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Types in Research Methodology

Based on research design

Exploratory research
It examine problem and analyze research question carefully. It study the
essence of the problem,identify causes why certain problem exist. Exploratory
research identify different probable solution or state possible options to answer the
question stated. However,it does not recommend final and best solution. There is no
appropriate method, the assumption were not tested that makes the result of no help
to readers.

Conclusive research
It is a research design conducted for a particular topic which aims to answer
the research problem. Conclusive research provide a great help to people or an
organization because the end result shows an accurate solution on the concern
being stated. It follows a well constructed method and it undergo a test for all
possible assumptions in order to come up a final and authentic solution.

Surveys are commonly in a form of questionnaire consist of different
questions related to the research topic conducted. It aims to gather actual data from
a certain group of people or an organization to better assess the research studies.
Businesses mostly conduct survey to gather ideas on how to better improve the
performance and activity of the business. Surveys are presented either questions
answerable by opinions, expression, ideas and thoughts or questions that determine
amount, quantity and figures in assessing the output.

Case studies
Another approach of research design is case studies. It is an important design
for it help researcher support the main goal of the topic. Case study employs critical
analysis about a certain event,individual,group or an organization. It analyze scenario
in an intensive and comprehensive manner to better identify relevant factors and
principles related to the study. To better assess the research study different cases
were investigated and choose for the appropriate case to be applied in the research.

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