interview and survey is the they involve personal and direct contact between interviewer and
interviewees then by taking the survey , as well eliminate non responses rates but interviewers need to
have developed the necessary skills to successfully carry an interview and survey . What is more
unstructured interview offer flexibility in terms of the flow of the flow of the interview and survey
thereby leaving room for the generation of conclusion that were not initially meant to be derived
regarding a research subject . However there is the risk that interviewer and survey may deviate from
the pre specific research aims and objective.

As far data collection tools were concerned the conduction of the research involved the use of semi –
structured questionnaire , which was used as an interview or taking by survey guide for the researcher .
Some certain questions were prepared so as for the researcher to guide the interview towards the
satisfaction of research objectives but additional question were made encountered during the
interviews and survey .

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