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Pre-thinking: One of the features of many punk communities is the concept of do- it-yourself (diy), which means just what it sounds like. These communities eschewed most corporations, including recording companies, concert halls, publishers, and so on. Instead, punks would perform and record in basements, bars, abandoned buildings, and so on. Fans would cover the shows and write reviews in zines that were little more than handmade scribbles sold in independent record shops. In this diy spirit, our class will create its own knowledge base about punk style. We will create our knowledge base through the song analyses assignment. The sections below describes the criteria for this assignment. I have given you two CDs, containing 48 songs between them. I have assigned you three songs to present to the rest of the class. You will present on these songs and how they either do or do not represent punk as you have come to know it. Rely on the course readings as well as your own analysis of how the song fits into established criteria. For course readings, you do not necessarily need to cite every reading we have done so far, but you must use at least one reading to support your discussion. You may also use the internet music site (linked from our blog) and Wikipedia to help fill in some of the context of the song, band, album, etc. The class will have listened to the songs before your presentation, so you will not play each song, though you may play short clips to highlight your discussion. Thinking: The knowledge that we create through these analyses will be useful as you write your papers as you can consider it knowledge to cite in your own writing. Like any other readings for this class, you do not have to agree with an analysis of a particular song. Knowledge is often created through incorporating others views but sometimes by refuting those views. The criteria to consider: When the song was released Song length Cover art How we have defined punk based on discussions, agreements and disagreements over the course readings. Lyrics Song tempo Band name Song name Album name (note: make sure you research this and that you choose the ORIGINAL release and not a compliation)

Production value (dirty=bad sound quality, mistakes in playing or

Assignment Specifics 1. You will have until 10:15 to finish your presentation. This includes time to set up. Ill stop you right at 15 minutes. You may go under 15 minutes but remember to cover all the above criteria. 2. You are not required to play any parts of the songs. However, I would recommend that you create a visual component in which you outline your presentation and provide useful visuals. For example, the album cover art might help you make your point. Or you might point out specific lyrics. Or, perhaps video footage of the band performing would be useful. 3. In addition to your oral/aural presentation, please post a 1-page, written analysis to the blog. Please use the tags song analysis and diy when you post to the blog. Please select those tags in the menu in lieu of typing in your own tag. Please post to the blog after you present but no later than 6 p.m. on the day that you present. 4. Take this presentation seriously, but you do not need to dress up. It is not a formal presentation in that sense.

singing, cheap; clean=no mistakes, not fuzzy, expensive) Type of punk: examples of how I might label some types on the CDs: hardcore, emo(core), pop, ska, dance punk, new wave. If you dont call it punk, then what category would you place it in and why? In other words, what criteria of punk does the song violate?

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