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Soc Stud 124

Activity 1 : Cause and Effect

The Effects of Environmental Problems to Human Life and the continuous
excessive depletion of our natural resources.

Cause :
There are numerous reasons why humans are in risk, including their activities.
Humans’ current environmental concerns are the result of their unsustainable depletion
of natural resources. But why is this so? Modernization? Competition?. Modernization is
one factor that contributes significantly to the depletion of our natural resources. As
people started to discover new minerals in our earth, they began to excavate a large
portion of it in order to obtain a perfect test sample for their products, without
considering the potentially disastrous effect on our natural resources. Overpopulation:
As the globe’s population grew, many individuals began to become accustomed to what
the world had to offer, whether in terms of business, food, or even housing. Because
trees cannot grow in a split second, if the answer is replacement, this would be a huge
issue. Competition for resources extends beyond food to include minerals. There are a
lot of firms right now, and everyone would do whatever to be better, which would
damage a large portion of our natural resources.
The effect is straightforward and has been around for a while. What does “global
warming” actually mean? Global Warming is the sudden change of temperature in the
certain part of the planet causing it to experience a sudden change of climate. If no one
pays attention to what is happening right now, all living things/individuals in this earth
will perish before it is too late for us to address the problem.

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