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English Department

Colegio Concepción San Pedro

Teacher: Francisco Olave

Name: _____________________________________ Grade: 5to A

Unit 2: Days
Learning Outcome: OA16: To write a diary expressing
what you do in a day using the vocabulary & content
covered through this unit.
Time : June 23rd to june 29th

Instructions: Write your own diary describing your daily


1. Divide the diary entry into three paragraphs.

 Paragraph 1: Introduction and things you do in the morning.(5)

 Paragraph 2: Things you do during the afternoon. (4)
 Paragraph 3: Things you do at night before bed time. (3)
2. Please include adverbs of frecuency seen in class ( Always – usually – often – sometimes –
rarely – never. ) or time expression ( once a week – twice a week - everyday – three times
a week – etc ...)
EX: I brush my teeth six times a day.
I never watch TV. In the morning.
I play with my friends three times a week.

3. Submission through GOOGLE CLASSROOM.


Dear diary, my name is Francisco and this is my daily routine. Everyday, I wake up at 5:30 a.m and
I get up at 5:45 a.m. I always take a shower and after that I have breakfast. I usually drink Milk
with cofee, cereals and eggs. I never eat meat in the morning. After breakfast I always brush my
teeth .After that I teach english online.

In the afternoon, I have lunch with my family everyday. I often play with my dog. Its name is
Oddie. At 5 p.m I sometimes have online meetings. I rarely have time to read books but I love
reading. I usually do physical excercise at 7:00. Pm

At night, I always have dinner with my family. I usually watch the news at 9:00. I sometimes call
my mother by phone . Finally I go to bed at 10:00 pm

Paragraph 1: ( 5 routines)

Dear diary, My name is ____________________________________ and this is my daily routine. In

the morning I ______________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2: (4 routines)

In the afternoon, I _____________________________________________________________


Paragraph 3: ( 3 routines)

At night, I ________________________________________________________________________

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