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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University

Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
College of Arts & Sciences
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 6814 local 140

TIMOR-LESTE: Challenges of Creating A Democratic and Effective State


Instruction: Write the correct answer to each item.

1. What policy was made that gave the local Timorese access to posts in both civil
and military administration?
2. What Revolution transpired in 1974 that caused the political mobilization and
the foundation of many rising political Parties in Portuguese-Timor?
3. Consisting of the President; the Prime Minister; the Ministers for Defense, Justice,
Interior, and Foreign Affairs; the incumbent F-FDTL Chief of Staff; the
Commanding PNTL officer; and three Representatives of Parliament, this Council
advises the president in all matters of defense and security as well as the
appointment of the armed forces chief of staff.
4. The only legitimate political party under the authoritarian Estado Novo that
ruled Portugal and Portuguese overseas territories including Timor-Leste.
5. Considered to be the best-organized social institution in Timor-Leste, with
strong political influence on policy issues such as religious education in public
schools and birth control access.
6. Timor-Leste Media System have established this Council that is composed of
representatives from the community of journalists, media owners, and the
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
College of Arts & Sciences
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 6814 local 140


Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What requires a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly and must respect
the separation of power; judicial independence; national independence and the
unity of the state; the rights, freedoms, and guarantees of citizens; the multiparty
system and the right to democratic opposition; the basis of democratic suffrage;
the electoral system of proportional representation; and the principle of
deconcentration and decentralization?
A. Ammendments towards the Constitution
B. Ammendments towards the Preamble
C. Ammendments towards both the Constitution and the Preamble
2. The President also has the power to veto parliamentary legislation. However,
what are the pre-requisite needed by the National Parliament to overturn a veto
coming from the President?
A. Absolute majority
B. By a two-thirds majority of its members
C. The prior choices are both correct.
3. To ensure the participation of the citizens towards democratic elections, for
what reason was a 1/3 quota that should be filled by women?
A. To increase election turnout
B. To garner participation and solidify gender equality
C. To increase electoral participation
4. Being the youngest state in Southeast Asia, Timor-Leste has faced considerable
challenges in establishing its Stateness. What are the three key components or
dimensions of Timor-Leste’s Stateness?
I. Political order and the monopoly on violence
II. Basic administration and administrative effectiveness
III. The dimension of citizenship agreement

A. I & III B. I & II

Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
College of Arts & Sciences
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 6814 local 140

C. I, II, & III

Bonus Question:

What serves as the country's highest court with the authority of constitutional review?

Answer Key:
I. Identification
1. Timorization
2. Carnation Revolution

3. Superior Council for Defence and Security

4. The National Union / National Union

5. The Roman Catholic Church / The Catholic Church

6. The Press Council / Press Council

II. Multiple Choice

1. A.

2. C.

3. B.

4. C.

Bonus Question (Answer) - The Court of Appeals / Court of Appeals

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