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Date 2023-03-05


Words 652
Plagiarised Unique

Characters 5046

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Executive Summary:

Samsung is a South Korean multinational conglomerate known for producing a wide range of electronic devices, including
smartphones, televisions, and home appliances. The company is also known for its efficient people management practices
that help it maintain its position as a leading global brand. This report aims to analyze the specific traits of people
management at Samsung, how it aligns with the business strategy of the organization, the effectiveness of its people
management practices, and the cooperation of HR and line managers.


People management is a crucial aspect of organizational success as it involves recruiting, developing, and retaining
talented employees. Effective people management practices enable companies to achieve their business goals, enhance
employee productivity and motivation, and create a positive work environment. Samsung is one such company that has
successfully implemented effective people management practices that align with its business strategy.

Specific Traits of People Management at Samsung:

Samsung has a strong company culture that values innovation, diversity, and inclusion. The company's people
management practices reflect these values and are designed to attract and retain talented employees who share the same
values. Samsung's people management practices include performance management, talent development, compensation
and benefits, and employee engagement.

Performance Management: Samsung has a rigorous performance management system that evaluates employee
performance based on specific metrics and objectives. This system enables the company to identify high-performing
employees and provide them with opportunities for growth and development.

Talent Development: Samsung invests heavily in talent development programs to nurture the skills and abilities of its
employees. The company provides various training and development opportunities, including on-the-job training,
leadership development programs, and mentoring.

Compensation and Benefits: Samsung offers competitive compensation packages that include salaries, bonuses, and
benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and employee discounts. The company's compensation and benefits
packages are designed to attract and retain top talent.

Employee Engagement: Samsung has a robust employee engagement program that encourages employee participation in
various activities, including community service, sports events, and cultural festivals. The company also provides
opportunities for employees to participate in decision-making processes, which helps to build a strong sense of ownership

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and commitment.

Alignment of People Management with the Business Strategy of Samsung:

Samsung's people management practices are aligned with its business strategy, which is to become a leading global brand
in the electronic devices industry. The company's people management practices support this strategy by:

Recruiting and retaining talented employees who can contribute to innovation and product development.

Nurturing the skills and abilities of employees to enhance productivity and innovation.

Providing competitive compensation packages that attract and retain top talent.

Creating a positive work environment that fosters employee engagement, creativity, and collaboration.

Effectiveness of People Management at Samsung:

Samsung's people management practices have been highly effective in enabling the company to achieve its business goals.
The company's focus on talent development, employee engagement, and performance management has helped it
maintain a competitive edge in the electronic devices industry. Samsung's people management practices have also
contributed to its reputation as a leading global brand and employer of choice.

Cooperation of HR and Line Managers at Samsung:

Samsung's HR department works closely with line managers to ensure that people management practices are
implemented effectively. Line managers are responsible for implementing performance management, talent development,
and employee engagement programs within their teams. HR provides support and guidance to line managers to ensure
that these programs are aligned with the company's overall strategy and goals.


Samsung's people management practices are a key driver of its success as a leading global brand in the electronic devices
industry. The company's focus on talent development, performance management, compensation and benefits, and
employee engagement has helped it attract and retain top talent, enhance productivity and innovation, and create a
positive work environment. Samsung's people management practices are aligned with its business strategy, and its HR
department works closely with line managers to ensure their effective implementation. Overall,

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