Paper 1. Theory of pH-Stat Titration

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Theory of pH-Stat Titration

Elena Ficara, Alberto Rozzi, Paola Cortelezzi

Dipartimento di Ing. Idraulica Amb. e del Rilev-Sez. Amb., Politecnico di

Milano, Milan, Italy; e-mail:
Received 5 February 2002; accepted 29 August 2002

DOI: 10.1002/bit.10541

Abstract: Innovative techniques are being studied to as- in a reactor. For instance, any reaction involving the CO2/
sess the activity of bioreactors and to improve the per- HCO3−/CO3⳱ equilibria, such as reactions producing or
formance and operational stability of biological pro-
consuming CO2 or HCO3−, also result in a pH variation and
cesses. Among these techniques, the pH-stat titration is
applicable to any bioreaction involving pH variations. Up can be monitored by pH-stat titration. Heterotrophic degra-
to now, the main application of the pH-stat titration has dation of organic substrates produces CO2 (Ficara, 2001),
been for nitrification monitoring. In this article, we pre- acetoclastic methanogenesis produces bicarbonate (Rozzi et
sent a theoretical model of pH-stat titration, which pre- al., 2001; 2002), growth of chemolitotrophic organisms
dicts the response to any reaction involving the produc-
(e.g. algae) consumes CO2, while the ANAMMOX both
tion or consumption of protons, hydroxyl ions, or inor-
ganic carbon chemical species (CO2, HCO3−, CO3=). This consumes CO 2 and produces bicarbonate (Rozzi and
model is a useful tool to understand pH-stat titrations, to Remigi, 2001; Strous, 2000; van de Graaf et al., 1996).
define their applicability and limits, and to select the best In this article we present a theoretical model of the pH-
experimental conditions for specific applications. Tests stat titration procedure, developed to predict the response of
have been performed to compare experimental pH-stat
this technique to any reaction involving the production or
titration rates in the presence of carbon dioxide and
HCO3− producing reactions to the values predicted by the consumption of protons and inorganic carbon species (CO2,
model and a very satisfying correspondence was found. HCO3−, CO3⳱). Model predictions are discussed and theo-
© 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 82: 28–37, retical pH-stat titration rates, in the presence of CO2 and
HCO3− producing reactions, are compared to experimental
Keywords: pH-stat; titration; theory; model; titrimetric
technics data.


The pH-stat titration technique consists of the controlled The pH-stat unit (Fig. 1, frame) consists of a bioreactor,
addition of dilute acidic or alkaline solutions to maintain a where the biomass is maintained at constant temperature
constant pH in systems where a pH affecting reaction is and mixed at a constant rate, a pH-meter, and a titration
taking place. Under these conditions, the titration rate is control unit. According to the pH signal, a control unit
proportional to the reaction rate. In principle, this technique activates the addition of an appropriate titrant (a diluted acid
is applicable to any biological or physico-chemical reaction or alkaline solution) to maintain the pH constant at a pre-set
affecting the proton concentration, i.e., any reaction con- value (pHstat). The system is thus a fed-batch reactor with
verting neutral substrates into acidic or basic products, or liquid inflow (the titrant added) and no liquid outflow. Gas/
acidic or basic substrates into neutral products. liquis mass-transfer processes, such as gas sparging or gas
There are several bioreactions of environmental interest production by the biomass, may also play a significant role.
which affect the pH of biological suspensions. Up to now, When gas sparging is present, the system is defined as open;
research on pH-stat titrations has been mainly focused on in contrast, in a closed system, no liquid/gas mass transfer
the assessment of protons producing or consuming reactions takes place.
(e.g., nitrification: Gernaey et al., 1998; Massone et al., In the bioreactor, a generic reaction takes place which
1998; and denitrification: Bogaert et al., 1997; Foxon et al., converts substrate S into product P (assumed not to affect
in press; Massone et al., 1996; Rozzi et al., 1997). However, the pH), with the concomitant production of protons, carbon
H+ (used here instead of H3O+ for simplicity) or OH− pro- dioxide, bicarbonate, and carbonate. These products affect
duction or consumption is not the only way to affect the pH the CO2/HCO3−/CO3⳱ equilibria and thus, the suspension
pH. This reaction is described by the following stoichiom-
Correspondence to: Alberto Rozzi
Contract grant sponsor: The Italian Ministry of University and Scientific sS → P + bHCO3− + cCO2 + dCO3⳱ + hH+ (1)
Contract grant number: COFIN2000 MM08165741 where the stoichiometric coefficients b, c, d, and h are posi-

© 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

appropriate titrant molarity. Assumption 2 was introduced
for the sake of simplicity; however, both dilution and ionic
strength could be accounted for in a more rigorous ap-
proach. Assumption 3 is justified by the fact that these
chemical reactions are generally faster than biologically
catalyzed ones. Assumption 4 is justified by the fact that
carbonic acid comprises ≅ 0.2% of [CO2] (Stumm and Mor-
gan, 1996).
Processes taking place in the pH-stat reactor and their
rates are reported in Table I. Equations describing the sys-
tem are indicated in Table II: the first six equations are mass
balances for the system components, Eq. (T2.7) is the ionic
product for water, while the last three equations are neces-
sary conditions for the system to be pH-stat. In particular,
Eqs. (T2.9–T2.10) are derived from IC species equilibria:

关HCO−3 兴 ⭈ 关H+兴
= KA1 or: 关CO2兴 = 10pKA1−pH ⭈ 关HCO−3 兴
Figure 1. Experimental set-up. The pH-stat unit is represented in the 关CO2兴

tive when the corresponding chemical species is produced, 关CO=3 兴 ⭈ 关H+兴

= KA2 or: 关HCO−3 兴 = 10pKA2−pH ⭈ 关CO=3 兴
or negative when it is consumed. Coefficient s for the sub- 关HCO−3 兴
strate is always positive. For a correct pH-stat operation and (3)
data interpretation, it is very important to determine the
relationship between the reaction rate (rp ⳱ d[P]/dt, where At constant pH, an increase/decrease in CO2 concentration
[P] is the molar concentration of product P) and the pH-stat should be compensated by a directly proportional increase/
titration rate, rt (moles of H+, if rt > 0, or moles of OH−, if decrease in bicarbonate concentration [Eq. (2)]. Similarly,
rt < 0, added by the pH-stat unit per unit of time and per unit an increase/decrease in [HCO3−] is, in turn, compensated by
of suspension volume). Hence, this system is defined by a directly proportional increase/decrease in carbonate con-
molar concentrations of the following components: S, P, H+, centration [Eq. (3)]. Geometrically, in the tri-dimensional
OH−, CO2, HCO3−, and CO3⳱. The following assumptions/ space defined as: x ⳱ [HCO3−], y ⳱ [CO3⳱], z ⳱ [CO2],
simplifications were made: at constant pH the system is forced to move along the
straight line defined by the intersection of the two planes
1. The increase of biomass liquid volume due to titrant
described by Eqs. (2–3), as shown in Figure 2. Altogether,
addition is neglected and the system is modeled as a
the system is described by nine first-order differential equa-
constant volume batch reactor.
tions [Table II, Eqs. (T2.1–T2.6; T2.8–T2.10)] plus one
2. The effect of the ionic strength on concentrations is ne-
algebraic equation [Table II, Eq. (T2.7)], with the unknown
glected, i.e., the activity coefficient ␥ ⳱ 1.
variables being the concentrations of the seven system com-
3. The inorganic carbon (IC) species are assumed to be in
ponents, the bicarbonate and carbonate reaction rates (rb,rc),
equilibrium at all times, i.e., the dynamics of the CO2/
and the pH-stat titration rate (rt). Therefore, the system can
HCO3−/CO3⳱ equilibria is assumed to be much faster
be easily integrated. The assumed initial conditions for all
than the dynamics of the reaction in Eq. (1).
system components are summarized in Table III (3rd col-
4. Carbonic acid concentration is negligible.
5. The buffer capacity is assumed to be due only to IC
Integration of Eqs. (T2.1–T2.6; T2.8–T2.10) allows
each component of the system to be evaluated as a function
Assumption 1 is generally justified by the fact that the vol- of time, as summarized in the 4th column of Table III. The
ume of titrant added can be minimized by selecting the most titration rate function deserves special attention:

Table I. System processes and related rates.

Process Reaction Reaction rate

1. Biological reaction sS → P + b HCO−3 + cCO2 + hH+ + dCO3⳱ rp

2. Bicarbonate equilibrium CO2 + H2O ↔ HCO3− + H+ rb
3. Carbonate equilibrium HCO3− ↔ CO3⳱ + H+ rc
4. Liquid/gas exchange CO2l ↔ CO2g −KLa ⭈ ([CO2] − [CO2]eq)
5. Titrant addition +H+ rt


Table II. Equations which describe the system.

Equation Expression Equation Expression

T2.1 T2.6 Product mass balance

Bicarbonate d关HCOⳮ3 兴
mass balance = b ⭈ rp + rb − rc = rp
dt dt
T2.2 Proton d关H+兴 T2.7 Ionic product for water 关OH−兴关H+兴 = Kw
mass balance = h ⭈ rp + rb + rc + rt
T2.3 Carbonate d关CO=3 兴 T2.8 pH-stat condition d 关H+兴
mass balance = d ⭈ rp + rc =0
dt dt
T2.4 Substrate d关S兴 T2.9 pH-stat condition for d关HCO−3 兴
mass balance =− s ⭈ rp CO2/HCO−3 equilibrium = 10pH−pKA1
dt d关CO2兴
T2.5 Carbon dioxide mass balance d关CO2兴
=+ c ⭈ rp − rb + T2.10 pH-stat condition for d关CO=3 兴
dt HCO−3/CO⳱3 equilibrium
= 10pH−pKA2
− KLa ⭈ 共关CO2兴 − 关CO2兴eq兲 d关HCO−3 兴
where [CO2]eq ⳱ CO2 equilibrium-
concentration with the initial gas-
phase composition

rt = rp ⭈ 共b − h + 2 ⭈ d兲 − 共b + c + d兲
where KLa is the CO2 liquid/gas mass transfer coefficient
[see Eq. (20)]. It can be observed that the r(t) in Eq. (4) is

made of two terms:
10 pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10 pH−pKA2兲

共1 + 10 pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10 pH−pKA2兲兲
⭈ e−␣⭈t +

(4) 冋
rt共1兲 = rp ⭈ 共b − h + 2 ⭈ d兲 − 共b + c + d兲

+ ␣ ⭈ 10 pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10 pH−pKA2兲 ⭈ 共 关CO2兴0

− 关CO2兴eq兲 ⭈ 共e−␣⭈t 兲 ⭈
10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10pH−pKA2兲
共1 + 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10pH−pKA2兲兲
⭈ e−␣⭈t 册 (6)

where: [CO2]eq is the [CO2] at equilibrium with the initial and

gas phase composition (defined by Henry’s law) and ␣ is a
constant parameter equal to: rt共2兲 = ␣ ⭈ 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10pH−pKA2兲 ⭈ 共关CO2兴0
− 关CO2兴eq兲 ⭈ 共e−␣⭈t兲 (7)
K La
␣= (5)
共1 + 10 pH−pKA1
⭈ 共1 + 10 pH−pKA2兲兲 The first term, rt(1), describes the pH-stat titration response
to the production of protons, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate,
and carbonate due to the reaction in Eq. (1). The second
term, rt(2), represents the response of the pH-stat unit to a
CO2 dissolving/stripping process originated by an initial
[CO2] unbalance. As a matter of fact, a variation of [CO2]
should be compensated by a variation of [HCO3−] and
[CO3⳱], as required by the pH-stat conditions [Table II,
Eqs. (T2.9) and (T2.10)]. Therefore, if [CO2]0 ⫽ [CO2]eq, a
titrant demand will be observed even when rp ⳱ 0. In
particular, when [CO2]0 > [CO2]eq, CO2 will be stripped and
its dissolved concentration will decrease; therefore [HCO3−]
and [CO3⳱] will diminish. This is illustrated in Figure 2: If
the system is initially at A, where CO2 is oversaturated with
respect to its equilibrium concentration (represented by
[CO2]B), a decrease in [CO2] due to gas stripping forces the
system to move along the line at constant pH (i.e., pH-stat
titration occurs), toward point B. The latter is characterized
by: [HCO3−]B < [HCO3−]A and [CO3⳱]B < [CO3⳱]A. Thus,
the pH-stat unit adds acid titrant to decrease [HCO3−] and
[CO 3 ⳱ ] by ([HCO 3 − ] A − [HCO 3 − ] B ) and ([CO 3 ⳱ ] A
Figure 2. System evolution in the space x ⳱ [HCO3−]; y ⳱ [CO3⳱]; z − [CO3⳱]B), respectively.
⳱ [CO2]. Normally, pH-stat titration is used to assess rp from its


Table III. System variables, initial conditions and evolution over time.

number Variable Initial condition Variable time evolutiona

T3.1 Carbon dioxide 关CO2兴t=0 = 关CO2兴0 关CO2兴 = 关CO2兴eq + 共关CO2兴0 − 关CO2兴eq兲 ⭈ e−␣⭈t +
concentration 共b + c + d兲
[CO2] + rp ⭈ 共1 − e−␣t兲
T3.2 Bicarbonate con- 关HCO−3 兴t=0 = 关HCO−3 兴0 关HCO−3 兴 = 关CO2兴 ⭈ 10pH−pKA1
=关CO2兴⭈0 ⭈ 10pHstat−pKA1
T3.3 Carbonate concen- 关CO=3 兴t=0 =关CO=3 兴0 关CO=3 兴 = 关CO2兴 ⭈ 102pH−pKA1−pKA2
tration [CO⳱
3 ] ⭈
= 关CO2兴0 ⭈ 10 2pHstat−pKA1−pKA2

T3.4 Proton concentra- 关H+兴t=0 = 10−pHstat 关H+兴 = 10−pHstat

tion [H+]
T3.5 Hydroxyl ion con- 关OH−兴t=0 = 10pHstat−pKw 关OH−兴 = 10pHstat−pKw
centration [OH−]
T3.6 Substrate concen- 关S兴t=0 = 关S兴0 关S兴 = 关S兴0 − s ⭈ rp ⭈ t
tration [S]
T3.7 Product concentra- 关P兴t=0 = 关P兴0 关P兴 = 关P兴0 + rp ⭈ t
tion [P]

冋 册
T3.8 Titrant addition rt,t=0 = 0 rt = rp ⭈
rate rt 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10pH−pKA2兲
共b − h + 2 ⭈ d兲 − 共b + c + d兲 ⭈ ⭈e−␣⭈t
共1 + 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10pH−pKA2兲兲
+ ␣ ⭈ 10 pH−pKA1
⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10 pH−pKA2
兲 ⭈ 共关CO2兴0 − 关CO2兴eq兲 ⭈ 共e 兲
T3.9 Carbon dioxide
→ Bicarbonate
rb,t=0 = 0
rb = 102pH−pKA1−pKA2 ⭈ 冉 − ␣ ⭈共关CO2兴0 − 关CO2兴eq⭈兲

reaction rate rb
共b + c + d兲
+ rp ⭈ ⭈ e−␣⭈t − d ⭈ rp
1 + 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10pH−pKA2兲
T3.10 Bicarbonate →
Carbonate re-
rc,t=0 = 0
rc = 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10pH−pKA2兲 ⭈ 冉 −␣ ⭈ 共关CO2兴0 − 关CO2兴eq兲

action rate rc
共b + c + d兲
+ rp ⭈ ⭈ e−␣⭈t −共b + d兲 ⭈ rp
1 + 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10pH−pKA2兲

共1 + 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10pH−pKA2兲兲

stoichiometric relationship with rt(1). Therefore, rt(1) From Eq. (8) one can observe that the titration rate is lin-
should be derived from rt by subtracting rt(2), which is the early proportional to the reaction rate, the proportionality
expression for CO2 equilibration. It is important to note that depending on the stoichiometric coefficient (h). This very
rt(2) is an interfering process and is only present when simple relationship explains why pH-stat titrations have
liquid/gas exchange takes place, i.e., in open systems. been successfully applied to measure the activity of ammo-
In the following sections, the response of pH-stat titration nia-oxidizing microorganisms (Massone et al., 1998; Rama-
to production (or consumption) of each of the following dori et al., 1980), since this reaction produces two moles of
species: protons, bicarbonates, carbonates or carbon diox- protons per mole of oxidized ammonium (NH4+ + 3/2 O2 →
ide, is analyzed separately. Since the titration rate of CO2 NO2− + 2H+ + H2O). Although accurate results have gen-
stripping/dissolution, rt(2), is additive to any pH-stat titra- erally been obtained for this application, residual titration
tion, its effect is addressed separately. However, this type of rates have been frequently observed, even after complete
interference occurs during any pH-stat test performed under substrate (ammonium) consumption. This residual titration
non-equilibrated [CO2] conditions and should be taken into is likely due to unequilibrated initial [CO2] and its rate is
account in such cases.
equal to term rt(2). During nitrification monitoring by pH-
stat titrations, this residual titration rate has generally been
Production/Consumption of Protons considered to be a constant “background rate” (Gernaey et
al., 1998; Massone et al., 1998). However, the assumption
When only protons are produced and the stoichiometric co- of a constant rt(2) leads to incorrect estimations for rt(1)
efficients b, c, and d equal to zero in Eq. (6), rt(1) becomes: because, as one may note from Eq. (7), rt(2) is an exponen-
tial function of time. Therefore, its value, measured after
rt(1) ⳱ [−h ⭈ rp] (8) complete substrate consumption, is different from the value


of rt(2) during the nitrification phase. The best way to avoid The molar ratio between the CO2 titration rate and the CO2
the interference due to the above described nonlinear titra- production rate is defined as fCO2 and is given in eq. (12):
tion term is to perform pH-stat titrations only after the dis-
solved CO2 concentration has reached its equilibrium value rt 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10pH−pKA2兲
(i.e., [CO2]0 ⳱ [CO2]eq). fCO2 = =− , (12)
c ⭈ rp 共1 + 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10pH−pKA2兲兲

Production/Consumption of CO2 This ratio represents the titration efficiency in closed sys-
tems and depends only on the working pH. In Figure 3, the
The pH-stat titration of a CO2-producing reaction is now relationship between fCO2 and pH is plotted. Within the
considered. First, the case of an open system (i.e., KLa ⫽ 0) usual pH working range for most biological reactions (7.5 to
is discussed. If [CO2]0 ⳱ [CO2]eq, a CO2-producing reac- 8.5), |fCO2| ranges from 0.93 to 1.01 and indicates that the
tion induces a decrease in the system pH, leading to addition CO2 produced is almost totally titrated.
of OH− by the pH-stat unit to maintain a constant pH. Bi-
carbonate and carbonate are thus produced according to the
following reactions: Production/Consumption of Bicarbonate

CO2 + OH− → HCO3− → CO3⳱ + H+ (9) The pH-stat titration rate of bicarbonate production in an
open system is obtained by setting h ⳱ c ⳱ d ⳱ 0 in Eq.
Therefore, [HCO3−] and [CO3⳱] increase, as indicated by (6), which simplifies to:
the path A → C in Figure 2. As already noted, any increase
in [HCO3−] and [CO3⳱] under pH-stat conditions corre- rt共1兲 = b ⭈ rp ⭈
sponds with a proportional increase in [CO2]. Therefore, a
pHstat-dependent fraction of the CO2 produced remains in
solution and is not titrated. The higher [CO2] makes CO2
冋 1−
10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10pH−pKA2兲
共1 + 10 pH−pKA1
⭈ 共1 + 10
⭈ 共e␣⭈t兲 册
transfer to the gas phase increasingly efficient, inducing a (13)
loss of CO2. Therefore, a fraction of the CO2 produced by
From Eq. (13) one may note that rt can be either positive or
the reaction in Eq. (1) is titrated and converted into bicar-
negative depending upon pH. The pH value at which the
bonate and carbonate, a fraction remains in solution and a
titration unit transitions from acid to base is found by im-
fraction is transferred to the gas phase. Titrant addition stops
posing rt(1) ⳱ 0.
completely when [CO2] reaches the value at which the CO2
For t ⳱ 0, this value is: pH ⳱ (pKA1 + pKA2)/2 ≅ 8.3 (at
stripping rate equals the CO2 production rate (i.e., KLa ⭈
25°C, pKA1 ⳱ 6.3 and pKA2 ⳱ 10.3). In fact, at pH ⳱ 8.3,
([CO2] – [CO2]eq) ⳱ c ⭈ rp and the steady state CO2 con-
a small fraction (≈1%) of the bicarbonate produced is con-
centration is: [CO2] ⳱ [CO2]eq + c ⭈ rp/KLa).
verted into carbonate, with concomitant acidity production
The CO2 titration rate vs. time is obtained by setting b ⳱
(HCO3− → H+ + CO3⳱), while an equal fraction is con-
d ⳱ h ⳱ 0 in Eq. (6):
verted into CO2, with concomitant acidity consumption
10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10pH−pKA2兲 (HCO3− + H+ → CO2 + H2O). Therefore, at pH ⳱ 8.3,
rt 共1兲 =− c ⭈ rp ⭈ ⭈ 共e−␣⭈t 兲 bicarbonate production has no effect on the suspension pH.
共1 + 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10pH−pKA2兲兲 For pH > (pKA1 + pKA2)/2, the term in square brackets in
(10) Eq. (13) is negative, indicating that bicarbonate conversion
From Eq. (10) it is clear that the titration rate, rt(1), is to CO2 is more relevant at the beginning of the reaction
directly proportional to the CO2 production rate, rp, only
when t ⳱ 0. For t → ⬁, rt → 0 because the CO2 produced
by the reaction in Eq. (1) is completely transferred to the gas
phase. Moreover, the rate at which rt(1) decreases with time
is proportional to ␣ [Eq. (5)]. This parameter increases in
proportion with KLa, because a more efficient liquid/gas
mass transfer occurs. Additionally, it decreases with in-
creasing pH because at higher pH a higher fraction of the
CO2 produced is converted into bicarbonate and carbonate.
If the system is closed (i.e., KLa ⳱ 0; ␣ ⳱ 0), then rt ⳱
rt(1) and remains constant during pH-stat titration. For this
case, the titration rate approaches the CO2 production rate in
function of pH, as shown in Eq. (11):
Figure 3. Dependence, from the working pH, of the ratio between titra-
10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10pH−pKA2兲 tion rate and reaction rate when no gas exchange is allowed. Case of CO2
rt =− c ⭈ rp ⭈ (11) producing reactions: fCO2; HCO3− producing reactions: fHCO3−; CO3⳱ pro-
共1 + 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10pH−pKA2兲兲 ducing reactions: fCO3⳱.


and acidity is produced. On the other hand, when pH < CO=3 + H+ → HCO−3 (16)
(pKA1 + pKA2)/2, bicarbonate production makes the suspen-
sion pH increase and the pH-stat unit doses the acid titrant HCO−3 +
+ H → CO2 + H2O (17)
from the beginning of the test. However, as the reaction Initially, part of the bicarbonate produced by the first reac-
proceeds, bicarbonate titration leads to CO2 production in- tion remains in solution, while the rest is converted into CO2
dependently of the working pH. Consequently, [CO2] in- according to the reaction in Eq. (17) to satisfy the pH-stat
creases, as well as [HCO3−] and [CO3⳱] (e.g., the system condition [Eq. (T2.9) in Table II)]. Therefore, the molar ratio
moves from point A toward point C in Fig. 2). Thus, only a between the carbonate produced and the protons added by
fraction of the bicarbonate produced by the reaction in Eq. the pH-stat unit (rt/(d ⭈ rp)), is between 1 and 2. Since
(1) is titrated, while the rest remains in solution. Moreover, carbonate titration leads to CO2 and bicarbonate production,
the increase in [CO2] makes CO2 stripping more efficient, the system moves toward increasing [HCO3−] and [CO2].
and over time, increasing fractions of the CO2 produced by Therefore, CO2 stripping becomes increasingly efficient,
bicarbonate titration are transferred to the gas phase. Thus, until [CO2] reaches a value corresponding with the com-
the alkalizing effect of CO2 stripping compensates and, fi- plete stripping of the CO2 produced by the reaction in Eq.
nally, overcomes the acidifying effect due to carbonate for- (17). From this moment onwards, [CO2], and therefore the
mation, resulting in a net acid demand. Moreover, the frac- concentration of all IC species, remains constant and the
tion of in-solution bicarbonate decreases because of CO2 CO3⳱ produced is completely converted into CO2, accord-
stripping, while the titrated fraction increases. When the ing to:
CO2 production rate, due to bicarbonate protonation, equals
CO3⳱ + 2H+ → CO2 + H2O (18)
the CO2 stripping rate (i.e., when: [CO2] ⳱
[CO2]eq + b ⭈ rp/KLa), the titration rate, rt(1), equals the The CO2 produced by the reaction in Eq. (18) is completely
bicarbonate production rate, b rp. Finally, it may be ob- transferred to the gas phase. The reaction in Eq. (18) indi-
served that rt(1) approaches b ⭈ rp more rapidly the higher cates that, under these conditions, the molar ratio between
the value of ␣, which means the higher the KLa and the CO3⳱ production rate and titration rate is equal to 2, as
lower the working pH. indicated by Eq. (15) when t → ⬁.
If no gas exchange is allowed (KLa ⳱ 0), the molar ratio In a closed system, the molar ratio between rt and the
between the titration rate and the bicarbonate production carbonate production rate is defined as fCO⳱3⳱:
rate, defined as fHCO3−, is given in Eq. (14): fCO3⳱ = rt Ⲑ 共d ⭈ rp兲

fHCO−3 =
b ⭈ rp
= 冉 1 − 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 10pH−pKA2
共1 + 10 pH−pKA1
⭈ 共1 + 10 pH−pKA2
冊 (14)
= 冉 2−
10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10pH−pKA2兲
共1 + 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 10pH−pKA2兲兲
冊 (19)

The IC species concentration increases throughout the

Figure 3 shows the relationship between fHCO3− and pH. whole test, while fCO3⳱ remains constant at a value defined
Within the usual pH working range for biological by the working pH value. Figure 3 shows that for pH ⳱ 7.5
reactions (7.5 to 8.5), rt is only a small fraction of the to 8.5, fCO3⳱ ⳱ 0.99 to 1.07, indicating that rt is very close
bicarbonate production rate (fHCO3− < 0.07). Therefore, if to the carbonate production rate in closed systems.
no gas exchange is allowed while working within the
above indicated pH range, the pH-stat titration technique EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION
is not suitable to monitor bicarbonate producing reactions
To experimentally validate the mathematical model pre-
in closed systems.
sented, pH-stat titration tests were performed and the theo-
retical and experimental titration rates compared. The first
tests were designed to perform pH-stat titration of dissolved
Production/Consumption of Carbonate
CO2 stripping due to unequilibrated CO2, theoretically de-
scribed by term rt(2) in Eq. (7). Then, experiments were
The pH-stat titration rate of carbonate production in an open
designed to simulate carbon dioxide- and bicarbonate-
system is obtained by setting h ⳱ b ⳱ c ⳱ 0 in Eq. (6),
producing reactions. Tests were performed under abiotic
which becomes:
conditions; therefore, CO2 and HCO−3 were not produced by
a biological reaction, but were added as carbon dioxide- and
rt共1兲 = d ⭈ rp

冉 冊
bicarbonate-concentrated solutions to a saline solution con-
10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 + 2 ⭈ 10pH−pKA2兲
⭈ 2− ⭈ 共e−␣⭈t兲 tained in the pH-stat unit reactor to allow for the precise
共1 + 10pH−pKA1 ⭈ 共1 +10pH−pKA2兲兲 control of CO2 and HCO3− production rates. Theoretical
(15) titration rates were calculated and compared with the cor-
responding experimental values. The validity of the pH-stat
In this case, carbonate production always has an alkalizing titration model for proton-producing reactions has been pre-
effect, as rt (1) is always positive. Therefore, the pH-stat unit viously proven when applied to monitoring ammonium oxi-
always doses the acid titrant, leading to: dation (Massone et al., 1998) and is not considered here.


MATERIALS AND METHODS pH-Stat Titration of CO2 or HCO3− Production
The experimental set-up used to simulate CO2 or HCO3−
Instrument Description production is presented in Figure 1. A CO2 or HCO3− con-
centrated solution was added at constant rate by a peristaltic
The pH-stat unit used for these experiments was similar to
pump to the pH-stat reactor which contained 1 L of saline
the instrument described by Massone et al. (1998). The
solution. Experiments were performed in the presence or
system consisted of a reactor containing a saline solution
absence of air sparging, to allow or avoid liquid/gas mass
and a titration system. The reactor was a 2 L vessel that was
transfer and simulate open and closed systems, respectively.
completely stirred and thermostated (temperature oscilla-
Experiments were repeated at various pH and KLa values.
tions were kept within 0.2°C). When gas exchanges were
Experimental conditions are summarized in Table IV. The
allowed, air was sparged by a bubbling system at a constant
composition of the solutions is described below:
air flow rate in the range 1 to 100 Lair(Lreactor ⭈ h)−1. The
titration system consisted of a pH probe (Mettler Toledo, ● In-reactor saline solution: 17 mM NaCl; 0.36 to 14.4 mM
U402-S7/200), which activated the addition of incremental NaHCO3 or 1 to 5 mM HCl, depending on the selected
volumes (50 to 100 ␮L each) of titrant (NaOH or HCl working pH.
0.1M). The pH of the saline solution was kept within a fixed ● Carbon dioxide-saturated solution was obtained by con-
range pHstat ± ⌬pH, where pHstat is the selected working pH tinuously sparging pure CO2 into a saline solution (same
and ⌬pH is the system tolerance, set equal to 0.02 pH units. concentration of salts as the in-reactor solution). The
All solutions were prepared using reagent-grade chemicals. measurement of pH enabled the degree of CO2 saturation
to be determined from Eq. (2).
● Bicarbonated-concentrated solution was composed by 17
Experiments Description
mM NaCl; 178 to 1000 mM NaHCO3.

pH-Stat Titration of [CO2] Equilibration The bicarbonate concentration was measured for all solu-
tions by pH potentiometric titration.
Tests were designed to perform a pH-stat titration of dis-
solved CO2 stripping due to unequilibrated CO2 concentra-
KLa Estimation
tions. A 50% CO2–50% N2 gas mixture was sparged in 1 L
of a saline solution (NaCl ⳱ 17 mM; NaHCO3 ⳱ 0.25 mM) Tests were performed to assess the actual KLa value re-
to obtain a dissolved CO2 concentration that was oversatu- quired to calculate theoretical titration rates. Temperature,
rated with respect to the atmosphere. As soon as the desired gas sparging, and mixing conditions of the in-reactor saline
pH and, thus, the desired [CO2] was reached [Eq. (2)], gas solution were held constant during each set of experiments.
sparging was replaced with air bubbling. A pH-stat titration After pH equilibration at atmospheric CO2 partial pressure,
was then started and the resulting alkaline titration was a known amount of HCl (3 to 5 mM) was added to the saline
monitored until [CO2] equilibration was reached. Two tests solution, leading to CO2 release [Eq. (17)] and, consequently,
were performed at different pH values (test 1 at pH ⳱ 7.74, to CO2 oversaturation. The pH of the saline solution was
alkalinity ⳱ 2.2 mM; test 2 at pH ⳱ 7.98, alkalinity ⳱ 5 then monitored during CO2 stripping, until pH equilibration
mM) while KLa was kept constant at 0.6 min−1. was again achieved. Then, [CO2] was calculated from Eq.

Table IV. Experimental titration tests: Main experimental parameters.

(c ⭈ rp) or (b ⭈ rp)
Test pHstat Temperature (°C) (mM/min) KLa (min−1)

CO2 titration tests 1 6.41 24.2 0.02 0.02

2 7.59 24.2 0.04 0.04
3 7.60 23.1 0.02 0.21
4 8.51 23.5 0.02 0.02
5 10.13 24.1 0.02 0.02
6 6.27 21.7 0.16 0.00
7 9.45 22.6 0.16 0.00
8 8.45 23.9 0.14−0.08−0.04 0.00
HCO3− titration tests 9 8.06 23.2 0.17 0.93
10 7.63 22.0 0.18 0.93
11 7.57 21.9 0.18 0.21
12 7.63 21.8 0.18 0.55
13 3.93 25.0 0.25 0.00
14 6.03 24.8 0.25 0.00
15 7.24 23.6 0.25 0.00
16 10.01 23.7 0.25 0.00


(2) as a function of time using measured pH values. Bicar- Finally, it can also be observed that for high values of ␣, or
bonate concentration was analytically measured at the end when the bioreaction to be monitored lasts long enough to
of the test and assumed to remain constant during the whole allow for CO2 re-equilibration (e.g., for tests lasting more
CO2 stripping process. This assumption is justified by the than 200 min, Fig. 4), rt(2) may not be appreciable at the
fact that [HCO3−] variations, due to IC species equilibration end of the experiment. In this case, it is difficult to estimate
to pH variations (10−6 to 10−8 M), were always at least 2 rt(2) during the course of the test and thus, to accurately
orders of magnitude lower than the initial [HCO3−] (10−4 to assess rt(1) from rt.
10−3 M).
The well-known mass-transfer equation based on the
two-film theory (Tchobanoglous and Burton, 1991) was pH-Stat Titration of CO2 Production
used to model dissolved CO2 stripping: Titration tests were performed to compare theoretical and
d关CO2兴 experimental values for rt(1) in CO2-producing reactions
=− KLa ⭈ 共关CO2兴 − 关CO2兴eq兲 (20) under different experimental conditions. First, tests were
performed at different pHstat values while KLa was main-
Integration of Eq. (30) leads to: tained almost constant (test 1, 2, 4, and 5 in Table IV). The
results are plotted in Figure 5. It may be observed that, for
关CO2兴 − 关CO2兴eq
1n =− KLa ⭈ t (21) pH < (pKA1 + pKA2)/2 ≅ 8.3, the titration rate efficiency, i.e.
关CO2兴0 − 关CO2兴eq the ratio rt/(c ⭈ rp) was lower than 100% and it decreased
Therefore, KLa was estimated by linear regression using significantly with time. On the contrary, for pH > (pKA1 +
calculated CO2 concentration values derived from experi- pKA2)/2 ≅ 8.3, the ratio rt/(c ⭈ rp) was higher than 100% and
mental pH data. it did not decrease significantly with time, due to the low
value of ␣ for such pH values. These results are all in
agreement with theoretical predictions.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A second series of tests were performed to analyze the
effect of KLa on the titration efficiency (tests 2 and 3 in
pH-Stat Titration of [CO2] Equilibration Table IV) and results are plotted in Figure 5. As predicted
Results obtained from the pH-stat titration of [CO2] equili- by the theoretical model, the initial titration efficiency was
bration tests, performed at different initial pH values, are the same for both tests, since its value depends only on the
shown in Figure 4. Experimental titration rates are plotted working pH. On the contrary, the higher the KLa value, the
together with the expected theoretical values, predicted by greater the rate of the rt decrease. Again, experimental data
rt(2) in Eq. (7). A very satisfying correspondence between were in agreement with what was expected from the theo-
experimental data and the mathematical model can be ob- retical model.
served. As expected, the titration rate is maximum at the Finally, a third series of tests was performed without air
beginning of the test and decreases over time, as [CO2] sparging (closed system). First, the carbon dioxide-addition
approaches its equilibrium value. Again, it is worth noting rate was varied during the test to observe changes in rt (test
that rt(2) is not constant. A simplified approach may be to 8, in Table IV). At the working pH adopted (pH ⳱ 8.45),
assume for rt(2) a linear decrease or increase over time in the titration model predicted a very good agreement be-
case of CO2 stripping or redissolution, respectively. The tween rt and CO2 production rate (fCO2 ≅ 1). Experimental
lower the value of parameter ␣ (i.e., the lower the KLa or the data are plotted in Figure 6, which also shows a good cor-
higher the working pH), the lower the linearization error.

Figure 5. Comparison between theoretical (thick lines) and experimental

Figure 4. Comparison between theoretical (thick lines) and experimental (thin lines) CO2 titration efficiency (rt/c ⭈ rp) at different working pH (KLa
(thin lines) titration rates of CO2 stripping. ⳱ 0.02 min−1) and at different KLa (pH ⳱ 7.6).


Figure 6. Comparison between theoretical (thick lines) and experimental
Figure 8. Comparison between theoretical (thick lines) and experimental
(thin lines) CO2 titration rates at different CO2 production rates, closed
(thin lines) HCO3− titration efficiency (rt/b ⭈ rp) at different working pH.

may be observed that the titration rate efficiency, rt/b ⭈ rp,

respondence between rt and the CO2 production rate. Then, increases with time and tends toward 100%. Additionally,
the effect of the working pH was analyzed (tests 6 and 7 in this increase is faster at lower pH values, as expected from
Table IV). Again, a very good agreement between theoret- the theoretical model.
ical and experimental values of fCO2 was observed, as A second series of tests were performed to assess the
shown in Figure 7. However, a higher instability was ob- effect of KLa on the titration efficiency (tests 10, 11, and 12
served for fCO2 at pH ⳱ 9.45 than at pH ⳱ 6.27. Oscilla- in Table IV) and results are presented in Figure 9. As pre-
tions in titration rates originate from discontinuous addi- dicted by the theoretical model, the initial titration effi-
tions of titrant into a buffered solution, which negatively ciency was practically the same for the three tests, since its
affects the sensitivity of the pH-stat technique. However, value depends only on the working pH. In contrast, at higher
when the time constant of the discontinuous titrant additions KLa value, the rt(1) approached the bicarbonate production
is lower than the time constant of the reaction to be moni- rate faster. Again, experimental data were found to be in
tored, a moving window regression of titration data can be agreement with those predicted by the model. Finally, tests
used to obtain accurate results. were performed without air sparging at different pH values
(Fig. 10; tests 13–16 in Table IV). As expected, the titration
efficiency decreased at increasing pH, being only around
Titration Tests for HCO3− Producing Reactions 20% for pH ⳱ 7.2. Moreover, when pH < (pKA1 + pKA2)/2
(tests 13, 14, and 15), the pH-stat unit dosed the acid titrant,
Tests were performed to compare the theoretical and ex- while the alkaline titrant was required when pH > (pKA1 +
perimental rt(1) of HCO3− producing reactions at different pKA2)/2 (test 16). This is in agreement with the model pre-
experimental conditions. First, tests were performed at dif- diction.
ferent working pH values by varying [HCO3−] in the in-
reactor saline solution, while aeration rate and HCO3− pro- CONCLUSIONS
duction rate (b ⭈ rp in Table IV) were held constant (tests 9
and 10 in Table IV). The results are plotted in Figure 8. It The mathematical expressions that describe the pH-stat ti-
tration response to reactions producing/consuming protons,

Figure 7. Comparison between theoretical (thick lines) and experimental Figure 9. Comparison between theoretical (thick lines) and experimental
(thin lines) CO2 titration efficiency (fCO2) at different pH values, closed (thin lines) HCO3− titration efficiency (rt/b ⭈ rp) at different KLa values
system. (min−1).


twice the carbonate production rate; this occurs when the
CO2 produced by acid titration of carbonate is completely
stripped. In closed systems, the titration rate remains con-
stant in the range from 100 to 200% of the carbonate-
production rate, depending on the working pH.
Experimental pH-stat titration of CO2- and HCO3−-
producing reactions were performed in abiotic conditions.
Theoretical titration rates were found to compare well with
experimental results.
In conclusion, pH-stat titration can be applied to monitor
proton-, carbon dioxide-, bicarbonate- and carbonate-
producing reactions. However, it is necessary to select the
best working conditions in terms of initial CO2 concentra-
Figure 10. Comparison between theoretical (thick lines) and experimen- tion, pH, and gas/liquid mass-transfer rate to maximize the
tal (thin lines) HCO3− titration efficiency (fHCO3−) at different working pH, titration efficiency.
closed system.
Useful comments and revision of the manuscript by Dr. Nancy
Love (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA) are gratefully acknowl-
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